7: Frustrated Chanyeol in Blind Date

Who's The Real Boss?
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Frustrated Chanyeol in Blind Date Chapter - 7

As Hana prepared to leave and head back home, she noticed Baekhyun standing nearby, seemingly wanting to strike up a conversation. She smiled and greeted him warmly, "Hey Baekhyun, what's up?"


Baekhyun returned the smile and replied, "Hey Hana, just wanted to catch up with you before you leave. How was your day?"


Hana chuckled and said, "Oh, you know, the usual office shenanigans. But it was nice to have some fun with others, especially in the canteen earlier. How about you? How's work treating you?"


Baekhyun took a sip of his coffee and nodded, "Work's been hectic, as always. But it keeps me on my toes. By the way, I never asked about your family. Can you tell me about them?"


Hana's expression turned thoughtful as she replied, "My mom is incredible. She's caring and loving, always there for me. But my dad, well, he's quite strict. He used to be in the military, and even though he's retired now, he still follows the same discipline and rules. He's quite orthodox in his thinking."


Curiosity sparkled in Baekhyun's eyes as he listened intently. "Tell me more about your dad," he encouraged.


Hana sighed, "Well, my dad always wanted a son. They tried for years to have a boy, but fate had other plans, and I came into their lives. They named me Hana, which means 'flower' in Korean. But my dad's traditional mindset sometimes clashed with my independent and feminist views. We've had our fair share of arguments. Especially he doesn’t want me to work. He wants me to get married."


Baekhyun raised an eyebrow, genuinely interested. "So, does that mean your dad wants you to get married now?"


Hana shrugged, "Maybe. If I find the right person, someone who understands and respects me, then marriage could be on the cards. But I also want to focus on my career and establish myself before settling down."


Just as their conversation was winding down, a cab pulled up by the curb. Hana smiled at Baekhyun and said, "Well, it's time for me to go. Thanks for the chat, Baekhyun. Take care and see you soon!"


Baekhyun waved goodbye and replied, "No problem, Hana. Have a safe journey home. We'll catch up again soon. Take care!"


With a final wave, Hana hopped into the cab and watched as Baekhyun disappeared from view. As the cab drove away, she couldn't help but feel grateful for their friendship and the unexpected moments of connection she found in the midst of her busy life.




Hana stood in front of the mirror, carefully examining her reflection. She had chosen a simple yet elegant pink outfit for her blind date, hoping to make a good impression. The soft hue complemented her complexion, and she adjusted her hair, ensuring it fell gracefully around her shoulders.


Giselle, her usual confidante, was absent today, having taken the opportunity to go on a trip with Mark while Mina was out of town. Hana felt a twinge of disappointment as she longed for her friend's reassuring words about how she looked. Nonetheless, she took a deep breath, reminding herself to trust her own judgement.


With a final glance in the mirror, Hana affirmed her appearance, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation. She grabbed her bag, double-checking that she had everything she needed, including her phone, in case she wanted to discreetly text Giselle for moral support.


Leaving her apartment behind, Hana ventured out to the location her blind date, Han Seojun, had specified. The evening air carried a gentle breeze, causing her hair to sway slightly as she walked. The city streets were bustling with activity, people rushing by, oblivious to the butterflies fluttering in Hana's stomach.


As she approached the designated meeting spot, Hana's gaze fell upon a charming café nestled between towering buildings. Warm light spilled from its windows, creating a cosy and inviting atmosphere. The scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, intertwining with the aroma of delicious pastries.


Hana took a moment to compose herself before stepping inside. The café exuded an aura of understated elegance, with its tasteful decor and soft ambient music playing in the background. Patrons sat at small, intimate tables, engaged in conversations or quietly enjoying their beverages.


She glanced around, searching for any signs of her blind date. Hana's heart raced, her nerves getting the best of her. Would Han Seojun recognize her? Would they hit it off? A thousand questions swirled in her mind, but she reminded herself to stay calm and open-minded.


Suddenly, a voice called out her name, and Hana turned to see a tall, handsome man with a warm smile approaching her. Han Seojun stood before her, dressed smartly in a tailored suit that accentuated his confident demeanour. Hana's eyes met his, and she felt an instant connection.


As they exchanged greetings, Hana couldn't help but notice the twinkle of curiosity in Han Seojun's eyes. She knew that this blind date held the potential for a new beginning, a chapter in her life that was yet to be written. With a deep breath, she took a step forward, ready to embark on this unexpected adventure and discover what fate had in store for her.


As Hana and Seojun enjoyed their time together at the café, a figure in a black cap, mask, and outfit discreetly followed them. The mysterious person smirked to themselves, satisfied that Hana had arrived at the designated location. Intrigued, they decided to enter the café.


Seojun's gentlemanly gesture of pulling out a chair for Hana made her laugh, feeling a sense of being valued and cherished. Blushing, she graciously took her seat, eagerly anticipating their conversation. Seojun sat across from Hana, his attentive eyes fixed on her as he asked, "What wi

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195 streak #1
Chapter 8: Am enjoying immensely!
195 streak #2
Chapter 4: 🥰
195 streak #3
community promoted...guess I'll just have to read!
kia_fabian #5
Chapter 13: Why i think giselle it the girl that baekhyun waiting for hahahaha just my imagination
Chapter 7: This chapter started so sweet, Hana took everyone’s breath away and had fun with her colleagues.

Baekhyun knows more about Chanyeol than the man knows about himself. He can see Chanyeol’s jealousy and feelings for Hana.

It was good that Chanyeol could take care of Hana and realise that he loves her.

And now he knows what Hana thinks of him and can find ways to become a better boss who doesn’t give her too much work!
Chapter 7: Finally he realized that he's in love.. but i think it's still one sided, because Hana still feel uncomfortable with him..
Chapter 6: The way Chanyeol shows interest in Hana is sooo weird.. if he's interested, he should just be a man and confess.. no need to make her life miserable with all the extra work loads.. hehehe..
Excited for the party!!
Chapter 6: Guessing from the spoiler, Hana won’t miss the party and will arrive in her red dress, being the flower of the party.

Chanyeol is slowly losing his heart for Hana. And people are noticing.

The event looks like it will be a lot of fun. Can’t wait for the next chapter!