

Kim-Li Chen could have a girlfriend by now if she weren't a complete idiot. And by idiot, she meant slow, jealous, and a little too naive to understand what future Luhan had in mind for them.

While waiting for Luhan to join her for lunch at Dyo's, Chen was on her phone, stalking the music teacher (and coworker) on Instagram like the anxious nut she was. Luhan had plenty of photos, and by plenty, she meant A LOT. Most of them were from trips or concerts she had performed as a singer, along with some peculiar ones where Minseok appeared as if he were her boyfriend.

It was ridiculous because now she knew they weren't dating. But anyone looking at their Instagram would say otherwise. Minseok appeared in at least 40% of Luhan's feed, mostly in familiar places like his grandmother's house in the countryside of Korea, and many, many pictures of him with her family.

"Goodness." Chen murmured, feeling a bit confused.

If they were just friends, why did it seem like something more? As far as she knew, Luhan was a lesbian, so it didn't make sense that they could have had a romantic relationship in the past. That should be the truth, or else Luhan would have mentioned something to her.

Chen sighed, feeling silly. Insecurity was a terrible thing that had haunted her in all her past relationships. Every girl she had dated ended up cheating on her or simply leaving without any explanation. So, she tried to keep her baggage far away from her new journey, not letting her mind wander to the worst possibilities.

As the restaurant started to get busy, Chen tried to be more attentive. She had arranged to meet Luhan at a reserved table in the restaurant, and that's what she was doing. The place had dim and cozy lights, perfect for spending a lot of time talking and eating comfortably. The designer who worked on this place must have had quite a mind because Dyo's was the kind of place you'd never forget, even if you wanted to.

It took about ten minutes for the front door to open again, and Luhan walked in. She looked stunning in tight gray pants, a black tank top, and a brown overcoat. Chen felt quite shy as she watched her make her way to the table. Beautiful women always made her nervous, but a woman like Luhan made her heart race three times faster than when holding her lightstick at any K-pop concert. Nothing even came close.

"G-Good afternoon," she stammered as if at a reception.

Luhan chuckled, settling into the restaurant's armchair with her gorgeous curvy body and the lovely scent of expensive perfume. God, how could a woman like her be real? Chen didn't know.

"Chennie, you don't need to greet me like we're at school."

Yes, she knew that very well! Stupid Kim!

"Um... sorry. I'm still a bit anxious."

Luhan smiled at her, taking the menu. Her well-designed nails skimmed over the plastic, as if she were excited about all the options available that day. Chen didn't know if Luhan had been to Dyo's before, but she hoped so because it was definitely one of her favorite restaurants in the country, and she couldn't bear the thought of not going there anymore.

"So, I recommend you order the carbonara spaghetti. Seriously, I swear there's some kind of drug in that dish! I had it like seven times last month when I came here with..."

Taemin, that's what she was going to say. But her lips locked with the weight of seven mountains, locking like a forbidden curse from the Middle Ages. Oh, how she hated all of that. The memories hurt more than she'd like to admit, especially because he was someone she admired so much.

Luhan bit her lower lip, realizing right away that the topic was delicate. She pretended, or at least had the compassion to pretend, that the name didn't matter.

"I'm sure it's very delicious. Thanks for the recommendation; I'll have that too."

Chen smiled weakly, trying in vain to shake off the sadness she instantly felt when reminded of her former best friend.

"Yeah. Well, it's delicious."

"Have you been here many times then? You know, Minseok is the bartender here. I was surprised when you suggested this place; it's quite a coincidence." She said, laughing as if the situation were truly funny in her mind.

Well, to Chen, it was a bit strange. Because she definitely didn't remember the cute guy with whom Luhan had such a weird friendship.

"Minseok... is your...?" she asked, getting tired of pretending she didn't want to know who he was.

"Oh... it's a complicated story. We... we're friends, sort of like siblings? Something like that... he's practically part of my family now after all this time."

"Ah, so you've known each other for a long time?"

"Yeah, since we were teenagers," Luhan agreed, biting her lip as if considering whether or not to share more information. "Look, it's not exactly... an easy situation. He kind of lived with me for... adverse reasons... his family wasn't the best example. So, I ended up interfering to save him from those jerks. Since then, we've been living together. Grandma adores him and everything."

Chen noticed the mix of emotions on Luhan's face as she spoke about her close friend Kim Minseok. Anger at being so protective, pain at knowing (or rather, seeing) the friend suffer so much, and love for the affection she held for him.

"You are very close, then."

"Well, yes. He's like my brother, so to speak. I love him immensely."

Chen nodded, relaxing a bit more. So, the two had quite a history together, and probably many more stories to share. Who would have thought...

"I see. It's pretty much how I was with..." she paused again, the same lump in bothering her, "Oh, I'm sorry. I just... I still can't talk about him like that."

"It's okay, Chen. I understand."

The girl nodded, looking away to the menu.

"So, what are you going to have?"

"The carbonara and maybe a sparkling water."

"Ugh, I can't believe it."

Luhan widened her eyes, concerned.

"What's wrong?"

"Sparkling water. The taste of it... is terrible!" Chen hid a teasing smile, "I think we'd be better off with a bottle of wine. What do you think?"

"Oh, are you trying to get me drunk, Kim-Li Chen?"

Suddenly, she wasn't so brave to anymore. Luhan's y face was too much for a poor thing like her.

"Um-ah ha-ha, yes, maybe? Who knows, uh? Perhaps?"

"Alright. It's your call, then." Luhan smiled broadly, "But I should warn you, I get a bit dangerous when I drink. If I end up singing you to my apartment later, put some sense into me!"

Chen's eyes widened in shock. Was she implying things, or was her mind playing tricks on her? Could she start daydreaming? It felt like a dream come true to think like that: her, Luhan, an empty apartment, and lots of hot kisses. Ah, God was truly faithful.

The date passed just as she had imagined: she got to know much about Luhan, from her most sordid details to the size she wore on her ring finger (that information had been calculated). Chen never thought she could daydream without having problems with her wild imagination. But for the first time in who knows how long, she felt that she had made the right choice when she decided, in her heart, to give love another chance. And she was eternally grateful that the person in her life right now was someone like Luhan.


Park Chanyeol stood, looking at the abandoned pub he intended to buy. The address he was given was a bit far from the city, but he took it as a challenge. His goal now was to turn ChoppKobo into such a trendy pub that people from all over the country would go crazy to visit, just like they did with Dyo's. Turning a place into a sensation required effort, connections, and good employees. So, he would have to work hard to achieve all of that.

He entered the place and opened it with the key, feeling his heart beat faster with joy. He had called Minseok to help him with everything, but he wasn't sure if the bartender could take a few hours off his shift. The truth was, this project had already become a joint effort between the two, and Chanyeol was thrilled about it. Having a pub with his boyfriend seemed like a couple's dream that he hadn't even dared to imagine.

Right away, Park smelled the dust rising in the air. He sneezed what felt like fifty times and moved through the dark place. Everything was big and dark, which would be a problem. Unlike Dyo's, ChoppKobo had to shine brighter than a Milky Way. Chanyeol wanted to fill that place with bands, shows, and indie events; so any light he could put there would not be enough.

The former owner of the place arrived a few minutes later, while Park was still rearranging the chairs and the counter, realizing that there was plenty of space for drinks. The guy, Choi Minho, was known for being a famous businessman in Gangnam. His father had introduced them, and since then, they had been doing business together when needed. Just like now, they were about to close another deal.

"Good morning, Park. How are you?" Minho said as he settled in.

Chanyeol noticed that he was dressed in expensive clothes just like him. It was no secret, however, that, in general, playboys had the same essence. Whether they liked it or not, Chanyeol knew that once a playboy, always a playboy.

"Hello. I'm great, and very excited. This place here is amazing, huh?"

Minho agreed, smiling widely.

"I ended up buying it from a former brothel and turned it into a bar. But now I need to sell it because this area is becoming crowded with restaurants. It's hard to compete."

Chanyeol smiled sideways.

"Competition is my thing. I'm sure ChoppKobo will be a hit in a few months. You'll hear a lot about it."

"Definitely." Minho added, "But that name... not very appealing, don't you think?"

"Hmm... maybe. I'm still thinking about what name to use. Minseok, my boyfriend, also has to decide with me which name he wants, as we'll be partners."

Suddenly, Minho was in a state of bewilderment. He looked as if he had just discovered the cure for all diseases in the world. This didn't scare or make Chanyeol insecure as before, on the contrary. Minseok taught him to have the courage to be who he was, and Park Chanyeol would never be ashamed of loving the man who saved his life. Even if their relationship could come to an end one day, Chanyeol would never stop loving and admiring him for teaching him so much.

"O-oh... right. I-if your boyfriend is the partner, I mean, the partners who should decide, uh?"

Park nodded in agreement.


Minho quickly agreed, looking away and trying in vain to pretend that it didn't bother him. Chanyeol didn't pay attention to his reaction, and he knew that this was by far the best reaction he could have regarding who he was. After all, in general, Minho wasn't someone with particularly relevant opinions to offer. So, he simply ignored it and continued asking about the bar as if nothing had happened:

"So, is this place free from pests and dampness? It's a concern I have when I see that everything here is made of wood."

Minho timidly agreed.

"Yes, yes. The place is perfect, just with a few more worn-out things, you know, from the time we've been here. My dad rented this bar for a good fifteen years, so maybe it needs a renovation."

Chanyeol agreed, already visualizing what he was trying to say.

"That won't be difficult. I have plenty of money now that I sold all my cars; maybe I just need to keep it between us." He paused, looking Choi in the eyes, "Can it be?"

"Uh... sure. Whatever you want."

Park smiled as if he had won the day.

"Great. Then, it's a deal. I believe we have a business."

"Right. We can settle everything about the paperwork with the lawyers later, if you want."

Chanyeol nodded.

"Yes, that's fine with me. I think it will be better that way. Thank you very much, Minho. I appreciate your willingness to accompany me on the inspection."

Choi forced a yellowish smile.

"It's the least I can do. Your father... is a major investor in Palace Corporation. Think of it as a thank you for years of his help in our businesses."

"I don't want to involve my father in this." Chanyeol disagreed, "I prefer that we both figure things out on our own, like grown men. Don't you think it's high time to take control of your own assets?"

The way his words sounded harsh surprised Minho. The poor and submissive Park Chanyeol, who used to be at the mercy of parties, cheap investments, and facade manipulation, had grown into a person slightly better than his character had been judged. Breaking free from his father's wings was the best thing he had ever done because now he had his own wings to fly away from there, if he wanted to. Eventually, that was what he would like to do with Minseok by his side.

"Look, Chanyeol, I know you're going through a delicate time in your life, but you don't have to act like everyone around you should follow... the same things you're interested in."

Chanyeol frowned.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that you clearly are not the same person. Okay, I got it, you changed. But some of us like what we do, and it has nothing to do with wanting to be a rockstar or something like that."

"I don't understand. Do you think I'm advising you to give up your entire life for nothing? That's not what I said." His voice became a bit more intense, but he took a deep breath not to get carried away, "Minho, I admire you, and I think you deserve more than just a position where they treat you like an idiot. Don't be afraid to confront what you think is right just because you're an heir."

Choi fell silent, seemingly contemplating what he was being told. He scratched his chin and crossed his arms, a bit lost on how to proceed from there. Perhaps he wanted to vent, to say something that could turn his life upside down if he didn't let it out. Chanyeol understood that and encouraged him, saying:

"Speak. Come on, say what you mean."

"You're such an idiot." He said, anger showing, "I'm not a puppet! Your father is not the same as mine, and your experience with his company doesn't reflect mine at all. I enjoy what I do because I'm efficient and capable; I don't need anyone telling me what to do."

"That's not what-"

"You know what, Chanyeol? Screw you. I'll have my lawyers talk to you about the bar. If you want to settle things between us, fine, but I won't tolerate you insulting me just because all of a sudden you're gay and free, or whatever."

Chanyeol huffed, realizing he had been misunderstood.

"Fine. I'll keep my opinions to myself now." He paused before adding, "Also, I'm not gay. I'm biual, and I'd appreciate it if you could separate your prejudice from your judgment of me."

This made Minho blush. It was inappropriate to be seen as rude in that circle, even if prejudice against the different was something natural for people like him. People preferred to pretend they didn't think that way rather than truly admitting to being the jerks they were. But when it happened in the family, it resulted in aggression—just like the one Chanyeol received from his own father.

"O-okay. Goodbye, then."

Chanyeol agreed, watching him leave the bar with heavy steps. He snorted, angry about everything that had happened so far. Okay, he had been wrong to judge him so easily, but receiving an insult about his uality was becoming more common than he thought. He didn't know who he could trust now that he was finally accepting his true identity. Would his old friends still be the same? Did he care that much? So much had gone through his mind in recent years that it felt like he was living a horror show. It was not easy to realize that he might have to take a completely different path for his life from that moment on.

When he chose Kim Minseok, Chanyeol also chose his freedom from things that had hurt him without him realizing it. It made his heart realize that perhaps not all the people around him had good intentions. In fact, every passing day, Park Chanyeol realized that this was much rarer than he had imagined.


The Do's mansion was an extremely huge and chic place. So big that Baekhyun felt like an ant just stepping into that luxurious place. It wasn't a mansion, but it would certainly pass for one to a less observant person. When his boyfriend told him not to be nervous about Yuri's wedding, Baekhyun tried to trust his good judgment. But as soon as Kyungsoo veered off the route to Seoul and headed for the chic and distant neighborhoods, the reality hit the pastry chef like a comet at 100 km/hr.

Kyungsoo was rich. Rich, the millionaire kind. Well, maybe his father was the millionaire, but he wasn't too far behind either. It was mind-boggling for Baekhyun's slow mind to digest – why Kyungsoo's apartment wasn't as expensive as the wealth of ordinary people in Seoul. Kyungsoo didn't live in Daechi-dong, but he didn't live in any periphery either. It was an expensive place for Baekhyun's pocket, as he didn't earn as well as he wished, but for a 5-star chef, it was the perfect place. However, his family home was completely different.

The first thing Baekhyun noticed was the cars in the garage. Every single one of them should cost a fortune. He didn't even know which car was which, as he had always been terrible at identifying brands and models of cars he had never seen before in his life. So, he was just impressed for a moment, and soon realized that it would last for a long time because every inch of that house screamed money.

Both of them stood side by side at the front door of the mansion and were greeted by two employees hired for the party. Right away, the pastry chef noticed the large columns that rose to the ceiling on the entrance veranda, as well as the vases with strange plants that looked somewhat exotic for the occasion. The house had large windows separating the floors, and Baekhyun counted three of them. He imagined the architecture of the house was classical, with balconies in the rooms, a large meadow in the backyard, and a big swimming pool. Kyungsoo had told him stories about these places before, but only now he could visualize them properly, like a child going to Disney for the first time.

As they entered through the front door, Baekhyun noticed right away that the entrance hall was well-lit. Kyungsoo mentioned that his mother sometimes had someone to help with the cleaning, but most of the time, it was just their family there. That justified in Baekhyun's mind why the place was so secluded from the rest of the world; it was practically a little paradise. But looking at the size of the house scared him, as he imagined the cleaning must be quite a task.

As soon as they arrived, they didn't have much time for a tour because they weren't just guests; they also had to work with the food for the party. Kyungsoo would personally cook that night and take over his old kitchen, which his mother had specially preserved for him over the years. So, they were both led to the back of the place where the ceremony would take place.

The meadow was already decorated with tents and landscaping so beautiful it could make anyone who didn't have the purchasing power of those people jealous. Baekhyun felt cheap just looking at it and began to think that if, by some twist of fate, he and Kyungsoo managed to get married, he would never be able to afford anything like that. I mean, he still lived with Sehun in an old and moldy apartment; all that luxury was a world totally opposite to his.

Kyungsoo smiled at him while showing him around and greeting people. Baekhyun noticed that his hand never left Kyungsoo's waist, clearly indicating that they were a couple and not just friends. That was coming out in grand style, the pastry chef thought, every time Kyungsoo introduced them to another family member.

Baekhyun smiled along with him, but deep down, he wanted to cry. It was the first time in his existence that a boyfriend wasn't ashamed of him, his exaggerated style with flaming orange hair, his exuberant way of laughing, or their relationship. He had never been introduced to anyone's family before, except for friends' families or Sehun's. So, this was a special moment they were having together, and maybe Kyungsoo had no idea how important it was for him.

After they were briefed on the tasks for the night, they both went to the area where they would work with the food. They had to organize all the dishes so that the team could execute them without any difficulties, although Kyungsoo would probably take charge of the main dishes himself. He was too much of a perfectionist to leave the work to someone else when it came to the most meticulous details.

In the kitchen, Baekhyun could see how everything felt strangely familiar. It wasn't just a simple family kitchen; it had a huge space to move around between the stove (which he was also familiar with) and the countertop (which Baekhyun became obsessed with).

"Surprised?" Kyungsoo commented as he helped him check all the utensils in view.

"Why do I feel like I've been here before?"

"Because you have. We're in Dyo's kitchen, or rather, the part of it that I couldn't reproduce," Kyungsoo chuckled softly, pointing to the huge stove that took up the entire countertop. "Especially this one. There's no model that comes close to this big guy; you'll see how incredible it is."

Baekhyun was genuinely impressed because, upon closer inspection, it was obvious: that kitchen was like an even older version of Dyo’s. The restaurant already had its vintage charm, something that Byun always admired. But that kitchen was different. That kitchen had a delicate care, a sensitive touch that Baekhyun suspected was related to his dear mother-in-law, if he could call her that.

"It's beautiful, Kyungsoo. Really. It's a wonderful kitchen."

Kyungsoo agreed as he took off his coat and rolled up his shirt sleeves. They were wearing the same outfit, with the only difference being the color of the shocking pink ribbon details on Baekhyun's outfit, contrasting with the light green on Kyungsoo's. In a way, they were colors that suited both of them.

"I'm really glad you liked it. It's... a gift my mother gave me. This place is very special to me, so I wanted to try to bring a little of it to my restaurant. This is where I learned to cook, Baek. This is where I built all my most precious memories."

Baekhyun could tell from the sparkle in the chef's eyes that his happiness was genuine. He rarely saw Kyungsoo this happy, and now he was admiring the kitchen with Baekhyun sharing the space. Kyungsoo smiled at the pastry chef as wide as he could. He was genuinely happy to have him there.

"I never thought I'd one day be able to bring you here. It feels like I'm dreaming."

Baekhyun chuckled softly at his innocence. Kyungsoo had such a pure side that instantly enchanted him. He was like any other person, and like anyone else, he had sides he didn't show to anyone. Recognizing that only he had the privilege of seeing all those facets was a feeling unlike anything he had experienced before. It had the flavor of love and something deeper. Something he still wanted to experience.

"I'm happy to be here too, Soo." The pastry chef paused, pondering whether to confess his feelings now or save them for a more melancholic moment.

He really wanted to tell Kyungsoo that he felt so special at that very moment because he was the first person to take Baekhyun's love seriously. It scared him deeply, but at the same time, it amazed him. The feeling of being able to have a normal relationship with the person he loved shouldn't be a privilege for a few, but for people like Baekhyun, it was. Hidden relationships were all he had known in life, so he couldn't help but be shocked every time his boyfriend introduced him as such. Everything he had ever wanted was there, in the hands of the person he loved most on the planet.

"Thank you," he simply said, looking at Kyungsoo, who stood in the middle of the kitchen with a broad smile.

The chef's expression showed understanding. He might not know exactly what Baekhyun was feeling, but he understood that it was a special moment. And that was enough.

"I guess we can start now. There's still a lot to do here."

Baekhyun timidly agreed and went to the refrigerator to take out the ingredients needed for dinner.

"Baekkie..." Kyungsoo called from afar, catching his attention.

Baekhyun approached him after gathering all the ingredients in both hands. He bit his lip and looked into Kyungsoo's eyes with a glimmer dancing there. Byun was curious and gave him the time he needed to finally speak:

"I'm proud of you. I know you were upset with me at first for doing everything without any agreement between us. But I've always believed in your potential, and I think you have a talent that you still don't recognize. Thank you for not giving up on my restaurant."

With all his humility as the owner of a 5-star Michelin restaurant, Do Kyungsoo was now thanking Baekhyun for making a choice the pastry chef had never imagined when he returned to Korea months ago. Despite always doing his best to prove his worth in an industry full of sharks, Baekhyun knew that there were certain positions in his profession that would eventually affect his self-esteem. Pursuing a luxury profession when one didn't have much purchasing power was a burden he would have to carry for the rest of his life. It wasn't perfect, but it was his reality. Just like now.

"I... appreciate your comment, Kyungsoo. And I thank you for helping me grow. Without you or Dyo's, I might never have overcome my fear of failure."

"You won't fail, Baek," he smiled, big and charming, heart-shaped, "You have me. I'd never let you down."

"I know that now," Baekhyun smiled, holding his hands in his, "But now, let's get to work! We have a whole dinner to make."

Kyungsoo agreed, taking off his coat and looking for aprons for both of them to wear. He still smiled because it was clear that the moment was a dream come true for him, as he had confessed earlier. The chef gave clear instructions for Baekhyun to help him with part of the dinner and then move on to the pre-prepared desserts. Among the staff from Dyo's, only Taeyeon, Tao, and Sooyoung were assigned to the setup service. The other waiters present were hired, and Minseok's absence could be justified by the fact that they would only be serving wines that night, no cocktails. All at the request of the bride.

It was a somewhat peculiar night, Baekhyun thought. They had managed to do everything they had planned, but the experience gained there was a bit different. Serving upper-class people required more attention to detail and much more analysis than he had imagined. Kyungsoo, of course, handled everything effortlessly. But Baekhyun relied on the help of other staff members to get the final details right. He tried to approach the experience without too much pressure, with the awareness that he was also there to have fun. But it wasn't until they remembered the éclairs that his panic returned to haunt him.

Baekhyun was a little sweaty, on his way back to the kitchen while the party continued in the meadow. He encountered Do Kyungsoo at the stove, finishing seasoning what seemed to be a black truffle risotto. The dish caught the pastry chef's eye the moment he recognized it, as it was extremely expensive.

"Kyungsoo... I don't want to pressure you or anything, but... I think we both forgot about the éclairs."

Kyungsoo didn't stop stirring the pan and merely gestured with his other hand to the refrigerator.

"I made them last night. They're all in there," he said, quickly taking the plate off the heat to start assembling it.

"Did you make them all by yourself?" Baekhyun asked, completely shocked.

Kyungsoo laughed as he plated everything perfectly. The smell was divine, and the presentation was equally impressive. When he finished the first plate in record time, he turned his attention to the pastry chef, who seemed hypnotized by seeing him in action in his own kitchen for the first time.

"I had some help, Baekkie. But you know that the éclair will always be my only recipe in your branch. Don't be upset about it."

"I'm not upset; I'm... impressed."

He stared at Kyungsoo, smiling broadly while still holding the heavy pan in his hands.

"Good. Because I think we'll have to keep it on the menu."

Baekhyun agreed, aware of what that really meant: one way or another, he would have to learn to make that darn pastry!

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59 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
59 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
59 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
59 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
59 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
59 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
59 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
59 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
59 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.