
Warm Dim Turns To Light
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At the place, Jiyong feel amazed with the scenery at the temple. When Taeyeon said she wants to go inside, Jiyong says

“You can go… I’ll wait out here…”

“Are you sure? Don’t you want to go with me?” Taeyeon asked again.

Jiyong nodded.

“Sure… I’ll stay here, enjoy the scenery…” Jiyong replied.

“Okay then…” Taeyeon said before she went to go inside the temple.

Jiyong stand there while looking at his wife until she’s enters the temple. Afterward, Jiyong went to the wall and he took few of pictures with his camera.

Few minutes later, Taeyeon coming out and she went to approach her husband.

“Are you done?” Jiyong asked after he saw Taeyeon.

Taeyeon nodded.

“What did you do?” Jiyong asked.

Taeyeon grin before she reply


Jiyong narrow his eyes but when he saw Taeyeon smiling, Jiyong went to take her picture with the camera.

“So… where should we go now?” Taeyeon asked.

“Let’s go… I got a place to take you there...” Jiyong replied excitedly.







“Oh my god! That’s totoro!!!” Taeyeon said excitedly after she saw totoro statue.

Jiyong chuckles after he saw Taeyeon excited face.

“Wah~ Daebak~… this place is gem!” Taeyeon continue said happily.

Jiyong went to hold Taeyeon hand before he says

“I should hold you tightly, or you will miss in this park.”

Taeyeon chuckles after Jiyong said that.

“How you know this place?” Taeyeon asked while she’s leaning her face on Jiyong arm.

“Well… I have my own source,” Jiyong replied proudly.

“Cheeky!” Taeyeon said while she pinches Jiyong cheek after he said that.

“Let's go see your favorite character. No face ghost...” Jiyong replied while both of them walking.

They spend more than an hour at the theme park until Taeyeon says she's hungry. Both of them went to the nearby café and enjoying their foods there.

Jiyong wipe his wife mouth after he saw the sauce on her lips.

“Jiyong, thank you for this idea… ” Taeyeon said with happy.

“Glad you like it…so, are you ready for next?” Jiyong asked with wide smiles.

“What next?” Taeyeon asked excitedly.

“Finish the foods first…” Jiyong replied without answering her.

“Why my husband is so kind with me in this trip? Is there anything you want from me?” suddenly Taeyeon asked with suspicious eyes.

Jiyong chuckles after she asked that.

“Dear, you think too much…” Jiyong replied while giggling.

“Are you sure? If you have anything to say or want from me, just ask…” Taeyeon said.

Jiyong look at his wife with smiles and then he went to hold her hand.

“I just want to make my wife happy... you work so hard for the new product, so... let's say this bonus for your hard work...” Jiyong said while looking at her eyes deeply.

Taeyeon get stuck and speechless after Jiyong said that. As for her, never thought to treat herself to a vacation since her Paris vacation. She was busy with her life until she forgot to take a break and enjoying her free time. However, to have Jiyong beside her now, make it feel more special.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Jiyong asked after Taeyeon keep looking at him without saying anything.

Taeyeon shake her head slowly before she says

“Love you more…”

“I know… come, let’s finish our foods…” Jiyong replied before he and Taeyeon continue to eat.







Taeyeon can't blink her eyes after they're arrived at the gallery. She's stunned with the arts in there and her feelings drown with those  arts. Jiyong smiles widely when he can make her wife happy like that.

“You're really in deep love with art, huh?” Jiyong asked by whispering in her ear.

“Yup, I love it so much... I used to dream of opening my own art gallery. Not only that, I want to open my own drawing class to teach the kids how to draw.” Taeyeon replied.

Jiyong look at his wife after she said that.

“Then, why don't you pursue it? I can help you...” Jiyong said.

Taeyeon shakes her head slowly before she reply

“I can't... this is what I'm doing now... my family still have a debt to be pay and the company needed me...”

Jiyong noticed his wife face look sad when she said that. Then, Jiyong turn Taeyeon to face him and he hold her face gently.

“Look… I know that's not your priority right now... but, after everything settle... you still can go reach your dream. Don't lose hope on it... you know you can count on me anytime... got it?” Jiyong asked with smiles.

Taeyeon nodded before she went to hugs Jiyong tightly.

“Thank you… thanks you for this…” Taeyeon replied while hugging him.

“Anything for you, dear.” Jiyong said before he kisses her hair.

Afterward, both of them continue to enjoying the arts at there while chatting happily.








On that night, they decided to have dinner at the guest house. Both of them spend time chatting and look back at the picture they snap during their trip. Jiyong open the beer for them to drink and then he says

“Let's toast for our happiness!”

“Yeah!” Taeyeon replied after the toast.

Jiyong chuckles after he saw Taeyeon frown after she sips the beer.

“What’s wrong?” Jiyong asked.

“This beer taste weird...” Taeyeon replied before she sips again.

“Hey… you don’t have to drink it if you can’t…” Jiyong said try to stop her from drinking it.

“No… I want to drink… this our holiday… I want to enjoy and get happy before we go back…” Taeyeon replied and then she sips the beer again.

“Okay... but stop it before you get drunk...” Jiyong said to remind her.

“Nae~~” Taeyeon replied cutely.

“Here… eat something…” Jiyong said while he put the sushi on her plate.

“Thank you…” Taeyeon replied before she eats the sushi.

Few minutes later, she's finish with her beer, Jiyong noticed his wife face getting redden.

“It's look like she's already drunk...” Jiyong muttered.

Jiyong get up and he went to sit beside Taeyeon.

“Dear, are you okay?” Jiyong asked while he touched her face.

Taeyeon hiccup and then she reply

“I feel sleepy...”

“Come... let's go for a bed,” Jiyong said while holding her hand.

“Bed? Now? It's still early...” Taeyeon replied cutely.

Jiyong smiles and shakes his head after saw Taeyeon getting drunk.

“Then, what you want to do?” Jiyong asked.

“Can we walk at the garden?” Taeyeon asked while pointing to outside.

“Sure… come, let’s go…” Jiyong replied while he’s helping her to get up.

After that, both of them are walking at the guest house garden while holding each other hands.

They take steps slowly while enjoying the garden scenery. Jiyong keep taking a glance at Taeyeon just to make sure she's fine. 

“Jiyong…?” Taeyeon calls him to break the silent between them.

“Yes, dear…” Jiyong replied softly.

“You think... we can success with the new product?” suddenly Taeyeon sked with uneasy.

“Why? You worried about it?” Jiyong asked while looking at her.

Taeyeon nodded.

“I'm not sure if what we're doing right now can help the company...” Taeyeon replied honestly.

“Dear, you and Jiwoong work hard for it... I know the product will be successful. Besides, you're already doing research before launch it, right? The outcome is good, right? So... don't you worry about it...” Jiyong said to comfort his wife feelings.

“Yeah, I know... that's why I pray at the temple before...ask for made things easier for us to pay back the debt. I just want to live calmly with my family... and you, Jiyong. ” Taeyeon replied before she hugs Jiyong arm.

Jiyong release her hand from him before he went to hugs Taeyeon shoulder. After that, Jiyong went to kiss her lips gently.

“Me too…” Jiyong said after the kiss.

“Should we go inside? I already feel cold out here...” Taeyeon said.

“Let’s go…” Jiyong replied before both of them wet back into the room.





Taeyeon is coming out from bathroom by wearing her silk night dress. She wipes her wet hair by walking pass by Jiyong. Jiyong at that time is scrolling his phone, stops his action after he smells his wife nice scent.

“You may use the bathroom now...” Taeyeon said.

Jiyong stares at his wife with heavy breath while his mind already thinking of kissing his wife.

“Jiyong, did they have hair dryer?” Taeyeon continue asked while looking for the hair dryer in the drawer.

“You look so y tonight...” Jiyong blurt out without answering her.

Taeyeon turn to look at her husband after he said that. Then, she saw Jiyong is already staring at her with temptin

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Chapter 50: Ohhh its now the end. This is a good story! Thank you so much.
309818 #2
Chapter 50: Oh its over? Craving for more... Thank you.. All your stories are awesome
MelTT08 #3
Chapter 50: It was really good! I'm sad it's already over 🥲
Chapter 48: I can’t wait for them to meet again. Thanks for the update.
Chapter 46: Fany is here to save the day! Thanks for the update.
309818 #6
Chapter 45: I can't 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 45: Feel so sad for the both of them. I hope Taeyeon and Jiyong can start over again.
tyeam0309 #8
Chapter 44: Fighting authorinm, thank you.
309818 #9
Chapter 44: Huhuhu nooooo 😭😭😭
Chapter 43: Ahhh Jiyong is in trouble again. Hope the chaos will be over soon.