Very First Valentine

The Diva's Assistant
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"Damnit..." Minjeong hunched over, leaning her forehead into her hands, hoping to find a position that might alleviate the sharp pain pulsating at the back of her head. "I'm never drinking again, that stuff is evil, evil I say," she groaned, hitting her temple against the side of the car door.



It seems that no matter what she tries, nothing is going to get rid of the increasing pain that continues to throb in her skull.



"You brought this upon yourself, Minjeong. Here." Shoving a small bag into Minjeong's lap, Jimin continued to gaze out of the window on her side of the backseat.


It was early in the morning, and the two women were currently on their way to Jimin's very important and very first american interview. It was an eventful morning to say the least, having to deal with the shock of Jimin's wrath first waking moment, as soon as Minjeong peaks an eye, hindering an hour or two of their planned routine, and now the two girls found themselves rushing to put on their shoes before dashing downstairs to meet their designated drivers for the day, assigned to them by the event planners.


"What's this?" ping the small bag, Minjeong discovered an assortment of makeup, amenities, and...


"Pain killers, take two"


"You brought these with you?" The latter wasted no time popping two pill in immediately and washing it down with a bottle of water she brought with her from the hotel earlier.


"You should've brought them for me, you're my manager after all" The girl's words were carefully chosen, dripping with a deliberate hesitance that created a noticeable distance between she and Minjeong. ... However, despite the apparent detachment, her actions still portrayed an underlying concern for the blonde's well-being.



Still, Minjeong couldn't help but pout over the sudden coldness today. She understands that her not-so-sober self last night must have caused the taller woman an assortment of troubles. But come on, Minjeong had apologized profusely already, and Jimin wouldn't even budge an eyebrow at her.


She must still be startled from this morning as well... but it was a clear misunderstanding.


Trying to not think about it too much now, the blonde carefully placed the remaining painkillers back into the zipper bag, and pushed it besides Jimin. "Thank you... for everything... and you're right, I haven't been as hands on as I should've been the past couple of days, I'll make sure to do my best from now on"


Jimin didn't respond, but even from here, Minjeong could see the way the actress's shoulders had shifted, despite the woman still having her back turned towards her and was permanently staring out the window.


Outsiders wouldn't get it, but the blonde, over time, had learned to pick up on those subtle changes in Jimin's behavior.


Jimin's shoulders had been slightly tense at first, suggesting that something had been bothering her and that she was feeling quite uneasy about something.


In this instance, it's quite possible that it's becuase Minjeong had gotten herself very drunk last night.. that she couldn't remember a single detail.. not even one after vaguely being able to picture dowing four bottles. Despite her apologies however, Jimin still haven't commented on her regretfulness even once... still giving Minjeong her signature cold shoulder...


However, seeing the older drop her shoulders and slightly relaxing them now, despite the coldness still being quite present, that subtle behavioural shift, had at the very least, meant the actress was slowly warming up to Minjeong again.


Which in simple terms means, the Jimin had forgiven her.


Which in further simple terms also mean that Minjeong is happy :)


So now relieved that her headache would dissipate soon and, more importantly, happy that her drunken escapade hadn't caused significant issues for Jimin to completely distance herself, Minjeong, with a small smile, gazed out of the car window on her own side..


Her thoughts did continue to linger on the possibilities of what might've entailed the previous night... however... were soon wavered when she was driven past a parade of red flowers with an symphony of people dancing, singing and laughing.. all together whilst holding hands.


It was clear to Minjeong that they were celebrating something.


With the main colours of the event being red and pink


Red... such a unique colour...


Just the shade alone was able to represent something special.


Something that enabled a days of festivities.


A colour that throws a party for the union between two people


A colour that represented an emotion as old as time.


It was a colour that celebrated love.


It was the colour of Valentine's day.


"Jimin! Look, a flower parade!" Minjeong had called out excitedly without thinking, turning towards the taller full of energy... expecting the older to also be intrigued with such a vast amount of roses everywhere...


But all she saw... was the latter being completely still...


Sitting... and just staring... as if in awe.


Minjeong couldn't exactly see properly, looking at the actress from the side of her face... but she was positive there was a very distinct emotion visible on the older's face...


A longing expression... full of want... hope and a glint of sadness...


It was envy... followed by a small wave of disappointment. 



Shifting her gaze from Jimin to her window now... the blonde continued to peak outside on the other end as well, realising dozens of couples just among the busy street. Holding hands, hugging, kissing and just plain swooning over each other as they continued to walk around...


It was a normal site to see... especially on a day like today... yet the actress just seemed to be so fixated on those very acts...


"Jimin are you alright?"


The taller only responded with a short hum until the car has completely driven past the sea of people, prompting her to finally turn back around and lean her head against the backrest... the scenery no longer of interest to her.


"I have never celebrated Valentine's Day with anyone, not properly anyway," the woman finally spoke after a few minutes, as if lost in thought.




Minjeong's mouth formed a literal "O" shape, unable to believe that someone like Jimin had never, even once, had someone in her life to celebrate the times of love.


"Not even a single flower?"



"But you have like millions of fans.. surely they would've sent you something throughout the years?"


"The company doesn't allow gifts, if they did or didn't I never received anything"




Jimin's words were calm, straightforward, and direct, but they were also remarkably emotionless and nonchalant.


They weren't even cold...


It just sounded empty...


And the whole situation just didn't sit right with Minjeong one bit.


To put it simply... she couldn't comprehend the notion that the A-lister had never received anything on Valentine's Day.


Not a single thing


Not even a piece of chocolate.


Or a slice of redvelvet cake...


It bothered Minjeong.


It bothered her a lot.


And that bother had persisted to follow the blonde all they way from where they were now to when they have finally reached their destination, where, upon arrival, the staff on set warmly greeted them and promptly invited Jimin and Minjeong inside to provide them with an overview of the show.



The persistent feeling stayed with her until she found herself seated in the corner of the trailer, quietly awaiting Jimin while the makeup artists worked their makeup magic on the said actress.



And it even did not stop as Minjeong waited in the staff area while the show went live. She found herself seated, silently observing Jimin as the woman smiled and laughed on camera, eloquently answering every question posed by the interviewer.


She just couldn't wrap her head around such a phenomenon at all..


Jimin... the Yu Jimin... one of the most beautiful actress in the world, never had a valentine... let alone celebrate the day...


It's almost unnatural, how much the blonde couldn't get that thought out of the head.


But the more she thought about it the more she couldn't keep still.


Her hands became fiddly as her legs, untouched from the ground began waving back and forth.


As if she couldn't leave that reality alone.


Like she wanted to do something about it


Like she needed to.


And screw it...


She will do something about it.


Hastily rising from her chair, she swiftly placed a few phone calls before bolting out of the trailer.










Jimin found herself in a state of uncertainty, unable to determine whether she was feeling angry or upset. In complete honesty, at this moment, confusion dominated her emotions more than anything else.


The message she received from Minjeong was more like a series of spams.


Obviously written very quickly because they were full of typo errors.


From Puppy Kim



And Puppy Kim

I gota go and do a thin!


Also From Puppy Kim

Don'y wair for me


Also From Puppy Kim

I organised everything so you'll be taken bac to the hotel straight away, don't worry.



Just what in the world was Minjeong up to?


It's not like the blonde to just go up and leave like that, especially not on an important day like this.


Definitely not when she's overseas.


And especially not when she was overseas in a foreign country where the main language was not her strong suit...


just what was so important that Minjeong had to get up and leave like that...


and more importantly...


What was so important that she needed to leave Jimin like that.

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ken_leo 0 points #1
Chapter 42: ❤️❤️❤️
hezlawan 0 points #2
Chapter 42: Thank you so much for this wonderful fic!!🥺 definitely one of may favorites here on aff. Can’t wait to read your future works!!
kariselleheart 14 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 42: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MASTERPIECE AUTHOR!! Truly one of the best stories I have read in a while. I will be rereading this many many times. I hope you have a good rest and recover well!!

if you ever come out with another jiminjeong story ill be there to support!! thank you again 🥹🫶🏼
0 points #4
Chapter 42: I feel honored to have been part of this incredible journey that was following this beautiful story😊
I loved every part of it, you have a special talent with words that made me addicted to this story, making it one of my favorites🥰👏👏
Thank you so much for this, you are amazing😘
Rest well, when you feel good and comfortable to return, we will be here to support your future stories😉💕💕💕
0 points #5
Chapter 42: I will surely miss waiting for your update 😔😔 Thank you so much for this masterpiece 💕
BamBamOnce 0 points #6
Missekie 0 points #7
Chapter 4: wish i read this sooner oh my gosh, i just love the dynamice between the two. and jimin giving the hoodie to minjeong made me flutter lmao
77 streak 0 points #8
Chapter 42: I love the ending!! Thank you for giving them the ending that they deserved! 🥹

Thank you author-nim for sharing this masterpiece to us! Please take care of your health and I hope you feel better soon! ❤️
WenRene_77 15 streak 0 points #9
Chapter 42: Such a masterpiece author-nim. Thank you for this wonderful fic. Please be well always take care😊
luhhhh14 0 points #10
Chapter 42: omg. the ending huhu thank you for writing this story author! 😭👏