Hanni Haerin Hyein! HIII!!!





Hanni hangs her words. Munching on her bread glances at Haerin and Hyein who also enjoyed their lunch.

“Who’s gonna be our vocalist?”

It’s lunch break.

And just like any other students, Hanni, Haerin, and Hyein make sure it won’t get wasted. Run to the school cafeteria right after the bell ring, and of course, after they make sure the teacher leaves first. Don’t want to come out as rude.

“Haerin’s voice is great”

Then, it casually comes from Hyein, pointing at Haerin who sits beside her. But Haerin on the other hand seems unprepared by the sudden mention of her name, which makes her choke on her lunch. Hanni has to hand her water to make sure Haerin gulps down all the food before she speaks.

“W—why me?!”

Haerin turns to Hyein, demanding an explanation. But Hyein just shrugged, and continue eating.

“Just like what I said”

“But you also have a great voice!”

“Right. Hanni then..”

Hyein simply said, pointing her chopsticks towards Hanni, who immediately felt caught off guard by that.

“W—w—wait! Why me??”

Hanni seems flustered. Pointing at herself, but then, Hyein only nods. While Haerin stares, there’s a relief on her face that Hanni just can’t let go.

“Then! Why— why don’t you be our vocalist??”

“Me? Sure! But that sounds kind of boring”

The reaction from Hyein is completely different from Hanni and Haerin. It was kind of unexpected, even. So Hanni and Haerin only stare, somehow feeling nervous when they notice Hyein seems deep in her thoughts. Thinking.

Just by that sight, Hanni and Haerin start to pray for whatever will come from Hyein’s mouth. Wish it wasn’t—

“Ah! Why don’t we all sing??”

A silly.. idea?

“Oh! That sounds not bad?”

Hanni seems a bit surprised for some reason and turns to Haerin who immediately looks more relaxed than before.

“Sure, fair enough”

Haerin said, sips from her carton milk, meanwhile Hyein still happily enjoys her meal. Such a foodie, Hanni thought as she start to think again. Just in case she missed something important for their club.

And just when Hanni hears a click in her mind, she also feels a vibration in her cardigan pocket. It’s her phone, and she just got a new message from..

Jeong Jinsol.

“Guys, I have good news!”

Hanni smiled widely, staring at her phone screen as she typed a reply to the message. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Haerin and Hyein only stare. But later Hyein starts to frown.

“I thought using a phone is prohibited during school hours”

“Never mind that!”

Quickly pocketing her phone, Hanni smile awkwardly, but then the smile changed to a more exciting smile as she glance at Haerin and Hyein, back and forth.

“Guess whose band gonna have their first debut”

And with that Hanni cross her arms, smiling smugly.



“So.. it’ll be an acoustic performance?”

“Yep! It’s time to use what Ms. Park gave us!”

Hanni nodded at her own words, answering Haerin's question.

School is finally over for today, and it’s time for their club meeting. And just like how they disappeared for their lunch break, they also disappeared after the bell rang. Again, after making sure the teacher leaves first before they run to the club room this time.

“I see! Our first debut is in a cafe! Gosh! How exciting!”

Hyein claps in excitement, the sparks in her eyes are enough for Hanni to notice that she’s not the only one who’s excited by this news. But, Haerin, seems deep in her thoughts. Fingers on her chin.

“Who’s gonna play cajon?”

And as if it was the silliest thing Haerin ever said, aside from meowing, Hanni and Hyein's faces quickly change. Eyes on Haerin, they’re in disbelief. And yet Haerin only blinks, confused with the stare she receives, until she realizes.


They just decided on the drummer yesterday.


“Look, if it’s too much for you, we can just go with two guitars. It’s acoustic play anyway”

Hanni turns to Haerin, as she puts on her backpack, while her guitar case on the other hand. But Haerin not immediately responds to that, instead, she glances at Hyein who just nods, til’ her gaze is fixed on Hanni.

“Well, cajon makes it more fun”

Haerin shrugs, making Hanni smile at that, opening the club room for the two, as she will be the one to lock the door later.

“Just remember, if it’s too much for you, we always can go for plan B, or we can just make it electric acoustic or something”

Hanni jokes as she locks the door, gesturing at Haerin and Hyein’s instruments case while she says that.

It makes Haerin smile, feel a bit at ease somehow. She was worried, like what if it doesn’t turn out as good as she expects? And what if she ended up disappointing the two? It scared her a bit.

But fortunately, after hearing what Hanni said, along with a soft pat on her shoulder from Hyein, Haerin feel a bit confident. She just knows that she’ll be fine. And even if she messes it up, she still is fine.

And that’s also what Hanni and Hyein tried to tell her. They’ll be fine. They just get started tho.

“See you tomorrow, Hanni!”

“Yeah! Careful on your way home!”

Hanni exclaimed, waving at the two who immediately waves back, got on their bike, and goes away, taking the opposite direction from Hanni, who immediately start walking on her own.

Taking out her AirPods, Hanni immediately puts them on her ears. She has to wait for the bus first before she gets home, so to entertain herself she usually just listens to music while waiting.

And as Hanni start to scroll through her playlist, a thought came to her mind. It starts to recall everything that happened at the club these past days, and her thoughts focused on Haerin in the end. Aside from her voice, Hanni was also able to witness how skillful Haerin was with the guitar.

And Hanni has to admit, is such a shame that Haerin has to adapt to a completely different instrument such as a drum and cajon. Even though Haerin is a fast learner, it still makes Hanni can’t help but wonder, how perfect it will be if Haerin could be able to sing while playing guitar.

Maybe they do need a drummer. Like a real drummer. Instead of turning someone into a drummer.

But who? Hanni wondered if there was one in Ador.

And then—

A sneeze startled her.

Quickly looking up at the sound, Hanni found someone quite familiar standing at the bus stop. From the uniform, and that face, there’s no mistaking.

It’s Kim Minji, the honor student.

‘Oh, she takes the bus too?’

Hanni thought, as she also start to wait at the bus stop. With a distance between her and Kim Minji, Hanni again scroll on her playlist, this time a song started to play.

Double Take by Dhruv.

A song that keeps Hanni company til’ the bus finally comes. It was also the song that marks her very first encounter with Kim Minji. And aside from that, it was also the song that makes Hanni fail to notice the look Kim Minji gave her.

That curious and wondering look.


The next day.

A bit different than usual, this time Hanni immediately goes to her class once she steps into the school. She doesn’t bring her guitar today, so there’s no need for her to stop by the club room, and wait for Haerin and Hyein there. Besides, they decided to use the guitars Ms. Park gave them, to practice some songs and also to get used to the instruments before they perform at Moon Cafe next Saturday.

Thanks to Jinsol's invitation, the band will officially debut soon.

It’s kind of exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. Cause, it’s not that long ago since the club was created, and it’s also not long ago since Hanni became friends with Haerin and Hyein. But she’s thankful, to be in the same class and knows Haerin and Hyein are such good friends to her. Hanni couldn’t wish for more. But if the universe decided to give her something more, Hanni definitely won’t refuse, as long as it was something good.

And just when Hanni almost reaches her class, she hears whispers in the hallway. She starts to get used to this, as she can spot Kim Minji a few steps ahead of her, walking in the direction where she’s coming from.

As if automatically, Hanni moves a bit aside, making sure that she doesn’t get in Kim Minji’s way. Who knows what could happen if she accidentally bumped into Kim Minji, probably not something romantic like in every drama she watched, nor something worse like a bully, since Hanni can see how Kim Minji manages to greet every student that greets her.

One thing is for sure, Kim Minji is a nice person, as expected from an honor student. But still, Hanni rather not get into Kim Minji’s way. Who knows what could happen if Hanni somehow gets into Kim Minji’s bad side? That’s something that, even Hanni herself doesn’t want to imagine.

Well, never mind about Kim Minji, Hanni suddenly got distracted by the vibration she felt from her cardigan. Immediately, she pulls her phone out and finds out that Jinsol is calling her. And Hanni is about to answer the call when she accidentally bumps into someone.

Thankfully it’s not Kim Minji.

But the worst part is, Hanni has to watch her phone slips off of her hand, fall, bump on the floor, twice, and spin til’ it stops right in front of someone’s shoes. It hurts Hanni to imagine how damaged her phone is after that kind of dramatic falling. But at least, it looks like it still functioning as Hanni can see Jinsol’s name on the screen, before disappearing a second later, showing a miss call over her lock screen.

Then, someone picked it up. It was stopped right in front of someone's shoes tho, so it just makes sense someone picked it up for Hanni. Well, she just didn’t expect the one who picked it up to be someone that she thinks she should avoid.

Kim Minji.

The universe surely has a different plan for Hanni, it seems. And as if Hanni can hear a click in her mind, she quickly dashes forward and snaps her phone from Kim Minji. It sure startles Kim Minji tho, as the latter immediately looks up and locks eyes with Hanni. But Hanni on the other hand quickly dismissed herself, smile awkwardly, and waved at Minji who only blink as Hanni hurriedly skips her way, with a small sorry coming out of .

And with that Hanni disappears from Kim Minji's sight who still stands there, along with those whispers around her. But she doesn’t seem to be bothered by that, she doesn’t even budge, still trying to process what just happened along with what she just saw.

Hanni’s lock screen.


“I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m so dead”

Hanni has placed her head on her desk ever since she got into the class, whispering those words again and again. Meanwhile, Hyein who sits in front of Haerin just glances at the latter. Both feel clueless, about what happened to Hanni.


“I’m dead”

Hyein once again glance at Haerin, as if asking the latter for help, but Haerin just shrugged, fixed her specs, and decided to just read a book. It makes Hyein, rolled her eyes before something caught her attention. And sure, for a split second Hyein can’t believe her eyes, especially after she saw a student walks into the class, and to make it worse that student walks in their direction

“Kang Haerin!”

Hyein lowly screams, but it’s enough to make Haerin look up at her, brow raised before she feels a shadow covering her sight. And just like that her gaze landed on that student, Kim Minji, the honor student, standing beside Hanni’s desk, but Hanni doesn’t budge, absolutely has no idea about what was happening.

“Pham Hanni, you left your bunny sticker”

Kim Minji casually speaks, but those whispers around her somehow get louder. It makes Haerin a bit uncomfortable, while Hyein frowns, somehow investing in what’s happening in front of her right now. But of course, just like Hyein, Kim Minji got ignored.

“Pham Hanni?”

Kim Minji tried again.

“I’m dead”

And that’s the response Minji got, not the response she expected, to be honest. It makes her raise a brow while looking at Hanni. And she doesn’t have all the time in the world, so she grabs Hanni by her shoulder which causes some students to gasp by the acts, including Hyein, who quickly brought her hands to cover . While, Haerin, just quietly leaves the scenes, it is just too much for her, she needs her quiet time to read. And so, Haerin leaves, and just in time another student walks into the classroom.


It was Danielle Marsh. And as sudden as her appearance, silence filled the air. Each eye now focused on that ray ball of sunshine who smiled brightly and raised her hand in excitement. Minji has to raise her brow at that, retreating her hand from Hanni, while Hyein gets more invested, especially since she knows the rumor about these two.

Is there gonna be a fight? But Danielle looks so happy tho?

And as if Hanni has finally collected herself, thanks to Danielle's loud voice, she finally raised her head, only to jump on her seat once she notice that kind of familiar person standing right beside her desk.


“Look what I found!”

And just like that, Hanni's gaze moves to the classroom entrance, making her notice another existence that relates to this Kim Minji. Great, just great, Hanni thought. Praying for whatever will happen from now on, but to her surprise, she caught something that Danielle have on her hand, a little bunny sticker.

It.. looks familiar to Hanni.

Well, it is, as Hanni quickly flips her phone, making a little too loud sound in the silent classroom. And it sure manages to catch Kim Minji’s attention, even Danielle Marsh, and don’t forget Hyein too, as their focus is now fixed on Hanni. And just like how the back of Hanni’s phone case gets into their view, Hyein be the first one to realize something.

“Oh! Where are the two? I remember you have five bunnies stickers??”

Hyein frowns, only to gasp the next second, turns to Danielle who slowly lowered her hand, confused. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Hanni bites her lip, shut her eyes, knowing the possibility of where the two missing bunnies might be.

Well, Hanni knows Danielle Marsh has one, and she thinks if Kim Minji has the other one, it will explain why the latter is here in the first place. And just like what she thought, she sees Kim Minji place a bunny sticker, that Hanni is sure won’t even stick anymore on the table.

Why bother, Hanni can’t understand.

“I’m only here to return this”

Hanni looks up at that, just to see Kim Minji turns to Danielle Marsh, telling the latter to also return the sticker.

“Aww, I just picked it up from the floor cause I think it’s cute. But if it’s yours, then I gladly return this baby to you”

Danielle Marsh smiled at Hanni, and Hanni sure doesn’t know how to react, especially after what Danielle just said. So instead she only nods, watching Danielle place the other missing sticker beside the first one.

“If you don’t mind, I want to know where you bought it, please”

Danielle blink in anticipation, and Hanni somehow felt caught off guard by that. But soon, she managed to get ahold of herself, about to answer, only to get cut by the bell in seconds.

How unfortunate.

“Dani, let’s go. I don’t want to be late”

“Eyy, no fun”

The sudden dismissal of these two is the same as their sudden appearance. And Hanni only watches, as Kim Minji walks away, while Danielle follows behind, waving at Hanni who automatically waves back, nods awkwardly when she caught Danielle mouthing ‘until next time, I need to know’ then points to Hanni’s stickers.

But the next second, Danielle suddenly slapped her own forehead, startling Hanni a bit.

“I forgot my book in the library”

Danielle said in disbelief, gasping at her own words while Kim Minji as if she get used to Danielle Marsh's habit just rolled her eyes.

“Go get them”

“Roger! Cover for me!”

And just like that, Danielle runs out of the class, leaving Minji who shakes her head behind. Taking one last glance at Hanni, Minji politely bows, making Hanni immediately stands and mirror the act, it makes Minji smile a bit before she is about to step out of the room. Just in time, Haerin enters through the back door.

“Ya! Kang Haerin!”

And that name somehow stops Minji on her track. Only one step ahead, and she will exit the classroom. She doesn’t want to be late, and here Minji is, turns to where the voice comes from only to see Hanni, Hyein and now Haerin talking to each other.

Hyein mostly does the talking tho, as she is also the one who calls Haerin before. And now Hyein starts to tell Haerin that she just misses something very interesting. But, as usual, Haerin gives zero interest. Sits on her seat and prepares for their first subject, pulling her book out of her bag, only to feel some strange energy coming her way.

Haerin quickly turns her head, searches for it, startling both Hyein and Hanni in the process. But Haerin couldn’t care less, she feel some stare and yet she found no one there.


It’s finally lunch break.

As usual, the school cafeteria is always crowded at this hour, and every time Kim Minji enters, she will question how on earth Danielle Marsh always manages to get a table for them.

It was always the same table at the edge of the cafeteria, away from those whispering students. But sometimes Minji still heard them, it was just, she gets used to it by now, so she just ignore them. Just like what Danielle has been doing.

“I just know she’s also going to Ador”

Minji mindlessly speaks, munching on her food. While Danielle who sits across from her looks up at that, raised a brow.


“Kang Haerin”

Minji said the name, but Danielle just stare, demanding more details than just a name.

“The basketball girl I told you before, the one that I want to have a rematch with”

And as if it’s enough information for Danielle, she immediately lets out a single ‘aaah’, nodding as her brain manages to recall the story Minji told her long ago.

“The one who injured her shoulder, right?”

“Yeah, still not sure if she injured her shoulder in the game or before the game. I still believe it’s the latter”

Minji shrug, and continue eating her food while Danielle mirrors her.

“Where did you meet her?”

“At the class we visited, seems like she’s friends with this.. Pham— Pham Hanni?”

Minji was not sure of the name, but Danielle immediately nod, confirming.

“It’s unusual for you to remember a stranger’s name, unless—“

“It’s the first time I heard a Pham..”

“.. Exactly”

Minji continues eating after that, watching how Danielle grabs her own drink and takes a sip from it. It was the usual gesture Danielle makes before she spills some information on Minji.

And by now Minji just knows, as she prepares herself to hear whatever that will be coming from Danielle.

“This Pham Hanni, I heard she’s from Australia. Well, yas! Aussie gurll!!!”

Danielle gestures proudly, while Minji just rolled her eyes, being the one to grab her drink this time. Well, it only makes sense that Danielle feels excited to meet a fellow Australian in Ador High School, Minji thought, as she’s about to take a sip from her drink.

It was until—

“She’s also the one who brings back the band club”

Danielle smile at her own words, put her chin over her palm, while her gaze fixed on Minji, who on the other hand somehow freezes for a split second.

“I know what you’re doing Danielle Marsh, and I’m not interested”

After eventually taking a sip, Minji immediately put her drink back to the side, and once again continue eating her food. She’s almost finished.

“Don’t you want to join? They— practically don’t have a drummer. They decided to create one tho”

“That’s risky, I won’t do it if I were them”

“Looks like it works for them”

Minji only nods at that, gathering her things and getting up from her seat. While Danielle remains there, staring at Minji, still with that meaningful smile on her face.

“I’ll be at the library if you’re looking for me”

“Sure, think about it tho. You have to loosen up a bit, Minji”

Minji only glances at that, says nothing then walks away. Leaving Danielle who just watches Minji’s back, eventually disappears from her sight. And after sure enough Minji is nowhere, Danielle just sighs, but that smile never leaves.

“Stubborn as usual, that Kim Minji”

Danielle whispers to herself shaking her head as she grabs her phone only to have her smile drop the next second, raising a brow at the notification she got on her phone.

Her ex seems like always has ways to get to her. And yet, Danielle simply ignores and blocks it.

As simple as that.


School is done for the day.

Back to the trio, just like any other day, they immediately go to the club room, chatting on the way, as they discuss what songs they will perform next Saturday.

“Do you know Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls??”

It was Hanni as she takes a black guitar and put it into her lap, warming up a bit. Meanwhile, Hyein takes the white, asking Haerin if she wants to play with it a little bit, but Haerin declines. Immediately sits over the cajon, warming up with the new instrument instead.

“I know that song!”

Hyein said, sitting on the floor, with a white guitar on her lap. It’s cute how she plays it as bass instead tho. But, since she’s a bassist, it’s understandable.

“What do you think Haerin?”

“Well, I know the song. So I think it’s okay, we need three more songs tho”

Haerin said, grabbing her phone and scrolling through her playlist. Looking for a song that she thinks it’s easy enough to perform. Especially when it’s the first time she performs with a cajon, instead of a guitar.

Well, it’s not like Haerin ever performed with a guitar with many audiences in front of her tho. The only people who ever see Haerin plays guitar are only Hyein and Hanni. Well, for now.

“Well, how about this, we’ll go with Iris, and we can each choose one song for the rest?”

“Sounds good!”

Hyein claps at Hanni’s idea, while Haerin nods. Still scrolling on her phone til’ her finger stops at one song.

“I have a song that I like these days, Beautiful Scars by Maximillian. Besides, it has an acoustic version, so it’s easier for us to cover”

Haerin said glancing at Hanni and Hyein who immediately ask her to play the song. And with one touch, the song immediately plays through Haerin’s phone speaker.

The song is beautiful, Hanni must admit, and the lyrics are kinda deep, it makes Hanni stare at Haerin who seems deep in her thoughts. The song itself sounds relaxing, the vibes are kind of gloomy, but it’s so good.


Hyein said clapping in awe after the song reach the end. Haerin smiles at that, glancing at Hanni to find the latter staring at her. A smile curved on Hanni’s face, she already can imagine how good the song will be when Haerin sings it.

“So, I have a lot of songs in mind, like.. Breakeven by The Script, and History by Joel Corry, it also has an acoustic version so it makes it easier for us. The song is kinda upbeat, it’ll be fun! Also! I love you 3000 by Stephanie Poetri! Umm, what else.. Sunroof by Nicky Youre! I don’t care by Ed Sheeran! Oh! Also, Photograph! Or Perfect! Ahh! I can’t choose!”

Hyein got overwhelmed by her own options, which made Hanni and Haerin can’t help but laugh at her. Finding the struggle Hyein somehow entertaining, but soon it gets outta hand, Hanni and Haerin have to make Hyein stop. Telling the latter to play the songs she had been mentioning instead, and letting Hanni and Haerin help her decide.

“I’m into History, it does sound upbeat tho. What do you think, Haerin?”

Hanni turns to Haerin who seems deep in her thoughts after hearing all the songs. She does agree History sounds upbeat, and she doesn’t know if she can do a good job with the cajon, but the song indeed sounds fun.

So Haerin just nods, gives the song a try. They can go with other songs if Haerin finds the song is too much for her tho. So no worries.

“Well.. Count On Me, by Bruno Mars”

Hanni said simply, smiling brightly while Hyein and Haerin share a look. It was coming so fast from Hanni like she have been waiting for it all this time. And well, she is.

“So it’s, Iris, Beautiful Scars, History, and Count On Me?”

Haerin making sure, counts with her fingers, glances at the two who just nod.

“We really have a different tastes in music”

“I know right!”

Hanni smiles at Hyein who immediately smiles back.

They started to play the four songs in order, deciding on who will sing which parts, and if there was any improvisation they want to add to the song. Then, they start to practice, there is some error here and there, sometimes Hanni sings too fast, and sometimes Hyein misses a beat the same as Haerin who still trying to get used to the instrument.

Then, as days pass with they keep practicing, giving each other advice, practicing again, harmonizing their voices, and perfecting their performances as the day is getting closer. They even start going to school early, just so they can have a little time to practice.

By now, Hanni knows that Haerin and Hyein are as perfectionists as she is. The three of them want to make sure they do their best and put the maximum effort into this.

And soon, the day has come, they will perform later in the evening at Moon Cafe, with Jinsol picking them up later at each apartment building. And this morning will be their last practice, as they decided to skip the practice after school, just so they can prepare themselves better for the upcoming performance.

“I want to buy some drinks, and maybe some bread. You want some?”

It was Hanni, as she glances at the clock on the wall, they still have so much time before school starts, so Hanni wants to eat some breakfast before that.

“Let’s go together!”

Hyein said, putting the white guitar aside as Hanni also does the same, putting the black guitar on the sofa, meanwhile Haerin nods, getting up from the cajon and walking to her bag. Grabbing her wallet.

“What do you guys want to get?”

“Think I need coffee”

Hanni said, chuckling as the three walked to the door. With a single swing, Hanni easily opened the door, and step outside, only to get startled when her eyes catch someone behind the door. 

“Kim Minji???”

Hanni said the name in surprise, staring at Minji who only blinks, stands on her spot. Noticing there was another student, Hyein gasp when her eyes lands on Minji, while Haerin only stare as usual, Minji stands too close to the door tho. And as if it’s enough information for Hanni, she immediately realized how the door almost hits Minji in the face if just the latter was a step ahead.

“Gosh! A—are you okay??? D— Do you hurt anywhere???”

Hanni quickly walks to Minji in panic, staring up and down, checking on Minji even though she knows the door wasn’t hit her. But still, Hanni wants to make sure, the panic just gets the better of her.

“I’m okay, just surprised”

Minji awkwardly laughs, trying to ease the tension in the air. But Hanni still looks so panicky and worried, Minji has to try a bit harder to calm Hanni down, telling the latter that she’s fine. It was just almost tho, so it’s fine.

“You sure?”

“Yeah, now if you don’t mind. I have somewhere to go, so excuse me”

Minji smiles one last time, before walking past Hanni. Then walks past Haerin and Hyein that been watching. But little did Hanni and Hyein know, when Minji walks past Haerin, the two eyes met. And of course, Haerin doesn’t budge, only stares, while Minji slowly moves her gaze ahead. Accidentally caught sight of a drum in the room. But soon, it slips from Minji’s mind as she walks away, leaving the three by themselves.

“So, we’re going?”

Hyein hesitantly asked. Feeling the air kinda heavy for some reason. And then it was Hanni the first one to lift the mood, announcing that she was hungry and else that immediately earn a chuckle from Hyein. Found Hanni kind of cute when she’s whining.

And later, Hanni and Hyein have their arm on each other shoulders as they both walk, shouting bread with every step. While Haerin stays on her spot, glances back as if to find any traces of Minji that have been out of sight by now.

For a split second, Haerin only stares til’ she quickly skips her steps to Hanni and Hyein that calls for her.


“So, you’re Hanni, Haerin, and Hyein?”

That short-haired girl asks, pointing at the trio who stands side by side. Each side with a guitar case, while Haerin is in the middle with a cajon’s case.

“Such a coincidence, right?”

Jinsol smiles at her own words, glancing at the trio who innocently stand there. With Hanni smile brightly, Haerin awkwardly, and Hyein excitedly.

“Well, lovely, I’m Haseul by the way, Jo Haseul”

“Oh! Another H!”

Hyein gasped, eyes sparkling at Haseul's introduction. Haseul finds it cute tho, as she can’t help but laugh.

“Gosh, they’re so cute, and tall..”

Haseul glanced at Hyein who just smile from ear to ear. Such a giant baby indeed.

“Alright, I leave them to you, Haseul. Gotta go to Jungeun”

Jinsol said, bidding her goodbye to the three, not forgetting to whisper ‘fighting’ before disappearing behind the door. Leaving them alone with Haseul this time.

“Alright, whenever you ready, you can go straight up to the stage. Good luck girls!”

With that Haseul pats Hanni’s shoulder and smiles at Haerin and Hyein. Walks away, only to stop before she steps out of the room, and finds how the trio quickly bows, saying their thanks, making Haseul also mirror them. A motherly smile on her face. And with that Haseul finally, leave them by themselves.

It's almost time..

“I’m sooo nervousss”

Hanni be the first one to break the silence. Bouncing on her spot as if it can help her to ease the nervousness.

“Me too! But we’ll do fine! We will!”

Hyein as usual being the most positive one among the three. While Haerin, on the other hand just stands there, doesn’t budge, trying to stay calm, she definitely nervous too.

“Alright, alright! Let’s do this! Girls! Gather up!”

Hanni commands, reach out her hand to the front as she glances at the two who immediately mimic her gesture. Placing their hands over each other, like a sandwich.

“Listen, do our best, and just have fun, no matter what!”

Hanni stares at Haerin and Hyein, back and forth as she said that, earning a nod from the two before they shout their name, ending with ‘HIII!!!’ then pull their hand back. Now busy unpacking, and checking each of their instruments.


And suddenly, Haerin called. Makes Hanni hummed in response, before completely turning to Haerin who seems hesitant, but later her eyes are full of determination.

“I’ll do it”

And with that, Hanni smile proudly. Glance at Hyein who only blinks in disbelief.

“You heard her, Hyein”

Hanni said, staring back at Haerin who also stared back.

“Today won’t be our only debut”

And with that, they exited the room, instruments in their hands as they walked to the stage. They immediately catch some eyes on their way, which makes them feel nervous again, but after they see Jinsol, Jungeun, and Haseul, it somehow put them a bit at ease as they finally reached the stage.

The stage is placed far ahead of the entrance. The cafe isn’t that big to be said, just average, but they have a second floor that exposes to the stage, and it also packs by people, just like the first floor. And little did the three know, there were two familiar faces on the second floor.

“Minji, guess you need to see this..”

Danielle said, putting her head on her palm as her gaze fixed on the stage. Recognized a face there.

Across from Danielle, there’s Minji, busy with her laptop til’ she looks up by Danielle's words, then immediately follows Danielle’s gaze. Let her gaze now land on the stage too, well, on Hanni to be specific.

“They performed here?”

“It seems. Guess this is their first time”

Danielle said, noticing how nervous the three were while setting up their instruments. Minji only stare, watching, then raised a brow when she notice Hanni preparing three mics, one for each of them.

“They all sing??”

But it comes from Danielle, as she frowns, eyes still on the stage. And yet, Minji stays silent, now her gaze fixed on Haerin, finding the latter sitting on the cajon, while Hanni on the left with a black guitar, and Hyein on the right with white guitar.

“Uh— Hello! Good evening!”

And with that, Hanni speaks on the mic. Waving, greeting the audience with a bright smile, the same as Hyein, while Haerin only smiles slightly, fixing her baseball cap. Still feel a bit nervous.

“My name is Hanni, here’s Haerin, and Hyein. We are HIII!!! One H, three I’s, three exclamation marks!”

They said the last part in unison, earning a cheer and clapping from the audience. Including Danielle, while Minji only smiles, finding it entertaining.

“Believe it or not, they just thought about that in the car. If just Jungeun didn’t ask, it completely slips from their mind”

Among the audience, Jinsol leans to Haseul, thumb pointing at Jungeun, as she said that, while Haseul seems surprised by the information.

“What? They haven’t decided their band name yet”

“Yeah, apparently, they totally forgot about that. Also, the three of them play strings”

This time it comes from Jungeun, which makes Haseul widen her eyes even more, shock this time.

“Wait, Haerin plays strings?? Then, why she..”

“Well, to be specific, Hanni as you know plays guitar, Haerin too, and Hyein is a bassist. But Haerin ends up playing drum, cause well, they need one”

Then it was Jinsol, shrugged, as she pull her phone out, ready to record the performances. While on the other hand, Haseul seems confused by the information she just received.

“Kids these days..”

“I know. But no worries, it’s Hanni we’re talking about”

Jinsol smiles and points her camera phone to the stage. As Hanni introduces the song they will play first.

Take glances at Haerin and Hyein, Hanni making sure the two are ready before her gaze back to the audience, especially Jinsol who immediately shows her thumb. Giving the support Hanni needs.

“This is Iris. Please enjoyy”

And with that Hanni looks down at her black guitar, and once again glances at the two to boost each other confidence. And then, Hanni started to play the intro, letting the melody fills the room.

“Oh, this song!”

Danielle seems shocked, palms over , she recognizes the song. Meanwhile Minji again just smile, now be the one to puts her chin on her palm. Eyes on the stage.

Hanni be the one to sing first, it makes Minji blinks, she doesn’t expect the voice will be that good. Then followed by Haerin and Hyein, and now, Minji understands why there are three mics there. It’ll be such a shame to only let one of them sings when the three of them have a such great voice.

And when Hanni also be the one to sing the chorus, Minji’s smile grows wider. She looks so proud for some reason. It is probably because they’re from the same school. And if Minji has to admit, the three of them are doing such a great job. There’s some miss beat in Haerin’s part, but it's just because it’s Minji that she was able to notice it. Danielle doesn’t even notice the mistakes, just enjoys the performance and sings along, especially when it comes to the second song.

Count on me, by Bruno Mars.

Yes, they changed the order of the songs. The third song will be Hyein’s choice, and Haerin’s choice last. The last song will be a special performance. Since Hanni said, Haerin deserves recognition for her guitar skill, Hyein agreed.

In no time, they already come to the third song, History by Joel Corry.

Ever since the intro, the song has been able to boost the mood. Just like what Hyein said, the song is upbeat. Hanni can see how most of the audience enjoys their performances, some of them singing along, some of them moving along with the rhythm, and some cheering. And Hanni feels so proud of that, smiling while singing, and making eye contact with Haerin and Hyein. The sparks in their eyes can’t lie.

Then the third song ended, a satisfied smile on their faces as they enjoyed the applause for a few seconds, til’ Hyein handed the white guitar to Haerin, which Haerin immediately accepted. It earns some confused looks from the audience, even Danielle looks confused, the same as Minji who starts to frown til’ she remembers.

“Dani, you said they don’t have a drummer, right?”

And as if Danielle heard a click in her mind, she quickly turns to Minji. Gasping.

“Yeah! Gosh! I forgot about that! So, that means..”

Danielle fixed her gaze on Haerin who only smile, she looks awkward and nervous, but with a pat on her shoulder from Hanni, and thumbs up from Hyein. Haerin’s smile turns more sincere, and Minji notices that, as she smirks.

“Kang Haerin, huh..”

Minji said, quickly catching Danielle’s attention again, as she now stare at Minji in disbelief.

“Wait! That— that’s Kang Haerin?”

Minji only nods in response, she even can hear another gasp coming from Danielle. But soon, their focus was back on stage, as Haerin’s voice echoed in the cafe.

“This will be our last song”

Haerin said, with smiles from Hanni and Hyein immediately encouraging her.

“Beautiful Scars, enjoy”

Haerin smiles to herself, looking at the white guitar, and immediately brings her fingers to pick on the strings. The melody soon echoed in the room, followed by Haerin's beautiful voice. It earns some gasps from the audience, even for Haseul.

“They need a drummer!”

“My thoughts, exactly!”

Jinsol immediately responded, feeling a grip on her clothes, as Haseul feel kind of frustrated and happy at the same time. Able to witness such a talent. And not just Haseul, Danielle also feel the same way, she starts to think it such a shame to have Haerin playing drum, when a guitar fits Haerin better.

Well, even though Danielle also thinks that Haerin did a good job with a cajon. But when she sees Haerin with a guitar, it feels different. Absolutely on another different level. Also, Haerin seems more relaxed with a guitar on her lap. Danielle is sure everyone notices that, and just like Danielle thinks, Minji notices that.

Haerin looks like she enjoys the performance more, compare to when she plays the cajon. And the harmony they do in this last song just sounds clearer and prettier. It is definitely the last song for a reason, and Minji can notice how they are there.. to have fun.

To have fun, huh? Minji thought. Chuckle over her own mind.

Soon, the song reached the end, and the performance is finally wrapped up with applause filling the room, while the trio on the stage, stands side by side, hand in hand, bow ninety degrees and say their thanks to the audience before quickly bringing their instruments to the back room. And just right when they step into the room, Hyein is the first one to scream followed by Hanni, while Haerin only shakes her head, closing the door.



Hanni said, grabbing Hyein by her shoulders, while the latter mirror her. Bouncing on their spot as the both of them continue to scream, Haerin only watches from the side. But soon she got pulled by both Hanni and Hyein. And now they bounce together, spinning while screaming in excitement. Haerin mostly just laughs tho, finds the two are funny.

“I don’t mean to ruin your happiness, but your scream actually can be heard from outside”

It was Jinsol that able to stop the trio, standing on the doorframe, with Jungeun and Haseul behind her.


And just like that, Jinsol joined them, wrapping her arms around Haerin and Hyein as they now bounced together, spinning in the room. Makes Jungeun shakes her head, while Haseul laughs, closing the door to give all of them some privacy.

“Look, look! I send the video to Kim Yoohyeon!”


Stop bouncing, now the four of them gathered, standing close to each other with Jinsol in the center. Phone on her hand, Jinsol showed her chatroom with Yoohyeon filled with shock emojis and fires. Yoohyeon loves their performances, besides she is able to recognize Hanni which makes Hanni screams and now is the only one who jumps in excitement.

Yoohyeon also praised Hanni's guitar skills, which makes Hanni's face turn so red by how happy she is. Not just that, Yoohyeon also praised Haerin and Hyein as Jinsol inform in the chatroom that the two originally were guitarist and bassist.

It’s not easy to adapt to a different instrument, so I applaud them. Can’t wait to see them perform for real! Yoohyeon said. Makes the trio smile so wide. Absolutely in happiness. And their happiness didn’t stop there.

“Let’s go to the second floor, my treat”

It makes not only the trio but also Jinsol screams, making Jungeun can’t help but facepalm. While Haseul again, just laughs, leaving with Jungeun and Jinsol, as to give the three time for themselves. Once the older trio was gone, the younger trio immediately put the instruments back into the case. There’s silence when they’re busy putting the instruments back in their place.

But when they’re done. Each of them as if automatically, makes eye contact with each other, and just like that, the three of them fake a cry, well, Hanni and Hyein to be specific. Haerin only smiles, as they once again gather in the middle, arms on each shoulder.

“Thanks for your hard work, really..”

Hanni's eyes seem watery, pouts after her words. Makes Hyein also pout, feel touched. Meanwhile Haerin again, only smiles, glances at the two who look like they can cry at any time.

“Should we go now?”

And it was Haerin, laughing at Hanni and Hyein’s faces. It doesn’t take much time for the three of them to back to their normal self, teasing each other, even pointing at each other mistakes on the stage. But overall, they did a great job today. That's what matters for now.


They reached their hand out to the front. Place them over each other, like what they doing before the performance.


And just like that, today’s mission is a success. Next mission? We’ll see..



And yes, Hanni didn’t expect it. They are on their way to the second floor to meet Jinsol and the others. And yet, here they are, standing on the stairs, with Hanni, Haerin, and Hyein on the lower stairs, and Danielle and Minji on the high stairs. It’s obvious how the two are planning to leave by now.

“U—uh.. thanks”

Hanni awkwardly said, rubbing her nape as she feel a bit shy. A moment ago she was just complimented by Kim Yoohyeon, and now she accidentally meets Kim Minji. It feels weird for some reason, especially when Hanni suddenly remembers about the sticker incident.

“When will you perform again? I love your guys' performances!”

“O—oh, we haven’t discussed it yet”

“Is that so?? Oh! Can I have your number? So it’s easier to communicate”


That caught Hanni off guard, even Hyein almost gasp at that, while Haerin acts like usual, completely different with a nervous Hanni who secretly steal a glance at Minji.

I mean, didn’t these two??? Hanni questioned in her mind. But Minji just raised a brow at her, making Hanni quickly fix her gaze back on Danielle, smiling awkwardly.



Hanni has no chance to decline, especially with Danielle's phone now in her hand. Hanni has no choice, but to type her number and hand the phone back to its owner.

“Pham Hanni, got it!”

Danielle cheerfully said as she tap a button just to make Hanni feel a vibration from her jeans.

An unknown number was on her phone screen.

“Danielle Marsh, by the way”

There’s no way I didn’t know, but okay. Hanni thought.

Saving Danielle’s number on her phone. Well, it just gets weirder and weirder for Hanni, especially after she sees Danielle turns to Minji who just sigh. Pull her phone out and hand it to..


“Can I have yours too? And you too? You guys from Min’s basketball team right?”

Ohh, Hanni quickly understood. But it’s quite a different reaction from Haerin and Hyein who just glance at each other but still type their number into Minji’s phone and hand it back to the latter. Received her phone back, Minji only smile, before she follows Danielle down the stairs.

“I wish for a rematch with you, Kang Haerin. The last game was unfortunate”

Minji turns to Haerin, smiles before disappearing with Danielle. Leaving the three there in confusion.

“What was that?”

Hyein start, hands on her forehead as she tried to process what just happened a moment ago. The same as Hanni who only blinks, her brain is too slow at this moment. Meanwhile, Haerin, like usual gives zero care about it, only shrugs and then climbs the stairs.

“Think later, I’m hungry..”

And just like that, the three of them quickly go to Jinsol’s table. Take a seat and completely forget about what happened.

Well, at least for now..







To be continued..




• Just in case you guys want to listen to the songs :D

Iris = https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S8zSei0i85c

Count on me = https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6k8cpUkKK4c

History = https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EoVj_bTRJME

Beautiful Scars = https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0eQ8__zz6BA

I’ll see you in the next chapter!

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imether 0 points #1
Chapter 4: update plzT^T
_LE00_ #2
Chapter 4: pls update soon
keren_hmlm #3
Update plseu huhu
keren_hmlm #4
Chapter 3: Lil Daerin moment there. Also, Dani and Hyein hugging so cute and Hanni sobbing like a baby. 😭😭
keren_hmlm #5
Chapter 2: I am soooo intrigued about Catnipz past. 😭
keren_hmlm #6
Chapter 1: Rereading cause I can't get enough of it!!
keren_hmlm #7
Chapter 3: This is so good huhu. I haven’t read a well written fic in a long time. Pls update soon. T-T
keren_hmlm #8
Ani_Ang #9
Chapter 1: Wow... they became a band, this is very interesting😍
Thank you for writing this story 😍
Moreover, this is bbangsazzz and daerinn 😍
Author-nim, cheers up🤗
I'm so excited for the next part 😍
Jenner10 #10
Chapter 1: YOOO i loved this one can’t wait for more Omg