Something isn’t right.





“I DID! But..”

Hanni put her arms on the desk. Sigh heavily, hiding her face behind her arms. Meanwhile, there, Haerin and Hyein stare at her in disbelief. Standing beside Hanni’s desk. Somehow feel betrayed.

Today is Friday.

Finally, it’s the day of the awaited day of sparring between Ador and Role’s basketball team. It will be held soon, in Ador’s sports hall. Almost all the students in Ador can’t wait to watch the game. Especially since Kim Minji, one of the most famous students in Ador High School, will play later. But for Hanni, it’s a bit different story.

Hanni somehow doesn’t feel like going. Even though Haerin and Hyein will also play later. And, it’s not like there’s no reason for Hanni to suddenly feel that way..

Well, how to say it ..?

Let’s go back to a few days ago. To the day when Hanni and Minji were fighting, over something that Hanni thinks is very silly, now. And she also knows Minji will agree with her. It was kind of an unnecessary fight between the two of them. But between the two, Hanni just ended up with the most damage, somehow.

Well, emotional damage. To be exact. Cause, right after she got home that day. The realization eventually hits her. She was in the middle of practicing the songs for HIII!!! performance this Saturday in Moon Cafe. But, in the middle of her practice. Something just popped into her mind. Out of a sudden. And later, it was just hard for Hanni to ignore the feeling. Besides, she cringed so hard just at those images in her head.

Yes. Hanni just can’t believe she cried in front of someone. Especially because of some kind of trivial reasons, like rudeness. And worse, she just realizes she cried in front of Kim Minji—

Kim Yoohyeon’s little sister.


—a few days ago..


Hanni exclaimed. Frustration fills her voice. Hand on her hair, while the other holds the phone that is placed beside her ear.

A few inches from her, there’s her guitar. Laying helplessly on the bed, forgotten just after Hanni suddenly reached for her phone. Can’t handle the overwhelming feeling that just suddenly rush into her. At such a random hour.

It suddenly hits her.

Not when Hanni just got home from school. Not when Hanni had just finished the shower or her dinner. It hits Hanni, just now. Right in the middle of her practice section. Makes her immediately freeze on her bed. Widening her eyes in disbelief, before cringes over herself. Grabs her phone and then immediately dials the number.

And just after her calls get picked up. Hanni didn’t even wait for the others to ask her what happened. She just quickly dumped her feelings. Telling the other about what happened during school. About how she cried in front of Kim Minji. Which is somehow she finds unbelievable. And, she is not the only person who finds it unbelievable.

The person on the other side— Jeong Jinsol, also thinks the same way as her. It just sounds impossible for them. For some reason. Like..




Both of them, surely find it hard to believe. Just like what Jinsol said, Hanni didn’t even cry when she fell off the tree. Or when she had to leave her at the cashier. And more importantly, Hanni was so much younger then.

So, just how????

Jinsol, even Hanni herself knows, she’s not someone who will cry so easily. Besides, usually, when Hanni encounters rude people. She rather chooses to ignore them, or straight up just walk away. Basically avoiding them.


Jinsol can’t understand. And Hanni is the same. Even when Hanni tries to think of a reason, that perhaps will help her explain her own sudden change of behavior. There’s nothing. Nothing makes senseeee!! She just remembered how she suddenly feels so emotional, even sensitive after Minji acts rude— cold to her. AND THAT’S IT??? 

It doesn’t make any sense. And Hanni’s embarrassment just gets the best of her at this point. She can’t even think straight right now. It gets to the point where she even considers transferring herself to another school. Only with one main reason.

To avoid Kim Minji.

“Don’t be too extreme. It is just one person”

And it indeed sounds too extreme. At least for Jinsol. But Hanni disagrees.

“YES! It's just one person! And it’s a FREAKING. KIM. MINJI!”

It’s about Hanni right now. Her feeling. And her random desire to just dig a hole and throw herself in. Planning to hide herself there for the rest of her life. But of course, it won’t solve anything. Besides, it sounds unrealistic. Hanni knows that. There’s no way she can just dig a hole and disappear out of a sudden without being put in a missing poster. But again, she just can’t help it, she just wants to hide right now. She even wishes to never see Kim Minji’s face ever again.

It was that bad.

And Jinsol starts to feel sympathy for her. So, she starts to think of a way, a solution for Hanni’s situation. Something that can make both parties feels like nothing ever happened. That’s the goal. But since Jinsol knows Minji is quite difficult as a person, and Hanni also said Minji is annoying. It’s just hard for Jinsol to come up with anything, an idea to solve this problem.


“You have to make her feel like she owes you something ..”

It came from Jinsol’s lips, followed by a snapping finger sound. And yet, Hanni raised her brow at that. Clueless. But soon, her face eventually lit up. Once Jinsol tells her the plan.


It doesn’t need that much time for Hanni to be the one to snap her finger this time. Especially when there are sparks in her eyes, followed by the determination which immediately shows on her face.

Hanni just has the feeling, Jinsol’s plan will work out, one way or another. Well, it has to! To save Hanni from the embarrassment that eats her slowly but surely, each time the second passed by!


“What is this???”

Finally the next day. The day when Hanni puts Jinsol’s plan to work!

Hanni has to wake up much earlier than she used to cause of this tho. Busying herself so early in the morning. Even earned a confused look from her mother when the latter finds the daughter in the kitchen. Making a sandwich, that just looks like it’s not Hanni’s at all. And of course, cause of that, her mother, had to ask her what all of these were about, and who the sandwich is for.

Since basically, it is just bread, and meats— bacon, with some sauce inside. There are no vegetables, whatsoever. Well, of course, Hanni doesn’t add anything greens there. Especially once she knows Minji doesn’t like vegetables.

Thanks to Danielle! who just can’t help but feel confused. Wondering what Hanni is up to when the latter suddenly messaged her so early in the morning. It was so sudden, and it was so random coming from Hanni. At least from Danielle’s point of view.

Like why Hanni suddenly asked about Minji’s preference for sandwiches. Out of a sudden?

It’s expected that Danielle find it strange coming from Hanni tho. And Hanni’s mother will definitely agree with her. Hanni acts strange, this is the first time. Especially after she only tells her mother like, ‘It’s nothing’ and ‘It’s for a friend’ to respond to questions related to the sandwich. And there’s just no way, it wouldn’t create a big question mark in both Hanni’s mother's and Danielle’s heads at the moment. And later, it’s not only them.

A big question mark also appears in Minji’s head when Hanni offers her a lunch box and a bottle of coffee. Right after Minji puts the guitar aside. Taking the seat beside Hanni on the bus.

“Sandwich! For you!”

Hanni said, cheerfully. Like it was something very usual coming from her. There’s a silence surrounding both of them right after that tho. A second before Minji feels the bus started to move. Successfully pulls her back to reality, as she was kind of quiet in her seat a moment ago. Too bewildered to find Hanni suddenly acting like this to her.

“.. why???”

Of course, it makes Minji feels so confused. Like.. what happened?? Where’s this strange behavior coming from?? Yesterday they were fighting. A silly fight that was so unnecessary between them. Then, they made up at lunch break. And now, Hanni offering her lunch? A breakfast??

There’s no way Minji won’t question Hanni at this moment with how drastically Hanni changes!

“Just take it!”

Something is off. Minji can feel it.

That’s why, Minji chose to only stare at the box and the coffee. Until her gaze moves upward to meet Hanni’s. Trying to read whatever was inside the other girl’s mind.

“.. Is it, poisonous?”

It mindlessly slipped out of Minji’s lips. Almost sounds so innocent coming from her, while she keeps her gaze on Hanni. Raising a brow. Waiting for Hanni to answer. And yeah, Hanni doesn’t respond almost immediately at that. But rather, Hanni’s jaw dropped by those words, almost automatically. Followed by a glare soon, right after.


Hanni exclaimed. In disbelief. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Minji quickly covered her ears. Trying to protect her hearing while checking their surroundings. Throws an apologetic smile to the other passengers when they made eye contact with her.

“Well, I remember you find me annoying???”

Minji fixed her gaze back at Hanni. Stares at the latter ridiculously. Noticing how Hanni now glares even harder at her. Before a heavy sigh, escaped from those tiny pair of lips.

“Whatever, just take it! I even asked Danielle what kind of sandwich you’d like, you know?”

Hanni said, shutting her eyes while forcefully shoving the lunch box and the coffee into Minji’s hand. Trying to stay calm and not to explode at this point. This plan has to work! Hanni thought. While on the other hand, Minji just blinks at that. Repeatedly.

Those words kind of caught Minji off guard, for some reason. Her gaze slowly moves downward. Let it land on the lunch box and the coffee in her hand. While her mind was somehow busy repeating Hanni’s last sentence.

Danielle knows? Minji questioned. Furrowed her brows. Keeping her gaze unmoved for a few seconds there. Until she heard some familiar sound coming from behind them. As quick as she can, Minji turns her head backward. Finding there are two students at the very back of the bus. Taking a selfie, it seems. And from the uniform, Minji just knows those two aren’t from Ador.

That information makes Minji mentally sigh in relief tho. Calmly face forward again, slightly fixing her sitting position. Until she notices the gaze on her. Makes her glance to her side. Finding Hanni staring at her. Raised a brow as to questioning Minji’s sudden acts earlier.

“It’s nothing. Thanks by the way..”

Minji smiles slightly. Lifting the lunch box and the coffee in her hand. While on her side, Hanni just stares for a split second. Decided to just nod to respond. Start to busying herself with her phone, right after she puts on her AirPods. Leaving Minji quietly stares at her. Until the latter suddenly blinks. Noticing something, while putting the stuff onto her lap.

“Excuse me..”

Minji said lowly. Almost like a whisper. Leans towards Hanni, who just turns her head to the side at that. Kind of wondering what Minji needs from her. Until she finds herself frozen in her spot.

Minji’s finger just brush over Hanni’s skin. Hanni’s cheek to be exact. Looks so calm, while putting a stray hair to the side of Hanni’s face. Then smiles proudly out of a sudden. Makes Hanni only stares at her, kind of taken aback by the sudden closeness. And yet, Minji keeps smiling at her, leaning back, with her gaze still fixed on Hanni.

“Wake me up when we arrive?”

Minji throws another smile in Hanni’s direction after saying the words. And Hanni just blinks at that. Trying to process what just happened. And yet, she decided to just nods to respond, again. While Minji widens her smile at that, now finally takes her gaze off Hanni while putting on her own AirPods.

Noticed Hanni also no longer has her gaze on her. After what happened, there’s nothing but some kind of comfortable silence between the two. Enjoying the ride to the school. But not quite for Minji, as she notices something was off a moment ago. And it wasn’t Hanni. But those students that sit at the very end of the bus.

Minji notices how there’s a clicking sound coming from these students' directions. And it sounds kind of rapid, like in a rush, when Minji was putting away Hanni’s strand of hair a while ago. It makes Minji kind of wonder for some reason. She doesn’t want to be that kind of person. But she feel like those students were taking pictures of her— of them. Of her and Hanni.

But again, what for? No answer comes into Minji’s mind to the question. So later, Minji just decided to let the question slips out of her mind. Chose to busy herself texting Danielle about Hanni’s sudden change of behavior. Questioning the latter. Failed to realize how Hanni looking down at her feet. Hiding her face behind her hair. She feels a hot sensation on her cheek. Pretty sure there’s a red tint, faintly coloring her face, after what Minji just did to her.

What the hell??!! And the fuzzy feeling Hanni feels at the moment. Kind of bothering her.

Seems like Jinsol’s plan won’t only work the way they want.


“I thought you know????”

Minji stares at Danielle in confusion. Puts her bag on her desk while her gaze is fully fixed on the latter.

After what happened on the bus this morning, Minji somehow finds herself kind of impatient. Wants to discuss Hanni’s strange behavior as soon as possible. Besides, the curiosity just doubled up now. Especially after Minji finished the basketball practice earlier. Used the chance to ask about the matter to Kang Haerin and Lee Hyein since the two also joined the practice.

And more importantly, the two are Hanni’s close friends. As much as Minji knows tho. So, without much thought, Minji decided to ask them. Only to get zero useful information about the matter. It was strange. The two even looks so lost when Minji asked them.

“Well.. I don’t??”

Danielle responded, looking almost similar to Haerin and Hyein’s confused faces. Furrowed her brows. Watching Minji take a sits there. Looks displeased by her answer. But later, Minji just nods. Knowing very well, there’s nothing else she can do if the both of them are in the same boat in this situation.


“What else she asked?”

“Your favorite food??”

Minji turns to Danielle at that. Raised a brow. Meanwhile, Danielle stares back at her, shrugs her shoulders.

“Aside from that?”

Danielle shakes her head to answer. Telling Minji that was the only thing Hanni randomly asked her this morning. But Minji looks unconvinced. Spreads her gaze, aimlessly, only to fix it back on Danielle the next second.

“Nothing else?”

And Danielle decided to just pull her phone out of her cardigan’s pocket. Handed it to Minji, who immediately looks up at the class entrance. Making sure the teacher won’t suddenly show up, before taking Danielle’s phone. Scrolling on the chat, with furrowed brows. And when Minji is done,

“You guys aren’t in the middle of pranking me, right?”

That's what’s coming from Minji. Earns a gasp from Danielle who immediately widened her eyes in disbelief over that random accusation.

“Excuse me???????”

Danielle snatched her phone back from Minji’s hand, who only blinks at that. Kind of caught off guard.

“You guys just fight yesterday! She even cried! What makes you think she suddenly got the idea to team up with me? Come up with something like this, to prank you???”

Danielle sounds offended. Dramatically moving her hand in the air, while saying those words. And Minji just stares at her, smiles forcefully, even grinning.

“Chill, I’m just asking. You two are pretty close..”

“Well, I’ll say we do. But if Kang Haerin and Lee Hyein were also not knowing anything. Then, what do you expect from me?”

Danielle puts her palm on her chest when she said ‘me’. And actually, what’s coming from Danielle sounds totally makes sense. So Minji just nods at that. Take her gaze off of Danielle.

“.. fair enough”

Minji said lowly. Notice the teacher already steps into their classroom. Ready to start their class.

“She does act kinda weird tho..”

And it coming from Danielle, only enough for Minji to hear. Which makes the latter just shut her eyes slowly, sighing.

“That’s the problem..”


“Yes, I gave her that. Why?”

Hanni said innocently. Chew on her bread with a light green electric guitar on her lap. Stares at the two who sit on the floor, sharing the same look on their faces. Confusion, and wonder.


Hyein is the one to ask. Earn a similar confused face as theirs on Hanni’s this time.


Hanni returned the question. Stares at the two back and forth. Until she sees Haerin fixing the white electric guitar on her lap. Looking up at Hanni.

“Why so suddenly gave her that??”

Haerin raised a brow. Stares intently into Hanni’s eyes who still look so clueless. Trying to guess where this conversation leads her to. Until she feels a lightbulb appears above her head. The realization eventually hits her.

“Oh! That.. uh, how to say it..”

And soon, Hanni find herself lost in words. Stares aimlessly at nothing. While trying to find the perfect words to explain it to Haerin and Hyein. She feel kind of contemplated for a second there. Considering whether to tell them or not. But in the end, she decided to just tell them. She finds it embarrassing to say about what she feels, and why it bothers her. But maybe the two should know what’s bothering her, and why she gave a lunch box and coffee to Kim Minji this morning.

“.. so, you just want to make her feel like she owes you something???”


And after an internal fight, Hanni had with herself. While telling Haerin and Hyein about what she felt about yesterday’s event. That’s their reaction. Looking at her with a ridiculous expression. Like they just heard some kind of amusing— a boring story from Hanni. But it’s different for Hanni!

“YO! LISTEN TO ME! Yesterday was such an embarrassment on my part! I never am the one to cry so easily!”

This is important for her! Hanni even remembers how the embarrassment almost kills her last night. If it can tho. But that’s not the point here!

“Well, congratulations. You are now”

“Kang Haerin!”

Hanni shoots a glare at the said person. But the said person only stares at her. Shruggs guiltlessly. 

“All the ruckus. Only because you embarrassed..”

And that’s coming from Hyein this time. Somehow finds the situation kind of unbelievable. And she just shakes her head after saying the words. Makes Hanni now shots a glare at her.

“Well, got a better idea??”

Hanni sarcastically asked. Raised a brow, before she puff on the sofa. Pouts in annoyance, while crossing her arms over her guitar. And it makes Hyein smile in amusement. Can’t believe what she just witnessed.

“How about just asking her? Like a normal person?”

Haerin said, casually. Tilting her head to the side, while staring at Hanni who just glares at her, one last time. Before shutting her eyes, throw her head on the head of the sofa. Groan desperately.

“I wish it was that easy, Kang! But, no! This is Kim Minji we’re talking about!”

“I don’t see the problem—“


Hanni suddenly sits straight. Startled Haerin quite a bit. While Hyein just blinks at that. Start to find the situation quite interesting for some reason.

“She’s difficult to understand! Remember how we were fighting yesterday??? I don’t even know the actual reason she acted like she was! She only tell me it was on her! And that’s it!”

Hanni speaks in one breath. Moving her hand around in the air, as to support every words that coming out out of her lips. She is kind of fiery at the moment. And yet, Haerin just blink slowly at that. While Hyein somehow held her laugh. Finding it funny.

“But you guys made up..”

Haerin starts to sound so lost. And Hyein eventually laughs at that.

“She’s right. You even hug!”

“LEE HYEIN! Not you too!”

And with that Hyein raised both her hands in a surrender manner. Glances at the two back and forth, with that amusing smile stays on her face.

“She thinks you weird”

Haerin let it slips out of her lips. Makes Hyein widen her eyes. Feel kind of taken aback by that. Before she looks at Hanni, with an ‘oww’ sounds coming lowly from her. Yet, Hanni manages to ignore her. Sigh deeply.

“I figured that much. But don’t worry, I’ll only do this til’ Friday. And after that, I’ll be the Pham Hanni who just lends her my shoulder”


Then it fully escaped from Hyein’s lips. Let both her hands intertwine. And of course, it earns another glare from Hanni. Knowing how Hyein likes to act like a matchmaker. Especially when it comes to Kim Minji or Danielle Marsh. And Haerin notices that, making her just sigh. Shakes her head in amusement before she looks up at Hanni, once again.

“Whatever works for you.. but be careful”

And it manages to catch Hanni’s attention, almost immediately. The same as Hyein who quickly turns to Haerin. Realizing where this conversation suddenly leads them to.

“.. careful?”

Yet, Hanni is the one who looks so lost this time. Makes Haerin just stares at her. Turns to Hyein when these words slipped out of the latter lips.

“It’s Kim Minji we’re talking about..”

Hyein shrugged in such a meaningful way. Looks at Hanni who just stares at her. Furrowed her brows for a few seconds. Before she heard a click in her mind. She just remembered.


It’s Kim Minji they’re talking about.



“.. Your fans won’t kill me, right?

Minji raised a brow at that. Stares at her phone screen. Meanwhile, across from her, there’s Danielle. Stares at her, judgingly.

It’s a lunch break, and as usual, there’s the two, at their usual table. Enjoying their meal. Even though today is a bit different for Minji. Instead of the cafeteria food, she had that handmade sandwich to eat. She offers Danielle some bites tho, saying if it’s poisoned at least Danielle will come along with her. Danielle responded with a rolled eyes, finding it ridiculous for so many reasons.

Thought phone is prohibited during school hours..”

Danielle emphasized every word that she said. Narrowing her gaze at Minji’s phone then raises her brow. While on the other hand, Minji just look up at her, slightly, before continuing typing on her phone screen.

“It’s Hanni..”

Minji said. Tap on the send button, then brings the sandwich to . It’s not bad, Minji thought about the sandwich. And Danielle just watched, blinking as she tried to process what Minji just said. Like, fans? Hanni? Sandwich? Danielle tried to connect all the dots in her mind.

And— DING!


Danielle forgets to control her voice. Widened her eyes in surprise, before she realized some students were turning to them. But to be fair, when were those students not turning their heads on them tho? Especially without that worshiping gaze, full of admiration which often directs either on her or Minji.

This also makes Danielle realize how she’s also forgotten that she’s always under the spotlight whenever she’s in school. But again, she got no time to complain, especially now. What matters for Danielle the most at this moment is, how on earth Hanni just realized the risk of her actions now???

“No worries. I see no Ador students on the bus earlier”

Minji said casually. Finished the sandwich, while ignoring the increasing gazes that fixed on their direction. While Danielle just blinks at her response. Surprised by how calm Minji acted. And later, that meaningful smile suddenly appears on Danielle’s face. Makes Minji raise a brow at that, watching Danielle put her arms on the table. Resting her head on her palm while her gaze was fully fixed on Minji.

“Oh? So you care? I thought you didn’t care since you seem so.. comfortable leaning on her”

Danielle teasingly said. Makes Minji quickly rolled her eyes. Grabs the same coffee Hanni gave her. Take a single gulp from it before responding.

“I literally fell asleep. What do you expect me to do??”

Minji counters. Makes Danielle let out a small laugh out of her lips. Shrug slightly.

“You both look cute tho. At least from the picture she sent me”

Danielle wiggled her brows after saying those words. Haven’t gotten enough from teasing Minji yet. And Minji just stares at her, sighing deeply. Takes another gulp from the coffee in her hand.

“I don’t do that kind of stuff..”

“What about Pham Hanni?”

And Minji nearly glares at Danielle with that. Fortunately enough, Minji manages to stay collected. Only raise her brow to respond.

“I just said I don’t do that kind of stuff, Dani..”

And behind how calm Minji sounds. Danielle knows better than to push her only best friend at this point.

“Well, just saying..”

Danielle raised both her hands in the air. Secretly glanced around at the cafeteria, scanning her surroundings. Before her gaze back on Minji again. Noticing Minji already finished her coffee, and now tidying the lunch box.

“Ador is safe, Minji. I can assure you that.”

And without any warning. Danielle suddenly said that. Successfully stopped Minji’s movement’s at the moment. Blinking, then raised her head to look at Danielle with that unreadable gaze fully fixed on the latter. And seeing that, Danielle just smiles. Looks at Minji, kind of pathetically, somehow.

“I will be happy if you can loosen up a bit, and maybe.. be friends with another student? Start from Pham Hanni? Maybe??”

Danielle laughs at the end of her words. And just with that, it also makes that gaze disappear from Minji’s eyes. Switch to that disinterested gaze, which still fixes on Danielle.

“Look who’s talking..”

Minji sneered. Makes Danielle stops her laugh. Slam her hand on the table, but not so hard to catch students' attention. Only enough to show Minji how inadmissible her words are.

“I try to heal myself heree!!”

Danielle said, pointing at Minji annoyingly. And Minji quickly widened her eyes at that, somehow feeling offended.

“Well, sameee!!”

Push Danielle’s finger away from her face. The both of them glare at each other for a second there, before sighing at the same time. Fixing their positions on their seats, only to let another sigh out their lips the next second.

“We both a mess..”

Danielle said lifelessly, shutting her eyes. And Minji couldn’t agree more. Especially after she recalled her middle school days.

What a mess, indeed.


The next day is finally here.

Minji makes sure she doesn’t forget Hanni’s lunch box before she leaves the house. She forgot to give it to the latter yesterday. So she has to give it today. Good thing both of them ride the same bus tho.

Walking down the stairs, Minji finds herself blankly glancing at the dining room. Seeing her parents at the dining table, one busy with his tablet, while one busy with her laptop. Then the untouched breakfast in front of them. Only the coffee and tea seems touched at the moment.

“I’m going!!”

Minji said, a bit loud, enough for her parents to respond with a single hm. This a sign for Minji to not stays there any longer and just walk out of the house. Well, it was until her mother suddenly calls for her. Makes her immediately stop her steps. Feel the chill on her spine, out of a sudden. Before she turns around. Trying to appear as calm as possible.


Minji responded. Waits for her mother to continue. Watching her close her laptop, then turns fully in Minji’s direction. Taking a sip of her coffee.

“How’s school?”

Her mother asked. And Minji mentally gulped at that. Even though it was the same question as usual. It still makes Minji nervous for some reason.


Minji trying not to let her voice sounds shaky while she answers. Let her gaze fully fixed on her mother. Takes note of every gesture her mother made, and makes sure she won’t say anything dumb that will make her mother or worse, both her parents upset.

“How’s Danielle?”

Then, it caught Minji off guard. Makes her blink a few times. Before moving her gaze to the side. Her parents know Danielle, of course. Danielle and Minji are childhood friends. But, Minji’s parents never really asked about Danielle until now. Like, Minji’s parents know Danielle’s parents. And they know Danielle is Minji’s friend. But they were never curious enough to ask about Danielle to Minji. So this is kind of unusual. And to add to the odd, it coming from her father this time.

“.. She’s good..”

Minji finds herself hesitant for a split second. But soon, she regains her confidence back. Even with thoughts running wild in her mind.

“Heard she continues her modeling career, is that true?”

Oh. Minji almost forgot about that.

Yes. Aside from being a high school student. Danielle is also a model. Not many people know about this, even in Ador. Minji is even confident enough to say that she’s the only student in Ador who knows about this. Danielle was a child model back in the day. Took a break when they’d in middle school. And when they entered high school, Danielle chose to continue to do modeling again. To get her mind off things, she said. And it’s understandable for Minji, especially after what happened to that one friend of hers back in middle school.

“She is..”

Minji answered. Quietly wonders where this conversation takes her, even though she also deep down feels a kind of panic. Secretly glance at her phone screen.

She has a bus to catch up with!

“I see..”

Her father responded shortly. Not even bothering to take his gaze off his tablet. And Minji just frowns there. Carefully observe both of her parents' facial expressions. As if it can help her take a peek inside their head.

“You know we let you do whatever you want in school. Right, Minji?”

Her mother is the one to speak this time. Fixing her gaze on Minji who only blinks there. Feel slightly confused. Before her mother continued her words.

“But your study, should always be your top priority, alright?”

Ahh, so that’s what this is all about, Minji thought. Somehow find herself mentally sighing in relief. Not gonna lie, it scares her for a bit there. With a single nod, Minji excuses herself from her parents. Was about to leave her current spot, when her father’s voice. Stops her this time.

“One more thing, Minji.”

Her father’s voice sounds so low. It even sounds so serious at the moment. Makes Minji immediately turns once again. Secretly pray she could just leave as soon as possible.

But of course, it’s impossible.

“Yes, Father?”

Minji responded. Noticed her father didn’t speak immediately after calling for her. And after seeing her father put the tablet on the table. Minji somehow can feel something stuck in . Especially when her gaze meets her father’s.

“Don’t get too close to anyone. You don’t need them. Don’t let them take advantage of you, understand?”

Her father said. Stares right into Minji’s eyes. And at that moment, Minji can see some flashbacks in the back of her head. But she quickly shakes it off. Responds to her father with a nod, before she bows deeply. Once again excusing herself from her parents, and walking to the front door. Ignoring her maid and her chauffeur who asked her, if she wants to get to school by car.

The silence Minji gave them, was a solid answer to their question.

Leaving her house, Minji walks faster to the bus stop. She nearly runs, as she feels the need to just get far from her house, as fast as she can. Feeling so upset after what happened. But she tries to control herself. Don’t want to attract some confused gaze on the road. Even though she already did.

Like, what kind of person chose to take a bus, when she live in such a big and luxurious house? Also had a luxury car, and a chauffeur? Perhaps, it’s only Kim Minji. A girl who chose to ride a bike to school, before it’s broken. And now, she chose to wait at the bus stop. Scrolling on her playlist with AirPods in both her ears. Ignoring all the gaze from curious people around her. Luckily enough, she doesn’t have to wait that long. Cause even before she properly chose a song to listen to. The bus arrived in front of her. Makes her immediately step into it. Only to catch that familiar girl there, at the usual spot.

Minji’s face somehow lit up when her gaze lands on that girl. But after she walks closer, she can feel something drop to her stomach. Makes her stare at her, almost blankly.

“What’s this about?”

Minji asked. Sounds a bit annoyed, which makes Hanni mentally jumps on her seat. Feels like it was a deja vu.


Hanni is clueless. Blinking her eyes. Look up at Minji to find the latter staring at her before she watched Minji moves her gaze downward, and Hanni immediately followed. Quickly understand what Minji means, by the words.

“A-ah! This—“

“Is it for me.. again?”

Minji cut her words. Makes Hanni look up at her. Take her gaze off the lunch box and coffee she had on her lap. Then nods. Mentally gulps in nervousness, when Minji just stares at her. Tilting her head to the side, with the same gaze from earlier.


The voice sounds cold for some reason. And Hanni starts to panic in her seat. Should she just tell Minji now???

“N-no reason! I just want to!”

“Pham Hanni.”

“I-I—I tell you tomorrow! I Promise!”

Hanni waves her hands in panic. Lifts her pinky for Minji without even realizing it. While on the other hand, Minji just stares at her. Raising a brow at Hanni’s gesture. And it was when Minji is about to open . Both of them feel the bus started to move.

Minji stumbles on her feet, while Hanni reflexes and jumps to catch Minji. Prevent the latter from falling. Unfortunately for Hanni tho, the result of her sudden movement was she had to let the lunchbox and the coffee on her lap, sliding down to the bus floor. It makes her widen her eyes in surprise. She even screams in horror at the sight. But fortunately enough, both seem safe.

The lunchbox is tightly closed, even if it’s upside down. The coffee is fine since it is still sealed. And the sight of it was enough for Hanni to feel some kind of relief. Bend over to grab those, as she let go of Minji’s blazer sleeve. Right after making sure Minji is fully on her feet. Then Minji just stares at her, blinking as to process what just happened in her mind.

Hanni on the other hand, pouting in her seat, noticing the dirt on the lunch box and the coffee. It makes her quietly swear in her mind. Pats the dirt away, as she feels like groaning to release her frustration, somehow. And yet, something magically manages to shoo Hanni’s frustration away when she caught sight of a hand from the edge of her eyes. It makes Hanni unconsciously follow the hand movement, watching it take a strand of hair off her face.

Turning her head, Hanni finds her gaze lands on that face who calmly tuck the hair behind her ear. And when Hanni feels the fingers touch the back of her ear. She feels something weird in her chest. It feels kind of ticklish, of course. But more importantly, there’s some kind of electric feeling Hanni is yet to understand at the moment.

It makes her blink. Quietly furrows her brow when she questions the feeling she just felt. It feels new to her. And without her even realizing it, she start to get a bit deep into her thought. A second before she feel an extra weight on the lunchbox in her hand.


“Thanks for the sandwich. It was good..”

Minji placed an empty lunchbox from yesterday over the lunchbox Hanni brings today. Smile slightly when Hanni just looks down at that, blinking. The sudden gesture caught Hanni off guard, but thankfully, it was enough to pull Hanni out of her mind. And soon, Hanni suddenly feels a rush of panic in her stomach. Looking down at her lap, then look up at Minji the next second. It happens a few times before Hanni said,

“I-I—I’m sorry! It-it’s a bit dirty now! So— I make you a new one tomorrow! I will keep—“

Not even having the chance to finish her words properly, Hanni watched Minji snatch the lunchbox, along with the coffee, away from her hands. Puts it into her bag, while Hanni just blinks at her. Until Minji closes her bag. Pat it one last time before hugging it over her body. Smiles at Hanni, who finally realizes what Minji just did.


Hanni rushes to Minji. Aim to take the bag away from the latter. But of course, Minji quickly stops her. Grabs Hanni by her face, and pushes her back onto her seat. And that, of course, makes Hanni feel a rage inside of her. Slap Minji’s hand away, harshly. Attempting to yell at the latter. But, even before Hanni can do that, she feels a finger on her lips. Makes her stop, almost automatically.


It came lowly from Minji, as she lifted the side of her lips. Her eyes are fully fixed on Hanni.

“You told me, it’s for me, right? No?”

Minji continues, widening her smile even more when she sees Hanni glaring at her. This time, Hanni grabs Minji’s finger. Puts it away from her face.

“Yes! But I haven’t given it to you yet! So, give it back!”

Hanni said between her gritted teeth. Glares even harder. While Minji just smiles at that. Not affected by Hanni’s gaze on her.

“But still, it's supposed to be for me, right?”

Minji stares back. Not even show a sign to back away soon. She even turns her head fully in Hanni’s direction. Slightly rest her head on the seat.

“Well, yes! But, it’s dirty! So—“

“It’s okay..”

Minji cut Hanni’s words. Softened her gaze as she continued.

“It’s still for me, right?”

And it was at this moment, Hanni realized how stubborn Minji can be. She finds it annoying. Hanni finds Minji annoying most of the time. A difficult person to understand. But to argue over a lunchbox.. Hanni feels like it will be such a waste of time. It’s just a lunchbox. It’s not worth the time. And yet..

“.. it’s dirty..”

Hanni just can’t let go for some reason. It’s for Minji, yes. But knowing it’s dirty now. It just bothers her. Like, what kind of person gave a dirty lunchbox to someone else??

“I said it’s okay. The inside is safe, right? So it’s fine..”

And there Minji is, being Kim Minji.

“Still! Look, I can make you—“

“I said it’s okay, Pham Hanni..”

Minji cuts Hanni once again. Now, manages to shut the latter when she hears Minji say her full name. It sounds scary for some reason. And the look on Minji’s face right now, makes Hanni eventually give up.

Don’t get Hanni wrong. She will try and argue with Minji if she wants to. But Minji looks kind of tired right now. So Hanni decided to just end it there. Sigh deeply while releasing Minji’s finger from her grip.


Hanni murmured under her breath. Fixing her sitting position then puts the empty lunchbox inside her school bag. Pulling her phone and puts on her AirPods the next second. Decided to just scroll on her playlist. While Minji, on the other hand, just stares at her. Smiles slightly, before a frown appears on her face.

Looking up at the window, Minji finds there’s a reflection of two-person sitting in the backseat of the bus. And from the reflection, Minji feel, sure enough, those two students are the same students from yesterday. And as if to confirm Minji’s suspicions, she heard a familiar sound coming from behind her. If yesterday was the sound of the clicking camera. Today, it was the sound of a video that was just done being recorded. It makes Minji furrow her brows in confusion.

Without much thought, Minji immediately turns behind. Caught the student off guard, somehow. And Minji only raised a brow at that, especially when she witnessed one of the students who holds the phone almost drop the said thing to the floor. While the other one looks panicky, also trying to prevent it from hitting the floor. Both of them look kind of ridiculous there. And Minji just knows something isn’t right.

So without much thought, again, Minji immediately stand up from her seat, walking towards those students only to notice the bus slowly stop moving. It makes Minji pause for a second there, furrowed her brows in confusion. Looks to her side only to notice it’s not the usual stop she and Hanni get down to. It is still far from Ador.

And as if the two students take Minji’s confusion as their opportunity. The two hurriedly exited the bus. Snap Minji out of her mind, the next second. And before Minji can think about anything, she finds herself dashing forward. Intended to catch up with the two, shouting.



And for a second there, Minji seems too caught up in her mind. She almost injure herself when the door closed right in front of her face. If just Hanni didn’t call her to snap her out of her state, she might be on the ground there. Probably with some major injuries while the bus moves away.

“What are you doing?!”

Minji feels a grip on her arm. Makes her turn to her side, finding Hanni now standing beside her. Glaring. While the other passengers throw a displeasing gaze in their direction. But strange enough, Minji only focuses on Hanni. Noticing the glare looks kind of different from earlier.

Hanni looks .. concerned. And Minji dumbly just stands there, blinking. Before she suddenly heard a click in her mind. It was kind of out of nowhere, and before she can stop herself there. Her mind just suddenly connected all the dots in her head. Starting from those two students Minji was sure, she had only seen them these two days on the bus. And yet, it manages to make those memories suddenly play in her head.

Rapidly shows those pictures she desperately wants to forget. Like a broken record, it keeps on playing until Minji shut her eyes, tightly. Forcefully shake the pictures off of her head. While she brings her hand to her temple. Winced slightly, when she feels a headache starting to form there. And Hanni witnessed all of that, making her feel even more concerned. Unconscious tightening her grip on the taller girl’s arm.


“Pham Hanni, can you promise me one thing?”

Again. Minji cut Hanni’s words. Out of a sudden. Staring back at those eyes that had been fixed on her since a while ago.

“W-w—what is it??”

It makes Hanni nervous. Being under that unreadable gaze of Kim Minji. And yet, Minji just stares at her. Sigh deeply as she lets her hand fall to her side. Turns her head fully in Hanni’s direction.

“You have to tell me if something happened to you.. got it?”

And suddenly, it sounds like an order instead of a request for Hanni.


“If anything happens to you. You have to call me, right away. You hear me?”

Hanni recalls the words Minji told her earlier. When they were about to take separate ways. Hanni walks to the school building, and Minji takes the way toward the sports hall.

Hanni remembers, how earlier, she just nods to respond. Minji has been telling her to call her or to find her if there’s anything happened to her. And actually, it leaves a huge question mark in Hanni’s mind. Like, what Minji means by that? It was so sudden. And yet, Minji gave Hanni no explanation about it. Just like a few days ago. It only makes sense for Hanni to feel so confused by the sudden behavior, right?

And talks about behavior, what happened to Minji? Why did Minji suddenly chase over some random students on the bus? Does Minji know them? Perhaps. But that doesn’t mean she needs to chase after them and almost falls off the bus, right? Besides, Hanni doesn’t want to imagine what will happen if Minji was a second earlier from the closing door.

It will be a nightmare.

“Geez.. Kim Minji, and all her obscurity..”

Hanni sighs. Feeling a bit dizzy out of a sudden, as she glances to her sides, finds Haerin and Hyein’s instruments there, leaning on the wall.


“Is it just me.. or she.. ?”

Hyein whispers behind Haerin’s ear. Eyes fixed on Minji who looks a bit different, ever since they started their practice a few moments ago.

It might be unnoticeable for the other students. But after what Hanni told them when they stop by the club room earlier. Hyein just can’t help but pay a little more attention to that certain girl. Hanni said Minji acts a bit weird on the bus. And to be honest, it makes Hyein a bit nervous. She even had to make sure Hanni and Minji are on good terms before one of them draws such a wild conclusion.

And Hanni confirms there’s nothing happened between her and Minji. Hanni even tried to convince them, that it was only Minji who suddenly acts weird. And Hyein deeply feels thankful for that. Or else, Hyein doesn’t know what will happen. Cause she just knows, there’s no stopping it if Minji ever messes with Hanni again. 

“As long as she does nothing to Hanni. It’s whatever for me”

Yes. This Kang Haerin definitely will do something if she ever finds Hanni in such a state as last time. No matter if it’s Kim Minji or whoever, Hyein just knows Haerin will do something. She never plays when it comes to people that close to her.

Hyein knows it very well.

“Well, better not! You guys scared me last time! I literally thought you guys would start throwing a punch or something!”

Hyein said, knowing very well what Haerin was capable of doing. Haerin may look calm, collected, and even kind. But, if Hyein has to make a list of people she doesn’t want to mess with in Ador. Kang Haerin is definitely at the top of the list. Haerin has that crazy side of her that Hyein wishes she wouldn’t have to witness anytime soon. And yes, Hyein never sees Haerin on her bad side, at least not with her own eyes. But she heard it.

Hyein may not witness it firsthand, but she sees the results afterward. And it’s enough for Hyein. She even remembers their middle school days as it suddenly comes rushing into her mind. Only to get a random question suddenly pops up in there the next second. Makes her quickly turn to Haerin. Takes her gaze off Minji, who’s now running to catch up with the ball Yunjin throws in the air.

“Anyway, Haerin?”

Making sure it will take a bit of time until their turn. Hyein calls, earning a low hm from Haerin who calmly observes the court from the side.

“They don’t show up these days?”

For some unknown reason, Haerin suddenly stiffened on her spot. Blinking a few times, before her face relaxed the next second. Quickly pulling herself together, after that unexpected question from Hyein.

“.. they don’t.”

Deep inside, that question caught Haerin off guard. How Haerin just realized this?? They— those people indeed don’t show up these days.

Something is off.

“OH! That’s good then! I mean they won’t leave you alone when we were in middle school!”

Hyein’s said cheerfully. And she’s right. Those people won’t leave Haerin alone in middle school. They even tried to do something funny to Hyein. Since she’s close with Haerin. But of course, Haerin always managed to prevent anything from happening. Even without Hyein knowing it.

And Haerin prefers Hyein not knowing anything. Besides, Haerin hates explaining, so.

“The last time they showed up was before we were officially in high school..”

Haerin said, recalling. Secretly trying to find something in her memory. Just in case she miss something important there.

“The day when I met Hanni. And then—“

But there’s nothing. They just..

“They just disappeared..”

There’s literally nothing from the memory Haerin can remember.

Those people are just suddenly nowhere to be seen. Also, if Haerin wasn’t mistaken, she had been out a few times, at night. And not a single time since she officially be a high school student, she encountered those people. Usually, there’s always once or twice, she would run into them when she was in middle school. But now.. it just..

“Well, that’s good! Right???”

It snapped Haerin out of her thought. Along with an exciting tap on her shoulder, coming from Hyein. It makes Haerin turns to her too. Smile slightly, even with everything running around in her mind.

“Yeah.. that’s good”

“Finally! A room to breathe!”

Hyein said happily. Before her face suddenly changes to a serious one. Slapped Haerin’s shoulder, while ignoring how the latter winced in pain by the sudden hit.

“Your turn!”

Hyein lowly screamed. Push Haerin to the front, which makes Haerin almost stumbles on her feet. Secretly looks back at Hyein who just grins at her, mouthing an apology while putting her palm together.

Haerin just sighs at that. Shakes her head slowly, before she made eye contact with Yunjin. And with a single nod, Haerin quickly sprinted towards the hoops, while Yunjin throws the ball into the air. Haerin chased after it, then perfectly catch it the next second. Takes the first steps to do a layup, and easily puts the ball through the hoops. It immediately earns an amazed look from the coach, Yunjin and Hyein, and even Minji who quietly watching from the side. But Haerin pays it no mind.

All Haerin can think about right now is, why those people suddenly disappear and stop bothering her?

‘Something isn’t right..’

That’s for sure.


It's lunch break.

The bell rings a few moments ago. Telling all the students that they’re finally allowed to leave their class at the moment. Without wasting a single time, those students all scattered out of the class. Walking, even running in the corridor. The teacher had to yell at them to stop tho. But of course, most of them just ignore it. There are even students who race to the cafeteria, which is the most visited place once the bell rings.

Aside from the majority of students that went to the cafeteria, some students have another destination during lunch break. Like Hanni, Haerin, and Hyein who immediately walked to the club room. Not forgetting to stop by a vending machine to buy some meals and drinks to fill their stomach.

On the other side of the building, there’s Kim Minji, standing in front of her locker. Putting a book inside, only to pull another book out of it. Besides her, there’s Danielle Marsh, doing practically the same. Except Danielle not taking any other book out of her locker. Only puts her book there, then close it.

“I have to return this book to the library. You can go without me, first”

Minji said. Closed her locker, then turns to Danielle, who just nods at her. Knowing very well, their usual table will always be secured no matter how crowded the cafeteria gets.

“Alright. Want me to get you something?”

“Nah. I have my lunch”

Minji declined. Lifting the lunch box that looks unfamiliar to Danielle. She is about to question Minji. But the next second, she manages to get the answer herself.

“Ohh, Pham Hanniii~”

The name slips easily from Danielle’s lips. Lifting the side of her lips, teasingly. Even wiggling her brows up and down when she noticed a bottle of coffee placed inside Minji’s blazer pocket.

Yet, for some reason, Minji’s facial expression suddenly changed when Danielle mentioned the name. Out of a sudden, Minji cautiously looked around, as if to make sure no one hears them. And that, of course, makes Danielle immediately frown. Noticing Minji kind of stiffened on her spot. And for some reason this sight of Minji.

It’s familiar to Danielle.


“I’ll meet you in the cafeteria, later. I want to talk to you about something”

It makes Danielle furrow her brows in wonder. But even before she can question Minji about what she means. The latter already walking away from her. Leaving her there, confused, with those whispers she always manages to ignore, fill the air around her.

Staring at Minji’s back, until the latter lost from her sight. Danielle then sighed. Quickly decided to just walk to the cafeteria, even though the face of Kim Minji starts to fill her mind. That look on Minji was familiar. It’s been a while since the last time Danielle saw it. And one thing is for sure, Minji only makes that kind of face when there is something wrong.

“.. Could it be..”

Danielle murmured to herself. Sitting at their usual table while placing the tray in front of her. Grab that carton of milk and pierced it. Taking a sip through its straw. A second before she finds herself jumping on her seat. Suddenly feel a vibration coming from her cardigan pocket.

It’s her phone, with a new notification on her screen. And once she reads the name, she casually opens it. Right after her phone recognizes her face and lets her access the chatroom.

‘My deep apologies Miss. But it seems like we can’t really do anything about them..’

Danielle raised her brow when she reads it. Glance to her own bubble above the text which says, ‘Can we do something about them?’ before her gaze moves back to that recent text. Brings both her hands to type a reply the next second.

‘May I know why?’

She taps the send button. Waits a few seconds, until she got another reply. And for some reason, the recent reply makes Danielle can’t help but furrow her brows.

‘I’m not very sure, Miss. But it seems like.. they have someone protecting them too..’

That is what’s displayed on Danielle’s phone screen. Which makes her blink. Furrowed her brows even more, before her gaze suddenly changed. She can feel a headache start to come in. And she just mentally sighs at that. Typing another reply before she places her phone back into her pocket. Noticing someone walking in her direction.

“.. Thought phone is prohibited during school hours..?”

That’s Minji. Taking a seat across from Danielle while saying those words, annoyingly. Giving Danielle a judging look. But Danielle, on the other hand, just stares at her, innocently. Smiling, as if she hadn’t just done something against the school rules a moment ago.

“Hello theree~ what a cute lunchbox you have”

Danielle smile in victory after she said that. Looking at Minji who just rolled her eyes at the words. Opening the lunchbox to see two slices of sandwich there. It’s a bit different from yesterday. Today, there’s egg in there, also cheese. And of course, no vegetables she sees so far.

That’s good, Minji thought in satisfaction. Bringing a slice of sandwich to her lips, and take a bite of it. Chews on it lightly, then swallow it. Watching Danielle also starts to dig into her meal. Quietly chewing her food.

“What’s that about?”


Danielle looks up at her. Questioning Minji through her gaze.

“Phone. You don’t usually use it during school hours.”

Minji said matter-of-factly before taking another bite of the sandwich. And it takes Danielle a few moments to answer since she thinks it is just rude to answer when she still has food in .


Danielle simply said. Smiling. Until Minji suddenly points with her free hand. Looking like she just remembered something out of nowhere.

“Wait, my father asked about you this morning!”

Minji said. Looking like it was something so important to be announced. Danielle raised her brows at that, feeling kind of shocked by the sudden information.

“What?? That’s rare..”

“I know right?! The last time he asked about you was when we were.. I don’t know, ten, five, or something???”

“It was a long time ago, for sure. What he said?”

Danielle starts. Feeling kind of curious, since she knows Minji’s father isn’t someone who likes to engage in such small talk. Especially if it just asking how’s someone doing, or something similar like that.

So this is kind of.. strange..

“He asked how you’re doing! He knows you continuing your modeling career!”

That made Danielle widen her eyes, caught off guard. As far as she knows, there’s only a few people know about her modeling job.

Her parents, her grandpa, and Minji.

“He must be met up with my parents..”

“Or your grandpa..”

“.. Or grandpa.”

A sigh leaves Danielle’s lips at that. Nods to herself. While Minji on the other hand, smiles in satisfaction after adding the last part. And Danielle notices that. A second before she hears a click in her head.

“Anyway, what do you want to talk about? You said you have something to tell me??”

Danielle suddenly remembered. Bring a spoon to . While her gaze was fully fixed on Minji. Seeing the latter’s face suddenly lit up in realization. Before it changes the next second.

“Oh! Right! It’s about.. Pham Hanni.”

The tone Minji used sounded kind of unusual, and Danielle raised her brows at that. Blinking as she kind of not expecting it.


It’s surprising, for some reason. And that’s the first response Danielle gave.

“What about her??”

Danielle continued, quickly snapping herself out of her current state. Focusing on whatever that will coming from Minji’s mouth at the moment. Yet, Minji looks kind of hesitant for a second there. Sitting across from Danielle. Sighing while massaging her temple before saying.

“Okay, first of all. She said she had a reason..”

Minji glanced downwards. Tapping on the lunchbox’s lid with her free hand. Then continue her words the next second.

“And she said she’ll tell me tomorrow—“


Danielle exclaimed. Gasping. Surprise with her baseless conclusion. And Minji just sighs at her. Secretly glancing around, knowing very well how many gazes are fixed on them after Danielle's sudden outburst.

Well, more like extra gazes tho. And Minji just shot them a warm smile. Politely apologized and told them to continue what they were doing and pay no mind to them. Before she turns to Danielle again. Noticing that friends of hers still have her palms over her lips. Eyes fixed on Minji, who just rolled her eyes. Feeling so done somehow.

“Chill, Marsh. I don’t think this all about that.”

Minji said. Sounds pretty confident as she brings the sandwich closer. Take another bite of it. And yet, Danielle looks unaffected.

“Aww.. but we never know! What if she is???”

Danielle let out another gasp. Looking kind of excited for some reason. And Minji just raised a brow at that. Shakes her head in disagreement.

“It doesn’t feel like it..”

Minji strongly denied it.

“But we never know! OH. MY. GOSH. You guys will make a cute couple!!!”

And there Danielle is, clapping her hands. Loving the idea of Minji having a significant other. And Minji just sighs at her. Lower her head while bringing her free hand to her temple. Massage it lightly.

“.. Stop..”

Minji begs.

“Okay, sorry!”

And Danielle eventually let go. Giggles cutely, while mouthing an apology, which Minji just nods at. Knowing her best friend means nothing bad to her. But, for some reason, Minji just can’t help but to continue massaging her temple. Especially when her mind starts to play the scene in the bus from this morning.

It still leaves Minji with many questions. She wants some kind of answer. And deep inside, she wish the answer isn’t something that she have been scared of.

“.. Dani?”

Minji calls. And Danielle just hummed to respond. Telling Minji, she’s listening while continuing to dig into her meals. And before any words leave her lips, Minji pauses there. Looks kind of contemplating, and Danielle notices that makes her look up. Just in time those words finally slips out of Minji’s lips.

“.. You sure Ador is safe?”

Minji asked. Sighs before she stares right into Danielle’s eyes. Watching the latter blinking. Slowly bringing her palm to , again.


Danielle gasps in shock. And Minji just rolled her eyes. Knowing this won’t be easy for her. Especially when she noticed how excited Danielle seems for some unknown reason.

“Okay, please hear me out, first”

Minji has no choice. She feels like Danielle needs to know about this. Especially if what’s she scared of, may happen in the near future. Besides, who else will listen to Minji aside from Danielle?

“This morning.. in the bus”

Minji decided to eventually tell Danielle what happened this morning. About those students which Minji had only seen these past two days on the bus. Taking a picture, that Minji now is sure enough it wasn’t like they were taking a selfie or anything. It’s something else. And those students..

“Role’s students?”

Minji nods in response to Danielle’s question. And Danielle just raised her brow at that. Looks not convinced enough.

Minji just finished her story a few moments ago. And now the both of them are in the middle of a rundown of the whole story. Discussing some new details they could find along the way.

“You sure???”

“One hundred percent. One of them almost dropped the phone when I look back”

“Wait, really?!”

Danielle looks surprised.

“And I almost injured myself. Chase after them..”

“Thanks to Pham Hanni, I guess..”

Now Danielle narrows her gaze at Minji. Giving Minji a sharp gaze. Makes the latter only grin at that. Scratch her nape, while avoiding the gaze. Looking down at the empty lunchbox before she looks up the next second. Hearing Danielle starts talking.

“Role, huh? Could it be.. one of your fans? You know, you have a lot, back then”

Danielle leans back in her seat. Cross her arms over her chest while her gaze is fully fixed on Minji. And Minji just sighs at that. Also leans back as she let her gaze wander. Stares at nothing in particular.


Minji sounds unsure. But there’s a possibility, she thought.

“Do you know someone in Role?”

Minji looks up at Danielle. Bite her lower lip, when she sees Danielle shakes her head to answer. Putting her arms on the table the next second. Leans towards Minji who just stares, Danielle looks around before whispering.

“I can look it up for you if you want..”

Minji just sighs at that. Shut her eyes while massaging her temple again. Who knows how many times she’s been massaging her head today?

“No, it’s fine. Too much work. Besides, I just ..”

Minji not continuing her words. Only sighs. While Danielle stares at her. Blinking, trying to be patient with Minji. It was when she suddenly felt something click in her mind, that she have to lean back. Putting her palm over . Finally realizing something.

“Wait.. don’t say..”

Danielle's voice went down at the end of her words. Gazing down as she just remembered something. Meanwhile, on the other hand, Minji just smiles bitterly when she notices Danielle now looks as concerned as her.

“I just hope it's just my overthinking”

Minji said lowly. Stares down at the empty lunchbox and the finished coffee on the sides.

“Pham Hanni knows nothing..”


“.. Go straight back home?”

Hanni stares at her phone screen. Blinking, then furrowed her brows. Bringing her phone closer as she feels like she might misread the message. But, no matter how long she stares at it. It still shows her those exact letters, sent by someone she never expected.

Kim Minji.

“What’s up with her???”

Hanni questioned. Even though in the end she eventually decided to bring her other hand to her phone. Typing a reply.

‘Yes, mammmmmmmmmmmm’

Hanni tapped her finger on the m letter. Watching it reach the exact ranges before she moves to tap on the send button. Watching the chat bubble blows under Minji’s text.

“She seriously acted weird..”

Hanni murmured to herself. Mentally shrugging, as she moves to her playlist. Choosing a song to play on her AirPods to accompany her while waiting for the bus to arrive there. But a few moments later, something random suddenly hits her, making her blink rapidly. Widened her eyes in realization.

“Wait! What if she gets the wrong idea???”

The school just finished a few moments ago. And Hanni knows very well only a few students like the basketball club, then Haerin, Hyein, and Minji stay behind.

For the basketball club. Tomorrow is an important day. The sparring day. And after tomorrow HIII!!! or in other words, Band Club will back to its original schedule. That’s good for Hanni. Finally, she won’t be too lonely in the club room. But aside from that, at this exact moment she just can’t help but to bring her palm to her lips. Gazing at nothing, she just realizes a probability.

The probability of Minji may misunderstand her actions. How Hanni just realized it now????

“I’ll make sure to explain to her tomorrow..”

Hanni shut her eyes tightly. Sighs deeply. As she facepalmed. Now completely understand what Haerin means by ‘careful’. But again, it’s Kim Minji she’s talking about. And just like that, tomorrow won’t be only an important day for the basketball club, but also for Pham Hanni.


“.. No lunchbox?”

Hanni shut her eyes at that. Mentally swears in her mind, when it was the first thing Minji noticed when their eyes meet each other. A sigh leaves her lips the next second she puts her guitar aside. Let Minji take a seat beside her.

A little TMI, Hanni is supposed to not bring her guitar today. Since Haerin and Hyein got no time to practice. Besides, Hanni wants them to focus and prepare themselves for the sparring that will be held after school. Hanni knows how nervous the two are. So for today, they decided to just chill later on lunch break. But too bad for Hanni, she was so busy in her mind this morning that she unconsciously brings her guitar along. It was when she reached Minji’s stop that she finally realized how she’d been dragging her guitar all the way.

Hanni just can leave her guitar in the club room later tho. No big deal. It's just, the big deal for now is..

Kim Minji.

“Today, I promise to tell you my reasons, right?”

Hanni said. Not even glance at Minji who just turns to her. Raised a brow when she noticed Hanni gripping tightly on her school’s skirt. There’s also a bottle of coffee on the latter’s lap that looks familiar these past few days for Minji.

“Yeah. So, what is it?”

Minji asked. There’s no hiding it. She feels curious about whatever will come from Hanni’s lips. Like, what kind of reasons will lead the latter to do those kinds of stuff? Giving her a lunchbox these past two days??

“U-uhh.. before that. Coffee?”

This time, Hanni turns to Minji. Offering the latter a bottle of coffee from her lap. And Minji just blinks at that, looking up at Hanni’s eyes, before her gaze landed on the coffee. Stretched her hand out. Eventually, taking the coffee from Hanni’s hand.


Minji said shortly. While Hanni just nods. Hands gripping her school’s skirt again. Preparing herself, until she feels the bus started moving the next second. And as if it was her cue, Hanni mentally sighs. Turns to Minji’s direction and finds the latter open the coffee. Takes a sip from it. Before she notices Hanni’s gaze on her.

“Listen carefully. Okay?”

Minji glanced at Hanni at that. Spins the bottle cap closed before she answers.


Minji fixed her sitting position. Turns her head to Hanni, who just deeply inhales when she sees Minji’s gaze is fully on her. 

“Alright. So..”

Hanni starts. Telling Minji what happened, that leads her to the idea of making a sandwich for these couple days. She even explained how she was feeling and how she just can’t accept the fact she cried in front of Minji when she sees Minji start to frown. Stares at her, ridiculously.

Hanni continues explaining herself, even saying how the situation not only frustrates her. But Jeong Jinsol too. And Minji shut her eyes at that. Choose to face forward before she leans her head backward. Can’t believe what she just heard.

“So.. you’re telling me.. all of this..”

Minji started, right after she makes sure Hanni is done with whatever she wanted to say.

“Just because you embarrassed????”

Minji opens her eyes, tiredly. Disbelief. She even finds this whole situation ridiculous. Like, all of these? Only because Hanni was embarrassed??? That’s kinda too much if anyone asked Minji. But Hanni on the other hand, kind of expecting that reaction. She was so ready to snap back. Points at Minji with an angry face.

“LOOK, IT’S KILLING ME, OKAY?! I never show my weakness to anyone!”

Hanni raised her voice at the first of her sentences. Lower it down when she notices a few gazes in the bus now are fixed on them. Cause of that, she almost misses Minji rolling her eyes at her.

“Crying.. it’s not a weakness..”

“It is for me!”

Minji shakes her head in disapproval. Witnessing how Hanni slapped her hand on her chest when she said ‘me’.

“No, it’s—“

“Never mind that! What I mean is! Please. Forget it ever happened! I beg you!”

Hanni puts her palm together this time. Begging Minji, with her puppy eyes that she showed for the first time to the latter. Minji raised her brow at that. Finds it kinda weird, of course.

“Are you.. for real?”

Minji asked, in such a judging manner. And Hanni has to hold herself not to launch herself at the taller girl. Cause in her eyes, Minji looks absolutely annoying at this exact moment.

Quickly nods her head to respond to Minji’s question. Hanni watched how Minji only stares at her. Like seeing something so disgusting in front of her. It was until that smirk appeared on Minji’s face. Hanni feels the chill down her spine.

“What if I don’t want to?”

Right. Kim Minji is annoying. Hanni just knows her for quite some time. But one thing is for sure. Kim Minji always managed to get on Hanni’s nerves.

“Fu— I- I do whatever you want! Just. Please! At least acts like it never happened!”

Hanni swallowed her pride at the moment. Begging Minji for the second time. And when she sees how Minji places her finger on her own chin. Hanni swears she wants to slap that annoying face so badly.

“Let me think..”


And maybe that was the last straw for Hanni. As she immediately brings her hands to hits Minji on her shoulders. Couldn’t care less about all those gazes that automatically fixed on them when Hanni shout the name. Then, on the other hand, Minji can’t help but try to defend herself from Hanni. A little laugh escaped from her lips tho.

It was until Minji’s gaze accidentally meets one of the passengers. She quickly turns to Hanni. Catch both Hanni’s hands, so easily. Makes the latter immediately stop. And instead of hitting Minji this time, Hanni only shoots Minji a sharp glare. Makes Minji only stares at that. Smile mockingly.

“Geez, you can just ask me, you know? No need to make those sandwiches..”

“It will be that easy if you’re not such an annoying person!”

Hanni hissed. Trying to break free from Minji’s grip. But to Hanni's surprise, Minji's grips are kind of tight on her wrist. Not enough to hurt her tho. But it’s enough to hold Hanni in her place. And that fact, makes Hanni can’t help but feel a rage inside of her. Glares even harder at Minji, who now just stares at her. That annoying smile is no longer there, for some reason. And Hanni only watches how Minji leans closer to her face. Stares right into her eyes.

“I let you go. If you stop glare at me. Anger doesn’t suit you”

Then, Hanni sees how Minji lifts the side of her lips after saying those words. Raging Hanni even more. But even before Hanni can say something. Minji quickly leans away. Decided to just let go of Hanni’s hand at the same time. Makes the latter blink at that. Not expecting that from Minji. But again, even before Hanni can react or say something. Minji beats her to it.

“Got it. I will never mention it to anyone. And I tell Danielle the same. How’s that sound to you?”

Minji said casually. Looks over at Hanni, who just stays silent in her seat. Speechless after what she just heard. And Minji just stares at her, smiling slightly. Before she stretches her hand out. Stopping midway when she sees Hanni back away.

And as if it’s enough to tell Hanni that she won’t do anything weird through her gaze. Minji continues stretching her hand forward. Takes a stray hair off Hanni’s face, and puts it behind the latter ear. Hanni stays still in her seat at that tho. Even when Minji already retreats her hand to rest on her lap. Hanni still stays unmoved in her seat, only staring at Minji who stares back at her. Lift the side of her lips at Hanni’s state.

“You said you do anything, right?”

And as if it’s enough to snap Hanni out of her mind. After a few seconds of silence there, Hanni quickly blinks her eyes. Feeling her eyes kinda watery before she fixed her gaze back on Minji. Widened her eyes at the words.

“Wha— I did! But—“

“I’ll save it for later. For now, we’re even.”

Minji said nonchalantly. Take her gaze off of Hanni, and chose to face forward. Smile apologetically when her gaze meets one of the passengers's gaze again. And, maybe it was just Hanni’s eyes playing a trick on her. But for a second there, when Minji said those words, Hanni manages to see that unusual glint in Minji’s eyes.

It makes her wonder, but she decides to shrug it off. Focusing on Minji’s words instead of the latter’s gaze.


Hanni questioned. Not even bothering to hide her confusion. Watching how Minji only lifts the side of her lips at that. Again, not even spare Hanni any glance.

“I know, Pham Hanni. I know why you change your lock screen. I appreciate that”

Minji said, her voice sounding kind of distant for some reason. It makes Hanni frowns. Can’t quite grasp what Minji means by her words.

“I.. what? Minji, I don’t—“

It frustrates Hanni. And before she can prevent herself. She grabs Minji by her shoulder. Only to hear a click in her head the time her hand grips Minji’s blazer.

The realization hits her. The memory starts to play in her mind after that. And Hanni widens her eyes at that. Finally, understand what Minji means by her words. And when she finds herself pulling her hand off Minji’s shoulder, that gaze also lands on her. Makes Hanni mentally gulps at that unusual gaze.

“.. since when?”

Hanni tried hard not to stutter at her words. Her eyes stare into that gaze who also stares back at her. And she only watches how Minji tilts her head. Smile in such a meaningful way before saying.

“Since the day I picked up your phone in the hallway.. I guess?”

And Hanni is not sure how. But she can feel something drop in her stomach right after she hears Minji’s confession.

So all of these.. is meaningless?



Finally. Now back to the present.

The time when Hanni has been hiding her face over her arms. Refusing to go to the sports hall to watch the sparring. Even though Haerin and Hyein will play later. She still doesn’t want to go there, only because she doesn’t want to see Kim Minji.

Oh well, first Hanni was embarrassed for crying in front of Minji. And now, she can’t help but feel like an idiot after knowing Minji has been knowing what she’s hiding this whole time. Minji knows from the start! And here Hanni is, trying to play dumb, and hiding it! She was even willing to go to such lengths with Jinsol’s plan. Only to find out, Minji knows everything this whole time!


“Calm down. Don’t you think that’s a good thing??”


Hanni raised her head at that. Yells at Haerin who immediately steps back. Cover her ears, then turns to Hyein on her side.

“I give up talking to her..”

Haerin said. Makes Hyein widen her eyes at that. Stares at Haerin in disbelief.

“HAERIN! She doesn’t want to watch us play! SHE PROMISED TO WATCH!”

“I know. But look at her—“

“Oh, you guys still here??”

Haerin and Hyein’s conversation got interrupted by that voice out of a sudden. Makes the two immediately turns their head in that direction. Finding Yunjin at the entrance. Stares at them in wonder.

“What are you waiting for? Let’s go! Role’s team already here”

Yunjin informed. Gesturing the two to follow her out of the class. But the two only stared, watching Yunjin walking away before their gaze landed on Hanni, who had been watching the two interactions with their upperclassmen. And with a little sigh, Hanni immediately stands up from her seat.

Hyein is right. She promised them.

So with that in mind, Hanni turns to Haerin and Hyein. Smiles when she noticed how sulky Hyein looks, while Haerin looks kind frustrates. It makes her want to laugh. But she decided not to. Instead, she just grins, stretching her hand to pat Hyein and Haerin’s heads when she says.

“I’ll see you there, alright? Don’t want to attract some unwanted gaze..”

Hanni said, pointing at her guitar case on the back. Just like how she unconsciously brings the guitar when leaving her house. She also unconsciously brings her guitar to her class when her mind was too occupied by the thought of Kim Minji knowing what she’s been hiding.

It makes Hanni cringe. Smiles awkwardly when she remembers it. Walking towards the club room as the two take the opposite way from her. Hurriedly running to catch up with Huh Yunjin, while Hanni takes her time there. Already telling Danielle to save her a seat. Danielle reply a bit unusually tho, asking if Hanni wants to get accompanied.

It makes Hanni raise her brow, but later she just shrugs it off. Telling Danielle that she won’t be long. She just puts her guitar in the club room. Then head to the sports hall right after. That’s it!

Well, that’s what Hanni thinks, before she meets Role’s students standing in her way to the club room tho.

“H-hey, do you know where the sports hall is? We’re kinda lost..”

One of three students said. Smile politely at Hanni.

Hanni doesn’t think much about it. It’s understandable how those students may get lost in Ador. Ador is big. Hanni even got lost a few times the first time she get there. It happens. But unfortunately for Hanni. Those students, they’re not just asked for directions. There’s something more in their head.

Hanni never thought about it. Two of these students are the students Minji chased the other day. And little did Hanni know, by helping them. She will soon realize it was the biggest mistake she ever made that day.

Maybe in her entire life.


The sports hall is crowded. Cheers echoed in the air. Those benches around the court are occupied by Ador’s students. While across them, there are Role’s students. Cheering loudly at their team until their gaze caught Kim Minji warming up on the side.

Surprisingly, most of the Role’s students know Kim Minji. She’s that famous, it seems. It’s almost mind-blowing especially for the basketball club’s members, even Haerin and Hyein. But somehow, Minji pays it no mind. She focuses on warming up until she looks up at the benches that are filled by Ador students.

There was a scream when Minji raised her head. But little did they know, from where she was standing. Minji can feel her breath getting stuck in when she sees Danielle’s panicked face among those faces. A phone beside the latter’s ear. And when their gaze meets, Minji just knows, something isn’t right.

Minji quickly turned to Role’s students' bench. Ignoring the screams as she scanned it. Searching for that face she was able to recognize when she stepped into the sports hall. But now, Minji can’t find it anywhere there. And only with that fact, Minji can feel something sink into her chest. That one exact name echoed in her head.

Pham Hanni.




To be continued..




• When the supposed to be only band fanfic turns out not only about band fanfic :))))

Anyway, GOSH! Can’t believe this chapter took me so long!! I literally have to rewrite this a few times TT

Thanks for waiting tho! And thanks for leaving comments! I appreciate them so much! Please share your thoughts on the comment about this chapter too! Enjoyyyyy!!

I'll see you in the next chapter! ^^

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imether 0 points #1
Chapter 4: update plzT^T
_LE00_ #2
Chapter 4: pls update soon
keren_hmlm #3
Update plseu huhu
keren_hmlm #4
Chapter 3: Lil Daerin moment there. Also, Dani and Hyein hugging so cute and Hanni sobbing like a baby. 😭😭
keren_hmlm #5
Chapter 2: I am soooo intrigued about Catnipz past. 😭
keren_hmlm #6
Chapter 1: Rereading cause I can't get enough of it!!
keren_hmlm #7
Chapter 3: This is so good huhu. I haven’t read a well written fic in a long time. Pls update soon. T-T
keren_hmlm #8
Ani_Ang #9
Chapter 1: Wow... they became a band, this is very interesting😍
Thank you for writing this story 😍
Moreover, this is bbangsazzz and daerinn 😍
Author-nim, cheers up🤗
I'm so excited for the next part 😍
Jenner10 #10
Chapter 1: YOOO i loved this one can’t wait for more Omg