Bit by bit

The Diva's Assistant
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As the final scene concluded with a resounding "Cut!", Jimin released a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. She turned to the director, offering a nod of appreciation for the successful filming session. The movie she was working on was a departure from her usual roles, and completing everything in one take was a testament had been a challenge she never knew she had in her.



but despite the unfamiliarity of the role, she found herself settling into the character more with each scene, a realization that made her feel more relaxed as the days in filming continued. 



With everything wrapped up, Jimin's gaze darted immediately to the sidelines, scanning the faces until her eyes locked onto the one she sought.



The moment her eyes met Minjeong's, and seeing how the blonde instantly gave her a goofy grin followed by a small thumbs-up, Jimin couldn't help but smile, a rush of warmth spreading inside of her. The exhaustion and unease from her work today seemed to dissipate in a flash.



She was about to wave Minjeong over when her attention was diverted by the director, who approached her with a pleased expression.



"That was fantastic, Jimin," he exclaimed. "You really brought that scene to life." The man's smile was wide. "I'm really happy we chose you for this role; we knew it was the right decision the moment your company reached out to us. I'm curious, though. I've worked with many actresses and actors all my life, but none seem to be able to capture the essence of their role so quickly. Just how do you do it, Jimin?"



"Well," Jimin smiled gratefully as her gaze wandered from the director to the distance, finally landing on the golden retriever patiently waiting for her. "I guess someone special just inspires me to be better every day," she said without thinking, her eyes sparkling with pride.



"I guess that's what happens when you put two loving couples together for a romantic movie role. I envy you and Jihoon, I really do."



And that was when the sparkles in her eyes disappeared in an instant as she quickly turned her head back towards the director. "Oh-"



"Keep up the good work, Jimin," the director said with a final smile, patting her shoulder before walking away.



Jimin watched his disappearing figure for a moment before turning her attention back to the ray of sunshine waiting for her.



"Oh, right," she muttered to herself, shaking off the dreary feeling that had washed over her at the insinuation of his words, and quickly approached her manager.
















"You were amazing today, Jimin," Minjeong complimented as they settled into the car, her hand resting on the wheel. With her free hand, she placed it right onto Jimin's thigh and gave it a loving squeeze "I don't know how I got so lucky... but I have the most gorgeous and talented girlfriend in the whole universe."



"You're such a sap, you know that," Jimin teased, her fingers finding their place intertwined with Minjeong's.



Minjeong flashed a playful grin. "But I wouldn't want it any other way," she replied, her eyes sparkling with affection as she navigated through the city streets. "I'll happily be a sap for you any day."



Jimin leaned in, planting a soft kiss on Minjeong's cheek. "And I'll happily be your gorgeous and talented girlfriend any day too,"



However, as their laughter subsided and the car hummed through road smoothly, Jimin couldn't shake the director's words from her mind, causing her smile to falter.



"Minjeong," Jimin's voice was soft, carrying a weight of sincerity as she spoke. She waited until she heard a hum from the shorter woman before continuing. "I just want you to know, no matter what people think or say, it's you who inspire me, nobody else."



Minjeong glanced at Jimin, her expression curious. "Of course... Where is this coming from?"



The actress shrugged, trying to play off her sentimentality. "No reason, I just wanted to let you know."


"Well.." Minjeong smile grew wider... fuzzballs running wild in her chest "like I said before Jimin.. I don't care what other people think. I only care about what you think."


With those words hanging in the air, the two women's grip on each other tightened, a silent reassurance passing between them.



Arriving home, they found their rightful place right in each other's arms, cuddling together all night, as if they were on top of the world.














"Now that we've wrapped up the individual scenes, it's time to delve into the romance aspect of the film, Jimin and Jihoon, I'm eager to see the chemistry you two will bring to these upcoming scenes."



Jimin could do nothing then but force herself to smile at the director, with Jihoon's arms wrapping their ways immediately around her shoulders.



"We'll do our best sir" He did the talking for her, with a tone of enthusiasm and his confidence radiating so brightly that even Jimin was convinced everything was going to work out perfectly fine...



But that fact stands... The director had gone ahead and made that announcement in front of everyone...



All the actors..



All the staff...



Absolutely everyone on set...



And through the loud cheers of the crowd that erupted around her as support for the two main start... Jimin couldn't help but exchange a nervous glance at Minjeong not too far away from her who held an expression that she couldn't quite read...



As soon as Minjeong caught Jimin's gaze, she forced a tight-lipped smile. It was no secret that out of a room full of actors, Minjeong would be the worst at hiding her emotions.



Jimin sense the tension that permeated the air a mile away as the reality of what her job entailed ahead.. sank in for the both of them...




"I'll do my best," Jimin replied, mustering a smile and reciprocating the physical affection from her "boyfriend," despite the strange sensation it evoked within her.... She was determined to maintain the facade as convincingly as possible for the sake of her career...



Feelings aside... 



This was just all a part of the job..



Both women knew that...



this was just the reality of the industry they're currently placed in...



And although it isn't ideal...



Work is still work at the end of the day...



But still...



That didn't mean it made it any easier on the stomach...



especially not for Minjeong who couldn't shake off the churn of discomfort as her gaze remained fixated on the hand resting on Jimin's shoulders.. unable to come to terms with the fact that it wasn't her own.
















No one spoke a word on the ride home that night... 



But even so, the silence in the car felt heavier than usual.



The initial unspoken tension only grew heavier in the air around them... And little to say, it made Jimin so nervous she couldn't even begin to explain why.



Well actually... no



She knew exactly why...



Besides, it's hard to escape tension when you're acting out those lovey-dovey scenes as part of your job, especially when your girlfriend was watching from the sidelines. And to top it off, everyone else thinks you're in a relationship with your co-star.




Despite their countless reassurances, with Jimin promising the blonde that the act is just an act and there's nothing going on, and with Minjeong continuously affirming that she fully trusts Jimin and understands, the feeling of unease just doesn't seem to want to settle.



Even as they've reached the front curb of Jimin's mansion and are now entering the front door.. neither woman dared to say a word to each other...



That is.. until the door behind them finally shut...



Was when Minjeong finally made her move.



"Min-" Before Jimin could finish uttering a word, Minjeong had already pressed her against the wall, pinning her arms above her head, and captured her lips in an unexpected, passionate kiss.



"Mine..." The whispered word from the blonde sent shivers down Jimin's spine, igniting an immediate response of anticipation in her heart. In that moment, Jimin craved nothing more than to surrender to Minjeong's unspoken hunger, yearning for her to take complete control. All she desired was to be consumed by Minjeong's desires, lost in the intoxicating whirlwind of the shorter's loving touch.



As their kissed deepened with their tongues entwined in a fierce battle for dominance, Minjeong's hands grew bolder, roaming across Jimin's body with newfound confidence. Freed from their previous restraint, her hands traced the curves of Jimin's form, exploring every inch as if it held the secrets of the universe.



Feeling the magnetic pull between them, Jimin couldn't resist drawing Minjeong even closer, craving the warmth and connection of their embrace, yearning to meld their bodies together in an unbreakable bond..... she just wanted to be close to her... as close as possible... she needed that to happen..



Right now..



Right here..



And as Minjeong's lips and tongue met the skin on her neck, a surge of electricity coursed through Jimin's body, sending an unexpected gasp escaping ...



As she continued to trail lower....



And lower...



Leaving absolute fire from her collarbone... and then to her shoulder...



Nibbling gently on Jimin's skin, Minjeong's touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through the actress' body, her senses overwhelmed by the sensation.



And just when the breathless woman thought she couldn't be more surprised, Minjeong took her by surprise yet again...



Kneeling down, the blonde bypassed her chest entirely, moving straight to her stomach, where she placed kisses through the fabric of her clothing. Then, she shifted to the side, pressing her lips against Jimin's waist with a tender touch.


This time, her kisses were no longer rough or hungry; they were soft and gentle, as if she were handling a fragile flower



And it was through those cautious touches when, despite her red-hot haze, the actress finally put two and two together.






She was kissing and touching her...



Everywhere that Jihoon had touched earlier today when they were filming




"Mine," her soft declaration caught Jimin's attention once again, the kisses coming to a halt as the girl stood back up. Her eyes held something Jimin couldn't decipher, before she leaned in, forehead resting against Jimin's chest. The actress's eyes widened for a moment as they stood like that, the air thick with something completely unspoken. "I hate that someone else touched you today..." Minjeong's voice was barely above a whisper, but the intensity behind her words was unmistakable, causing Jimin's heart to clench at the raw vulnerability.






"Don't leave me..." her words sounded so desperate.. it began chipping away at Jimin's heart.. causing cracks to appear..



"I won't Minjeong.. I won't" She responded almost urgently... her arms wrapped tightly around Minjeong's lowered head. "I'm all yours... and I won't leave... Not if you don't leave first"



"Never.... I promise I could never"



Both hearts were heavy that night... but nevertheless in each other's embrace... they held together strong.... and in less than no time... the rosy nature of their
relationship began to blossom once again...



And just like that... once again... Minjeong couldn't help but feel foolish once more.. for ever holding that jealous and doubtful feeling for Jimin not once but twice...



She swore as Jimin hugged her tightly as they slept.. that she would never allow those feelings to control her again...














That was.... until Minjeong heard those three magical words uttered by Jimin herself, words she had longed to hear exclusively for her ears.



Unfortunately though... despite hearing it for the first time from Jimin... those words...




they weren't meant for her.



It was for her co-star instead.



"I love you..." Jimin had said it so naturally, so believably, to Jihoon. It was the first time their characters ever confessed to each other, and she had managed to capture her part perfectly, so elegantly and full of emotion. The scene was absolutely breathtaking; the director really knew what he was doing.




"I love you too," was Jihoon's character's response.






It was a word Minjeong was never able to say back...



I love you...



And those were the ones she had never even once heard from Jimin... not directed to her... not yet...



The filming staff cheered the moment the director finished the scene with a simple "cut," praising how perfectly the two talented actors handled their characters.



But the blonde couldn't seem to echo that praise for them...







Because all she felt was nausea then...



She knew it wasn't right...



She knew her emotions were completely unjustified...



but she couldn't help it...



She just didn't know what to do.. how to feel.. how to act...



Or why watching two actors working their jobs made her feel so tiny...



So small...



As if the most important gem in her life had slipped away from her grasp...



As if she had lost a competition... where the winner takes all ... and the loser loses everything...



It was crazy...



Her feelings...



They were crazy...







Minjeong had to calm herself in the bathroom right after... She knew she needed to congratulate Jimin for handling everything so professionally... she knew it was only right... but had tightened so much... and her breathing was beginning to short circuit... she had no choice but to at least try and get rid of first...try to simmer down... whatever was happening to her... before she could even utter a word to her girlfriend...




However, when Minjeong finally felt ready to face the world again and stepped out of the bathroom, Jimin was nowhere to be seen.



"Jimin?" A film crew member smirked, joined by others clustered together and chatting. "She and Jihoon went to a trailer over there," he gestured towards a distant trailer. "I wouldn't interrupt them, seems like they're in deep conversation," he chuckled, with the rest of the group echoing his amusement.



And Minjeong...






What could she do.. but smile at them.. hoping it didn't look too painful... before muttering a quick thanks... and then... just wait... wait for Jimin... wait for her to get out of that trailer.. with another man so they can leave and return back home together...



And let's just say.. the prospect of waiting...



Had just never felt so long before... until today...










"What did you and Jihoon talk about today..." Minjeong couldn't help but bring up...



Jimin had her head leaned against the window.. and her eyes were closed.. it was obvious to anyone that the woman was absolutely exhausted after work today... making the blonde feel immensely guilty for disturbing her during her nap...



But she just couldn't help it... her heart wouldn't let go...



"hmm?" The actress responded sleepily.. her eyes barely open.. "Jihoon? Oh we just had a little talk about how we can amp up our on-screen chemistry. Sorry, for slipping away without giving you a heads-up. I didn't spot you when he pulled me aside for a chat. It's just one of those things actors and actresses do when they want to tweak something to make the scene more believable, you know?"



"Oh right that makes sense" The shorter woman would be lying if she said she didn't feel somewhat relieved hearing that nothing had happened... but nevertheless the fact that she had even been nervous enough for her to feel relieved still bothered her... "Jimin-"



"I'm sorry Minjeong..." The actress quickly adds "I'm so tired.. I don't think I can keep my eyes open"



"Oh- no of course"




"Let's just quickly go home.. I really just want to get inside, shower and sleep and not have to tackle another thing"




Those mere words made Minjeong swallow down hard... she knew exactly what Jimin had meant... but for some reason, it was rubbing her the wrong way.. it was making her feel all sort of negative emotions and she just can't seem to wrap a finger around why....



But what can she do? She understood where the actress was coming from




After all...




Working 12 hour days had to be stressful.. no less tiring...



So she remained silent once again... trying her best to not repeat the scene that Jimin and Jihoon had acted out today in her mind..



Trying to erase the factor that their characters had confessed in the most loving and warm way possible to each other today...



Doing her damn best to squish down those bugs that continuously buzzed in the pits of her stomach...



Those bugs that had no other name



but doubt...



I'm overthinking things again... Minjeong, get a hold of yourself, you're being ridiculous
















It didn't make sense...



it didn't make sense at all..



Not one bit..



It was such a simple word... a short four lettered word that came from the director's mouth...



So why in the world is it sending Minjeong over the edge...



Like she was going to fall and crumble into tiny pieces...?



Why did the fact that two actors... doing exactly what their profession had entailed... bothered Minjeong to the absolute dying core...



Why can't she just feel normal..



Why can't her heart stop feeling heavy.



Kiss.. they have to kiss they have to-



Why can't those stupid thoughts just stop coming!



"And action!"



 Minjeong should know better then to look... she should've turned away the moment the scene was actioned.. she should've had her back faced towards Jimin and Jihoon... she shouldn't have stayed rooted where she was...



She shouldn't have allowed her eyes to stay on them as if they were frozen in place...



But she had no choice... her eyes had a mind of it's own... they just wouldn't look away... as if they were glued onto them...



Forcing her to watch on... watch on as everything unfolded:



The moment Jihoon had grabbed Jimin by the cheeks.... the second he pulled her in... and had his lips gently pressed again hers...



Minjeong swore...



Right then and there



It felt as if her world had ended...



As if everything was on fire... disintegrating on the spot.... into nothing but ashes



There was no other words she could even fathom to describe how she was feeling right now...



But Minjeong would wager if death felt like anything... This probably came pretty close.




Despite knowing better, Minjeong couldn't tear her gaze away from the sight in front of her. Jimin had pulled away first, her expression betraying a sense of unease that unsettled Minjeong. It was clear that Jimin was just doing her job, but there was something different about her usual nonchalant demeanour. Her unsettled expression suggested a hint of guilt, as if she felt she had just committed a crime....



As if she had just betrayed someone...



"Sorry..." The director announced right after reviewing the tapes 'We haven't quite grasped what we had envisioned. Let's film this scene again"



A- again...?



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ken_leo 0 points #1
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️❤️
hezlawan 0 points #2
Chapter 42: Thank you so much for this wonderful fic!!🥺 definitely one of may favorites here on aff. Can’t wait to read your future works!!
kariselleheart 14 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 42: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MASTERPIECE AUTHOR!! Truly one of the best stories I have read in a while. I will be rereading this many many times. I hope you have a good rest and recover well!!

if you ever come out with another jiminjeong story ill be there to support!! thank you again 🥹🫶🏼
0 points #4
Chapter 42: I feel honored to have been part of this incredible journey that was following this beautiful story😊
I loved every part of it, you have a special talent with words that made me addicted to this story, making it one of my favorites🥰👏👏
Thank you so much for this, you are amazing😘
Rest well, when you feel good and comfortable to return, we will be here to support your future stories😉💕💕💕
0 points #5
Chapter 42: I will surely miss waiting for your update 😔😔 Thank you so much for this masterpiece 💕
BamBamOnce 0 points #6
Missekie 0 points #7
Chapter 4: wish i read this sooner oh my gosh, i just love the dynamice between the two. and jimin giving the hoodie to minjeong made me flutter lmao
77 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 42: I love the ending!! Thank you for giving them the ending that they deserved! 🥹

Thank you author-nim for sharing this masterpiece to us! Please take care of your health and I hope you feel better soon! ❤️
WenRene_77 15 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 42: Such a masterpiece author-nim. Thank you for this wonderful fic. Please be well always take care😊
luhhhh14 0 points #10
Chapter 42: omg. the ending huhu thank you for writing this story author! 😭👏