5: Luxury Banter in the Party

Who's The Real Boss?
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Luxury Banter in the Party Chapter - 5

Hana stood in front of the full-length mirror, adjusting the straps of her stunning red dress. The vibrant colour accentuated her features, and she couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. As she meticulously applied her makeup, Giselle sat comfortably on Hana's bed, engrossed in their conversation.


"You won't believe what Chanyeol does to me every time," Hana vented, her tone filled with frustration. "He never fails to pile on the work, even though I'm still relatively new. It's like he's constantly looking for ways to taunt me."


Giselle nodded sympathetically, despite not having much firsthand knowledge of Chanyeol's actions. Being a supportive friend, she understood the importance of validating Hana's feelings. "I can't believe he's still at it. It must be exhausting dealing with him day in and day out."


Hana scoffed, her annoyance evident in her voice. "You have no idea, Giselle. Sometimes I wonder if he just enjoys making my life difficult. But today, I won't let his antics ruin my mood. I'm going to enjoy the party and show him that I can't be easily shaken."


As Hana put the finishing touches on her makeup, Giselle couldn't help but admire her friend's transformation. "You look absolutely fabulous, Hana," she complimented, a genuine smile gracing her face.


Hana turned to face Giselle, a grateful expression replacing her earlier frustration. "Thank you, Giselle. Your support means the world to me. Now, it's time to face the party with confidence and show them what I'm made of."


With a final nod of determination, Hana grabbed her purse, casting a last glance at the mirror to ensure everything was in place. She took a deep breath, ready to embrace the evening and showcase her resilience. With Giselle's encouraging words echoing in her mind, Hana left her apartment, radiating confidence as she stepped into the promising night ahead.




In a luxurious ballroom of a fancy hotel, Nayeon, Rose, Momo, and Heechul gathered together with Kyungsoo and Sehun, basking in the grandeur of the extravagant party. The room was adorned with sparkling chandeliers, elegant drapes, and intricately designed furniture, reflecting opulence in every corner. The music played softly in the background, setting the perfect ambiance for their conversation.


Nayeon, wearing a glamorous evening gown, raised her glass and grinned. "Wow, this party is incredible! I feel like we're some rich people living our best lives."


Kyungsoo was stealing shy glances on Nayeon as she spoke. Sehun noticed this as he shook his head but stayed unbothered like always. 


Rose, dressed in a stunning black dress, nodded in agreement. "Absolutely! I've never seen a party this big before. It's like a scene from a movie."


Momo, clad in a chic ensemble, chimed in with a mischievous smile. "You know, Heechul, even if Chanyeol is arrogant and all, at least he knows how to spend on the right things."


Heechul, known for his playful nature, chuckled and teased, "Well, Momo, you have a point there. Chanyeol might be a bit full of himself, but he has good taste when it comes to parties."


Amidst their laughter, Kyungsoo and Sehun, who seemed uninterested in their conversation until now, couldn't help but chuckle. Kyungsoo, while laughing softly, added, "We probably shouldn't say things like that, though."


The girls seized the opportunity to tease Heechul, playfully linking him with Momo. Nayeon smirked and nudged Heechul. "You know, Heechul, you and Momo look like a couple tonight. Maybe it's a sign!"


Heechul, appearing oblivious to Momo's potential feelings, burst into laughter. "Oh, Momo and I? Well, I guess we'd make quite the power couple!"


Momo blushed, her cheeks turning a rosy hue. The other girls giggled and joined in the teasing, making the atmosphere light-hearted and filled with playful banter.


Just then, Hana, dressed in a stunning evening gown, joined the group. Her entrance attracted the attention of everyone in the room. The room seemed to brighten as if the spotlight was on her.


Nayeon, amazed by Hana's appearance, exclaimed, "Wow, Hana, you look absolutely stunning tonight! The definition of elegance and grace!"


Rose nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, you're a vision, Hana! The party just got even more glamorous with your presence."


Momo joined in, a twinkle in her eye. "Seriously, Hana, how did you manage to look this good? It's not fair!"


Heechul, ever the flatterer, added with a smirk, "Well, well, Hana, you're looking quite... y tonight, I must say!"


The rest of the group burst into laughter, except for Kyungsoo and Sehun, who seemed a bit more reserved. Hana took it all in stride, laughing along with them, appreciating the lightheartedness of the moment.


The scene was filled with laughter, sparkling conversation, and an air of luxury. As they continued to enjoy the party, their surroundings only enhanced their sense of being part of an extravagant world, where they felt like some rich people living their dream.


Simultaneously, dressed in a sleek black suit, Chanyeol mingled with the guests he had personally invited to the party. The ballroom buzzed with conversations and laughter, creating an atmosphere of joy and celebration. As Chanyeol engaged in small talk, his gaze unintentionally shifted towards Hana, who was laughing with her friends. In that moment, he felt his heart skip a beat, a strange sensation that he couldn't quite explain.


Baekhyun, ever observant, noticed Chanyeol's glance towards Hana and couldn't resist teasing his friend. Smirking mischievously, he leaned in and whispered, "Don't look at her like that, dude. You look smitten, and it doesn't suit you."


Chanyeol's cheeks flushed slightly, and he hastily averted his eyes, pretending to be preoccupied with scanning the room. "I wasn't looking at her," he defended himself, trying to brush off Baekhyun's playful accusation. "I was just looking at other people."


Baekhyun burst into laughter, clearly unconvinced by Chanyeol's denial. "Sure, sure," he said, his tone dripping with amusement. He knew his friend all too well.


Meanwhile, Hana, engrossed in taking in her surroundings, found herself making eye contact with Chanyeol just as he quickly glanced away. The interaction struck her as odd, but she dismissed it, assuming it was a mere coincidence. She continued to enjoy the company of her friends, not dwelling on the brief encounter.


The scene continued to unfold with vibrant conversations and laughter echoing throughout the ballroom. The extravagant setting of the party enhanced the sense of opulence, with guests revelling in the luxurious atmosphere. The soft glow of the chandeliers cast a warm light, and the elegantly decorated tables displayed an array of delicious delicacies.


As the night progressed, Chanyeol attempted to shake off the lingering thoughts about Hana, focusing on being the perfect host. He engaged in conversations with various guests, ensuring that everyone felt welcomed and entertained.


The atmosphere remained filled with joy and laughter, the air abuzz with lively exchanges and the clinking of glasses. The guests revealed in the enchanting ambiance, cherishing the experience of being part of such a grand celebration.


Throughout the night, Chanyeol and Hana found themselves occasionally crossing paths, sharing fleeting glances that neither could quite decipher. The unspoken connection between them seemed to linger in the air, adding an element of intrigue and excitement to the evening.


Chanyeol and Hana couldn't ignore the unspoken connection that was blossoming between them during the evening. Their paths had intersected, leaving them curious about what the future might hold. But for now, they both carried with them the memory of a night filled with laughter, joy, and the tantalising possibility of something more.


As the night progressed, Baekhyun, ever the mischievous friend, decided to playfully meddle in Chanyeol's emotions. He approached Chanyeol and said, "You know, I should go meet Hana and her friends. They seem to have fun." Baekhyun couldn't help but smirk, attempting to ignite a hint of jealousy within his friend.


Chanyeol felt a twinge of jealousy at the suggestion, but he tried to maintain his composure. He continued speaking to his guests, engaging them in conversation and ensuring their enjoyment of the party. However, his eyes occasionally wandered toward Hana and her friends, even though he couldn't quite understand why.


In the meantime, Baekhyun smoothly made his way toward Hana and her group. With a playful grin, he joined their circle, captivating everyone's attention. Baekhyun, eager to provoke a reaction, declared, "You know, Hana could be my go-to date for any party. I bet all eyes would be on us!"


The group responded with teasing sounds and playful banter, their eyes dancing with amusement. Hana playfully rolled her eyes at Baekhyun's comment, feigning indifference. However, her laughter betrayed a hint of amusement, encouraging Baekhyun to take it a step further.


He extended his hand towards Hana, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Shall we steal the dance floor, Hana? Join me for a dance?"


Hana, unable to resist the charm and playfulness, accepted his invitation with a smile. They gracefully made their way to the dance floor, drawing

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195 streak #1
Chapter 8: Am enjoying immensely!
195 streak #2
Chapter 4: 🥰
195 streak #3
community promoted...guess I'll just have to read!
kia_fabian #5
Chapter 13: Why i think giselle it the girl that baekhyun waiting for hahahaha just my imagination
Chapter 7: This chapter started so sweet, Hana took everyone’s breath away and had fun with her colleagues.

Baekhyun knows more about Chanyeol than the man knows about himself. He can see Chanyeol’s jealousy and feelings for Hana.

It was good that Chanyeol could take care of Hana and realise that he loves her.

And now he knows what Hana thinks of him and can find ways to become a better boss who doesn’t give her too much work!
Chapter 7: Finally he realized that he's in love.. but i think it's still one sided, because Hana still feel uncomfortable with him..
Chapter 6: The way Chanyeol shows interest in Hana is sooo weird.. if he's interested, he should just be a man and confess.. no need to make her life miserable with all the extra work loads.. hehehe..
Excited for the party!!
Chapter 6: Guessing from the spoiler, Hana won’t miss the party and will arrive in her red dress, being the flower of the party.

Chanyeol is slowly losing his heart for Hana. And people are noticing.

The event looks like it will be a lot of fun. Can’t wait for the next chapter!