


Oh Sehun didn't consider himself one of the smartest, no matter how much everyone around him insisted on it. Sometimes he had problems. Of course, we all have problems. But his problems now seemed to be way beyond real or imaginary: it was like a giant snowball rolling downhill.

The computer was open with two tabs side by side: the airport page where he would buy tickets to Las Vegas, and a page explaining the marriage laws of the place.

Oh yes.

He was on the verge of doing something crazy.

It was the only option he could find for the situation he was in. He just hoped Irene would like the idea as much as he did.

The tickets were already purchased, and the necessary documents from his side had already been arranged by himself. Everything was absolutely correct and legal, as it should be. But there was one problem: how could he have a secret wedding without her family finding out? They would kill them!

And then there was Baekhyun...

With impeccable timing, the boy opened the apartment door, looking tired and distressed.

"Good evening, Hunnie." Sehun analyzed him for a few seconds before responding.

Baekhyun practically dragged himself through the door and collapsed onto the coffee table, looking rather worrisome.

"What happened to you? You seem more tired than usual."

"Stress? Probably..." The redhead sighed. "Did I mention that Kyungsoo got me into trouble?"

"What do you mean?"

"He arranged a wedding for me. Do Kyungsoo arranged a whole wedding for me to do. Can you believe it?"

"A wedding?" Sehun asked curiously.

"Ah, sorry, hyung. I know your own wedding is still a bit complicated."

"Oh... about that..." Byun turned to Sehun with wide eyes.

"What, did you set a date?"

"Uh... I think... you could say that." Byun jumped with joy, coming towards Sehun for a hug.

"Wow! That's great news, Hunnie! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because... Irene doesn't know." This time it was Baekhyun who looked confused.

"What are you saying? How can the bride not know about her own wedding?" Sehun moved away from him, standing up to articulate his idea without sounding crazy.

"I booked a flight to Vegas. We're going in a week." Baekhyun looked at him for a few seconds before being taken aback by the revelation.

"You're getting married in Vegas?!"

"It's my idea..." The redhead moved to the living room sofa, sitting down to keep his thoughts in order.

"Sehun, that's not good... her family is religious. They won't accept it." Oh sighed, rubbing his neck nervously.

"That's precisely why, Baek. Irene doesn't want the wedding her family is planning. We met with them today. Her father is in town." Baekhyun looked at him again, surprised.

"What kind of chaos happened while I was at work?" The older one laughed, sitting next to him on the sofa.

He knew the situation wasn't ideal, and his idea was risky. But he thought that if at least someone supported him, he would feel better about going forward with the plan.

Apparently, it was too crazy even for Baekhyun, who had always been open to change.

"Hyung... I understand both of your sides. But... what about Irene? Does she still want to marry you?"

"She does. She does want to." This made the other one wear a puzzled expression.

"Are you kidding? She just accepted now?"

"Yes." Byun smiled, pulling him into a bear hug.

"Oh, Sehunnie. I'm so happy for you, I could die." The tall one returned the hug with all his might, overjoyed.

"What made her change her mind?"

"I... I think she never really changed, to be honest. I mean, the problem wasn't the wedding itself, but how she would have to live being married." Sehun understood her completely in the end.

Korean families didn't function like that in this century. Well, at least not the conservative ones like Irene's. There had already been a huge fuss about Yeri wanting to specialize in a "boys' sport," but the girl had the full support of her older sister, who fought to buy all the skateboarding equipment and lessons she could afford.

Now, the confusion was convincing Irene's parents that the family they would form wouldn't be a mirror of the Bae family, but their own. A family where they would solve any problems together.

"You mean the perfect image for her family?"


"Oh, that . Irene is very independent. I can't see her as a mother running after a house, children, and husbands without any focus on her career. And I know you don't want that either."

"I never wanted that for her. I want to have children, yes, but I want to be a father. I wouldn't let her deal with everything alone; we would be a family." The redhead smiled proudly.

Baekhyun had been rooting for the couple for almost 10 years, practically since they met. He never imagined what it would be like to see them getting married. Would it be normal? Or would it be something definitive?

Sehun just felt like he was celebrating all the years they had been together.

"Ah, hyung. You guys have grown so much." He was feeling nostalgic, probably remembering all the nonsense the three of them had done together.

"Maybe... I still do my crazy things." He was referring to the trip to Las Vegas.

Baekhyun laughed, hugging him sideways.

"You've been together for almost 10 years, so I don't see why it would be a crazy idea."

"Do you think so?"

"Well, if it's the only way for you to escape all of this... I don't see why not. Her family will freak out? Yes. But at least it will be the first step to keep them from interfering in your lives. If you let them plan everything, it can have a negative effect. They'll want to control every step you take, trust me." Baekhyun understood all too well how suffocating a family could be.

His own was entirely composed of doctors. So he had to deal with the pressure of having his whole life planned out since birth. All he knew was that he was supposed to grow up, study, and become a doctor. But then he learned to cook, and with cooking came a passion for confectionery. That made all his plans go out the window.

Cooking was his passion. So he fought for it.

And he had succeeded, filling Sehun with pride.

"You're right, Baek. You're absolutely right." The redhead agreed with a nod.

"But... hyung... have you, um, been to America?" Byun's careful tone made Sehun freeze.

There was something very wrong that he was holding back from telling him.

"What do you mean?" Baekhyun crossed his arms, skeptical.

"Well, they speak English there, right? Do you speak English?" Sehun started to think about all the codes he typed daily in the Germanic language. Could he consider himself an expert in the language?

"Hm... of course..." Baekhyun raised an eyebrow, doubtful.

"How are you, Sir?"

"Sehun." He replied with conviction.

Baekhyun burst out laughing.

"How, Sehun. Not Who." The taller one looked confused.

"But it sounds the same."

"No, it doesn't." The redhead laughed, finding his friend's frustration amusing.

"Maybe you should help me with English then. Will you come with us?" The redhead started to get excited.

"I-I don't know. Part of me is glad that you two will be able to get married, but I don't know how I'll be able to go to Las Vegas like this." Sehun reached for his hands, turning him towards him.

"Baekhyun... you know that money isn't important. You're important. You're my little brother. I would love to have you by my side." Byun started crying, unable to hold back so much emotion.

"I love you, hyung. I'm so happy for both of you." Sehun smiled as he hugged him tightly with his massive arms.

"I am too, little one. I am too." They broke the embrace, with Baekhyun wiping away his tears with the back of his hands. "But, hey... what were you going to tell me about your chef?"

The shorter one leaned against the sofa, closing his eyes and sighing with exhaustion.

"Ah, that little devil..." He looked at Sehun with so much indignation that it made the taller one laugh. "Can you believe what he did? I'm scheduled to make an entire wedding cake. Just me. Of course, we still have the Dyo's team... and he even offered to help me... but still, hyung, I'm so nervous. I've never made a wedding cake before! Especially for rich people!" Sehun furrowed his brow, as he always did when he tried to come up with a logical solution to any problem.

"I don't think you'll mess up, Baek. You're talented. And, sorry to be so honest, but Do Kyungsoo wouldn't risk the Dyo's reputation in the hands of someone inexperienced. He trusts you, that's for sure." Byun already knew that. He just didn't think it made any sense since he had been at the restaurant for less than a month.

"And you don't find that a little suspicious? I mean, yes, he has my resume. He knows who my mentors in the kitchen were... but it's still..."

"Do you want me to be honest?" Baekhyun laughed.

"What's with you and honesty today? Yes, I want you to be honest."

"He probably studied you. Maybe even before hiring you." This made the redhead burst into laughter.

"Do Kyungsoo? Studied me? Why on earth would he do that?" And there was the furrowed forehead again.

"Think about it, Baek. Where would he find a good enough pastry chef for his restaurant? It seems that Kyungsoo is terrible at confectionery. At least that's what I heard when I went to Dyo's and asked about the desserts; there weren't many on the menu." Oh had a disappointed expression that made the redhead laugh again.

"That doesn't mean anything!" Sehun shrugged, unconvinced.

"It was just my impression." Baekhyun began to explain:

"Well, the style of Dyo's is different. It's not quite a restaurant, but it's not a bar either... well, we used to go there, you know."

"Exactly! And there were no desserts!" His indignation was so funny that Byun couldn't help himself.

"That's because you're crazy about sweets, hyung. Just because they don't have the desserts I make doesn't mean it's a bad menu. They had classic desserts like Petit Gateau and stuff."

"I still think they lack desserts. You should bring it up to him." That made Byun blush.

"I-I'll make sure to do that." The boy cleared his throat. "But if you'll excuse me... I'm going to take a shower now. Did you have dinner?"

"Ah, yes. I had Chinese food. I left some for you in the microwave."

"Ah, hyung, what would I do without you guys." Baekhyun walked past his friend, giving him a pat on the head. "Make sure not to work late, okay?" Sehun nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry!" He called from the living room as the other had already closed the bathroom door.

Sehun was alone now, once again thinking about the madness he was about to commit.

He would need to call Irene to convince her of his foolproof plan. But he doubted she wouldn't agree.




The night was another one of those cool and lively ones that Chanyeol always loved going out to have fun. First, he would get ready: wearing whichever expensive shirt revealed a bit of his chest, and the easy-to-open pants... That's what he always wore.

And that night was no different, except for the fact that he would probably meet someone. Someone he was excited to meet, actually.

He had decided to try to pursue Kim Minseok. He couldn't hold back anymore. His attraction to the bartender surpassed any limit he could supposedly draw there. It was a completely corrupted line.

When they had agreed to meet at the usual club - Spinnet -, Chanyeol didn't think much about who he would have to evade until the moment Minseok arrived.

He had already told 7 girls who had approached him to repeat another last night of madness that he was accompanied. And he had managed to turn them all down. All 7 beautiful girls. Simply because he couldn't get the damn bartender out of his head.

The whole world suddenly seemed like nothing compared to him. And that worried him.

Chanyeol was on the verge of obsession.

The corner where he was had a few sofas and little light to accompany. The glass of whiskey he was drinking only had ice left at the bottom. His nervousness had entirely converted into alcohol, and he could no longer feel a good part of his body. Like his lips, completely numb.

Of course, he hadn't noticed the time he arrived, only when he was already approaching.

He was wearing ripped black pants and a low-cut tank top that showed part of his shoulder tattoo. The cap wasn't on his head, so his hair was tossed to the side like a comma.

If Chanyeol wasn't so excited, he would have cried. He looked beautiful. Like a vision of heaven itself.

With a sly smile, the brunette sat next to him, taking up space on the dark brown leather sofa. Park didn't say anything. He just looked at him, taking in every detail.

Minseok found it amusing. Of course, he probably looked ridiculous. Drooling over him like an idiot. But could it be any different?

"Hello, Mr. Park," he said, with a smirk.

"Minseok, you..." He couldn't even say anything.

The brunette also observed him. The pre-built tension wouldn't last much longer. He knew that.


"You took a while." He confessed.

The other laughed, as if he had been expecting something like this.

"I took a while? Well... I apologize for that, Yoda. It wasn't my intention." The other agreed with a nod because he really didn't know what to say.

He was too nervous to be so close to him like this.

"Do you want a drink?" Minseok looked at the glass on the table and smiled scornfully.

"How much have you had to drink?" Chanyeol shrugged.

"One or two glasses."

"Or four." Park smiled this time.

Yeah, sometimes he went hard on the drinks. Maybe it was a downside of his profession: being resistant to alcohol.

"Unfortunately, my profession made me resistant to alcohol..."

"I could say the same." Ah, so he drank too?

"Do you usually drink?" He was genuinely curious about that. Maybe the guy had the same obsession with drinks as he did.

"I drink beer. I like them. But sometimes I can have a spirit too, it depends a lot on my mood." Park understood him.

In a way, spirits were overwhelming and always tired him. Unlike beer. That had always been his all-powerful.

"I think I'm the same way." Minseok turned completely towards him, with his knees pressed against his left thigh.

He wore an easy smile, interested in what Chanyeol was saying.

"So you became a sommelier because of your love for beer? I thought it was because of the trend." Park laughed softly, showing the dimple that the bartender loved.

"No, it wasn't for the trend. I really like beer."

"I want to open a bar." The brunette confessed in a murmur. "I haven't told Dyo yet. I don't know if I'll tell him now. I don't want to leave him hanging, but I also want to live my life. So I'm going to open a bar." Chanyeol agreed with him as the waiter refilled his glass with whiskey.

"You don't have to be at the mercy of Dyo's. The restaurant will grow. Byun Baekhyun is the big star now." The bartender smiled.

"Definitely. Baekhyun is a wonderful person. He deserves this promising future."

"So do you, Minseok." The brunette looked at him seriously now.

There was a sparkle in his eyes that Chanyeol had never seen before. He genuinely seemed happy to hear that from him.

"Thank you, Chanyeol. Really." There was no barrier or pretense there. He was genuinely thanking him for simply telling the truth.

"I mean it. I wouldn't hire you if I didn't believe in your potential. And I do. I'll definitely have a nice cold beer at your bar, believe me."

"I believe you. And it'll be shared with me." Minseok smiled as he reached for the whiskey glass in front of him.

He took a sip while still looking at Chanyeol, who was mesmerized by his feline eyes.

"Do you want to dance?" The bartender asked him.

Chanyeol simply stood up, extending his hand to him.

"With pleasure."



Do Kyungsoo found himself alone again.

The spacious apartment he had fought so hard to buy now seemed to swallow him whole. It was too big. Too empty.

He had just come home from the restaurant, a bit tired from the heavy shift they had. The chef always came home very late because he was the one who cleaned up and checked if everything was in order before finally closing, at the end of every night. Many employees didn't know that, but he didn't mind.

He took care of Dyo's as if it were his own child.

In the apartment, he had ordered food for delivery through the app. It wasn't as good or lovingly prepared as the food he made himself, but the chef simply didn't have the energy to cook when he got home. It was asking too much.

He was on the balcony of the apartment, wearing his sleep shirt and boxers, when he started to think about what Chanyeol had told him earlier. About his heart.

Kyungsoo was 24 years old. He hadn't been a child for some time. But even though he knew that, he didn't feel that way. He felt confused most of the time.

He had never gotten close to anyone before. Or liked anyone for that matter. He had always dedicated his life to his career and fought for it to stabilize with each passing day. Being excessively obsessive, he never needed to focus on anything other than his work.

But this... was becoming more and more ineffective.

His loneliness was deafening. He didn't know how he would manage from now on. He was already losing Chanyeol's constant visits, and now he already missed having someone to share part of his life with. He wanted someone for himself.

Kyungsoo opened the messages app on his phone and searched for Chanyeol's number. There had been no conversation since earlier. He had disappeared on his own.

The bald chef huffed.

Abandoned by his best friend. Great. That big-eared guy was going to see.

Scrolling down the conversations a bit, he saw someone he shouldn't have seen.

He opened the chat icon, peeking at Byun Baekhyun's profile picture. The orange hair was prominent, but he seemed to be in some kind of bar. And there was a hand on his shoulder. Kyungsoo moved his finger on the screen to get a better view and ended up tapping on the call icon.

The short chef's eyes widened. He pressed the red button and locked the phone, throwing it away from him.

What was that? He must be really stupid! What an idiot! How could he call him at this time of night? It was almost dawn! He would probably be sound asleep.

Kyungsoo was so embarrassed that he wouldn't even be able to face him tomorrow.

In the silence of the room and his desperation, he heard the worst soundtrack that could play at that moment: the sound of a message notification.

Kyungsoo prayed for it to be Park Chanyeol asking him to pick him up somewhere far away. But upon opening it, he was faced with a message from him. Well, of course it would be him. That's just how life was.


Byun Baekhyun: Mr. Do

Byun Baekhyun: r u ok?


The redhead would probably be hating him now. But what could he use as an excuse? "I'm fine! It's just that I accidentally pressed the call button when I was snooping around your profile picture! Sorry!!!" It would sound ridiculous. Think, Do Kyungsoo. What can you do to get out of this?


Do Kyungsoo: Hi.


Oh, great. Why the heck did he pressed "send"?


Byun Baekhyun: Hii


Ah. He answered. Maybe he wasn't all bad, after all.


Do Kyungsoo: How are you?


Baekhyun took a while to respond. This made Kyungsoo apprehensive. He really didn't know how to deceive people; this had never happened before.


Byun Baekhyun: I'm fine.

Byun Baekhyun: And you, sir?

Do Kyungsoo: You do not need to be formal with me, Baekhyun.


Another delay in the response.


Byun Baekhyun: Ok...

Byun Baekhyun: Do you want to talk about something, Kyungsoo?

Byun Baekhyun: If it's about the list...

Byun Baekhyun: I sincerely apologize.

Do Kyungsoo: No, it's not about that.

Byun Baekhyun: Then what is it?


This time it was Kyungsoo who took a while to respond.

What could he say? There were no justifications. He was short on time, and he just wanted not to come across as too strange to his employee.


Do Kyungsoo: I've been thinking... and I think maybe you could take charge of this part of the restaurant. I know I've said this before, but I want to give you the freedom to do whatever you want with the pastry section.

Byun Baekhyun: Oh

Byun Baekhyun: I sincerely don't know what to say...

Do Kyungsoo: Is that a good thing or...?

Byun Baekhyun: No, no. It's awesome!! Perfect!

Byun Baekhyun: Thank you, chef. I'll work hard!


Kyungsoo chuckle with his enthusiasm. 


Do Kyungsoo: I'm happy to hear that, Baekkie.

Byun Baekhyun: read that* :P

Do Kyungsoo: Haha right… to read.

Byun Baekhyun: Don't worry, Ajuhssi… When we get old, our senses do fail, don't they?

Do Kyungsoo: Ahjussi??

Do Kyungsoo: >:(

Byun Baekhyun: I had no idea you were an emoji person.

Do Kyungsoo: I'm not.

Byun Baekhyun: However, you're sending me emojis xD

Do Kyungsoo: :P

Do Kyungsoo: It's a bit addictive, I confess.

Byun Baekhyun: Hahaha…

Do Kyungsoo: Is it cold where you live?

Another delay in response. Kyungsoo also didn't know why he had asked that to Baekhyun. He must have been going crazy, that was the only explanation.

Byun Baekhyun: A little...

Do Kyungsoo: Bundle up, Baekkie. I don't want you catching a cold.

Byun Baekhyun: Hahaha, okay, chef.

Do Kyungsoo: You're not bundled up.

Byun Baekhyun: And how would you suppose you know that?

Do Kyungsoo: Are you bundled up?

Byun Baekhyun: No, I sleep in my underwear.


This time it was Kyungsoo who took a while to respond. He had an almost torturous mental image in his mind now. What could he say in response? The conversation had become very awkward.


Do Kyungsoo: Well, me too. Even so, I'm all bundled up.

Yeah. It definitely didn't improve at all.

Byun Baekhyun: Will you keep bossing me around even when I'm at home?

Do Kyungsoo: It's my sole purpose in life.

Byun Baekhyun: Maybe I'll report you for that...

Do Kyungsoo: Hahaha, you can try, Baekkie.

Byun Baekhyun: I wouldn't have the courage to report my friend.


That made Kyungsoo smile widely. Was he calling him a friend on his own accord?

Do Kyungsoo: So I have a good friend.

Do Kyungsoo: Thank you, friend.

Byun Baekhyun: You're welcome, friend.

Byun Baekhyun: Since we're friends, you might as well give me a raise.

Do Kyungsoo: Or you could work for free for me...

Byun Baekhyun: No way!

Do Kyungsoo: Oh, my friend is swearing! How naughty! :p

Byun Baekhyun: Hahaha, you're actually making me laugh.

Do Kyungsoo: That's the intention, friend.

Do Kyungsoo: Are you sleepy, Baekkie? It's getting late.

Do Kyungsoo: I apologize for that.

Byun Baekhyun: No, it's okay.

Byun Baekhyun: I enjoy talking to you.

Do Kyungsoo: But still, you need to sleep.

Byun Baekhyun: You too, chef.

Do Kyungsoo: I always sleep late, but I don't want that for you either.


Baekhyun stopped responding for a while, which almost made Kyungsoo think he had fallen asleep with the messages. Until he replied again.


Byun Baekhyun: Why can't you sleep?


That caught him off guard. Should he talk about it? It was a bit too personal... He didn't want him to think badly of him. Kyungsoo always liked to maintain a strong image for people.


Do Kyungsoo: I've been suffering from insomnia for a few years now.

Byun Baekhyun: Haven't you received any treatment for it?

Do Kyungsoo: I did...

Do Kyungsoo: For a while.

Byun Baekhyun: And why didn't you continue?


Kyungsoo pondered. He hadn't continued because he knew his problem went beyond insomnia. He would have to see a psychologist and undergo treatment for his past traumas. And that was a difficult step to take, being such a reserved person.


Do Kyungsoo: My treatment was a bit more complex than just medication.

Do Kyungsoo: I don't have time for that.

Byun Baekhyun: Everyone has time to take care of their health, chef.

Do Kyungsoo: Not everyone...

Byun Baekhyun: Aigoo, ahjussi. You're so stubborn!

Do Kyungsoo: Hahahahahaha xD

Byun Baekhyun: Please, Soo, take care of your health.


"Soo." Kyungsoo repeated. No one had called him that before, except for Byun himself. The bald man smiled at the thought.


Do Kyungsoo: I... promise to consider it.

Byun Baekhyun: If you want, I can accompany you to the appointments. I know it's not easy to go through it alone.


He knew?


Do Kyungsoo: Have you been through it too?

Byun Baekhyun: Well, yes. I received treatment for a while, right after I left home.

Do Kyungsoo: And are you better now?

Byun Baekhyun: Completely!

Do Kyungsoo: I'm really glad to hear that, Baekkie.

Byun Baekhyun: Ah... thank you...

Do Kyungsoo: I'll let you sleep now. See you tomorrow.

Byun Baekhyun: Oh, about that...

Do Kyungsoo: Yes?

Byun Baekhyun: I have commitments in the morning, but I can meet you a little before 2 p.m.

Do Kyungsoo: That's fine, the engagement event won't be until the evening.

Do Kyungsoo: I just want to meet you beforehand because I still need to lend you a suit.

Byun Baekhyun: Ah... that's true.

Do Kyungsoo: :)

Byun Baekhyun: In that case, I'll send you a message to arrange where we'll meet.

Do Kyungsoo: Actually... give me your address, and I'll pick you up from there.

Do Kyungsoo: It'll be easier for me that way.


Baekhyun stopped responding again. Had he crossed a line? Kyungsoo was terrible at social interactions. He didn't have many friends to practice with, apart from Chanyeol. But then again, Chanyeol was just one person in the world.

Byun Baekhyun: [Google Maps Localization]

Byun Baekhyun: Here it is

Byun Baekhyun: I think you can find it, right? It's a building. Once you're here, let me know, and I'll come down to the lobby.

Do Kyungsoo: Ok, great.

Byun Baekhyun: Well, now I'm really going. See you later, Soo.

Do Kyungsoo: Good night, Baekkie :)

Byun Baekhyun: ;)

The smile on Kyungsoo's face could split it in half. Did he really end the night with Byun Baekhyun's address on his phone? It had to be a joke.

The bald man looked at the finger that had caused all this confusion, still a little indignant. If he hadn't been so careless, he would have spent another night in sadness and emptiness.

He had never been so grateful for the existence of a finger before.



The night had been quite slow, but Minseok thought it was essential that way. If they had attacked each other in the middle of the club, they would probably have done things right there and never be able to come back.

They were now standing in front of his apartment while the bartender searched for his keys to open the door. His keychain was really full.

The shorter one laughed.

"I guess it's going to take some effort for my drunk to remember which key is the right one here." Park approached, standing over him to help with the key.

The taller man's chest practically enclosed him against the door.

"Let me see." Minseok turned around, still holding the keys in his hands, which were taken away from him by Chanyeol.

The big guy chose one of the keys and tried it on the door with concentration. What a surprise when it actually opened.

The bartender was impressed.

"Ah, you really got lucky." Park looked down where he was, and smiled.

"For now." The shorter one smiled, admiring him up close.

"I enjoyed today. I think we could do this again. What do you think?" He really wanted Chanyeol to accept.

It was the first time in his entire life that someone sparked his interest. Yes, he was attracted to him. Very much so. But he knew that a big part of this attraction couldn't be purely physical. Spending time with the big guy was becoming easier and easier.

"I think it would be perfect." Chanyeol said softly.

Minseok smiled, pulling him closer by the shirt.

"Goodnight, Yoda." He sealed the other's lips with his own.

The kiss lasted only a few seconds. They both separated, and the bartender was about to turn inside the house when Chanyeol prevented him. His large hand flew to Minseok's wrist, who turned back to him, confused. Park approached, pulling his face towards him, passionately kissing him.

Kim could feel that he was conveying all his desire through that kiss. Their tongues embraced with fervor, as if Chanyeol wanted to show all his desire to him. Electricity ran through his body as Chanyeol broke the kiss and hugged him tightly, leading him into his own apartment, his eyes locked on his.

Eyes that screamed fire.

As soon as they crossed the door, Park slammed it shut with a loud kick, and they attacked each other again. Both mouths fought to gain the upper hand in that contest, and their tongues followed bravely. They attacked each other as if they had never touched before; as if they had never touched any other human being in their entire existence.

For Minseok, there was only Chanyeol.

For Chanyeol, there was only Minseok.

And that's how they showed their affection.

As Chanyeol carried him to the sofa, Minseok grabbed the larger man's neck, and he squeezed his with both his huge hands. Chanyeol simply didn't measure the strength with which he held him, and the smaller man groaned his name in a mix of pain and pure pleasure.

"Chanyeol..." He thought he could just with a squeeze.

How old was he? 12? This was ridiculous! But it was also so satisfying...

"Aah..." That's what the bigger guy replied, still clinging to the bartender's body.

Chanyeol threw himself onto the hard furniture, and the smaller one's back hit the seat with a thud. But Minseok didn't even feel any pain, such was the pleasure he was feeling at that moment. Park just kept moving his lips all over his body, starting from the neck down to the low-cut part of his chest. The bigger guy alternated between bites and , making Minseok's excitement grow even more.

"E-Excuse me." The shorter one pushed him away for a moment, trying to sit on the sofa, still panting. "Take off your shirt." He said with difficulty in thinking.

"As you wish." Chanyeol just obeyed, intoxicated with desire for him.

He quickly took off the expensive shirt and tossed it on the floor as if it were just an old rag. Minseok followed suit, discarding his tank top on the apartment floor.

The bigger guy was mesmerized.

His body wasn't that muscular, but he still had some definition. But the way Chanyeol looked at him, it was as if he were the only god in the room. He felt desired like never before in his life.

"Wow... you're..." He swallowed hard before speaking again. "You're so hot, Kim Minseok." Park's hands flew to both sides of his chest, touching him like a valuable sculpture. He could see that the other was breathing heavily, his mouth slightly open seeking the necessary amount of air to survive. When Chanyeol's hands reached the waistband of his pants, he looked him in the eyes. He was asking for permission.

Minseok smiled softly and just nodded.

Park moved closer, turning into a wall over him. He was kneeling on the apartment floor, facing the sofa where Minseok was sitting. It made things much easier for him, the bartender was sure of that.

The taller man ed his jeans and pulled them down, discarding the garment next to the sofa. Chanyeol approached the bartender again, looking directly into his eyes. He put one of his hands on Minseok's face and his cheek with his thumb. He traced the contours of his face with his finger. Lips, eyes, jawline, paying extreme attention to everything. It was as if he were looking at a precious jewel. The smaller guy couldn't move, so good he felt. He analyzed every part that was exposed, from his face to the muscles that were absent in his stomach. It was as if he was in an art gallery, and Minseok was the work of art.

"You are beautiful, Minseok," he whispered in his deep voice.

Kim didn't say anything. He just waited for the next move Chanyeol would make.

"When I look at you, I can't control myself. My chest aches from waiting so long to touch you." The bartender pulled his hands to his torso, smiling provocatively.

"Well, now you can. I'm yours." Chanyeol took a deep breath and hugged him tightly, pressing their lips together.

At first, the kiss was deep and slow, just exploring what they hadn't seen of each other yet. Park searched for every part of Minseok's body that he hadn't touched yet. Thighs, belly, and arms. Everything received the attention it deserved.

On the other hand, Minseok focused on the enormous back Chanyeol had. He started from the bottom up with a light touch, which made the big guy shiver.

"Minseok..." He moaned hoarsely.

Minseok's hands on his back held tight enough to dig his fingers into the taller man's skin. Park's voice was definitely his weak point.

This made Chanyeol groan huskily.

"You want to kill me." The shorter one smiled, pulling him closer with his legs around his waist.

Minseok could now feel the bigger guy's , and he probably felt his too, as he rested his head on his shoulder. But Minseok didn't expect what he felt next: a generous bite on his shoulder.

"C-Chanyeol..." He sighed his name, arousing the taller man for another round.

Park simply attacked him again, kissing him passionately and being on top of him, while pressing both their s between them. Both moaned loudly, but Chanyeol didn't stop. His lips were now seeking the smaller one's neck, going lower and lower until he a good part of his groin.

"Aaah..." Minseok moaned loudly, almost reaching right there.

He was already wet, he knew that. Which didn't stop the other from getting rid of his underwear and holding with his hands.

He ed him with precision, from tip to base, like a massage that took him to paradise. Every time his hand descended, he squeezed a little, causing a pleasurable pressure.

Kim could no longer keep his eyes open from so much pleasure.

Park went a little further with his fingers, inserting one into his entrance. The smaller guy cried out with the sensation.

"Aah, yes. Please." It encouraged him to start moving inside him.

As he got the hang of it, he added another finger, stretching him more. Minseok swore he could just like that. He knew he didn't have much time.

Park withdrew from on top of the smaller one, searching for his wallet in his pants pocket. He took out the and stopped to look at him.

They were both a little desperate, but even so, he waited to ask.

"Are you okay, shorty?" It was a sweet question to ask when they had almost ed each other right there like animals.

Minseok just nodded, smiling.

"I'm fine. I just think it's not fair for you to be partially dressed." He pointed to the other's pants. "You're still wearing them." Chanyeol smiled as he looked down at himself.

He started to take off his dress pants calmly. Probably, he hadn't even realized that Minseok was devouring him with his eyes, enjoying the show.

Once he got rid of his clothes, the smaller one picked up the from the side, tearing the package and positioning himself to put it on Park.

The bigger guy just watched him, mesmerized, as he did the job. The smaller one's hands were so good that just their touch made Chanyeol's eyes roll back. He was extremely aroused now.

"I... I don't know how long I can hold on." He confessed.

Their breathing was heavy. Minseok positioned himself slowly over Chanyeol, savoring every inch of . As soon as he was fully positioned at the base, they both moaned at the same time.

Park started to move slowly, cautiously, so as not to hurt him. He was holding back so much that the veins in his neck stood out red and swollen. He summoned all his self-control at that moment.

Minseok pulled him closer with his legs around his waist, which made Chanyeol go even deeper inside him.

"Yes!" He screamed with pleasure. "Okay, Chanyeol... faster." He was giving orders to the bigger guy, who obediently complied.

Park increased the rhythm with each deep , occasionally grinding to fit better. Every time his body hit Minseok's , the smaller one rolled his eyes with pleasure. They were so close that they seemed to be one person.

"Harder... more..." He begged, although he prayed he wouldn't break in half.

The sounds started to echo throughout the entire apartment. Chanyeol had no mercy anymore and was rhythmically ing, even hitting the smaller one's body with force.

Minseok hugged him, practically climbing on top of him. He had no strength for anything other than ing himself while Park didn't stop. He moved his lips to his ears, on them with all he had. They were his favorite part of his body.

"Aah... Chanyeol..." Minseok gasped his name, awakening the bigger guy's desire.

Chanyeol attacked him again, kissing him passionately and being on top of him, while pressing both their s between them. Both moaned loudly, but Chanyeol didn't even give them a break. His lips were now seeking the smaller one's neck, going lower and lower until he a good part of his groin.

"Aaah..." Minseok moaned loudly, almost reaching right there.

He was already wet, he knew that. Which didn't stop the other from getting rid of his underwear and holding with his hands.

He ed him with precision, from tip to base, like a massage that took him to paradise. Every time his hand descended, he squeezed a little, causing a pleasurable pressure.

Kim could no longer keep his eyes open from so much pleasure.

Park went a little further with his fingers, inserting one into his entrance. The smaller guy cried out with the sensation.

"Aah, yes. Please." It encouraged him to start moving inside him.

As he got the hang of it, he added another finger, stretching him more. Minseok swore he could just like that. He knew he didn't have much time.

Park withdrew from on top of the smaller one, searching for his wallet in his pants pocket. He took out the and stopped to look at him.

They were both a little desperate, but even so, he waited to ask.

"Are you okay, shorty?" It was a sweet question to ask when they had almost ed each other right there like animals.

Minseok just nodded, smiling.

"I'm fine. I just think it's not fair for you to be partially dressed." He pointed to the other's pants. "You're still wearing them." Chanyeol smiled as he looked down at himself.

He started to take off his dress pants calmly. Probably, he hadn't even realized that Minseok was devouring him with his eyes, enjoying the show.

Once he got rid of his clothes, the smaller one picked up the from the side, tearing the package and positioning himself to put it on Park.

The bigger guy just watched him, mesmerized, as he did the job. The smaller one's hands were so good that just their touch made Chanyeol's eyes roll back. He was extremely aroused now.

"I... I don't know how long I can hold on." He confessed.

Their breathing was heavy. Minseok positioned himself slowly over Chanyeol, savoring every inch of .

As soon as he was fully positioned at the base, they both moaned at the same time.

Park moved slowly, carefully, so as not to hurt him. He was holding back so much that the veins in his neck stood out red and swollen. He summoned all his self-control at that moment.

Minseok pulled him closer with his legs around his waist, which made Chanyeol go even deeper inside him.

"Yes!" He screamed with pleasure. "Okay, Chanyeol... faster." He was giving orders to the bigger guy, who obediently complied.

Park increased the rhythm with each deep , occasionally grinding to fit better. Every time his body hit Minseok's , the other rolled his eyes with pleasure. They were so close that they seemed to be one person.

"Harder... more..." He begged, even though he prayed not to break in half.

The sounds started to echo throughout the entire apartment. Chanyeol had no mercy anymore and was rhythmically ing, even hitting the smaller one's body with force.

Minseok hugged him, practically climbing on top of him. He had no strength for anything other than ing himself while Park didn't stop. He moved his lips to his ears, on them with all he had. They were his favorite part of his body.

"Aah... Chanyeol... that's it, baby." He moaned hoarsely with the pleasure he was feeling.

Chanyeol so hard that the sofa started to slide across the floor. Minseok tried to hold onto the upholstery with his other hand, but the pleasure was so intense that he had no strength.

The taller man then pulled him out of the couch, placing him on the living room floor and holding his torso to prevent him from hitting his head anywhere. Minseok felt every deep and moaned as loudly as he could, probably waking up a good portion of the building.

"Chanyeol..." The bigger man moved his hands to the floor and pulled Minseok's legs up, resting his ankles on his shoulders. This made it easier for him to hit his prostate rhythmically.

Park ed him relentlessly, with a rhythm that drove him to insanity. Their heavy breathing occasionally came out as rough moans.

"Ah... that... feels... amazing." With a burst of courage, Chanyeol spanked his , making him tremble all over.

"Scream for me, baby." He was holding back from coming, that much was clear. "Come on, scream for me. I want to hear you." Park spanked him again, this time on the other side of his , which was enough to make him obey his orders.

"Aaaaah." That was all he could scream before ing intensely. It felt like he was in a war, and he would probably wake up hoarse the next day.

"That's it... just like that." Park responded through gritted teeth.

Minseok had never come this much in his life as he did in that moment. And still, Park didn't stop ing. He hit his prostate three or five more times until he came inside him, loudly his name.

"Minseok!" The bartender didn't even have the strength to respond.

Chanyeol collapsed beside him, breathing heavily. It felt like they had been swimming for hours, as they both gasped for air.

Side by side on the floor, Park pulled him into a hug, cuddling him against his chest while kissing his temple. He deeply inhaled the scent of his hair and rested his head on top of his. He was caressing him so tenderly, it was hard to believe he was the same guy from two minutes ago.

"That was... amazing." He confessed, in a low whisper.

Kim didn't say anything. He just focused on breathing with his lungs.

Chanyeol chuckled, hugging him tightly. They stayed embraced for a while, just regaining their strength.

"I think we should go to bed. Can you get up?" Chanyeol nodded, giving a slight nod against his neck.

They both got up and made their way to Minseok's bedroom. Park was still a little tipsy from the alcohol, so he simply collapsed next to him on the bed, holding the smaller man in his massive arms.

The bartender didn't say anything. He just tried to process what had happened. Had he, after three long years, finally managed to be with Park Chanyeol? The guy who drove him crazy?

Turning to look at him sleeping deeply, the smaller one could realize that this warmth was probably enough to melt his icy heart.

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50 streak #1
Chapter 19: The ending was so sweet, they shared a loving kiss and it showed how much the chef means to Baekhyun.

Yes, they had a small fight but it is understandable. Baekhyun wants Do to be happy, not stuck in a loveless marriage with a snake like Mina.

Chanyeol and Minseok also got some loving moments, the taller one proving to Minseok that he matters.
50 streak #2
Chapter 18: Xiumin and Chanyeol are on the right path. They might take things casually but is is something!

Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are feeling all Flustered and shy when it comes to each other. Can't wait for future interactions of the two!
50 streak #3
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Kyungsoo managed to feel less lonely due to accidently calling Baekhyun. Their relationship is experiencing a progress.
Meanwhile Minseok and Chanyeol sure ain't taking things slow.
50 streak #4
Chapter 16: Kyungsoo just thought he was doing the best for both of them but Baekhyun's anger is understandable. He experiences lot of stress and fear.

Chanyeol and Minseok are making each other question themselves and their life choices, in a good way.
50 streak #5
Chapter 15: Chapter 15: Junmyeon made a "mistake" which might turn his life for the better. To help him get out of his shell and make him realize his worth.

Kai seems like a good.hearted man. A little hung over Taemin but that is the power of first love.

Baekhyun can do that. He is skilled enough and it is always time for first time.
50 streak #6
Chapter 14: Kai might have to move on from Taemin but hey, he has Junmyeon now. Their relationship needs some time to progress to a deeper bond. But it will happen, hopefully.

Xiumin and Chanyeol are sure progressing fast, if Minseok hadn't become sick then they would have hooked up, maybe.

The cap is a great reason to meet up!
50 streak #7
Chapter 13: Minseok and Chanyeol ship is sailing. Good thing Chanyeol managed to muster the courage to offer the bartender a drink.

Junmyeon finally has mer Kai! Excited to see their relationship develop, after previous experiences both of them deserve some love and happiness in their lives.

I realized I haven't mentioned Chen and Luhan much. They are awesome, with their distinctive personalities and cute interactions.
50 streak #8
Chapter 12: Minseok and Baekhyun are a pair of good friends who clicked instantly due to Minseok's outgoing and flirty nature.

Sehun also made an appearance, getting to know the bartender even if it was a bit awkward as Sehun is still affected by the ongoing events in his life.

Hopefully they don't burn the kitchen down.

The faucet worked just in time, allowing Baekhyun to see the tattoo and start a proper bond with Minseok.
50 streak #9
Chapter 11: Their calls are getting friendlier and friendlier, even giving each other cute nicknames.

The dinner was a disaster but Kyungsoo managed to survive it and even realized that his mom cares about him deeply. And Chanyeol was there to support his best friend. Given the support he needed very much.
50 streak #10
Chapter 10: Baekhyun now understands how hard it is to be a chef, having to do multiple things at once. Maybe now he can relate to Kyungsoo more.

Irene and Sehun had a long awaited talk which might make their relationship better.