


Chen had to climb exactly 8 flights of stairs to reach her apartment, number 47, located in a run-down building in the suburbs of Seoul. Perhaps "suburb" wouldn't be the correct term, but that's what people called it, and she wasn't going to be the one to correct them.

As soon as she unlocked the door, she noticed the smell of incense and lit candles in every corner, indicating that her roommate Taemin had probably already arrived. Which was an extraordinary and rare occurrence: he rarely ever came home before 7 p.m. He had his commitments around the city, if you could even understand what they were.

She made her way to the living room, only to find him contorted on the floor in front of the sofa. One of his legs was stretched out in a split, while the other was behind his ear, as if he wasn't making the slightest effort to make it humanly possible.

Sometimes, Chen doubted that he could be from another planet.

Taemin was still focused on the position, so he didn't notice her arrival. Or perhaps he chose not to say anything. Chen took off her bag and left her things on the small table next to the sofa, being careful not to disturb him.

The background music seemed to be played by little elves inside the stereo. A soft and calm flute made the atmosphere relaxing and comfortable. She had to give him credit: Taemin really knew how to create a good ambiance.

"I'm almost done, Little Flower," he whispered to her. That's how he greeted her every day since they met, just because she wore some flower clips in her hair that day. Sunflowers, to be specific. Chen loved sunflowers.

Taemin returned to a more feasible position and reached for the remote to lower the music.

He opened his eyes and smiled at her, as if he was waking up from a deep sleep.

"Hello. How are we today?" Chen laughed.

"I'm fine. You, on the other hand, seem more inspired than ever. Have you started giving yoga classes?"

Taemin was an instructor in anything that involved moving his body: yoga, dance, and even massages. He excelled in everything, which was a relief for Chen's tense back.

"Yes. I have a small class in the morning." Taemin lowered his body again, stretching. He seemed to never keep his body still, constantly needing to move.

"Maybe you could recommend me? I think I need some classes." Chen pretended to stretch, playing along with him, when in reality her muscle started to ache. She made a pained expression.

Taemin laughed at her pose.

"Maybe you do need them." The guy got up from the floor, walking from the living room to the kitchen. He grabbed a box of orange juice from the fridge and poured two glasses for them.

Chen smiled. Her roommate always welcomed her like this, with great consideration.

There was also the fact that he had been part of her family, so they had a good connection, even if many people might think otherwise.

He and her brother Kai had dated for quite some time, much longer than they could count. It had been so long that everyone had gotten used to having the dancing boy around, and when they broke up, the family couldn't let go of Taemin. No one wanted to be free of him yet. Especially not her.

They had ended things on good terms, for reasons Chen still didn't know. Neither of them had spoken about it. But it shouldn't be a big deal because they still saw each other regularly, went out together, and everything. Like a couple of friends who had known each other for a long time.

To other people, it might seem strange. But to them, it was normal. The two of them matched so well, and Taemin seemed more like Kai's brother than she did. Which was crazy.

Or maybe not.

Kai was never really similar to her anyway. Always composed and responsible, not to mention that their appearances had nothing in common.

He was much more handsome than her.

"And how was your day, Little Flower?" Taemin asked her with his gentle voice, as if he had just emerged from the environment they were in a few minutes ago.

"It was great, Min! You won't believe it! That classroom is perfect. Perfect in every sense of the word! I swear it was built for me!" The instructor flashed a big smile at her, mirroring her joy.

"I'm glad you liked it. It's everything you wanted, right?"

"More than anything! It's perfect! You have to see how the sunlight hits it perfectly! The lighting... Aaah." To an outside observer, it might seem like she was in love. Like she had experienced a beautiful period romance with that classroom, within the span of 4 hours.

But she loved everything about it!

She had been to many schools, but this one seemed special and different from the others. Maybe it was because she felt that the teachers really cared about the learning and development of their young students. And that made her very happy.

Taemin was smiling at her, proud.

"Did you tell your brother about it? I'm sure he would love to know." Ah, her brother. She had actually tried calling him, but Kai never answered.

"I haven't talked to him today. Do you know if he's okay?" Taemin glanced at her for just a few seconds before returning to his juice.

"He's fine. Just tired from all the activity at the bar."

"How do you know more about my brother than I do?" Taemin shrugged.

"Habit. We're always in touch." Chen furrowed her brow.

She didn't know how they always managed to talk, but it was quite obvious that they were in contact 24/7. And that was exactly what she didn't understand.

Why on earth were they still so close? Even after breaking up?

Taemin chuckled softly.

"Don't start, love. You always scrunch up your face when you think too much."


"No more. We're friends. Old friends. I know how to handle Kai, that's all."

"He thinks you're not friends anymore?"

"He thinks we should have never broken up." Chen was in shock.

He didn't want to break up. Why did it seem so obvious now? Of course he didn't want to break up. Kai had always loved Taemin, ever since they met.

Her friend was now playing with the glass, lost in thought.

"And why did you decide to break up?"

"Because I didn't want to deceive him. I couldn't bear it. I know what it's like to have the illusion that someone loves you. The disappointment that follows... it's cruel." He stopped fidgeting with the glass and stood up from the chair. "But enough of that, let's cheer up tonight and celebrate your new job." He smiled again, opening the fridge.

"What do you have in mind?"

"Hmm... I don't know. How about going out? Going to a restaurant and having a drink? Tomorrow's Saturday."

"I'm not sure, Taemin... it's getting a bit late." The guy looked at his watch, raising his eyebrows.

"Is 9:45 p.m. late for you?" The girl laughed.

"Sorry. I'm a bit tired. I think we should do something casual tonight and celebrate tomorrow." He turned to her, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"It's up to you..." The girl smiled.

"Thanks for understanding." Chen got up from the chair, stretching to shake off the tiredness. "I think I'll take a shower. Then I'll help with dinner, how about that?"

Taemin looked at her, a bit skeptical.

"I think just the shower is enough. I don't need your... culinary skills..." She was speechless.

"I can't believe it! You too? Seriously!" Her friend laughed.

"I've tasted your cooking once, and I think it was enough for a lifetime."

"I can't believe I'm hearing this from you!" Taemin went to the cupboard, laughing at his friend.

"Believe it. Maybe you should take some cooking classes. Or simply buy the meals."

"Ooor... you can keep cooking for me." The teacher gave him an innocent smile. Or a forced innocent smile.

The guy shook his head.

"You're hopeless. Go. Go take a shower, I'll finish up here." Chen rushed to give him a light hug.

"Thank you, Min. I love you." The other snorted, laughing.

"Yeah, right. You love my cooking."

"That too. But you, most of all."

"Alright, Little Flower. I'll pretend to accept that." The girl laughed before leaving the kitchen and heading to the hallway.

The truth was, yes, she loved Taemin's cooking as much as she loved him. But that didn't negate the fact that she owed him a lot.

When Chen had to go through difficult times, it was Taemin and her brother Kai who were by her side, holding her hand. In a way, she felt taken care of by both of them, as if they were her guardians. And it was comforting to be able to rely on them in that way. The three of them were very close.

And she hoped they could remain that way for a long time.

The girl was already in her room, choosing the clothes she would wear, when her phone vibrated. Strange. She wasn't used to talking to anyone other than Kai, so she was curious to know who could be messaging her at this hour. She unlocked her phone, only to stand there not knowing what to do. There was a message from Luhan, the elven fairy.

Oh. My. God.

Chen definitely had to control herself. She couldn't freak out like this. Well, of course, Luhan was kind of her idol. I mean, the girl had talent, and she hoped that one day she could see her in one of those colorful music videos on TV.

When Luhan played with her former band, Chen was mesmerized.

She was really good. More than that, she was phenomenal. She played the drums with a guy with long blond hair who was tall and caught everyone's attention wherever they went. In a way, they made quite a pair. They really looked like the elves from the game that inspired the name of the band: Legend of Zelda. Chen suspected it was more the guy's idea than Luhan's, as she didn't seem so into games.

At least, that's what her brother said.

But now, she stared at her phone, trying to control all these feelings she had been holding onto for so long. She felt a bit pathetic, she would admit, but it couldn't be helped. She didn't know how to feel differently.

The girl opened the messaging app with a smile on her lips:

Luhan: good evening, Kim-Li Chen! how are youuu?
Chen: Hii!! ^^~
Chen: good and you?
Luhan: Oh... there you are! haha.
Luhan: I...
Luhan: Actually, I would like to say something to you...

Oh. My. God. What, in the entire universe, could she ask of Chen? The girl felt like she could have a heart attack.


Chen: yeah yeah~~ what is it?
Luhan: well... I'll do a pocket shot at Spinnet this Saturday night...
Luhan: would you like to go? I guess this is a great opportunity for us to get to know each other
Luhan: since we are going to work together now...

Oh, Spinnet. God, how could she tell the girl that this was her older brother's bar? She would think it was the weirdest thing ever! Like she was a stalker! I mean... would that count as stalking? God. Chen couldn't even think straight anymore.

Chen: Yes! That would be great!
Luhan: Ah, I'm glad.
Luhan: See you there then... :D
Chen: Okay, okay ^^~
Luhan: Haha... you're even cute through messages.
Luhan: Good night, Chen!
Chen: Good night~~

Chen locked her phone and threw it away on the bed.

Did Luhan just call her cute?


Baekhyun woke up to the sound of the shrill doorbell in the apartment. It was maddening as always.

Even if he put a pillow to block out the sound or tore his eardrums out, he couldn't make the damn doorbell stop ringing throughout the entire building.

The person was being persistent. A real pain in the .

He got up, stomping his way to the door, which he flung open with all his anger and frustration.

"What?!!" Someone was standing there with their head down, but it didn't take long for Baekhyun to know who it was. The smell of mint was already strong enough to remind him that today was Saturday. Which meant it was the day of his class with Kim Minseok.

Damn it.

"Good morning, Carrot." the bartender said, lifting his head covered by the cap turned backward, greeting him with his characteristic smile on his face. "You finally woke up?" He didn't even give Baekhyun a chance to think, already entering his house in one go.

He left some full bags on top of his coffee table and looked at a cross-armed Baekhyun, still in his boxers.

Damn it. He was wearing his boxers! What was he thinking?

Minseok raised an eyebrow, laughing ironically.

"Now, this is what I call a warm welcome. This day is already starting off wonderfully." Baekhyun started to blush.

"What... what are you doing here? It's still..." He looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was already 8:30. Well, he was the one running late. In his own house. Byun sighed. "I'll get dressed."

"You can stay like that. It's your house after all."

"Smartass." Minseok smiled at the pastry chef.

"You seem to be stressed in the morning... I'll remember that." Byun rolled his eyes.

"I'll be right back. Make yourself at home, you can put your stuff in the kitchen."

"Okay." Minseok smiled.

Baekhyun turned to his room, knowing for sure that the other must be checking out his . Unfortunately, he didn't have a small one, which made some guys like it, even though he found it ridiculous. He felt huge.

But apparently, Minseok was one of those guys.

And hell, why was he so handsome?

Baekhyun thought that he probably wouldn't be able to handle being around him after seeing him outside of the uniform. In some way, the bartender looked even more delicious in a simple black t-shirt, jeans, and a backward cap. Yes, the black eyeliner was still smudged around his eyes, but this time it gave him a rebellious and youthful look. Which didn't help Baekhyun at all.

He left the room already dressed in regular cooking attire, something that wouldn't accentuate anything. He didn't want the other giving him looks and teasing, he'd go crazy.

But when he arrived in the kitchen, he realized it wasn't effective. Minseok was there, waiting for him with his arms crossed.

"So, Carrot... shall we begin?"

"Show some respect, as I'm your teacher now." Minseok smiled, making a bow.

"Proceed, Master." Byun nodded, disbelieving. What was he thinking when he agreed to this? It was all the fault of that Fraisier.

"You know, if it weren't for that Fraisier..." The other approached, crossing his arms with a smile still on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you do that for me? Were you already thinking about all this?" He pointed to the groceries, referring to the classes.

"I don't know." But something told him that he did know, and very well! "Why do you think I made you the Fraisier, Baekhyun?"

The pastry chef pondered on that for a moment. Wasn't there an explicit reason for it, right? Besides trying to buy his help?

"I really don't know. I guess to buy some help?" Minseok smiled, as if he expected to hear those exact words.

"In part." He smiled mischievously. "I knew you were a pastry chef, so I tried to make something that fit in your area. But I don't know how to cook many dishes from the restaurant, so there really wasn't any other choice."

"Well, I'm not the best... maybe you should ask someone from the kitchen to help you." Baekhyun still had a lot to learn in the kitchen if he wanted to reach the level of Kyungsoo. What he knew probably amounted to less than half of his chef's knowledge. And Baekhyun really wanted to follow in his footsteps (not that he would admit that to him someday, he would die of embarrassment).

"I don't need them. I need someone to teach me how to make bread." Byun frowned.


"For sandwiches." Ah, right. For his bar.

Well, he really needed to develop some subtlety in the kitchen. In pubs, they served easy and good food. So Minseok needed his dishes to be memorable and perfect. That's the only way to hold his audience. Through their stomachs, just like he did with Baekhyun.

"So maybe I can help you with that."

"Exactly." He winked at the pastry chef, who found his action amusing.

"Okay. So... what did you bring there?" The other smiled, opening the bags.

There were various good ingredients of different types, for sweet and savory dishes, Korean and foreign.

"I didn't really have a vision of how to start, so I ended up getting everything... But you decide what might be easier. No pressure." No pressure.

Sure. But it was more than evident that Baekhyun was under pressure, he had never given a lesson in his entire life.

"I need to know what you've cooked before, how, and if it's been a while since you've cooked."

"Ah... I should have studied for the test." The other smiled, dragging a chair from the table, sitting down.

The redhead just gave him an ironic look. It was funny how he felt so comfortable in his house, even though they barely knew each other. Or maybe it was more ironic.

"There are no tests, I just want to know what you've done... I need a baseline." The bartender looked at him thoughtfully.

"I've made some typical dishes: bibimbap, bulgogi, tteokbokki, japchae, and ramyeon. Mostly Korean or Japanese. I don't get along well with Chinese food. As for desserts... I specialize more in cakes. And of course, I'm an expert in drinks. All of them." Baekhyun nodded.

"Alright. So... maybe we should focus on making something simpler today? A dessert? What do you think?"

"You're the boss, Chef." The redhead laughed.

"I'll get used to that."

"I hope so." He said, winking before opening the bags. Perhaps the pastry chef would have a challenging time ahead as a teacher. He felt like his student wouldn't give him a moment's peace.

Byun approached the table, rummaging through the ingredients. Minseok had bought some great Belgian chocolate

 that would be delicious in a brownie. Ah. That would be perfect!

"We could make a brownie. What do you think?" The brunette looked at him, with a smirk on his face.

"Chocolate? You know it's the food of passion, right?" He was teasing him again. Couldn't Baekhyun have peace from Kim Minseok even inside his own house?

"That's not true." Oh Sehun cut off the bartender's speech with his deep voice of a mad scientist. "Nowadays, chocolates have too much sugar, which would more likely give you diabetes and cardiovascular diseases." Baekhyun turned around, startled by his friend's sudden appearance, while Minseok gave him a amused look.

"Oh, sorry, sir. Maybe I should have bought a healthier chocolate. That way, it would have some effect."

"If you want to know... maybe you should. Sugar is a dangerous macromolecule for the health of modern society." The pastry chef turned to his colleague, shocked.

"You eat sweets every damn day, Oh Sehun!" Minseok laughed.

"Do as I say, not as I do." The bartender said, winking at the tall guy.

Sehun smiled shyly, sheepishly.

"I have a problem with sugar, so I'm working on it. But I'll get better."

"I believe in you. By the way, nice to meet you, I'm Kim Minseok. I work with Baek." Sehun turned to the small guy sitting at the table, furrowing his brow.

It was so customary for him that the redhead didn't even realize it. But Minseok seemed a bit anxious, making a bow. Maybe he thought the older guy was bothered by his lack of formality, but that was just his friend being shortsighted. Sometimes, Baekhyun forgot how intimidating Sehun could seem to someone who didn't know him.

"Pleasure... Oh Sehun." He said simply.

Baekhyun wanted to laugh. His hyung really was something else in the world.

"Sehun has been my roommate since college." He explained.

"Aaah..." The bartender seemed a bit cautious.

Sehun nodded affirmatively, while the other evaluated him. It was funny, but maybe all of the programmer's height had intimidated the bartender. Baekhyun never thought he would see the day when Kim Minseok would feel intimidated by someone.

"Shall we start then? I think we can start gathering what we'll need." The brunette nodded to the pastry chef, still a little shy in Sehun's presence.

"Can I make some coffee first?" He asked, already heading towards the stove. It wasn't really a request. But Byun didn't wait for it to be.

"You know, maybe you should take it easy with the coffee..." Baekhyun knew his friend was conscious of that. But even when you're extremely sad, all the awareness in the world doesn't help you from sinking. That was the role the redhead thought he should play now.

Sehun smiled weakly at him.

"I'll work in my room for a while, but if you need anything, Baekkie, just call me." He was changing the subject. Of course, he was. He wouldn't touch such a personal matter with Minseok around. But that only made Byun's heartache. He couldn't stand seeing his friend like this anymore, it had to end.

A short while later, Sehun left the kitchen with his coffee, and it was just the two of them alone again.

Minseok had already gathered all the ingredients for the brownie, except for the nuts.

"We're missing a nut." The bartender looked at him, amused.

"Well, well, we have a nerd here." Baekhyun smiled.

"I almost went crazy memorizing all those classes in college, so I might as well use them while I'm alive." Minseok nodded.

"Great argument as always, Carrot Legume."

"Don't play smart, Minseok." The other laughed.

"Come on, show me around your kitchen, I don't want to be snooping in all the cabinets." The redhead laughed as he headed for the cabinets.

His kitchen wasn't very big, so he had to make a little effort not to bump into Minseok all the time. Baekhyun pointed out where he kept his utensils and all the appliances that might be needed until the end of the supposed cooking course.

The square baking pan was already waiting on the counter when the bartender brought over some bowls and spoons in his hands. They would need at least two bowls, as they still had to melt all that chocolate for the batter.

"Maybe we should wash all this, it's been a while since I've touched any of this for cooking."

"Leave it to me, Chef." The brunette saluted playfully.

Minseok headed to the kitchen sink with all the utensils in hand. It was incredible how skilled he could be. Baekhyun suspected that it wouldn't be long before the bartender showed himself as a great cook to the world. He had all the dexterity needed in the kitchen. It was admirable.

But as soon as the bartender the faucet, it exploded in a steady jet that soaked a good part of his shirt. Baekhyun was shocked.

The faucet had never been that great, but he didn't expect that.

Being an old apartment, a lot of things needed renovation, including the plumbing, which sometimes had too much pressure and sometimes too little. That faucet was really a nightmare in the lives of everyone who frequented that apartment.

"Now, that's what I call a good washing." The brunette joked, shaking his arms that were dripping with water.

"Oh my God. I'm sorry, Minseok. It's been decades since the plumbing needed renovation."

"It's okay. I totally understand. My apartment has the same problem with the wiring." Apartments might just be a pain anywhere.

"You can change your shirt, I have some that will fit you. Come with me." The redhead was dying of embarrassment.

Did it really have to happen to them, there, at that moment? Could life get any worse?

The pastry chef headed to the hallway, towards his room. Once there, he opened the closet, grabbing a slightly looser shirt. Although they were the same size, Minseok was taller in stature, with broader shoulders than him.

As he turned around to see him, he froze in place.

The brunette was facing away, drying his body with the wet shirt. Baekhyun noticed that his back was covered by a tattoo that extended from his shoulders down to the waistband of the black jeans he was wearing. It was an entire black phoenix. But it wasn't delicate, like phoenixes usually are. It had a slightly dark touch, and its tail feathers were intricately shaded, highlighting the beauty of the dark feathers. A significant part of the tattoo was more focused on the left side, which made it slightly slanted. Baekhyun thought that it probably extended to his thighs as well.

He really shouldn't have thought about that.

"You know, when I came here, it wasn't my intention to take my shirt off like this right away. I thought it would take us longer to reach this level." He was joking, of course, but the redhead wasn't finding it funny. His voice was still stuck in his throat.

Minseok laughed, probably at his dumbfounded expression.

"What's wrong, Carrot? Lost your voice?" He approached, taking the shirt from him but not putting it on. He just stood there, waiting for any movement Baekhyun might make.

In that moment, Byun realized that if he didn't do something now, he would never do it.

Baekhyun cleared his throat, coming back to the moment. He couldn't let himself get carried away like this, or they would end up not having a lesson at all. It was getting a bit difficult with so many distractions.

"Well... uh, you... have a tattoo?"

"Ah, this sketch here?" Kim smiled, teasing him. "Do you want to see it?" He whispered.

Did he want to see it? Baekhyun swallowed hard.

Minseok laughed, pulling him closer.

"I'll turn around." He said.

And as his body came back into view, Baekhyun could see the details of the tattoo more clearly. It was well done. The ink clung to his skin like a perfect painting on paper. Minseok was slightly fairer than him, which made the tattoo pop in his eyes. It descended with feathers to his hips, where there were a few scars. Byun didn't realize that he was already touching them when he felt the other's fingers on his own. The pastry chef froze. Minseok continued guiding their hands down to the front extension, where the tail ended.

"There's no sad story behind these. It was just a motorcycle accident. Sixteen stitches. I almost lost movement in my neck, if it weren't for the helmet." Baekhyun laughed. That was so typical of him.

"It's really a beautiful tattoo." He said. They weren't close enough to make comments about their own imperfections. But Kim didn't seem to mind.

"Thank you." He smiled. "Do you have any tattoos, Carrot?"

"No. I'm afraid of needles." The other smiled mischievously.

"Oh... the fear of needles..."

"What? Don't make fun of me! I really don't like them at all. I tried to get a piercing when I was a teenager, and it didn't go very well."

"I can give you a piercing if you want. I have a light hand." Baekhyun raised his eyebrows, surprised.

"You're a body piercer?"

"Yes. I was for a while." He didn't know why he was so surprised. It was quite evident that he could have had some kind of alternative past.

"Maybe... someday. When I'm very, very drunk."

"Oh, now you're teasing me." He laughed, winking at the pastry chef.

"Come on, enough of that. We have a lesson to do." Minseok nodded.

"Yes, Chef." Both headed back to the kitchen, now a little more relaxed than before.

Baekhyun was a little surprised, but in the end, maybe that's how his friendship with Kim Minseok would be born: amidst a roller coaster of emotions. He didn't fully understand him yet, but maybe that didn't matter much in the end. After all, as mysterious as the bartender was, the redhead still had all the time in the world to learn how to deal with him.

And he suspected it would be equally filled with ups and downs.

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59 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
59 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
59 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
59 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
59 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
59 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
59 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
59 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
59 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.