6: The Lunch System

Who's The Real Boss?
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The Lunch System Chapter - 6

It was a lazy Sunday morning, and Hana found herself nestled in her bed, slightly disoriented about how she ended up there. She recalled falling asleep in Chanyeol's embrace, but the memories of the old man’s kisses left her feeling a mix of disgust but she felt her gratitude for Chanyeol protecting her from that man. Pushing those thoughts aside, Hana made her way to the living room, where the aroma of breakfast filled the air.


Giselle, ever the thoughtful friend, had prepared a delicious meal. She looked at Hana with concern in her eyes and asked, "Hey! How are you feeling now?"


Hana mustered a smile and replied, "I'm feeling better, thanks."


Giselle couldn't help but notice Hana's hesitation and curiosity got the better of her. "By the way, yesterday some handsome guy dropped you off. Who was he? And why were you in his arms?"


Hana's mind raced to find an explanation that wouldn't worry Giselle unnecessarily. She considered the possibility that it was Chanyeol who had dropped her off, but before she could answer, the doorbell interrupted their conversation.


Curiosity piqued, Hana went to answer the door. A delivery man stood before her, holding out a parcel. He informed her, "Someone sent this to Miss Hana." With a nod of acknowledgment from Hana, the delivery man left.


Giselle, intrigued by the fancy paper bag in Hana's hands, inquired, "Who sent it to you?"


Shrugging her shoulders, Hana replied, "I have no idea."


Intrigued yet cautious, Hana retreated to her room to open the bag. As she peeled back the layers, memories of the previous gift from Jennie flooded her mind. Could it be Jennie again? Hana wondered.


Her anticipation grew as she discovered chocolates and a delicate bracelet inside. But this time, there was also a note. Hana's eyes scanned the words aloud, "This is for the woman in the red dress yesterday. By the way, your friend knows a lot about me. - Loey."


Confusion washed over her. Who was this "Loey"? She strained her memory, recalling glimpses of a tattoo on someone's hand, but the details eluded her. Seeking answers, Hana rushed back to Giselle, urgently asking, "What did you say to the guy who dropped me off yesterday?"


Giselle furrowed her brows, deep in thought. After a moment, realisation dawned on her, and she stammered, "Oh! I remember asking his name, but he didn't answer. Then I proceeded to tell him how your arrogant boss makes your life hell."


Hana's heart sank as the truth hit her. The person who had dropped her off was indeed Chanyeol. Overwhelmed, she cried out, "Giselle, what have you done? It was my boss who carried me!"


Giselle, feeling a mix of embarrassment and concern, quickly tried to rectify the situation. "Oh, Hana, you have such a handsome boss! I had no idea it was him. But why were in his embrace? Is there something between you two?” Giselle teased but soon enough realised what Hana said. “Wait! What? Okay, let's forget this ever happened. How about we go to the mall? I'll treat you today."


Hana couldn't help but crack a smile at Giselle's attempt to lighten the mood. "Okay, Giselle, a mall trip sounds great. Let's get ready."


As Giselle hurried off to her room, Hana let out a sigh, contemplating how she would face Chanyeol after this awkward encounter. Her thoughts drifted to the fancy paper bag, and a small smile crept onto her lips. "So, it wasn't Jennie who gifted me the other day. It was Chanyeol. No wonder she didn't even know my address," Hana mused, finding solace in the fact that he remembered her love for sweets.


Meanwhile, Chanyeol found himself immersed in his home office, trying to focus on work and divert his thoughts from Hana. However, no matter how hard he tried, thoughts of her kept creeping back in. As he struggled to concentrate, he noticed his mom entering the room. 


"You know how much I've been wishing for you to get married and for me to have grandchildren running around," his mom expressed with a touch of longing in her voice.


Chanyeol, accustomed to his mom's persistent pleas, remained silent, assuming it was just another one of her rants. But then, her next words left him utterly shocked. She continued, "But I guess I won't have to wait much longer. My future daughter-in-law is so adorable, and you both look perfect together."


Chanyeol, who had been feigning busyness, immediately turned his attention to his mom. She wore a bright smile as she showed him her cellphone. Curiously, he glanced at the screen to find a picture of himself and Hana from yesterday, their hands intertwined. 


"How did you get this?" Chanyeol asked, bewildered by the sight.


His mom's smile grew wider as she proudly declared, "Baekhyun sent it to me. How else do you think I would have it? You obviously didn't want me to find out, did you?"


Chanyeol sighed, realising that Baekhyun was the culprit behind this unexpected revelation. "You shouldn't jump to conclusions, Mom. She probably doesn't like me," Chanyeol responded with a hint of self-doubt.


His mom's shock was evident as she exclaimed, "What did you do to her? You must have irritated her. You're just like your father, an arrogant man."


Rolling his eyes, Chanyeol inwardly vowed to give Baekhyun a piece of his mind.




Hana and Giselle embarked on their shopping spree at the mall, ready to splurge on new clothes with their freshly received salaries. As they wandered through the racks, their excitement was palpable.


Giselle picked up a vibrant red dress and showed it to Hana, exclaiming, "Hana, look at this! Do you think this will make Mark regret his actions?" They both burst into laughter, imagining the hypothetical scenario.


Hana playfully responded, "Oh, definitely! This dress will make him realise what he's been missing out on. You'll be the star of your office!"


They continued their shopping escapade, trying on different outfits and sharing amusing anecdotes. Hana accidentally stumbled while trying on a pair of high heels, causing Giselle to burst into laughter. "Careful there, Hana! We don't want you falling flat on your face at the office," Giselle teased.


After browsing the stores, the two friends decided to revisit the arcade spot they used to frequent in their teenage years. With smiles on their faces, they entered the vibrant world of arcade games. Hana challenged Giselle to a racing game, their competitive spirits reignited as they raced with fervour, cheering and laughing along the way.


The afternoon turned into evening, and their hunger led them to a cosy restaurant near the mall. Hana gazed at the menu, her eyes lighting up with curiosity. "Giselle, can we try the restaurant's special dishes? I've never been here before, and I'm so intrigued."


Giselle chuckled and nodded, "Of course, Hana! It’s my treat. Let's indulge ourselves in some culinary adventures today."


They relished a scrumptious lunch, savouring the flavours and sharing their favourite bites. The restaurant's ambiance added to the delightful experience, making it a memorable meal for both of them.


Later in the evening, as they strolled back towards the mall's entrance, Giselle's craving for a burger and ice cream became evident. "Hana, I'm longing for a juicy burger and a delightful ice cream treat. How about we satisfy our cravings for dinner?"


Hana smiled, knowing Giselle's love for those treats, and replied, "Absolutely! It's your treat anyways, and I'm more than happy to enjoy a delicious burger and an indulgent ice cream with you."


They headed to a nearby burger joint, savouring each bite of the juicy burgers and relishing the sweetness of the ice cream. Their laughter filled the air as they shared stories and cherished the simple joy of their friendship.


As Hana and Giselle sat in a cosy corner of the burger joint, enjoying their meal, Hana's curiosity got the better of her. She l

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195 streak #1
Chapter 8: Am enjoying immensely!
195 streak #2
Chapter 4: 🥰
195 streak #3
community promoted...guess I'll just have to read!
kia_fabian #5
Chapter 13: Why i think giselle it the girl that baekhyun waiting for hahahaha just my imagination
Chapter 7: This chapter started so sweet, Hana took everyone’s breath away and had fun with her colleagues.

Baekhyun knows more about Chanyeol than the man knows about himself. He can see Chanyeol’s jealousy and feelings for Hana.

It was good that Chanyeol could take care of Hana and realise that he loves her.

And now he knows what Hana thinks of him and can find ways to become a better boss who doesn’t give her too much work!
Chapter 7: Finally he realized that he's in love.. but i think it's still one sided, because Hana still feel uncomfortable with him..
Chapter 6: The way Chanyeol shows interest in Hana is sooo weird.. if he's interested, he should just be a man and confess.. no need to make her life miserable with all the extra work loads.. hehehe..
Excited for the party!!
Chapter 6: Guessing from the spoiler, Hana won’t miss the party and will arrive in her red dress, being the flower of the party.

Chanyeol is slowly losing his heart for Hana. And people are noticing.

The event looks like it will be a lot of fun. Can’t wait for the next chapter!