The Honor Student




“.. should we hang out this weekend?”

Today is Sunday.

A perfect day to just laze around and do nothing before tomorrow Hanni has to go back to school again. It’s not like she hates school tho, it's just sometimes she also wants to enjoy her life, doing something else besides club and school work.

Like what she’s doing right now, playing games on her Nintendo switch only to get distracted by her phone screen that suddenly lit up. It makes her frown for a second, she doesn’t get that many new messages, especially when it’s Sunday. A day off. Besides, it is mostly just Jinsol who messages her, or maybe Hyein, and maybe sometimes Haerin. But today, it’s no other than those three.

It’s Danielle Marsh.


Hanni screams at her phone, AirPods on her ears, hand on her hair, she definitely forgets about her Nintendo switch that lies not far from her on the sofa.

“OH. MY. GOSH! Danielle asks you on a date?!”

Then it mindlessly comes from Hyein, gasping from the other side. While Haerin on the other hand, was still on her bed, face down, trying to get her sleep back.

“D—Date— NO! it’s not a DATE! Don’t you say she and Kim Minji are dating???”

“Not me! The rumor said!”

“.. Can I go back to sleep?”

Haerin sleepily said. And yet she immediately gets a straight ‘NO!’ from both Hanni and Hyein. It makes Haerin groan in frustration, yet she doesn’t hang up, half listening to the conversation between Hanni and Hyein.

Haerin couldn’t care less to be honest.

“Have you asked her when tho? I mean, Haseul-eonnie wants us to perform again this Saturday, right?”


Hanni slaps her forehead, so hard that her mom heard her. It makes her grin sheepishly tho, apologizes before she focuses back on the call.

“Imma ask her now!”

Hanni said, opening the room chat with Danielle Marsh. Quickly typing an answer, and to Hanni’s panic, Danielle replied in a flash.

“She said on Saturday or Sunday”


Hyein said, knowing if Hanni said she can’t be on Saturday, then Danielle will choose Sunday.

Decision, decision.

“First of all, do you even want to go?”

Hanni thinks for a second after that. It’s not like she wants to go or not tho, like, Hanni loves to hang out and get a new friends. But the problem is, this is Danielle Marsh they’re talking about. One of the famous students in Ador High School, the one who wherever she goes, everyone will start to whisper and talk about her. The one who was rumored to be Kim Minji’s girlfriend.

That Danielle Marsh!

“I’ll just tell her I can’t on Saturday, cause we have to perform at Moon Cafe”

“I get the feeling she will come to see us that day, but go on”

Hanni sighs heavily at that, typing on her phone. Only to smile awkwardly, the next second she gets the reply.

“She said, she’ll come to see us on Saturday, and she will bring Kim Minji too. And she asked if it was okay to hang out on Sunday, or if I want to just hang out before going to Moon Cafe. I think the second one feels like the best option, don’t you think?”

“Or.. you can just decline her invitation”

Haerin suddenly talks, her voice still sounds a bit hoarse. Still failed to fight her sleepiness, it seems.

“Easy for you to say, Kang Haerin. This is Danielle Marsh! What if I get bullied by the whole school just because I decline her invitation?! What if she told Kim Minji, and Kim Minji tell Kim Yoohyeon and Kim Yoohyeon ended up hating me?!”

“.. that sounds too extreme”

“We never know!”

Hanni sounds frustrated and in despair. While Haerin only blinks, then there’s Hyein, trying to think about the best option for Hanni’s situation.

“I thought it’d be better to go on Saturday. I mean you won’t have to hang out for a whole day with her, since you have to go to Moon Cafe to perform!”

Hyein snaps her fingers at that. Finding her idea is genius. And Hanni agrees, its genius makes her also snap her fingers, now sounding excited.

“Yeah! I’ll just do that!”

Hyein pretends to wipe her forehead at that, smiling proudly. While Hanni quickly types a reply for Danielle, and again, Danielle’s message comes in a flash.

“She said okay!”


Hyein and Hanni cheer in unison, while Haerin just listens. Eventually, get permission to hang up as the problem is solved.

At least for now.


Today is Monday.

It’s still early. And yet, Hanni was already in her uniform. Pocketing her phone, then putting her shoes on. A school bag hanging on her shoulder, then a guitar case in her left hand, while she grabs the doorknob of her apartment with her right hand.

“Mom! Dad! I’m going!”

And just like that, Hanni forgot to have her breakfast, again. She’s already on the bus when she remembers about her breakfast, and it's also because her mother messaged her.

“I’ll just have bread later..”

Hanni sighs, leans on the window next to her, as she closes her eyes, lets her shoulders slump down, feeling a bit discouraged.

Last Saturday was HIII!!! very first performance in Moon Cafe. And Haseul asked them to perform again this Saturday. Given the opportunity, of course, the three of them quickly agreed, besides Haseul pays them to perform, so it’s all good. Haseul also gives no limitations on them, letting them perform however they want. So they planned to try playing acoustic but with their own instruments this Saturday. Just to try showing something new.

And this Saturday, it will be quite different, especially for Hanni. She promised to hang out— shopping with Danielle before going to Moon Cafe. The latter do want to know where Hanni bought the bunny stickers, so they will go buy some stickers this Saturday. Good thing Hanni also needs some new stickers too, since the two stickers Danielle and Kim Minji handed her last time were impossible to stick on anymore.

Hanni still wonders why they even bother to return it tho. Like.. they could just throw it away. But nope, they gave it back, and then Hanni feel a bit guilty to throw it away, so she ended up gluing it onto her desk at home.

Ador, full of surprises, Hanni thought, as she puts on her AirPods, scrolling on her phone to choose a song from her playlist. It’s still a long way to the school, so Hanni plans to listen to songs to pass the time. But before she can tap on the song, a tap on her shoulder is the first thing that distracts her.

“Can I sit here?”

First, Danielle Marsh. And now.. Kim Minji.

It seems like Hanni is attracting them both into her life, somehow. And before she could respond, she sees Minji immediately grabs her guitar case, and move it aside. Sits beside her, then put the guitar between them, let it leans on the seat ahead.

And Hanni just stares, frowning, before she turns to Minji. The latter seems like she pays her no mind, putting on her AirPods and starting to lean back. Cross her arms over her bag, then closes her eyes.

What? Hanni is super confused.

Just what happened? Why did Minji choose to sit beside her, when there were so many empty seats on the bus? Hanni even doubled check it. And yes, there are so many empty seats. Besides, it’s still early, not many students are in the—

Oh, Hanni eventually noticed.

Whispers start to fill the bus. Since Hanni hasn’t played the song in her AirPods yet, she’s able to hear these whispers around them, while pretending she doesn’t.

Mentally sighing, Hanni glances once again at Minji, only to find the latter seems like she fall asleep already. Maybe it’s because Minji wants to catch her sleep that she decides to sit beside Hanni, instead of sitting on an empty seat, considering these whispers around her. And with Minji’s personality that Hanni had witnessed. Minji is likely the person who will listen or respond to people when they try talking to her. Maybe that’s why she decided to sit beside Hanni, just so she can get to sleep without any disturbances.

Well, Hanni likes to think it that way, instead of speculating any further tho. Especially when she starts to hear whispers about her.

“Why Minji sits beside her?”

“Who is she??”

“Oh! I know her! She’s Pham Hanni from class 1-3! I heard she’s from Australia!”

“Wait! Is this that Pham Hanni?? The one whose phone was picked up by Minji in the hallway??”

“Oh! Oh! Didn’t she also drop her sticker that time?? And had Minji and Danielle return the stickers to her??”

“Are you serious? Not only Minji but Danielle too??”

“It's just a sticker.. why even bother to have Minji and Danielle return it.”

“I know right? Maybe she just wants Minji and Danielle’s attention!”

“Minji and Danielle are too kind to play along..”

Play along, my a—.

Hanni clenched her jaw, feeling kind of annoyed. Maybe overhearing these whispers from those Ador students behind her was a bad idea. And she can’t believe that’s how these students view that sticker incident like she’s in the wrong when it’s actually Minji and Danielle who acts on their own. Well, Hanni has nothing to say about the hallway incident tho. It’s purely her fault to dropped her phone, but the stickers part..

Are you kidding me???? Hanni is definitely upset. Unlocking her phone, she decided to just find a song to listen to, instead of listening to those whispers. But again, before she can tap on the song, something else distract her.

‘Ignore them’

Hanni blinks.

Minji’s phone just suddenly gets into her view, right beside her phone to be exact. And above that, that sentence is shown on the screen. Makes Hanni glances at her, finds Minji also glances back, the sleepiness still visible from those eyes, looking kind of teary too.

Did Minji also not listen to anything with those AirPods on? Is it just a disguise??

‘If the whole school hates me, it’s your fault. Also, do you even sleep, last night?’

Hanni decided to open her phone note. Typing that sentences, and showing them to Minji. Still feel annoyed by what she just heard tho. And Minji just smiles at that, typing something on her phone.

‘Why is it my fault?? Lol. Well.. slept for two hours. How do I look?’

‘Who on earth returning a sticker that absolutely won’t stick anymore?? Also, you look horrible..’

Hanni only shrugged, while Minji giving her a side eye, raised a brow at that.

‘Bro, you’re the one who dropped your phone. I just pick it up, and your sticker sticks on my blazer. Thank you very much. Besides, I know someone who treasures something like stickers, so I thought you were just one of these people’

Hanni blinks at that. Suddenly feel nervous when Minji mentions that incident.

Well, Hanni is still not sure if Minji saw her phone lock screen or not tho. But still, it makes her feel incredibly nervous. So she tries to think of a way to change the topic. And fortunately, Minji somehow gives the opportunity in her last sentence. So Hanni immediately gives it a go.

‘You know someone who likes stickers that much?’

‘Yeah, Danielle Marsh. Heard you’ll go shopping with her this Saturday?’

.. Is this a trap?

Did Hanni just get herself into a trap? Hanni is not sure, but she’s sure that she suddenly feels even more nervous than before. Glances at Minji, Hanni tries to read the face. But there’s nothing, Minji only raised a brow at her, tiredly.

‘Don’t get her wrong! She just wants to know where I bought the bunny stickers!’

It’s visible how panicky Hanni is from her typing, and yet Minji raised her brow even more. Stare at Hanni completely in confusion.

‘I know that much.. why are you so nervous?’

‘Please don’t get mad at her or me! I swear I won’t do anything!’

‘What are you saying?? Why would I get mad at you, or Dani? Wait.. you want to do something funny to Dani??’

As if the sleepiness is going away in an instant, Minji turns her head to Hanni. Showing her phone screen to the latter. And yet, Hanni just widens her eyes, in disbelief, once she reads those sentences.

‘Why would I do that?! We’ll just go shopping!’



Hanni types angrily, shows her phone to Minji. Before she starts to glare when she sees Minji’s face looks kind of unpleasant. And yet, the next second it turns into a frown, confusion. Then, it somehow turns into an amusing look, when her gaze meets Hanni’s.

“Are you.. for real?”

Minji stares, looking like she just finds something very interesting on Hanni’s face. And yet, Hanni finds it annoying, especially when she notices how mockingly Minji smiles at her.

“I’m not talking to you”

Hanni said, crossing her arms, looking forward, and sulking. It makes Minji can’t help but laugh tho, follows by those whispers that get even louder too. And Minji definitely hears that, so she immediately glances behind, smiling slightly. Then decides to just type on her phone again.

“Look here”

Minji said, showing her phone screen to Hanni. But of course, Hanni ignores her. Stare at the window instead. It makes Minji smile in disbelief, feeling so done at some point, shaking her head in amusement. But she won’t give up that easily.

Start typing on her phone again, Minji decides to message someone. While Hanni, she absolutely ignores Minji, scrolling through her playlist. This time, there’s a song playing in her AirPods, but it doesn’t fit her mood right now, so she decides to look for a more fitting song. It makes her so focus on her phone too.

Until something, again, distracts her. A notification, a new message from an unknown number, saying—

‘We’re not dating lol. Do you really fall for this rumor???? Unbelievable LOLOLOL’

That’s what the message said. And Hanni just knows who’s sent it, which makes her quickly turn to Minji. Only to find the latter staring somewhere else, but that annoying smile stays on the face. Then another message, but this time it wasn’t an unknown number.

It’s Danielle this time.

‘You thought me and Minji are dating??? GIRL, where did you hear that?? Who told you that??? LOL’

.. So annoying, no wonder these two are so close with each other and rumored to be dating, they suit each other, Hanni thought. Shutting her eyes as to calm herself. Meanwhile Minji, she only smiles, feeling kind of satisfied, somehow.

And as the school is getting closer, it only needs a few minutes for the bus to eventually stop. Letting the passengers to get off, including Hanni who immediately gets up from her seat, puts her bag on her shoulder, and reaches out for her guitar case. But when Hanni grabs her guitar case, she quickly notices something’s off.

Minji has her foot under Hanni’s guitar case. And by that sight, Hanni immediately realizes what Minji has been doing all the way when she sits there til’ they now arrive at the bus stop near the school. Minji wasn’t only moved Hanni's guitar aside, but she also makes sure Hanni’s guitar case won’t get dirty by the bus floor.

Wow, Hanni quite amazed. And it makes her gaze now lands on Minji who just yawning. Definitely still feel sleepy.


Minji said, catching Hanni staring at her.


And that’s what Hanni said, making Minji only nods. Immediately get up from her seat. Put her bag on her shoulder, and walks out of the bus with Hanni following behind.

“Do you want some coffee?”

They just entered their school area and were about to take a separate way, when Minji had to stop her steps at that. Turning around to find Hanni pointing at the vending machine beside her.

“I thought you were still mad at me”

Minji smile, lifting the side of her lips, as she walks to Hanni and leans on the vending machine. Watching Hanni insert the coin and tap on the button. Getting two coffees, and bread from the other vending machine. She asked Minji if she wants some bread tho, but the latter said she had her breakfast already. So, only Hanni then.

After that, Minji wants to pay Hanni back, but the latter quickly refuses. Saying it’s on her, so Minji only nods. Don’t want to take it any further, since this is the first time they talking this much.

“You haven’t had your breakfast?”

Minji asked, opening her coffee can while Hanni opens the bread package, nodding as a response.

“That’s not good..”

Minji said, taking a sip of her coffee. Letting the caffeine run through her veins.

“I heard that too many times from Haerin, thank you very much”

Hanni responded, taking a bite of her bread, and munching on it quietly. While Minji just glances at her.

“Right, you’re friends with Kang Haerin. Almost forgot about that”

Minji said, shaking her coffee can a bit. While Hanni still munching on her bread, nods slightly. It makes Minji glances at her tho, til’ her gaze landed on Hanni’s guitar case.

“You know, I wonder, why Kang Haerin and Lee Hyein didn’t join any sports club or just like basketball club? They’re good at it”

Minji suddenly said, taking another sip from her coffee. Meanwhile, Hanni just shrugged, gulping her bread before talking.

“I never asked the details. Maybe they just want to try a new club?”

Hanni said, now be the one who glances at Minji. Finding the latter also be the one who shrugs right now.

“Fair enough”

Minji simply responded, taking another sip from her coffee. It’s half gone right now.

“How about you, which club you’re in?”

Now, Hanni is kind of curious. Being the one who interviewed Minji this time. But Minji only smiles, taking another sip before answering.

“I.. kind of special case”

Minji glances at Hanni after her words, expecting a confused face. And just like what Minji thought, Hanni looks confused, even raising her brow, demanding an explanation through her gaze, looks kinda judging too.

“You may know or not.. but I’m one of the honor students here. And we attend a special class that makes us a bit different than any other students. And for us, joining a club.. isn’t a must”

Minji smiles at the end of her words. While Hanni widens her eyes at that, that’s news for her.

“So you didn’t join any club?”


“But I heard you are also good at basketball??”

“I think I’m pretty good, yes”

“Why you didn’t join then??”

“Too much work that makes me need to get to school this early. Well, we have an exam today, so..”

Minji shrugged again, taking another sip from her coffee. While Hanni only stares, til’ she somehow hears a click in her mind, points her finger at Minji.

“Ahh, that’s why I've never seen you taking an early bus!”

Hanni sounds like she just solved a big puzzle, which makes Minji chuckle at that, before nodding.

“This is my first, actually. Do you always get to school this early?”


Hanni not continuing her word, instead, she lifts her guitar case for Minji to see. And yet, Minji only stare, before glancing at Hanni, raised a brow.

“The club? You guys always practice in the morning?”

“Not always. But I have to get here earlier than Haerin and Hyein since I have the key. There’s no way I bring this to class, right?”

Again, Hanni lifts her guitar case. Makes Minji nods at that. Til’ something suddenly comes across her mind, makes her turn to Hanni again.

“Why don’t you duplicate the key?”

And that, successfully makes Hanni feels like a total idiot.


“Let’s duplicate the key!”

Hanni said the first time she sees Haerin and Hyein walk into the club room. And to Hanni’s confusion, the two somehow show different, yet interesting reactions.

Hyein, she suddenly groans, walks to put her bass and bag aside, then throws herself on the sofa, sits next to Hanni. It makes Hanni frowns tho, totally in confusion, watching how Hyein now brings her hands to her hair, somehow looking in defeat.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Haerin looks so happy, grinning in victory while raising her hand, turning it into a knuckle the next second. Hanni only watches, now finds Haerin puts her bag and guitar aside. Before sliding next to Hyein, opening her palm as if she demands something from the latter. Hyein only stares for a few seconds tho, but that victorious smile on Haerin’s face never fades, it even turns into a grin when Hyein once again groans.

Reach into her blazer pocket, Hyein then brings some money out then put it onto Haerin’s hand. Makes Haerin smiles at that, patting Hyein’s shoulder. And of course, it makes Hanni get even more confused, like—

“What is going on?”

Hanni eventually asked. Makes Haerin and Hyein immediately turn to her, still with that different emotion on their faces.


Hanni is in disbelief, points at herself then widens her eyes. And yet, the two only nod at her, innocently, right after telling her about their bet.

“Well, we just randomly thought like.. how long it takes for you to realize that this is.. kind of inconvenient? You know what I mean??”

“What Hyein mean is, that you have to get to school early, and you often miss your breakfast. Oh! Did you have your breakfast today? That’s good if you do!”

Haerin shows her thumb to Hanni, as she finds nothing on the table. Usually, there is always an empty bread package there along with a can of coffee or milk, but not today.

So Haerin feels a bit proud, thinking Hanni finally have a proper breakfast. Well, there’s no need for them to know, isn’t there?

“Whatever, I’m too tired to deal with your guys’ antics this early..”

Yesterday, Danielle Marsh.

Earlier, Kim Minji.

And now, Kang Haerin and Lee Hyein?

Give Hanni a break.

“Oh! But we have PE first today, would you be okay?”

And that’s coming from Hyein, who somehow successfully makes the room goes in total silence.




Hanni screams in annoyance. Running with Hyein, and Haerin behind her. It’s surprising how the two are going kinda slow, considering that they were once a basketball player.





HOW??!!!! Hanni thought, staring at Hyein in disbelief. While Haerin just runs in silence.

The two still have more laps to go, and Hanni is allowed to take a break already, as she watches from the side. She still feels confused tho, as to how these two seemed bad at this, and yet, the two used to be basketball players. Hanni even remembers how Minji wants a rematch with Haerin.

That means Haerin is good at basketball, right?


Hyein suddenly throws herself on the grass, with Haerin follows her behind. They eventually finish their laps, and now they take a rest there, trying to catch their breath. While Hanni, she only stares, still trying to process the information in her brain.

Like.. HOW???


Hyein screams. And just like that Haerin runs forward, catches the ball, also protecting Hanni who seems speechless by what just happened. They play dodgeball in the sports hall right now, and by chance the three of them are on the same team, with Hanni being the queen the rest of the players must protect.

At first, it just feels like an ordinary game, but soon Hanni witnesses how the two get competitive, running from this side to the other side.

‘Did Hyein say she hates running???’

Hanni can’t understand. Maybe because it’s indoors?? Or maybe cause it involves a point? The pride of being the winner?? Hanni absolutely can’t understand how the two think sometimes. And it’s scary when Hanni has to be on the opposite team and play against the two. It even feels scary when Hanni has to witness Haerin and Hyein play against each other.

“They could be an ace in dodgeball..”

One of their classmates said, and Hanni has to agree with that. The two get very competitive when it involves points. But still, the math isn’t mathing for Hanni.

“Are they part of any sports club?”

“I think so. Just look at them”

Hanni mentally facepalmed, accidentally hearing her classmates talking.

Well, the more Hanni thinks about it, the more she can’t understand the two. They’re good at sports and yet choose a band. Well, not choose, it was more like Hanni gets them involved since the two have no clubs to join in mind. And club is a must in Ador High School. Well, at least for an ordinary student like them.

It is still kind of mind-blowing for Hanni that an honor student like Minji has some kind of privilege that allows them to not join any clubs. Sounds kinda silly, but okay. That’s something Hanni can’t relate to in the first place. And talking about Minji, Hanni suddenly remembers Minji's question, as to why Hyein and Haerin not joining any sports club. And now, Hanni starts to wonder too. Especially after she witnessed how good the two are in sports. She just can’t understand why the two didn’t choose sports somehow.

Like— They’re also good with instruments, but still!

“Why you guys don’t join any sports club? You two are so good”

Hanni said. Staring at the two as they immediately drink from the bottles Hanni handed them a while ago.

“I don’t like getting sweaty that much, actually”

“It’s tiring..”

It was the response Hyein and Haerin gave, makes Hanni immediately gives up. There’s no point questioning these two.

“You pretty athletic too, Hanni. I was quite surprised”

“Why? Cause I’m small?”

Hyein only grins at that, while Hanni rolled her eyes before she glanced to her side. Overhearing their classmates talking about some kind of basketball sparring between Ador and Role High School this Friday.

“I heard Kim Minji will play later!”

“For real! We should watch then!”

No wonder it spreads so quickly, Hanni thought, once she heard Kim Minji’s name.

What Minji can’t do at this point, she’s smart, famous, pretty, and athletic. Is it possible that she actually can play instruments too? That would be another mind-blowing moment for Hanni, if it ever comes true tho. Besides, it will also make Minji almost perfect if she indeed turns out to be able to play an instrument. At least in Hanni’s opinion.

“Are Lee Hyein and Kang Haerin in this class?”

They were just done with the first period for today, cooling themselves with a portable fan in class. Well, it was until that voice caught the whole attention of the class tho. Makes every gaze fixed on the entrance, only to land on the trio later. On Haerin and Hyein to be exact, as both of them slowly raised their hand, confused.

“It’s Huh Yunjin, right?”

One of the classmates starts to whisper, glancing at the upperclassman that is now talking with Haerin and Hyein outside the class. While Hanni stays in her seat, waiting while staring at them. Wondering what they’re talking about that makes Haerin and Hyein share a look, then nods.

“Wait, she’s a basketball team captain, right?”

Oh, that kinda explains. Hanni thought, as she immediately catches that upperclassman pat both Haerin and Hyein’s back, before disappearing in the hallway.

“What’s that about?”

Hanni asked, seeing the two immediately walks back to their seats.

“Huh Yunjin-eonnie ask us to join basketball sparring, this Friday, after school. They’re kind of short on players”

Hyein answers, simply, sitting back in her seat and turning the portable fan back on again. It was Haerin who suddenly turns to Hanni, so quick, that Hanni was scared she might break her neck. She didn’t even sit on her seat yet—

“How about HIII!!!? We have to perform again this Saturday, right?”

And as if it finally hits Hyein, she immediately widens her eyes. Now turns to Hanni, as Hanni winced, again looking kinda scared with how fast Hyein turned to her.


Hyein suddenly grabs Hanni by her shoulders, startling not only Hanni and Haerin, but the whole class too. As the gazes are now fixed on them again. It makes both Hanni and Haerin feel kind of uncomfortable, and yet, Hyein looks like she pays it no mind, as she stares right into Hanni’s eyes.


And Hanni only smile awkwardly at that, absolutely lost.


“So you guys have to practice after school?”

“That’s what Huh Yunjin-eonnie said”

Hyein nod then answered.

“And you guys also have to run a few laps in the morning? Start from tomorrow to Friday?”

Then another nod, making Hanni seems deep in her thoughts.

They’re in trouble. This might be the first real trouble they’re facing as a band. They even decided to not go to the cafeteria and go straight to their club room, just so they can discuss this matter. They bought some snacks on their way there tho, so they’ll be fine.

“Should we decline?”

Haerin said, casually glancing at Hyein who glances back. While Hanni seems kind of panicky once she heard that.

“Wha— no! No need to decline! Let’s find a solution like— how- how about I tell Haseul we can’t this Saturday?”


That caught Hanni off guard, this might be the first time Hanni sees Haerin and Hyein so in sync, even the volume of their voices. It makes her head hurt tho, have to think for another solution for the three of them.

“So what to do?”

“I still suggest we decline..”

“If we decline, we have to talk to Huh Yunjin-eonnie. You know she can get pretty scary sometimes, right?”

Hyein said, making Haerin blinks at that, then stare at the air. Like she just remembers how scary the said upperclassman can be, since she’s also from the same middle school as them.

“.. Right..”

Now, Haerin sounds defeated. Makes Hanni who notices that just stares, smiles as to comfort her.

“Okay, let me ask you both”

Hanni said, sounding a bit serious, making Haerin and Hyein immediately put their full attention on Hanni. Waiting for whatever will come out from Hanni’s lips.

“You guys still want to perform at Moon Cafe, this Saturday?”

The two nod.

“And you also want to play this Friday?”

Hanni wants to make sure. And yet,

“We have to..”

“We already said yes..”

Haerin and Hyein responded, making Hanni smiles, but she also noticed how there was a spark in their eyes whenever the sparring is mentioned. Guess the two also miss being in court sometimes, but it seems like they tried to put the band as their top priority this time.

Hanni feels touched by that, but still.

“Do you guys want to play?”

Hanni asked one more time. Makes the two frown, but nod eventually.

“Great. I want to see Lee Hyein and Kang Haerin debut as basketball players in high school too”

Hanni said, grinning brightly, making the two just stares. Before they glance at each other. Then, that smile immediately made its way to their faces.

“Alright! I’ll do my best!”

“You have to watch us, promise?”

Just like what Hanni thought, those two indeed miss playing on the court. Besides, it’s also a rare opportunity for Hanni to see Haerin and Hyein play with a basketball in their hands, instead of a bass and guitar.

It’ll be fun!

But still, they shouldn’t get carried away. They still have to practice for their performance at Moon Cafe. And to be honest, this is kind of risky, but if it manages to put a smile on Haerin and Hyein’s faces. Then, what Hanni can say? They get through this somehow, Hanni is sure of it.

“So let’s arrange our schedule. Should we practice on lunch break?”

“Good idea!”

“We need to decide on the songs first tho. We will play with our own instruments, right?”

They talked about this before, but Haerin just wants to make sure, as she glances at Hyein and Hanni, back and forth. Before her gaze fully fixed on the latter. And not only Haerin, Hyein’s gaze is also fixed on Hanni too, waiting for her decision.

Ahh the pressure, Hanni thought. It feels like she’s the leader of their band when they actually have none. But yeah, Hanni just shrugged the feeling the next second, nodding at Haerin with a smile on her face. Seeing that, Hyein’s face quickly lit up, as she screams in excitement. And not only Hyein, Hanni also witnessed how Haerin’s face lit up, smiling in determination.

“Then, we don’t have to worry that much”

Seems like Haerin is happy to finally play her original instrument instead of cajon, or drum. Well..



“Can I sit here?”

Like usual, Hanni takes a bus to go to Ador, about to play some song in her AirPods, when that voice suddenly stops her. Makes her look up, to find that girl, Kim Minji, smiling, glances at the seat beside her. Seeing that Hanni only shakes her head tho, puts her guitar case aside, allowing Minji to sit beside her.

“Thank you very much”

Minji said, immediately take a seat. Hanni only nods at that, putting her focus back on her phone screen. While Minji takes out her AirPods and puts them on her ears.

“Have you duplicated the key?”

“Hyein take care of it”

“That’s good. Then, why are you still going this early?”

Minji took her phone out. Spare no glance to Hanni who still scrolled through her playlist.

“It becomes a habit at this point, I suppose”

“I see. Have you had your breakfast?”

“Yeah, Haerin keeps bugging me this morning”

“What a good friend”

Minji said, finally finding a song she wants to listen to. The same as Hanni, as she was about to tap on it, only to stop herself again, when—

“Wake me up when we arrive”

Minji glances at Hanni, makes the latter glance back, raising a brow. Hanni looks kind of judgmental tho, watching Minji leans her head back. Press her bag on her chest then cross her arms over it. Failed to notice how Hanni had been staring at her. And yet, Hanni just let her be, shakes her head then tap the song on her phone. Let the intro start to play through her AirPods.

Gazing through the window, Hanni decides to just enjoy the ride. Putting her chin on her palm, as she watches those busy people outside. The sky looks so clear today, somehow goes along with the song Hanni is listening to. And it was before she finds herself jumping on her seat, feeling a sudden weight on her shoulder. It startled her a bit, especially when she quickly turn to her side, only to find a sleeping Minji, a few inches away from her.

How can you even sleep like this? Hanni thought. Finding how peaceful Minji sleeps on her shoulder. And Hanni was about to wake Minji up, before she stops her hand in midair, catches those dark circles under Minji’s eyes. It makes Hanni wonder, what Minji was doing last night.

Studying? Hanni knows Minji is an honor student, and she’s smart, almost genius, they said. But if that means torturing herself, staying up all night just to reads all these boring books. Hanni gladly passes on, she prefers to be an ordinary student, rather than an honor student if that means she has to sacrifice her sleep.

No no. Hanni doesn’t want that kind of lifestyle.

“Please don’t wake up. Please don’t wake up”

Hanni lowly whispered, tapping on the camera icon in her phone when a random idea suddenly popped into her mind. And when her face shows on the screen, Hanni quickly angles her phone, making sure Minji gets into the picture as she uses her free hand to point at the sleeping Minji, then press the button to capture the picture.

Hanni doesn’t stop with only one picture tho. She decided to take some more with different poses after. From how she only smiles to the camera to how she glares playfully at Minji. And she feels satisfied with the results, as she looks through them and chooses one picture to send to Danielle.

‘Look at your friend!’

Hanni types that on her phone, sending a picture of her pointing at the sleeping Minji to Danielle. And it doesn’t take much time for Danielle to reply.

‘Gosh! She sleeps in the bus??’

‘Since yesterday!’

Hanni replies. Makes Danielle gasp on the other side.

‘That Kim Minji, lol. She better fixes her bikes, asap!’

Danielle responds. 

That’s news for Hanni, she never know Minji used to ride bikes to school. It reminds her of Haerin and Hyein too, these two also ride a bike to school.

‘I just know she used to ride a bike’

‘Well, she is! But it’s broken now. I don’t know what happened tho. She only told me it’s broken and now she has to take the bus’

Hanni finds herself nodding at that, typing another reply, and just having a little conversation with Danielle before she noticed how the bus slowly stops moving.

They had arrived.

‘Oh! We’re here! Gotta wake your friend up! Talk to you later, Dani!’

‘Sure! Take care!’

Hanni immediately pockets her phone after that last message from Danielle, then turn to Minji. Well, Minji surely sleeps soundly on Hanni’s shoulder. It makes Hanni shakes her head somehow feel a bit amused by the sight.

“Alright. We’re here”

Hanni said, patting Minji on her arm.

Hanni has to do it quite a few times tho, to make sure Minji is awake. And when Hanni feels sure enough, she immediately gets up, grabs her guitar case, and hangs her bag on her shoulder, only to watch Minji still sitting there, blinking.

Seems like Minji isn’t quite awake yet, so Hanni initiated to just grabbed her by her blazer’s sleeve, and exit the bus. Hanni also just notice that they were the only Ador students on the bus too. That explains why Hanni heard nothing when she took her AirPods off. Only the adults talking.

“Can you walk by yourself?”

Hanni asked, glancing at the sleepy Minji as they reach the school’s gate already. And Minji just nods at Hanni, still having her eyes half closed. And of course, Hanni doubted her.

“Tch, let’s go”

Hanni clicks her tongue, grabs Minji by her blazer sleeves again. She can hear whispers starting to fill the air around them, and of course, it bothers her. But to Hanni's surprise, Minji doesn’t move from her spot. It even makes Hanni almost fell when she takes a few steps ahead.

Minji’s strength is quite different from hers.

“Ya! Kim Minji?!”

Hanni turn her head around, glares at Minji as she was so close to embarrassing herself in front of the school gate. And yet, Minji only stares, somehow looking cold.


Minji said, and Hanni is in disbelief. Widening her eyes, she can feel her head start to boil out of a sudden.

“What do you mean what?? I almost fell! And why are you just standing there?! Come on, let’s go get some coffee so you can walk by yourself!”

“I can walk by myself”

And just like that, Minji shrugs Hanni’s hand off of her blazer. Makes Hanni widens her eyes even more, staring at Minji in shock this time. But the latter did not even spare her a glance. Just walk away, leaving Hanni there, dumbfounded.

What on earth??????? Hanni is speechless, yet clueless. Watched Minji slowly getting away, til’ the latter eventually disappears from her sight. And little did Hanni know, a few meters away from her, there were Haerin and Hyein, still on their bikes, glancing at each other.

What they just witnessed?


“Yo! Pham Hanni! Not only Danielle Marsh! But Kim Minji too! You— you really on the next level!”

It was Hyein, eye on Hanni while her hand was busy unlocking the club room with their new duplicated key. And Hanni, she just rolled her eyes, starting to get annoyed by how Hyein won’t stop talking about Danielle or Minji, ever since they met at the school’s gate minutes ago. While Haerin, she just stares, somehow notices that strange air from Hanni.

“It’s not like what you’re thinking”

“But you guys look like you just have a fight, a love fight! Like— like how Minji—“

Hyein started to reenact how Minji shrugged Hanni’s hand away. And actually, it makes Hanni feel a bit offended, and hurt at the same time. Like, did she do something wrong that makes Minji suddenly acts that way to her? It was so sudden, even her brain can’t keep up with that.

“Cut it out, Hyein”

Hanni decided to just stop thinking about it. It bothers her, yes. But it’s not worth the headaches.

“What? Now we know Danielle and Minji aren’t dating. This is your chance!”

Hyein said, finally opening the door for the two to walk through. And Hanni of course was the first one to walk inside. Walking past Hyein, without spare the latter any glance. While Haerin follows behind, shakes her head after staring at Hyein. And of course, Hyein looks clueless, scratching her cheek in confusion.

“We have to be at the court soon. We’ll see you in class”

Haerin turns to Hanni after putting her guitar case aside. Grips her bag, only to find Hanni sitting near the speaker. Plugging her guitar, Hanni only nods as an answer, making Haerin nods too, before she glances at Hyein, telling the latter to follow her through her gaze. It makes Hyein just nod too as she eventually manages to read the room. Spare Hanni one last glance, Hyein immediately follows Haerin outside.

Until the voice stops Hyein from closing the door behind her.

“Tell Minji, I’m sorry”

Hanni said, still not spare them any glance, only focusing on her guitar. And it makes Hyein can’t help but feel worried, as she quickly glances at Haerin. But Haerin shakes her head, knowing what Hyein has in mind. And yet Hyein looks devastated, turns to Hanni once again, before Haerin immediately take the matters into her own hand and grabs the doorknob.

“Will do. Don’t worry about it”

With a single swing, Haerin closed the door, leaving Hanni there by herself. Sigh heavily as she bites her lower lip, feeling her eyes start to get hot.

“Haerin, you sure leaving her alone??”

Hyein trying to catch up with Haerin, glances at the latter who has her gaze, staring ahead. The look on Haerin’s face is kind of unreadable. Even for Hyein.

“We have to practice”

“I know. But Hanni—“

“She needs to be alone for now”

It comes from Haerin, completely emotionless, making Hyein only stare. Blinking when she knows, Haerin isn’t her usual self right now.


“Promise me you won’t hurt anyone..”

“I won’t, don’t worry”

Well, Haerin said that. Sure.

And it’s not like Haerin tried to hurt anyone tho, it’s only Minji, and Hyein definitely notices how when it’s Minji’s turn, Haerin will somehow put extra strength to her passing. Makes Minji stumble on her steps, or basically just miss the ball. It makes her get an earful from the coach tho. And Hyein starts to feel worried, even scared when she catches how Haerin staring at Minji, still emotionlessly. And Minji will glance back, confused at first, but now, it turns into a glare.

There’s some fatigue visible in Minji’s eyes, even Hyein notices those circles under them. And yet, Hyein just prays these two won’t suddenly start a fight. Why do they have to practice a little bit tho? Whose idea is this?? Didn’t Huh Yunjin-eonnie say they will just run a few laps in the morning?!

“Kang Haerin”

This is a nightmare. Hyein can feel how her heart starts to beat so fast. They are already done with the morning practice. About to go to change into their uniform when Minji suddenly walks toward them. Calls on Haerin who just turn around at that, and stares, as if waiting for Minji to speak her words.

Kang Haerin! You better behave! Hyein screams in her mind. Mentally pulling her hair while watching these two. The tension between them just makes Hyein so nervous. Besides it’s only them now, the rest are already gone!

What is Hyein supposed to do if this goes wrong?!

“Look, if you have—“

“There you are, Kim Minji!”

Thank God! Hyein cheers happily in her mind. Seeing no other but Danielle enters the sports hall, waving her phone then skips towards the three of them.

“Ya! How can you sleep on the bus? You even get a shoulder pillow! Look! Hanni sent me this!”

Danielle slaps Minji by her shoulder the first she starts talking, making Minji wince by that, rubbing her shoulder while her gaze is now fixed on Danielle’s phone screen, as the latter shows something to her. And yet, it makes Minji feels her breath stuck in out of a sudden. Stare at that something Danielle wants to show her.

It’s a picture of her and Hanni, with the latter grinning at the camera, pointing at her sleeping face.

By the look of it, Minji immediately knows this pic was just taken this morning. And also by that, Minji suddenly remembered the scene she made in front of the school gate. How rude she acts towards Hanni, just because she suddenly feels upset when Hanni clicks her tongue at her. It makes Minji feel like she’s a burden to Hanni and she hates it.

She hates the feeling, yet she fails to control herself—

“Hanni said sorry”

And as if it successfully pulls Minji out of her mind, she now looks up, meeting Haerin’s gaze as the latter stares back.


Then Danielle looks clueless, glances at Haerin and Minji back and forth, the same as Hyein. It's just, Hyein looks like she puts on her guard. Just in case.

But thankfully nothing worse happened, only Minji sighing, rubbing her face tiredly, then pinching the bridge of her nose. She silently swears at herself at the moment tho.

“I apologize to her, later on, lunch break”

Minji suddenly said, making Danielle quickly turns to her. Raised a brow, demands an explanation, as she somehow glares at Minji as if saying ‘WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO?!’ through her gaze. Minji tried to avoid the gaze tho, she can deal with Danielle later.

“We’ll be in the club room at that time. Guess, we’ll see you there”

And with that, a smile finally appears on Haerin’s face. It was just a slight smile, but it manages to put Hyein a bit at ease, as she quickly link her arms to Haerin’s. Wanting to just get away from there as fast as possible.

“Y—yeah! We’ll see you there! Now please excuse us! Bye!”

And with that, Hyein pulls Haerin away. Ignoring how clueless Haerin looks at her. Eventually, leaving only Minji and Danielle there, watching at their back until they were lost from their sight. And just with two there, Danielle immediately gives Minji a look, which makes Minji sigh again.

“Now.. you tell me”

Danielle crosses her arms over her chest. And just by that, Minji just knows she will get an earful from this only best friend of hers.


It’s lunch break.

As planned, Hanni, Haerin and Hyein used the time to practice, for their upcoming performance this Saturday. Listening to their recording as they discuss on which part they think is lacking, or needs a fix. It was until they heard a knock on the door, makes Hanni immediately pause the recording on her phone. Looks at the door in wonder.

“They’re here”

It coming from Haerin, makes Hanni glance at her. Confused, while watching Haerin put her guitar aside, then get up to get the door. Hyein also puts her bass away, eyes on the door. Leaving Hanni absolutely in a dark.

“Who’s he—“

Then, Hanni found herself cutting her own words. Just after Haerin open the door, let Hanni's gaze now meet those eyes that stare back at her.

Kim Minji is standing there, raising her hand, and smiling awkwardly. On her side, there’s Danielle, who smiles at Hanni, apologetically. But Hanni only frowns at that, before something suddenly clicks in her mind, making her quickly glance at Haerin’s back, then at Hyein who already stands up from her seat.

“What is—“

“Can we talk?”

Hanni didn’t continue her words, staying quiet before she slowly turn her head to the door. Only to see Minji walking inside, smiling at her. It looks apologetic too.

This is.. uncomfortable.

“Can you stay with her a bit, Minji? We want to go buy some drinks”

Hyein suddenly said, winking at Hanni who only widened her eyes at that. While Haerin immediately caught the signal, grab on Danielle's hands, and quickly walks away. Followed by Hyein who only waves to Minji and Hanni, then closes the door. Gave zero times for the latter to even react.

What is happening??? Hanni tries to process it in her brain. And yet, something else distracts her.

And of course, it’s no other than Kim Minji.

“I’m sorry for this morning”

Minji said, the guilt quickly hits her. But Hanni just stays silent, still trying to process it in her mind. Until Minji’s face enters her view, making her focus now move to those eyes, staring at Minji who’s now sitting on the floor. Looking up at Hanni who sits on the sofa.

“Forgive me?”

Hanni can feel the grips on her guitar tighten at that. Again, Hanni feels her eyes getting hot. She doesn’t know why, she can’t even understand why. She just knows, Minji’s act this morning, kinda shocked her.

“Haerin tell me you’re sorry. And you know, it’s not your fault. It’s mine. I was just.. feel a bit upset”

“.. why?”

Hanni's voice sounds shaking, it makes Minji looks back at her. She just take her gaze off for a moment, rubbing her nape, only to welcome by the teary eyes of Hanni the next second.

“It’s a long story! But it’s not your fault! I swear!”

Minji starts to panic, getting up, absolutely doesn’t know what to do as Hanni starts to cry.

Damn Minji, you just made someone else's daughter cry. And above that, it’s because of how you fail to control your emotions. Better get enough sleep tonight. Minji blames herself.

“Ah geez! Can you— !”

Minji starts swearing. Taking Hanni’s guitar from the latter lap, then put it aside. It confused Hanni for a split second, but the thing that happened after that, it confused Hanni more.

“See! We made up!”

Minji now wraps her arms around Hanni, hugs the latter. Hoping it will be enough to stop Hanni from crying. It works for a little while tho, til’ Hanni starts to cry again. Makes Minji quickly rubs her back, trying to calm Hanni down.

“You were so scaryyyyy”

“I know, I know. I’m sorry”

Minji said, nodding. While Hanni continues crying, now has her arms around Minji’s neck.

Well, it’s funny how Hanni was trying to avoid Minji most of the time. And now look at them, being clingy to each other.

.. Ahh, high schoolers.

“So.. when can I get in?”

And there’s the three. Been standing in front of the club room for a while now. With Haerin stand a few steps away, watching Danielle and Hyein stand side by side, eavesdropping, feeling touched by what they just witnessed. And the two also shed a tear, crying, hand in hand.

“This is gold. We shouldn’t interrupt”

Danielle said, wiping her tears, while Hyein start sobbing. Hugging Danielle the next second.

Luckily the club room is kinda far in the hallway, so there are rarely any students around, or else, Haerin is sure there will be some whispers, and maybe a new rumor only by how Danielle and Hyein now start to cry while hugging each other. And yeah, Haerin had enough, she just want to get in and grab her wallet.

She forgot them!


It’s too late, Haerin already steps into the club room. Walks as if nothing happened, making Hanni and Minji froze on their spot, eyes following Haerin who casually walks to get her wallet on the table.

And when Haerin gets her wallet, she glances at the two, watching how they slowly separate themselves from each other, eyes still on Haerin. And yet, Haerin says nothing. Putting her wallet into her blazer pocket, Haerin just smile, then walk outside, dragging Danielle and Hyein with her.

It makes them definitely speechless over Haerin’s antics.

“Is that how she always..”

Minji not continuing her words. And yet, Hanni understands what that means, which makes her let out a small laugh.

“You just have to get used to it”

Hanni said, making Minji raise a brow at that, glance at Hanni. But soon, a smile appears on Minji’s face, as she puts her hands into her blazer pocket.

“So we’re good?”

Even though she already knows the answer, Minji wants to make sure. And Hanni just shakes her head at that.

“Yeah, we’re good”

Hanni simply said, making Minji grin. Pulls her hand out and shows her fist to Hanni.

Waiting, Minji only stares at Hanni, asking the latter for a fist bump through her gaze. And Hanni just laughs, finding it kinda silly, but later, she eventually shows her fist to Minji. Let their fists meet each other as they both smile too. And since that day, the friendship between them has started.

Will it grow? Who knows?

Maybe it’ll strengthen over time. Maybe it’ll crack. Maybe they will drift apart. Maybe they even become strangers again. Maybe Hanni will avoid Minji again, or maybe the other way around. Maybe they’ll fight again. Maybe they will start to hate each other even. Who knows?

No one knows about the future. And they are still so young..

There’s still a lot for them to learn and with time, there’ll be an answer for each question.

At times like this, patience is the only friend.





To be continued..




• this took me quite a while. But anyway, enjoy!! I'll see you in the next chapter! d( ̄  ̄)

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imether 0 points #1
Chapter 4: update plzT^T
_LE00_ #2
Chapter 4: pls update soon
keren_hmlm #3
Update plseu huhu
keren_hmlm #4
Chapter 3: Lil Daerin moment there. Also, Dani and Hyein hugging so cute and Hanni sobbing like a baby. 😭😭
keren_hmlm #5
Chapter 2: I am soooo intrigued about Catnipz past. 😭
keren_hmlm #6
Chapter 1: Rereading cause I can't get enough of it!!
keren_hmlm #7
Chapter 3: This is so good huhu. I haven’t read a well written fic in a long time. Pls update soon. T-T
keren_hmlm #8
Ani_Ang #9
Chapter 1: Wow... they became a band, this is very interesting😍
Thank you for writing this story 😍
Moreover, this is bbangsazzz and daerinn 😍
Author-nim, cheers up🤗
I'm so excited for the next part 😍
Jenner10 #10
Chapter 1: YOOO i loved this one can’t wait for more Omg