Perfectly Yours

The Diva's Assistant
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This scenary was familiar....



As the urban landscape gradually gave way to lush greenery and towering trees, Jimin found herself lost in thought, peering out of the car window. A nagging suspicion crept into her mind: was Minjeong leading her back to the same hiking trail as before, or perhaps to an entirely new one?



She wasn't a fan of the idea of another nightly bushwalk to say the least, but chose to held her tongue, remembering the promise the blonde had made her before they left off.



"I'm not going to make you hike, stop staring out the window like that," Minjeong's sudden voice broke the silence, catching Jimin off guard.



How did that woman manage to read Jimin's mind so accurately these days?



"Then why are there so many bushes already?" Jimin questioned, still peering out the window.



"Because Korea is set up funny. I don't know. Just trust the process," Minjeong replied, deftly maneuvering the steering wheel as the gravel road veered sharply to the right. "Wahhhhh," She lets out cutely as she leaned into the direction of the turn.










"Wahh?" Jimin repeats with an eyebrow raised. Unable to decipher the blonde's alien language but nevertheless was slightly endeared by her cuteness.



"Wah," Minjeong affirmed with a small grin, now that the road had straightened out.



"You're weird."



"I'm cute"












"Yes I am" The blonde continues to insist.



"Yes, you are," Jimin finally agreed, unable to resist the playful banter.



"No, I'm not—HEY!" Minjeong protested as Jimin laughed, realizing she had fallen into the trap.



"Yes, you are cute, Minjeong. Yes, you are," Jimin giggled, her laughter filling the car before leaning back with a small smile,



She had a feeling no matter what Minjeong had planned tonight... despite not knowing the specifics of the shorter's plans for the evening, she had an innate feeling that whatever awaited them would leave her deeply fulfilled.



But for now as the sound of rubber wheels on gravel becomes more and more constant, turning into a therapeutic ambient noise, Jimin allowed her heavy eyelids to close completely. The exhaustion from the audition and the days leading up to it finally caught up with her, and she surrendered to the peaceful embrace of sleep as Minjeong continued to drive them to their secret destination that she promised would be amazing.









As Jimin gradually emerged from her slumber, she was greeted by the rhythmic melody of water crashing against some surface nearby. Her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dimness of the surroundings. Turning towards the car window first, she found herself staring at the blanket of darkness outside, that had enveloped the landscape. Yet, amidst the obsidian expanse, she could still make out silhouettes of greenery extending into the velvety night sky.



And was that crashing noise...



Sounds of ocean waves she hears?



"We're still a bit early, feel free to sleep a bit more if you want"



Jimin's head immediately turns towards the source of that voice beside her.



Minjeong had her phone and she was scrolling mindlessly through it whilst leaning back against her seat. Her window was opened by a crack. 



"Where are we?"Jimin begins scanning her surroundings again "Don't tell me you took me to the woods again, I was seriously joking about you scamming me again Minjeong-"


"Oh my god" The blonde chuckles turning off her phone. "Just because you see green grass, doesn't mean it's the woods. Look outside clearly" Minjeong points ahead where Jimin followed her line of vision, only to be taken aback by teh view ahead. 



"Is that the ocean...?" she murmured, her eyes widening as she realized what lay beyond the darkness, the sound of crashing waves now making perfect sense.



"Yee, We're perched on a cliffside overlooking the ocean," she confirmed, her gaze drifting out into the darkness where the sea met the sky. "I went on drive to get some air the other day and stumbled across this place. It was deserted then, so I'm not surprised no one is here tonight either.."



"You took a drive for air all the way out here for fun?"

"Okay, you caught me, I was initially scouting for new hiking trails in the area. But as luck would have it, I fumbled upon this gem purely by chance. It's a bit off the beaten path, requiring a detour from the main road, but the journey is worth it, I don't think many people knows about this place."



"No, just serial killers"



"That joke is seriously getting old, Jimin," Minjeong playfully retorted, her tone teasing. "If you're awake, shall we get started?"



"Started with what?"



"Ohh," a wide grin spread across Minjeong's face, "just something that I noticed was a coincidence today."



"A coincidence?" Jimin felt like the blonde was speaking in riddles. "I don't get it."


"That's okay, like I said, it's still early; you'll see later. Come on," Minjeong exclaimed, eagerly exiting the car. Left alone, Jimin followed Minjeong's movements through the window from left to right, until she appeared on the other side, opening the door for Jimin. "You're hungry, right?" Minjeong extended her hand, which Jimin hesitated to take for a moment before finally allowing herself to be pulled outside.



"Yes but I don't see any restaurants around here"



"Ah man Jimin, you really don't see highly of me at all." She tugged Jimin further away from the car, positioning herself in front of Jimin to ensure the woman's view was blocked as to keep her surprise intact. "Ta dahhh," she exclaimed, turning around with her arms wide open as soon as they walked far enough, a bright, sunny smile adorning her face as she made her grand reveal to the actress. 



On the fluffly grass there was a nice big blue picnic blanket sprawed out just metrews away from the edge of the flat cliff, giving a wide overview of the scenically calm moving ocean underneath. The fresh air felt nice and cold to the touch as a wiff of wind elegantly blows against Jimin's long hair.



Upon the blanket rested a woven basket, b with an array of snacks, fruits, and sandwiches, all meticulously arranged. Beside it sat a platter of sushi and assorted small dishes, accompanied by a bottle of wine chilling in an ice bucket. Plates, cups, and utensils were neatly arranged nearby as well in which Jimin had absolutely no idea how the shorter was able to set this all up with the short amount of time she had or how she magically had it placed in a way that nothing there had been blown away with the wind. There were also small candles decorated around their picnic area, the flames protected by glass covers to prevent them from being extinguished by the breeze.



"Minjeong.. this.." Jimin begins to stammer "This is.."



"My treat to you" Minjeong's cheery tone meshed melodically well with the soft blowing wind, her shoulder length hair flows foreward with the breeze casting before it. "As I said earlier, I had a feeling you would do well in your audition. I couldn't let you leave without celebrating properly. I know you prefer low-key celebrations, so I thought a simple picnic with this stunning view might do last minute... sorry, if this doesn't seem all that proper... I didn't have too much time to-



"It's perfect Minjeong." Jimin said so quickly with one breath.. the blonde had almost missed it.... but hearing that from the very girl that's been infiltrating her dreams on a nightly basis... she couldn't help but allow that wide genuine smile curl up on her lips even more..



"Come come" The blonde waves at her before kneeling down onto the blanket and carefully taking out the contents of food within the basket, placing up a meal on a plastic plate. "Well? What are you waiting for?" MInjeong stops what she was doing to look back up at a rather stunned Yu Jimin just staring back at her from afar "Didn't you say you were hungry? Food's here" With the latter still rooted to the ground, Minjeong took matters into her own hand. Placing a few more food items on the plate  she got onto her own two feet and made her way to the actress "Here"



"Oh-" Jimin gaze settled down to her hands now holding the plate... It was full, very full. Minjeong had made sure she had at least one of every food item on the plate. "Thanks..." she murmured softly, her words trailing off as her mind struggled to process the thoughtful gesture from her manager.



A picnic at a secluded, breathtaking cliff overlooking the serene seaside, cascaded under the stars with a light soft breeze that caressed her cheeks gently.



It was faultessly unexpected....



But it did wonders in making Jimin feel absolutely flabbergasted... she was completely starstruck.



And Minjeong somehow, was able to orchestrate the whole thing.... all by herself..



Kim Minjeong...



That bleach blondie...



She just seemed so brightly gorgeous to Jimin right now...



It may have been dark... but to Jimin, the woman gleamed like radiant ray of golden sunshine...



Burning so bright...



Jimin wonders if she would go blind soon....



All her life... the actress had went about her days in a shade of gray... a black and white photograph in a silver picture frame. It had structure and integrity, but it lacked elaborate detail. A missing layer that she had purposely avoided...



Yet now... With Minjeong here... by her side...



Suddenly that shade of dull was filled with colour. Bright ones.



Warm ones.



Giving her once bland world a spice of life.



Jimin in that moment had never felt so alive....



So happy...



Could you believe, at some point in her 24 years of being on this planet.. she had actually lost touch with what it really meant to be happy?



That she had forgotten that very delicate feeling...



Allowing it to fade away into the deepest part of her mind... threatening to never reach the light of day again...



That was...



Until the short bleach blonde barged into her life so subtlely... yet with so much impact, it completely through Jimin's usual familiar routine out the window...



It was Minjeong's actions... her cuteness... her mind... her affection....



Her willingless to put Jimin first...



All of it...



It was the finest treasure Jimin had ever been given in this lifetime... and something she will choose to cherish as long as she's placed on this Earth.



She swore it to herself then... watching Minjeong glow right before her... she would never allow that radiant flame to flicker out. She wanted nothing more than to witness Minjeong continue to shine, brighter than the sun itself.



"How did you even manage to do all this?" Jimin finally kneels down onto the picnic matt, "The audition was three hours max... not 5 or 6...? How could you plan this up, drive back here, pick me up and come back here to have everything all ready and set up like this."


"That's a secret for me to keep and for you to enjoy," Minjeong chuckled before gently booping Jimin's nose once more. "Didn't I tell you? I'm the most awesome and amazing person, and the best manager you've ever had. And this is just a glimpse of what the most awesome and amazing person is capable of." She said brightly, though a small sweat droplet trickled down her temple, her hand discreetly gripping her phone that had been buzzing for the past 30 minutes or so.



From a certain someone whom she may or may not have coerced away from their late-night plans to run a few errands and make a few setups for her...



In exchange for not exposing a few embarrassing photos to Uchinaga Aeri, whom Minjeong had claimed she totally had the number to and was definitely on a friendly basis with (she is not, for either one).



From Dr Ning The Wise

Minjeong I swear to god, you did not just freaking drag me away from my only time off to setup this stupid picnic of yours. You owe me! YOU OWE ME BIG TIME



Also from Dr Ning The Wise

OK LOOK. I got the food basket, wine, utensils and picnic matt okay? I have the items, I'm not going to just leave you stranded now, just delete those photos. Pretty please?


From Airhead Kim




From Dr Ning The Wise

Minjeong I swear to flipping sky daddy if you don't delete those photos RIGHT BLOODY NOW, THERE WILL BE BLOOD.



From Airhead Kim

Sending to Aeri.... annnnd NOW



From Dr Ning The Wise




Also From Dr Ning The Wise

Hello...? HELLOOOO?



Also From Dr Ning The Wise




From Airhead Kim

Very good ;)





Was it right to lie?






Would Minjeong recommend blackmailing others so one could get their way?



Definitely not.



But is committing a few sins worth it if one was to do it, to make someone very special to them happy?




Observing Jimin's overly estatic expression as she gasps in excitement before digging thought the basket in persuit of getting into some of her favorite food and snacks...



Well.. for Minjeong at least.... Let's just say...



It totally was. 



If that person you're making the effort for was anyone like the definition of cuteness before her that is....



Moreover, the blonde had to pick up another special gift in the meantime while Jimin was busy auditioning away. She couldn't have been in two places at once, and there was no way she could possibly set up that picnic in time alone.



So she got herself a helping hand...



That's all...



Nothing wrong with that...



From Dr Ning The Wise

You're there now right? You see the picnic? I even went out of my way to leave a lighter next to the basket in case the candle flames extinguishes. See aren't I so thoughtful? Running out of breath so you can finally get your girl who BY THE WAY you should've went out of your way to make officially yours AGES AGO. NOW CAN YOU PLEASE DELETE THOSE PHOTOS.



ALSO From Dr Ning The Wise




Minjeong holds the off button before turning off her phone completely. She knew she was going to need to deal with Ningning wrath sooner or later... but for now, she wanted to focus all her attention on what's most important to her right.



"Aren't you going to eat?"



"Oh-" The blonde's gaze dropped to her empty plate. She had been so preoccupied ensuring that Jimin had everything she needed that she had forgotten about herself.



But, in all fairness, she wasn't sure if she could even swallow a bite of food even if she wanted to.


She was just so nervous...



And she wasn't even entirely sure what she so nervous about...



But it created a little bump in her stomach, making it difficult for her to muster up any appetite. Despite not having eaten a single meal the entire day, she found herself unable to focus on food. Her mind had been consumed by thoughts of Jimin's audition and then the meticulous planning of the picnic setup...



"I'm not that hungy"

"Don't be ridiculous." Jimin starts placing random food items onto Minjeong's plate. "Out of everyone who could say that, I believe you the least. Besides, it's awkward to eat alone."



"Never knew you were a social eater"

"Not typically, but it's not flattering to eat alone where there's another person in front of you, no?"

Chuckling lightly, Minjeong finally took a bite of the sandwich that she left Ningning to collect from the market. Never realising just how hungry she was until finally swallowing her first bite of the day.




As the two women settled into each other's company, the sound of soft waves crashing against rocks faded into a gentle melody, leaving Minjeong and Jimin enveloped in their own little world.



With most of the food now consumed and their glasses having already clinked, Jimin leaned back against her palm, savoring the beautiful sight ahead: the bright moonlight sparkling over the ocean, creating a shimmering pathway that seemed to lead directly to the moon itself.



It was utterly captivating, leaving Jimin completely enraptured and unaware of the blonde beside her, who was similarly enchanted but by something entirely different.



Minjeong couldn't tear her gaze away from Jimin. In this quiet moment, there was something about the actress that made her heart swell with emotion....



No... actually...



Now that she thinks about...



It's not just this instance alone...



Jimin had always made MInjeong feel this way... where everytime she even catches a glance of the taller, it's as if time slows down. With a contented sigh, Minjeong reached for Jimin's hand. At the touch, Jimin startled slightly, but as she realized it was Minjeong, her shoulders relaxed, and she allowed their fingers to i

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ken_leo 0 points #1
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️❤️
hezlawan 0 points #2
Chapter 42: Thank you so much for this wonderful fic!!🥺 definitely one of may favorites here on aff. Can’t wait to read your future works!!
kariselleheart 14 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 42: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MASTERPIECE AUTHOR!! Truly one of the best stories I have read in a while. I will be rereading this many many times. I hope you have a good rest and recover well!!

if you ever come out with another jiminjeong story ill be there to support!! thank you again 🥹🫶🏼
0 points #4
Chapter 42: I feel honored to have been part of this incredible journey that was following this beautiful story😊
I loved every part of it, you have a special talent with words that made me addicted to this story, making it one of my favorites🥰👏👏
Thank you so much for this, you are amazing😘
Rest well, when you feel good and comfortable to return, we will be here to support your future stories😉💕💕💕
0 points #5
Chapter 42: I will surely miss waiting for your update 😔😔 Thank you so much for this masterpiece 💕
BamBamOnce 0 points #6
Missekie 0 points #7
Chapter 4: wish i read this sooner oh my gosh, i just love the dynamice between the two. and jimin giving the hoodie to minjeong made me flutter lmao
77 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 42: I love the ending!! Thank you for giving them the ending that they deserved! 🥹

Thank you author-nim for sharing this masterpiece to us! Please take care of your health and I hope you feel better soon! ❤️
WenRene_77 15 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 42: Such a masterpiece author-nim. Thank you for this wonderful fic. Please be well always take care😊
luhhhh14 0 points #10
Chapter 42: omg. the ending huhu thank you for writing this story author! 😭👏