4: She is Sick

Who's The Real Boss?
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She is Sick Chapter - 4

As the night enveloped the office, Hana found herself sitting alone at her desk, surrounded by the hushed whispers of the empty workspace. The fluorescent lights cast a sterile glow, illuminating her tired expression. It had been a gruelling few days since Chanyeol had entrusted her with the crucial responsibility of handling the collaboration with TJ Company.


With her previous experience in collaborations, Hana knew she was capable of handling the task. However, the weight of the responsibility and the relentless pressure from Chanyeol had taken its toll on her. She had poured all her energy into meticulously reviewing the proposal, ensuring no detail escaped her attention. The stakes were high, and the success of the collaboration could significantly impact the company's future.


As Hana reflected on the events leading up to this moment, her thoughts drifted to Giselle, her frustrated best friend. Hana vividly remembered the disbelief and exasperation in Giselle's voice when she had shared the news of being assigned the collaboration review.


"He can't give you that work, Hana," Giselle had said, her tone filled with disbelief. "It's a crucial task for the company. Either Chanyeol himself should handle it, or his secretary should be taking care of it."


Hana couldn't help but chuckle softly at the memory. Giselle's reaction had been a mix of concern and frustration, a reflection of the high standards expected from such a significant undertaking. Giselle was protective of Hana's workload and believed that Hana should not be given much of a task.


Sitting there in the stillness of the night, Hana's fatigue was momentarily forgotten as a sense of determination welled up within her. She knew she had to prove herself, not only to Chanyeol but also to Giselle and everyone else who doubted her capabilities.


Her fingers brushed across the papers scattered on her desk, each document representing countless hours of meticulous analysis and thoughtful consideration. The weight of the responsibility was immense, but it fueled her resolve. She was determined to prove that she was more than just a new recruit, that she had the expertise and tenacity to handle critical tasks.


Taking a deep breath, Hana straightened her posture and adjusted her glasses, steeling herself for the challenges ahead. The clock ticked softly in the background, a reminder of the passing time and the countless tasks waiting to be completed.


As Hana continued her work, surrounded by the dimly lit office and the distant hum of the city outside, she embraced the solitude. In that moment, she found solace in her own strength and resilience. With every of her pen and every decision she made, she moved one step closer to proving herself in the face of adversity.


And as the night wore on, Hana remained steadfast, determined to leave her mark and overcome the hurdles that lay ahead, knowing that her efforts would shape not only her own future but also the future of the collaboration and the company itself.


Hana made her way towards the exit, her footsteps echoing through the silent corridors, she noticed Chanyeol leaning against his sleek car, engrossed in a conversation on his mobile phone. His commanding presence and focused demeanour caught her attention, and she couldn't help but wonder who he was speaking to at this late hour.


"He must be waiting for Jennie," Hana thought instinctively, reminding herself that Jennie is Chanyeol's secretary who needs to accompany Chanyeol if he stays late at night. However, a realisation dawned upon her that Kai, the HR manager, had taken over the task of driving Jennie since they had become an item. The information had reached Hana through the grapevine, courtesy of Heechul and Baekhyun's loose-lipped conversations.


Speaking of Baekhyun, he had become a close confidant for Hana, despite his close friendship with Chanyeol. Baekhyun's laid-back and understanding nature had drawn Hana towards him, and she found solace in his presence. Whether they were venting about Chanyeol's idiosyncrasies or simply enjoying his witty humour, Baekhyun had quickly become a beloved figure within the office.


Hana's thoughts were abruptly interrupted as Chanyeol's gaze met hers, and he uttered a surprising invitation. "Come. I'll drop you home," he said, his voice laced with an unexpected warmth. The offer had been extended before, but Hana had always declined, preferring to rely on taxis to reach her apartment. However, tonight felt different.


Caught off guard by Chanyeol's unexpected gesture, Hana's mind raced with conflicting thoughts. Accepting his offer would mean spending more time in his presence, an idea that both intrigued and unsettled her. She knew all too well the complexities of their dynamic, the animosity that simmered beneath the surface.


Hana hesitated, uncertainty clouding her features as she weighed her options. On one hand, the convenience of a ride home was undeniable, and she couldn't deny the allure of spending more time with Chanyeol, even if it was just a car ride. On the other hand, she questioned his intentions, wary of the ulterior motives that might lie behind his offer.


Their eyes locked momentarily, and Hana noticed a flicker of anticipation in Chanyeol's gaze. It was a fleeting moment, but it revealed a side of him that she hadn't expected—a touch of vulnerability hidden behind his usual composed facade. As she contemplated her response, the silence between them grew palpable, the tension thickening in the air.


Finally, mustering her courage, Hana met Chanyeol's gaze and offered a small smile, her voice laced with uncertainty. "Sure, thank you. I'll take you up on your offer," she replied, her decision made.


A mix of surprise and satisfaction crossed Chanyeol's features, a ghost of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. Without another word, he unlocked the car, allowing Hana to slide into the passenger seat. 


Chanyeol's seemingly calm demeanour surprised Hana as he opened the car door for her, breaking her expectations of another one of his tricks to provoke her. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to make of his gesture, but ultimately decided to accept it and entered the car silently, hoping for a peaceful ride devoid of his usual taunts and sarcasm.


As Chanyeol started the car, he broke the ice with a comment that caught Hana off guard. "A girl cannot go alone late at night. She definitely needs the company of a handsome man," he remarked, his words laced with a hint of teasing. Hana couldn't help but scoff internally at his statement, the feminist within her itching to retort about women's independence and their ability to protect themselves. However, the circumstances she found herself in compelled her to hold her tongue. "Certainly, sir," she replied, forcing a fake smile upon her face.


Chanyeol glanced at her, seemingly aware of the unspoken words she wanted to express, the conflict she felt between her principles and the current situation. The silence between them grew, but there was a distinct smirk on Chanyeol's face, as if he was relishing in the power dynamics at play.


"I heard that you have a sweet tooth," Chanyeol stated, his tone carrying a hint of intrigue. Hana felt a wave of confusion wash over her. How did he know about her affinity for sweets? She contemplated his words for a moment before responding with a hint of scepticism, "I never knew that you were interested in me, boss," deliberately emphasising the word 'boss' to assert her boundaries.


Chanyeol's lips curled into a smug smile, his eyes glinting mischievously. "Do not flatter yourself, Miss Hana," he retorted, his tone dripping with condescension. "I was merely taken aback by the fact that someone as unsavoury as you could have such a preference." Hana could feel her blood begin to boil, the sting of his words causing her frustration to bubble to the surface. Yet, like always, she composed herself, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a heated reaction.


She took a deep breath, steadying herself as she reminded herself of the reasons she had accepted the ride in the first place. It was a temporary arrangement, a means to an end. In this moment, Hana resolved to maintain her composure, despite the provocative remarks that seemed to come so effortlessly from Chanyeol's lips.


The rest of the journey continued in silence, each passing moment imbued with an undercurrent of tension. Hana focused her gaze outside the window, watching the city lights blur into streaks of colour as they sped along the dimly lit streets. She contemplated the complexities of her relationship with Chanyeol, their shared history of animosity interwoven with moments of unexpected understanding.


The car came to a halt in front of Hana's apartment building. Chanyeol asked, "Which floor do you live on?" This caught Hana off guard. Her mind raced with thoughts, wondering if this was another opportunity for him to taunt her or if there was a genuine curiosity behind his question. Before she could deflect or change the subject, Chanyeol asked once more, his tone slightly insistent, "Which floor?"


Hana hesitated for a moment, weighing her options, before finally deciding to answer truthfully. "Second floor," she replied, her voice tinged with caution. Chanyeol simply nodded, his expression giving nothing away. Sensing the genuine question in her mind, Hana couldn't help but ask, "Why are you curious, boss?"


A sly smile played at the corners of Chanyeol's lips as he took a step closer to Hana, his proximity causing her heart to skip a beat. "I should know where a problematic woman lives," he remarked, his tone laced with both amusement and a hint of something else. Hana scoffed at his words, dismissing them with a roll of her eyes, but deep down, she couldn't deny the effect his presence had on her.


Before she could gather her thoughts and form a coherent response, she heard a distinct click, and Hana realised that Chanyeol had unfastened her seatbelt. It was a deliberate act to provoke her, to remind her of his ability to control the situation. "Do you want to stay in my car with this handsome man's company forever?" he teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.


Hana's words stumbled as she tried to regain her composure. "I-I'll get going. Thank you for the ride," she managed to stammer, her voice betraying her flustered state. With a mix of relief and frustration, Hana opened the door for herself, eager to escape the intensity of the moment.


Chanyeol observed her flustered reaction with an amused smile, enjoying the effect he had on her. "Is that your room?" he asked, pointing towards the second floor of the apartment building. Hana followed his gaze and nodded slowly, her speech momentarily eluding her. Silently, she waved her hand in a farewell gesture and made her way towards the entrance of the building.


As Hana disappeared from his sight, Chanyeol couldn't help but chuckle softly while shaking his head. He found amusement in her flustered state, revelling in the power he held over her emotions. His gaze shifted towards the illuminated windows of her room, reassured by the sight that indicated she had reached her destination safely.


A sense of tranquillity washed over Chanyeol as he acknowledged that she was now within the sanctuary of her own space. A

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195 streak #1
Chapter 8: Am enjoying immensely!
195 streak #2
Chapter 4: 🥰
195 streak #3
community promoted...guess I'll just have to read!
kia_fabian #5
Chapter 13: Why i think giselle it the girl that baekhyun waiting for hahahaha just my imagination
Chapter 7: This chapter started so sweet, Hana took everyone’s breath away and had fun with her colleagues.

Baekhyun knows more about Chanyeol than the man knows about himself. He can see Chanyeol’s jealousy and feelings for Hana.

It was good that Chanyeol could take care of Hana and realise that he loves her.

And now he knows what Hana thinks of him and can find ways to become a better boss who doesn’t give her too much work!
Chapter 7: Finally he realized that he's in love.. but i think it's still one sided, because Hana still feel uncomfortable with him..
Chapter 6: The way Chanyeol shows interest in Hana is sooo weird.. if he's interested, he should just be a man and confess.. no need to make her life miserable with all the extra work loads.. hehehe..
Excited for the party!!
Chapter 6: Guessing from the spoiler, Hana won’t miss the party and will arrive in her red dress, being the flower of the party.

Chanyeol is slowly losing his heart for Hana. And people are noticing.

The event looks like it will be a lot of fun. Can’t wait for the next chapter!