
The Diva's Assistant
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"I can't wrap my head around it. I disappear for just a couple of months, and when I come back, you two are already playing house," Ningning exclaimed in disbelief whilst shaking her head.



"What do you meannn" Minjeong, now on her mini break whilst waiting for Jimin to get her makeup redone in her own private trailer, decided to quickly step outside to catch up with her best friend over the phone... considering they haven't properly spoken since the day Minjeong.... well... to be put very nicely threatened Ningning into setting up a whole date for her and Jimin. "It's not the fast"



"Minjeong you haven't even officially been a couple with Jimin for 2 days before you guys moved in together, if that's not fast, I don't know what is"



"Ok but, this is different! Different I tell you."



"Of course it is, us ladies are never beating the 'urge to merge' allogation" Ningning replied, rolling her eyes, but knowing fully well her best friend couldn't see her.



"The what and what allegation?"



"Google it Minjeong."



"I dun wanna"



"Suit yourself. It doesn't matter anyway... as long as you both think this is the right step, then it's all that counts," The doctor remarked, her tone a lot lighter now. "Just promise me you'll take care of that mindless mouth of yours and make sure it's not the reason for any fights"



"Oh yeah... so about that-"



"Don't tell me. I can already imagine it"



"Hey!" The blonde pouts through the phone "I'm not that bad"



"Yes you are"



"No, I'm not-"




"Minjeong, let's not argue about this, we both know you are. How about we change the topic? It's almost Christmas, isn't it? Christmas Eve is just a couple of days away. Instead of debating, why don't you take some time to think about how you want to spend the holidays this year?"



"Oh..." The blonde suddenly looked down at her feet, kicking the ground aimlessly. "Why bring that up?"




"Because it's time you become more festive already," Ningning remarked, her tone carrying a subtle undertone that Minjeong caught onto immediately, catching on to the double meaning behind those words... After all her best friend was one of the few who understood Minjeong's history with holiday seasons and why she was so resistant to celebrate like everybody else. "Maybe this time you should actually try and make an effort."




The truth is, Minjeong hasn't celebrated the holidays properly since... well, she couldn't bring herself to finish that thought. It still felt like a wound, even after all these years. Although it was no longer fresh, the pain lingered like scars, a reminder of the events that had unfolded in her life. In fact, she was surprised her best friend, knowing this, would even bring the day up with her. It's not something that affects her as deeply as it used to, but Ningning is usually more careful with her words when it comes to touchy subjects.



"What effort?" Minjeong's tone shifted, a departure from her usual light-hearted bantering nature... a change that Ningning had anticipated. "It's just another day after all, why make a fuss? Besides..." and as a seasoned psychologist, the doctor had also anticipated the next series of hollow words that were to follow, "It's not like I have any family to visit, or a place to go to."



Now in all fairness. Ningning, on the other end of the phone, couldn't shake the guilt gnawing at her. She knew she had backed Minjeong into a corner with her words. But as someone entrenched in the psychological field, she yearned to see her best friend move beyond her past struggles and embrace a happier, more normal life. Minjeong had always pushed herself relentlessly, almost like a machine...



From odd jobs to part-time gigs to side hustles, Minjeong filled every waking hour with work. It wasn't until she landed her managerial role that the doctor could finally breathe a sigh of relief, knowing the girl was at least working more regular hours. In the past, even on days meant for celebration with family, Minjeong never stopped working. If she didn't have a job, she'd retreat into her room until the event had passed.



Ning Ning understood the roots of her best friend's behavior—the need to keep moving, keep working, all to distract herself from that day. But her friend didn't deserve to continue toil like this. While it wasn't Ning Ning's place to dictate, she wished for nothing more than to see Minjeong break free from her past.



Especially now out of all time when Minjeong was no longer alone anymore...



"But isn't Jimin family now?"



That took Minjeong by surprise, her whole body freezing in place as she processed Ning Ning's words repeatedly.



It wasn't a phenomenon she had really thought of.. yet... now that it was up in the air... it struck a chord deep within her....



After all they'd been through together, the ups and downs, the laughter and tears, Jimin had become an integral part of her life.



They live with each other...



Share the same bed now for heaven's sake...



"She is..." Minjeong finally admitted, a fluttering sensation building in the pits of her stomach as she spoke the words aloud. "She's family... she makes me so happy..."



"I know, Minjeong." Ningning exhaled a breath of relief "Then maybe it's time to celebrate again with your family."



"But what if-"



"It won't, Minjeong. That night wasn't your fault. Accidents happen, and sometimes the consequences are dire. It wasn't fair, and my heart has been breaking for you since the night you told me. But as your friend, Minjeong, I don't wish to see you deprive yourself of basic human rights and happiness just because the world was cruel to you once. With Jimin now by your side, holding onto your hand, Minjeong, I think it's time for you to stop punishing yourself for something that was never in your control. And I know this is probably the doctor in me talking, but I have a feeling that because of those events that happened to you, you're probably more protective of her than you need to be. And that's great. But, Minjeong, believe me when I say this: finally allowing yourself to celebrate a holiday with your loved one isn't going to bring back the past"



"What if it does- what if it's a bad omen.. what if it happens again"




"Minjeong, I understand if you're not ready to take that step. But maybe, just maybe, this could be the start of something new for you, for you and Jimin. I won't lie, but ever since she's entered your life, I've seen the changes. You seem more vibrant now, like you have a goal in life again, like you're finally beginning to heal... properly this time. Besides, doesn't Jimin have the right to know what happened? If she's going to be a big part of your life, shouldn't something like this be something you should consider telling her soon?"






"And I have a feeling with Jimin's past as well... she's probably never celebrated a proper Christmas either... I think you two are more similar than you think."






"Just think about it, Minjeong... sorry, I have my usual client coming around this time... I can't chat any longer... just please consider my words, alright?" And with that, the doctor hung up her line, leaving the blonde in deep ponderings of her friend's thoughts.









Maybe she's right...












As Christmas drew near, filming came to a halt, granting everyone the opportunity to return home and celebrate the holiday season with their families. As a result this final on-set session of the year concluded earlier than usual.



Despite the festive atmosphere, neither Minjeong nor Jimin, even once mentioned how they were planning to spend the holidays... choosing instead to carry on as per usual and frankly avoiding the topic even as their colleagues excitedly discussed their holiday plans... 



To put simply, It seemed as if they were choosing not to acknowledge the approaching day at all.



For Jimin, Minjeong couldn't blame her all... in fact, she empathised deeply with the woman's silence about this very day... it must have been challenging for her to hear everyone else's excitement about family gatherings when she, herself, didn't have a family to return to herself.... but as for Minjeong well... she had been silent too but for her own set of reasons....



Similar ones for that matter...



But aside from that, in general, it just seemed that the topic of Christmas hardly ever had the chance to be brought up...



Because recently... as soon as the two women gets a moment alone with each other.... let's just say... , the mere thought of engaging in a casual conversation seems to escape them entirely.



Like right now, Minjeong couldn't even fathom the idea of using her rambling mouth, , not with Jimin's weight pressing against her, as her back was slammed against the couch and their lips locked in a passionate struggle, Minjeong's world narrowed down to the warmth of their embrace and the tantalizing scent of Jimin enveloping her senses. The drama they were meant to be watching dissolved into the background as their tongues danced in a silent battle for dominance.



Normally, Minjeong would have welcomed the idea of skipping Christmas celebrations altogether. After all, the holiday held no special significance for her—it was just another day of the year. She preferred to avoid the festivities, as they only served as painful reminders of a joy that had long since faded away....



But as Jimin's fingers tangled in her hair and their bodies melded together, the blonde just couldn't ignore the nagging feeling of not celebrating Christmas this year any longer... it just  felt wrong... somehow. Despite her aversion to the holiday, there was an inexplicable pull to acknowledge it this time, especially in the presence of Jimin's affection.



It was Ning Ning's words for sure... that sparked the thought,



that much Minjeong could admit. But beyond that, there was also a yearning within her to do something special with Jimin, just the two of them.



Moreover, this may also serve to be an ideal moment to finally open up to Jimin about .. well






However, Minjeong hadn't quite figured out how to broach the subject with her yet.



She really didn't want to overwhelm the older with the subject. However,  after reluctantly pulling away from their heated makeout, she still managed to gather up enough courage to speak.



"Jimin," Minjeong began, her voice soft and uncertain. "Did you have anything planned for Christmas or Christmas Eve?"



The question seemed to catch Jimin off guard, finally lifting her head away so their faces were inches apart, slightly open, a faint blush colouring her cheeks as she struggled for words. Clearly, she didn't expect Minjeong to pull away so suddenly.



"Christmas?" Jimin managed to respond in between pants, still struggling for air from the activities they had been partaking in. "No, I don't have anything planned. I usually just skip it and spend the day lounging around."



Heh we really are more alike than I had thought



"Why did you have something planned? With family perhaps?" The actress raised a questioning eyebrow, trying to keep her tone casual..



"Oh, no, not that," Minjeong replied, avoiding eye contact with Jimin for some unknown reason. She shifted uncomfortably, unable to maintain the connection, which only piqued Jimin's curiosity further. "I don't normally celebrate either, but I was wondering this time around, if you would like to do something together."






The actress could do nothing but respond in silence, choosing to, instead of speaking immediately, to observe the fidgeting woman a little longer.




Now that she thought about it, It dawned on Jimin that in the entirety of their relationship, from their initial roles as manager and actress to their current status as girlfriends, Minjeong had never once spoken about her family.



In fact...



Minjeong rarely talked about herself at all, only dropping a few details here and there from time to time. She actually knew very little of the Shorter’s past... if Jimin was to be completely honest.... 



Minjeong's undivided attention always seemed centred on Jimin, fulfilling her every need—a dynamic Jimin found herself selfishly enjoying, craving even more of it. But now, confronted with this stark reality of how little Jimin actually knew about the other.. guilt began to gnaw at her for never taking the time to inquire about Minjeong's own history.



And now...



Looking at the way the blonde appeared self-conscious under her gaze, the actress couldn't help but wonder if the woman was even comfortable discussing it at all.




Why did the mention of her family make her act like that?


Initially, Jimin had assumed that Minjeong had brought up the subject of Christmas to inform her that she would be visiting her loved ones or perhaps was even contemplating on introducing Jimin to her parents... which was actually something the woman didn't even think she was ready for... hence the questioning look she gave to the blonde earlier...



But now...considering how the shorter was acting.. Jimin wasn't sure at all with what Minjeong was planning.



"I'm happy with that," was the only answer she gave the blonde in the end, choosing not to press on further about Minjeong's non-celebratory nature....



"Really?" Minjeong finally looks back up and locks eyes with Jimin, sparkles shimmering through her gaze replacing the once conflicted ones.. as a wide smile of excitement spreads across her cheeks "Yes! Ok, that's good that's really good" She begins to ramble on "This will be our first Christmas together, Jimin, wouldn't you believe it..." The blonde began to hum to herself... losing herself in a daze of imagination as she began planning out the event in her head. Minjeong just looked so adorable to Jimin, resembling a puppy with her excitement and enthusiasm so much so, it made the actress smile too... but then, her sparkling eyes gradually dimmed, taking on a more sombre expression, as if she had recalled something less pleasant. "Leave it to me, Jimin," she speaks again, her smile now smaller but still nevertheless present. "I'll make sure it'll be a good Christmas."



"I can help out too you kno-"



"No I want this to be a surprise, just let me do the work" Turning her head, the blonde's gaze went straight back to the television... silently communicating over the end of their little makeout session... though Jimin wasn't entirely sure how happy she was about that abrupt shift in mood.



But she supposes it doesn't really matter now...



"Okay," Jimin replied softly, conceding to Minjeong's request. She settled back down, resting her head on Minjeong's chest, allowing the blonde to begin her hair soothingly as the next episode of their current favourite drama continued to play...



But this time.. 



She found it quite difficult to focus on the television. Her mind was elsewhere, unable to follow along with the plot at all.



Minjeong... I wish I could read your mind sometimes....
















Sitting on the park bench, Jimin watched the snowflakes gently drifting down from the dark sky above, each one adding to the thick blanket of white covering the ground. Despite the late hour, the park was surprisingly still populated, with families and couples enjoying the festive atmosphere.




She saw her own breath form wisps in the cold night air as she pulled her coat ever tighter around herself, ensuring that the scarf around her neck was snug as well. The actress had seated herself just far enough away from everyone, the distance and also the dim lighting of the park served as her safety net to hide her A-lister identity to the general public.. but on the chance that she was seen, she had her face all done and prettied up even for the night, so she hadn't been too worried about being spotted... though with how things are proceeding tonight, she doubts that chance would even come.



It's really been the first time Jimin's felt so relax in a public space for a very long time.



It was nice... to say the least.. and despite the cold weather... very refreshing....



The location of the park sprawled towards the towering city buildings ahead, offering a scenic backdrop as Jimin waited for her little golden retriever... Amidst the tranquil scene, a profound sense of calm settled over her. . She had spent the whole day with Minjeong today... and it had been nothing short of magical... filled with laughter love and warmth...



From the moment she had woken up, Minjeong had surprised her with a grand display of breakfast in bed, ranging from a series of bacon, eggs, and a fluffy stack of pancakes drizzled with maple syrup. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee also wafted through the air, adding to the cozy ambiance of the room.



While savouring each delicious bite... a soft cheerful melody of Christmas Jingle played from the living room. Looking up at Minjeong's mischievous yet sparkly eyes... Jimin quickly put two and two together to who had set those specific melodies up... before watching as the younger extended her hands.



"Care to join me for a dance?"



"I hardly finished my breakfast Minjeong"



"We can come back to it!"



Not being able to resist her blondie's cute little pout, Jimin accepted her hand... before being pulled or rather... swept away in the living room where they shared a rather chaotic, but happy dance session together... where Minjeong may or may not have bumped into Jimin and stepped on her toes a few too many times...



Which eventually turned the initial plan of dancing into a bit of a game of tag... where Jimin chased after Minjeong around the living room with a cushion in hand, ready to shoot as a means to teach Minjeong a lesson for being so  clumsy footed.



It ended in a nice series of laughter and kisses with thankfully, Minjeong making it out alive scrape-free



And from there... as the afternoon stretched into evening, they turned their attention to the task of decorating their Christmas tree. With twinkling lights, shiny baubles, and colorful ornaments, they transformed the tree into a dazzling spectacle worthy of the holiday name...



It was as if Christmas had come early for Jimin, and she couldn't have asked for a better way to spend the day.



Even in her adulthood, Jimin had never fully embraced the joys of preparing for the most anticipated holiday season of the year.. But with Minjeong by her side, that little glitter inside her began to shimmer again.. a glitter that had lost it's sparkle since childhood...




For that, Jimin was utterly grateful, her heart swelling with affection for her adorable puppy. She couldn't shake the feeling of falling deeper and deeper for the little bundle of joy... even going as far as half joking to herself that one day her heart might burst from the overwhelming affection Minjeong poured out.

But now, as she sat alone on the park bench, she couldn't help but feel a rush of anticipation rush through her chest... the blonde had promised one final surprise, and Jimin couldn't help but wonder what it could be.



Taking in the park's scene, Jimin admired the snow-draped trees and the sparkling lights adorning the paths. The joyous sight of kids playing with their parents, sculpting snowmen and giggling, warmed her heart.



Once upon a time, this scene would have stirred a sense of loneliness within Jimin. But today, with Minjeong as her companion, that feeling vanished entirely. Instead of the cold feeling of dread during the holiday seasons... today all she felt was a warm glow.. covering her entire being....




This must be what it feels like to spend the day with someone close to you... To spend the day with family...



Jimin vowed she would never spend her holidays alone again... because there is no way in any shape of form... after today.. she was willing to go back to how things used to be...




"Jimin!" The A-lister turned to see the woman she had been waiting for running towards her. Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't even noticed the passage of time ticking by.



But wait..



What that in Minjeong's hands?



"Sorry, did you wait long? The 24-hour store ran out of what I needed, so I had to run to the next one down the block," Minjeong explained breathlessly as she approached.



"No you're surprisingly early for once" Jimin couldn't help but tease, but her eyes were solely on the item in the blonde was holding...



Flowers... did she run to get these for me.... but.. they're



"Minjeong," Jimin couldn't help but voice out, her curiosity piqued. "These flowers... they're Lilies and carnations, aren't they?"



"Oh! Are those what they are?" The blonde quickly inspected the bunch she was holding. "I never knew that. I just knew they were the ones I needed. Wow, Jimin, I didn't know your knowledge extended even this far. So smart."




"Enough with your flattery," Jimin couldn't help but roll

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ken_leo 0 points #1
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️❤️
hezlawan 0 points #2
Chapter 42: Thank you so much for this wonderful fic!!🥺 definitely one of may favorites here on aff. Can’t wait to read your future works!!
kariselleheart 14 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 42: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MASTERPIECE AUTHOR!! Truly one of the best stories I have read in a while. I will be rereading this many many times. I hope you have a good rest and recover well!!

if you ever come out with another jiminjeong story ill be there to support!! thank you again 🥹🫶🏼
0 points #4
Chapter 42: I feel honored to have been part of this incredible journey that was following this beautiful story😊
I loved every part of it, you have a special talent with words that made me addicted to this story, making it one of my favorites🥰👏👏
Thank you so much for this, you are amazing😘
Rest well, when you feel good and comfortable to return, we will be here to support your future stories😉💕💕💕
0 points #5
Chapter 42: I will surely miss waiting for your update 😔😔 Thank you so much for this masterpiece 💕
BamBamOnce 0 points #6
Missekie 0 points #7
Chapter 4: wish i read this sooner oh my gosh, i just love the dynamice between the two. and jimin giving the hoodie to minjeong made me flutter lmao
77 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 42: I love the ending!! Thank you for giving them the ending that they deserved! 🥹

Thank you author-nim for sharing this masterpiece to us! Please take care of your health and I hope you feel better soon! ❤️
WenRene_77 15 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 42: Such a masterpiece author-nim. Thank you for this wonderful fic. Please be well always take care😊
luhhhh14 0 points #10
Chapter 42: omg. the ending huhu thank you for writing this story author! 😭👏