


Junmyeon was in trouble.

He thought he could escape the charms of extremely handsome guys, but it had all been a of bad luck.

He had gone to the nightclub last night in an attempt to forget about himself, and his dangerous—or confusing—feelings. He was praying for time to pass and for the alcohol to take effect. He wasn't the type to loosen up easily, and a beer wouldn't change that. He knew his limits were far from impenetrable.

He sipped his drink, trying to taste the bitterness and let it seep into all his senses. He wanted tonight to be different. He wanted to experience something new. But he didn't know how to even begin.

The professor sat in his chair, simply trying to soak in the atmosphere, when a guy approached him. He was short and dressed a bit too casually for the setting: an open tank top and ripped jeans. The backward-turned cap gave him a rebellious look, along with his piercings and well-defined eyeliner.

What a surprise it would be if Junmyeon didn't encounter exactly what he was trying to avoid. Everything about him screamed trouble. From head to toe. That guy wasn't the type to play it cool, it could be seen from a mile away. His sarcastic smile and posture were the most cliché combination from the romances he often read. The so-called bad boy.

"Hey," he said in a soft voice.

That was enough to startle Junmyeon. One minute, the guy was a few steps away from him, and the next, he was right beside him. How was that possible?

But what should he respond with? The professor had no idea. He hadn't come to the bar for pick-up lines or anything like that. It took him some time to respond, and in the end, he resorted to his usual approach when meeting someone new.

"Good evening," he said.

Oh, Junmyeon.

Why are you like this? You shouldn't have gotten out of bed today.

"Good evening?" the other guy laughed. "What's your name?" Now he was asking a genuine question.

Should he give his full name? He never knew how to behave in these kinds of situations.

Well, he would treat it like any other encounter.

"Kim Junmyeon," he replied, offering a modest bow. He didn't want to come across as forced.

"Pleasure to meet you, namesake. I'm Kim Minseok." Namesake?

That made him smile.

Perhaps this Kim guy was friendly. Junmyeon should stop judging others based on their appearance; that was a deeply ingrained trait of his suspicious nature.

"Pleasure to meet you," he replied, shyly.

"And what brings you here, Kim Junmyeon? You don't strike me as the type who frequents nightclubs." The professor averted his gaze.

Was it so obvious that he didn't belong there? He was starting to get a bit nervous.

"I-I'm... trying to... see what it's like," he justified.

"Is it your first time?" the guy asked, but Junmyeon didn't answer. He didn't want to give off the impression that he was a nightclub , even though he was. "Did you come alone? Maybe you should have some company. If you're going to drink, you'll need a friend to take you home."

He wasn't sure if that was an invitation or a warning, but he thought it best to be cautious.

"I can handle myself," he replied softly, not wanting to commit any further.

"Can I help you?" a voice cut through their conversation, causing the professor to turn to the guy in front of him.

Junmyeon felt his heart tighten.

He was stunning. More than that. His skin seemed to glow in the nightclub lights—or maybe the lights were emanating from him. He couldn't quite discern the physical effect there.

"I'll have a beer," the guy beside him said.

Junmyeon just shook his head, too mesmerized to say anything.

The bartender nodded and went back to work. Junmyeon watched him, observing his precise and efficient movements as if he were accustomed to quickly attending to customers at the speed of light. It took less than 2 minutes for him to return with a cold beer in hand.

The bartender furrowed his brow.

"Did your friend leave?" Junmyeon looked around, wide-eyed, not seeing the disheveled bad boy anymore.

"Seems like it..." He thought it best to lie to avoid explanations. Technically, Kim Minseok wasn't his friend. They had just met.

But it didn't really make much of a difference.

The dark-haired guy was looking at him again. He had an aura that the professor had never seen before. In a way, it frightened him. He was afraid of being hypnotized again.

"Is this your first time here, right?"


"Are you alone?" His voice didn't betray any feelings. Junmyeon couldn't say what his intentions were.

And that, Junmyeon knew, was where the danger began to spread.

He couldn't lie because it was noticeable. He would know if the professor was with someone. They always know: the players.

"Yes, I am," was his reply.

The other guy nodded as he moved closer to the front of the bar, leaving his post.

"I'll show you around. My treat." He smiled.

And when he did, Junmyeon's heart clenched in a way it shouldn't have.

The cycle would be starting again, and the professor was one step away from his own destruction.

Kim followed him behind the doors, where the production area was located. There were a few dressing rooms and other rooms that stored supplies. But the dark-haired guy led him to a slightly larger room that looked like an office.

"I just need to grab a key. We'll be out in a moment." Junmyeon furrowed his brow.

"Are you the owner?" he asked curiously.

"Yes." The guy turned to him, the key already in his pocket. He smiled, observing him intensely. "But how rude of me not to introduce myself. I'm Kai." He extended his hand.

The professor shook it, without any resentment. It was strange that the gesture didn't make him feel uncomfortable. How ironic.

His grip was soft yet firm. If he were crazy, he might think the other guy was testing him. Right there. Through a handshake.

Junmyeon met his eyes again. They sparkled with a kind of lust he had never seen before. That was when he knew: Kai was a dangerous guy. He wasn't the type of person you'd want to trust. But still, it was Junmyeon who followed him into a locked room, wasn't it?

Well... he had never been very smart.

The professor stepped back, looking down at his feet. Yes, he could be observant, but he didn't like being observed. And he felt like all of the guy's attention and focus were on him. It was suffocating.

Did it have to be this intense?

Kai approached, his expression not obvious. Once he was a few steps closer, Junmyeon could smell his perfume: nutmeg and cinnamon. It was funny, it made Junmyeon's nose itch.

"You didn't tell me your name," he purred softly.

The petite guy swallowed hard. Gathering his courage, he raised his gaze to meet Kai's.

"Kim Junmyeon," the brunette replied, and the smile on the dark-haired guy's face widened.

"I'm also a Kim. Kim Kai, actually." Junmyeon didn't know what to do with that information, so he just nodded.

"You know, Junmyeon..." His name rolled off his tongue like a y, forbidden word. He never thought he would be called that before. "We have a performance tonight. I think maybe you'd like to stay and watch. It's worth seeing. Afterward, I can show you all the corners." There was something implicit in his suggestion, which the brown-haired guy quickly identified. It wasn't difficult. They all gave the same signals.

He could have said no.

He could have politely declined and gotten the hell out of there, never to return.

That's probably what he would have done if he were still the square little schoolteacher.

But on that night... on that night, Junmyeon just wanted to break free.


Sehun had been summoned to his fiancée's apartment. Something he never expected to happen in a million years.

Irene seemed angry with him, which was completely surreal. Why would she have the right to be upset about something he had supposedly done? There was no reason for it. It had been a while since they had seen each other, so he was torn between fearing what was to come and eagerly awaiting it.

Well, maybe he was going crazy too.

The programmer climbed the stairs, stopping in front of his fiancée's apartment. He was trying to regain his sanity before subjecting himself to the impending discussion. It would be a long and exhausting conversation, he was sure of that.

Sehun sighed and rang the doorbell. Seconds later, a girl opened the door, looking at him with surprise. The guy smiled.

"Hello, Yeri." It had been so long since he last saw the girl, he was amazed at how much she had grown.

His heart tightened.

Yeri was no longer the little girl who played video games with him as Player 2. She was a teenager now. Probably dealing with teenage problems and doing teenage things, not having time to hang out with an almost 30-year-old.

Sehun was getting too nostalgic.

"Hey." She smiled, but hid behind the door a little.

Sehun furrowed his brow.

She seemed strange.

"Where is your sister? Are you alone here?" Irene was really irresponsible.

Yeri smiled shyly.

"She went... she went to buy food, you know how it is, right? But y-you can come in..." The girl opened the door wider for him to enter.

As soon as Sehun stepped through the door, she closed it tightly. It was already dangerous enough for a child to be alone, but for a little girl it was worse. Well, technically she wasn't a little girl anymore. But the programmer couldn't shake that image from his mind.

Yeri walked into the living room, sitting on the floor in front of a table full of books. Most of them were math and science books.

Sehun became interested.

"Final exams?" he asked.

The girl raised her head, a little awkward.

"Yeah... but I don't know if I can pass anything. Everything seems like a foreign language to me." The guy furrowed his brow, thoughtful.

"What's bothering you?"

"This thing about modern physics, for example. How am I supposed to know what is what? These theories all blend together in my head. It's so frustrating!" Sehun laughed at the girl's frustration.

He thought of a way to explain, didactically, how it worked. He was a teacher now, so he had to act like one.

"You can think of it this way: classical theories are like the Nintendo 64. It's innovative, but it's valid only until a certain decade. Then comes the Wii, or the Wii One. It still has the same 3D graphics base, the same design principles... but it's improved, more technologically advanced. Physics is the same thing. It's up to researchers to keep improving it." The girl looked at him, expressionless.

It took a few minutes before she adjusted her cap on her head.

"Oh, oppa... that's... uh, thank you. Really." Sehun smiled proudly, glad that he had been able to help a student.

Perhaps the time he spent with Kim Junmyeon had been enough to make him an exemplary teacher. He would have to thank him later.

"So... you came here... and you already know the r-reason?" Yeri was stammering, acting a bit strange.

The guy began to suspect her behavior.

"Why are you asking, Yeri?"

"What?" The girl laughed. "W-why? Oh, it's just that... you disappeared, right? I missed the times when we could hang out... you know how it is..." Sehun smiled, touched.

"I'm sorry for that. I shouldn't let all this confusion affect our... what do you call it?"

"Hangouts, Sehunnie. Hangouts." Yeri laughed, and he joined in.

"Right... hangouts..."

"Like the steak oppa Byun makes. Remember that." Baekhyun made steaks for her? Well, that was news to him.

Sehun furrowed his brow. He would talk to his maknae later. He had never done such a thing for him!

"I will remember it very well." He turned to the girl, who was writing some formulas in her notebook. "Here's what I propose: we can go to the amusement park one of these days, what do you think? To those booths you always like."

"Does that mean I can shoot?" The girl's eyes sparkled.

"At all the monsters you want." The girl got excited, letting out a squeal and hugging him.

"Damn, you're so cool! My sister is an idiot!" Sehun smiled as he hugged her.

Although he had always been afraid of children, Yeri had never seemed so intimidating to him. Maybe it was her strong personality, always acting with her own genius. Or maybe it was because he still saw her as a younger sister, someone he would always protect.

They separated in a jump when the door opened, revealing Irene with bags in her hands. As soon as she saw the table, she froze.

She didn't expect to see him there. It was more than certain. It was written all over her face. Which was quite ironic, considering the messages she had sent him earlier.

Sehun stood up, looking directly into her eyes. Without saying a word, he took some bags from her hands and carried them to the kitchen table. The girl followed him silently.

Once everything was placed on the wooden surface, they stopped, not knowing exactly what to say. The programmer looked at her, still looking at the floor without facing him.

Irene was dressed in her usual style, but she looked so beautiful. The striped shirt, the tight jeans, and the light makeup had always been her most beautiful features. It was so her. So beautiful that it hurt to look at her.

Sehun approached, crossing the kitchen towards his fiancée. He realized that as much as the girl was angry with him for some reason, she still had guilt weighing on her. And that guilt was bigger than any feeling he could direct towards her at that moment.

Irene finally met his gaze, her eyes blurred with tears. She smiled faintly at him, reaching for his hand and pulling him into a hug.

It had been so long since he had seen her like this. It had been so long since he had found her again. She was no longer the lost girl in that moment, the one who was afraid of the future or pushed him away every time they were together.

She was Irene again. Calling out to him, as she always had.

The programmer hugged her with all he had. He couldn't let her slip away. Never again. He knew he wouldn't survive if he wasn't with her.

They separated, and Sehun wiped away her tears with his thumb.

"Hey..." he said, his voice slightly hoarse from his own unshed tears.

She was broken. He could see that. It was evident how much they had changed, yet they were still there. Desperate for each


"Sehun..." she uttered his name with a gasp, squeezing him tightly.

"I missed you, warrior." He whispered. "I missed you so, so much, it hurts." He pulled away, looking at her. "Don't do this to us anymore, Irene. Don't push me away anymore."

She nodded, although she hadn't said a word since she opened the front door.

"I know we're different. That we've changed, but... we'll figure it out, right? We're a team." The girl gasped, gathering the courage to meet his gaze.

"E-even if I agree with you, Hunnie. You have to promise me one thing." Her speech was stammered, but still firm.

"Of course. What is it?" Irene took a breath, gathering herself.

"You... can't make decisions without consulting me." Sehun furrowed his brow, confused.

"I don't understand."

"My father. You shouldn't have talked to him about the wedding when we're still figuring things out." The programmer's expression became blank.

"Who said that?"

"He's coming here because he thought we were going to get married without him knowing."

"No, I'm asking you: who said that I talked to him? I didn't do that." The girl now looked at him, perplexed.

"You didn't? If it wasn't you, then who... Ah." She slapped her forehead. "Yeri!"

Sehun smiled, amused.

"Your sister orchestrated all of this? The messages? You didn't want to see me either, right?" Irene got caught up in the situation, finding it funny.

"No. I was startled when I saw you here." Well, he had noticed that. "But I think in the end, she was right. I can't keep living like this." She looked away from him. "You have no idea how much I missed you, Sehun. I couldn't bear to see you move on without me. I couldn't bear to move on without you. I... I love you. So much." The guy sighed, relieved.

That was more than he expected to hear. Maybe the time they spent apart had helped, or maybe she was just giving in for a moment. But now he didn't care.

Sehun walked up to his fiancée, pulling her into a hug so that she could rest her head on his shoulder.

He laughed softly, shrugging his shoulders.

"It seems like she got us this time. But I guess it couldn't be any different."

"Yeri always gets what she wants..." Irene said, smiling faintly.

The programmer looked at her again.

"But you haven't told me, Irene. Are you going to go through with this? Stay by my side?"

"I've always been by your side, Sehun. I just... didn't know how to handle the future."

"I'm not saying all our problems will be solved, but... I think maybe Yeri was right. Maybe we should go ahead with the wedding."


"Don't think about the future. Think about us." It wasn't a way to convince her to get married, but he wanted her to know that he was willing to take things slowly.

"But... Hunnie, I... I don't know if I can..." Irene pulled away. "I can't pretend that I'll want the same things as you."

"You're still young. I understand. And I respect that. We don't have to rush." She shook her head.

"I don't know..." It was what he expected to hear.

"If you have doubts, then not everything is lost." She opened to argue, but realized she had nothing.

"I'm thinking about going to college." Her voice was low and careful.

The guy smiled widely, happy.

"That's wonderful! Where do you want to go? We can even save money by living together, so you'll have more for your savings!" She nodded, but didn't say anything.

Sehun paused.

"What's wrong, dear? Isn't it a good idea?" Irene looked at him, moved.

She knew that the nickname was precious to her, as much as the jokes they used to make when they were young. Or when he was younger.

"It's not that... I just don't want you to think that I would leave the rent to you. Maybe... we would have to rent a much smaller apartment. I don't earn as much as you do, you know."

"Money is not a problem." He didn't understand why she wanted to complicate things.

"No, Sehun, it is. I'm not the kind of girl who wants to depend on her husband for everything. I want to be able to pay the bills, I want to be able to work and travel when I can. I also want to be able to afford my cosplay hobby, even if sometimes it's also work." The guy smiled, affected.

Irene had always been very hard on herself. It was one of her best traits, but also her weakness. It made her push people away and create barriers that shouldn't be there. But still, Sehun loved her. Even her flaws, because that's what he learned: nobody is perfect in this world, so we have to learn to live with our faults.

"You will do all of that. I promise we'll share everything." Irene agreed, looking at him.

The smile Sehun gave her was splitting his face in half.

"So, how will it be? Shall we take a walk among the stars, Captain?" If it were possible, he smiled even wider, remembering the flirtations from before when everything was easier.

"If you lead the way, warrior, I promise you loyalty." Irene smiled, moved.

Sehun knew that not even the best fortune teller in the world could predict what would happen from that point on, but he was willing to wait. As long as he had Irene by his side, he felt like he could face anything. Even the biggest and scariest threats in the universe.

The doorbell rang twice, snapping them out of their daze. They both heard the door open, and seconds later, Yeri talking to a familiar voice.

It didn't take even two minutes for Bae Jungsu to walk through the kitchen with determined steps. But what Sehun didn't expect was that he wasn't alone.

"Irene, my dear, long time no see." Mrs. Bae was the first to enter the room, heading towards her daughter for a hug.

Irene's eyes widened, desperate.

"M-mom... what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I heard from your father about the wedding! I can't believe you didn't tell me before!" The girl looked at her father, who was coldly assessing Sehun.

Yeri entered the room, making her way to the fridge. She opened a bottle of water and drank it all in 5 gulps. She smiled guiltily at her sister, who glared at her.

"Yeri, my dear, don't drink from the bottle like that!" The girl just rolled her eyes before wiping her lips with her wrist, getting rid of the water.

"I'm going out with the gang... see you later." Jungsu interrupted her.

"Not so fast. This is a family meeting, and as far as I know, you're part of it." The girl threw her arms up, indignant.


 have nothing to do with this! It's her who's avoiding weddings!" The accusing finger pointed at her sister didn't go unnoticed by Mrs. Bae, who now stared at Irene, confused.

"What does she mean by that?"

"We've been planning a wedding behind our backs for months now." Jungsu stated, angry.

Sehun didn't know what to say or do, so he just watched the events unfold like a young child, looking lost from side to side.

"I didn't plan anything... we're just discussing, a-and-"

"Discussing? There's nothing to discuss. You will get married and start your own home. I hope Mr. Oh is responsible enough to take care of the household expenses?" This time Sehun stood up, bowing to the older man.

"Yes, sir. I have enough to support both of us. However, Irene and I will share everything while she finishes her studies." Jungsu raised his eyebrows, surprised.

"Studies? A mother can't study! She has to focus on the baby." Irene sat down on the chair in front of the table, silently pleading for help from Sehun with her eyes.

The programmer now understood why. 

He understood why she was so afraid or hesitant about marriage. It wasn't because she loved him any less or didn't want to be with him. It was because she knew exactly what her parents' opinion was on the matter. She knew that her family wouldn't leave her alone until Irene followed the traditional path of being a good mother.

The maternal image was something that haunted young Korean women, and Sehun knew it all too well. Not everyone wanted to be a mother. And not everyone knew how to be one. But society demanded it from them, always seeking a marriage, someone to "take care of them."

And thinking about all of that, he made a silent decision in that moment. He just hoped that Irene would agree to do more than one of those things that started with the letter "L."


It was Monday again, which meant today was the day Baekhyun would start planning a wedding.

Not his own wedding, nor Sehun and Irene's, which, honestly? Had already passed its expiration date! Even though he knew all the complications, his friend was about to go crazy with all the waiting Irene was putting him through.

But that wasn't what he should be thinking about now.

He needed to stay sane and focus on fulfilling the requests of a bride in crisis. Well, he didn't know if Yuri was in crisis. Well, at least he was. On the verge of going crazy!

The redhead was back in the familiar pantry, contemplating the day's ingredients. There wasn't much out of stock, but the pastry section was empty. He would have to let Kyungsoo know about it. Or maybe he could make a list himself? Would he dare?

The restaurant didn't have a good supply for the pastry section. And, well, if he was going to stay there, he would need one ingredient or another. Maybe create some desserts for the menu... Oh, but would Kyungsoo take it the wrong way?

The chef was the one who designed the menu, and only the chef. If Baekhyun stuck his nose in that area, he ran the risk of being reprimanded. Depending on the bald guy's mood, even fired. He knew very well how pretentious and arrogant chefs could be.

But maybe... maybe he would listen to him. Maybe he wouldn't see him as an intruder since they're... friends?

Baekhyun wanted to laugh.

What kind of idea was that? Becoming friends with your boss? He should be out of his mind.

Baekhyun began rearranging things and set the list aside. The notes could wait; now he had to gather the courage to discuss it with Kyungsoo. In addition to planning a wedding buffet.

For rich people!

If someone had told him a few months ago that this was his future, he wouldn't have believed it.

"You've been daydreaming a lot lately." The familiar voice sounded too close, startling the short guy in his place.

He didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

"Where have you been? Kyungsoo will be furious when he sees you coming in only now." Minseok smiled at him, as usual.

But he seemed different. With really prominent dark circles. Incredibly, Baekhyun noticed, it was the first time he appeared without his distinctive eyeliner.

"If you keep worrying about me like this, Carrot, I might have to kiss you again." Byun blushed for the first time in his life.

"Actually... I wanted to talk to you about that. What was that idea?" Kim chuckled softly, as if he expected it.

"It wasn't an idea. It was a test." The redhead's expression turned serious, confused.

"A test for what?"

"I've known Kyungsoo longer than you, Baekhyun. I already know some of his expressions by heart. But there are some that only appear when you're around. And that's what I was testing: one more of your expressions." It made no sense at all.

"That makes no sense."

"Maybe not to you. But for me... it's nice to see a friend falling in love." Baekhyun was shocked.

"You... you don't know what you're talking about. We're just friends now." Minseok approached, and with him came the familiar scent of mint that entered the pastry chef's nostrils.

"Trust me, Carrot. It won't be long before he tries to throw you in the fire to bake."

"Are you implying something?" The pastry chef was now nervous.

"Maybe I just see things clearer than you do." The brunette winked before walking towards the beverage section.

He grabbed a few bottles with the annoying skill of bartenders and waited for Baekhyun to accompany him outside the place.

"Did you come here to make predictions about me?" Minseok raised an eyebrow.

"Are you mad at me? I was just kidding." The brunette raised his arms in redemption.

Byun huffed, stressed.

"No. I just... this all seems crazy."

"You and Kyungsoo?" The redhead swallowed so quickly that he coughed in surprise.

"W-what? No! Forget about that! We're friends."

"If you say so..." The other looked at him with a big smile.

The pastry chef rolled his eyes.

"It's just... can I vent?"

"Of course, Baek. Even if you may have forgotten: I'm your friend too." Baekhyun smiled, touched.

Of course, he hadn't forgotten. The bartender had been the first person to reach out to him in this restaurant. The first to offer him comfort — even if it came in the form of a cigarette. How many times had he gone to help him in the short time he was there? He practically made an effort for it! And Byun was very grateful.

Kim Minseok was quite a person to build a friendship with.

"Deep down... I'm not sure if I can handle an event of this magnitude. I mean, sure, I'll have help from the staff. But Mr. Do is practically assigning me to oversee everything! And in such a short time!"

The bartender listened silently, with his hand casually positioned on his chin.

"I think maybe you doubt your own potential, Carrot. Kyungsoo seems to trust it more than you do." That was too deep for the redhead to let it pass.

"What do you mean by that?" Byun whispered.

"Do you really, deep down, still not understand what he's trying to do with this?"

"How so?"

"Baekhyun... I thought you were smarter than that." Minseok smiled as if he had already premeditated his entire career. "I won't spill the beans on this. Maybe it will be a big and wonderful surprise for you, a few months from now."

The pastry chef stopped, stunned.

"Did he tell you something?" Minseok laughed.

"I've been working here for five years, Byun. I know the plans for the restaurant. I know what your dream is." He was referring to the chef, not Dyo's itself.

But then maybe you couldn't separate one from the other. They were both one and the same.

"And what are they?"

"Oh, but that's classified information. Maybe I would reveal it... but there's a price to pay." Of course, it involved some mischief, which made the pastry chef change the subject:

"And what about you? What do you plan to do about your future?" The other paused, considering the question.

"Honestly? I don't know. I don't know how long I'll still feel comfortable in this situation I'm in. I love Dyo's. I love being a bartender, and I love being able to help when the restaurant gets chaotic. I love teasing you, and believe it or not, I love Do Kyungsoo. He's a good chef, unlike the others. It's not so easy to work with other chefs, you know that well."

"And how I know," the redhead shivered, remembering all the shouting he had heard in the kitchen over the years. "So, are you going to stay with us?" Baekhyun already knew it wasn't the case, but he still didn't have the courage to ask him directly.

Minseok smiled, realizing that.

"No, Carrot. I won't. I value my freedom. I'm not the kind of person who gets attached to places or people. I like to be free, that's how I live. I don't want to be tied down to the restaurant. I want to open my own business and be able to take it wherever I want."

Byun smiled, touched.

"Your bar?"

"Yes, my bar." Minseok seemed excited every time he talked about the future.

Maybe it had been a dream he had for a while. Baekhyun knew what that was like. He visualized his bakery every time he closed his eyes: the white arches of arabesques, matching the window frame. Not too big, not too small, just enough to be cozy. That's what he wanted. It had been his dream since adolescence.

The redhead had a few notebooks at his old house where he had researched patterns, floors, tables, and display cases to showcase his work. It was like his secret diary, and he hoped his parents hadn't thrown them away. It was already terrible enough to have to leave home in a hurry without even having time to tidy up the mess in his small room.

But he had no regrets. If he had to go through it all again to be here now, next to a cute bartender... well, he would do it all over again.

"Carrot? Are you okay?" Byun turned to him.

"I should be asking you that... you look... different?" The bartender smiled sideways, but it didn't seem very amusing. He just looked tired.

"I've had a lot on my mind lately." Baekhyun wanted to ask more, but couldn't find the opening for it.

As they were crossing the hallway of the kitchen, they spotted two figures standing behind the counter: a nervous Kyungsoo, alongside a smiling Chanyeol. They were probably arguing again, as they always did. The redhead approached cautiously, taking his usual place near the countertop where the ingredients were being prepared. Minseok simply left a few items there and left without saying more.

Baekhyun noticed that Chanyeol was frozen in place, although Kyungsoo's gaze didn't go unnoticed. What was his deal, anyway? The pastry chef didn't understand.

Three, four steps, and he was in front of him again.

"Byun... where were you?" Oh, seriously, did he need a report?

"In the pantry, chef. Getting ingredients." The bald guy raised an eyebrow.

"You know that Yuri is coming today, right? I need you to get organized and have something prepared in advance for sampling." WHAT? Sampling? What the hell?

"You didn't tell me anything about sampling!" He didn't want to come across as nervous or rude to the chef, but that's what happened.

Damn it. He couldn't do anything right!

Kyungsoo just stared at him, saying nothing.

"I need a sample by 4 p.m., Byun Baekhyun." And that was all he said, closing the subject.

The pastry chef could swear he felt his own blood boiling.

Park Chanyeol, who had been silent all along, gave him a smile that didn't reach his eyes covered by the Ray-Bans on his face. Of course, he would feel uncomfortable. Getting scolded by the boss in front of his other boss? What a nightmare.

Oh, but that pocket-sized devil would pay dearly for this!

"I-I'm sorry for this, Mr. Park." The redhead bowed.

"It's okay, Baekhyun. Kyungsoo can be... complicated sometimes. But I assure you, Yuri already has her own ideas; she just needs someone to develop them." Well, Baekhyun thought the same way. That was the main reason why he hadn't made any preliminary samples.

Not to mention: he wasn't a wedding expert! He had never made one in his entire life, for goodness' sake. The chef was asking too much of him.

"Alright then, Mr. Park." Park nodded.

He ran his hand through his styled hair and then twisted it in his lap. He seemed nervous, trying to tell him something.

Byun knew that Park was shy, but he didn't think he would have that problem with him. He wanted to laugh. Park Chanyeol was so weird.

"Do you... have any other request, Mr. Park?" He was fishing, of course. But he thought that was the only way the big guy would spill the beans.

"It's just... uh, I need a favor... could you... give this to the bartender?" The big guy handed him a black NY Yankees cap. Oh, but he had seen it before... in his own apartment! Baekhyun's eyes widened involuntarily.

What the hell was Park Chanyeol doing with Minseok's cap?

"Hm..." He wouldn't get involved in that confusion, whatever it was. Minseok had already been acting strange a little while ago when he saw him, and now he could imagine why. Well, they had to sort it out themselves; he wasn't going to get involved in another couple's drama. The Sehun and Irene situation was enough. "Actually, Mr. Park, I apologize. But I need to take care of some things... Minseok is at the bar. I don't think there's anyone there right now..." Park's eyes widened.

"Ah..." He laughed nervously. "R-right. I'll... uh, see you later, Baekhyun." The big guy turned around like a rocket and headed for the restaurant's exit. He seemed to be running away from the devil's own hellhound. It was almost funny.

But not as funny as the situation Baekhyun found himself in.

The pastry chef sighed.

He would have to start looking for some wedding samples on his own. And it wasn't even for his own wedding.

This definitely wasn't the kind of image he had in mind when he applied for the job at the restaurant.

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59 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
59 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
59 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
59 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
59 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
59 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
59 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
59 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
59 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.