





It was once a fine and casual dinner, until the parents, brought up how their family will move to South Korea the next month.

Sitting across from the parents, the daughter, Pham Hanni, looks shocked by the news, but the sparkles in her eyes are impossible to hide.


“Yes, you’ll go to Ador High School—“




The excitement is visible in Hanni’s voice. Hearing the school’s name was absolutely like a dream come true for her, and her parents know about this.

“Yes, dear. You’ll go to Ador High School.. I hope you have a wonderful high school life there”


“Oh! Absolutely!”


Hanni is confident.




“You’ll go to Ador?”




Time flies, and a month later, the family arrived in Korea, getting to their new apartment with help from the mother’s best friend's daughter.


“Ohh, excited so much?”


Seven years older than Hanni, Jeong Jinsol, a college student at Seoul University, once also attended Ador High School.

Jeong Jinsol, she’s the one who brings the ten years old Hanni to the music festival at her school and ended up making Hanni a fan of the guitarist/vocalist of Dream Band, Kim Yoohyeon, which is her classmate.

And since then, she knows how Hanni has determined to learn how to play guitar and dreams to create a band once she’s in High School.


“Of course!”


Jinsol only smiled at Hanni’s enthusiasm.


“Oh, I heard Yooh’s sister also going to Ador”




Now the enthusiasm is leveling up, Jinsol can feel how Hanni stares at her, full of anticipation as she puts the box she holds on the floor.

“Well, yeah.. and fun fact, Yooh’s sister has the same name as Yooh’s girlfriend. Like, literally..”


“That sounds kinda wild”


Hanni seems amused.


“But anyway, what’s her name?? Is she also into some kind of Band?? Is she playing any instruments??”


“Uhh, I’m not sure, from what I know, she’s kind of opposite from Yooh. Her name is Kim Minji. Don’t try to look for her tho”


Jinsol turns to Hanni, just like she expected. A frown is visible on Hanni’s face.


“She doesn’t like to get involved with something related to Yooh, if that makes sense”


Jinsol shrugs, while Hanni frowns more.




“I don’t know, anyway, I have to go now, I promise Jungeun to watch a movie with her”

Jinsol said, checking her phone, and walks out of the room, with Hanni following behind.

“Auntie! Uncle! I’m leaving now!”

Jinsol informed, waving at the two adults that immediately leave what they were doing and follows to the front door, waving and thanking Jinsol, til’ the latter disappeared into the elevator.

Noticing how Jinsol was no longer in her sight, a random thought suddenly popped into Hanni’s mind.


“Can I go for a walk?”


And just like that, Hanni ended up in a park near her apartment building. Sits on the swing while trying to capture a beautiful moon with her camera phone.


“Ahh, beautiful!”


Hanni cheerfully said, feeling proud while still checking every picture she’d taken. It was until..

She heard a mysterious sound coming from the slide



Hanni was startled, right after she decided to check what sound that was, only to meet those sharp eyes— of a stranger girl, sitting above the slide, smiling at her, and..

Meowing ???

Hanni frowns and tries to process what just happened. The sound the girl is making is absolutely the sound Hanni heard. It caught Hanni off guard, she even found herself standing now, keeping a safe distance from the stranger girl.


“Uhh, hi??”


Hanni tried to break the tension, but the stranger girl only smile.

The next second, Hanni found herself startled twice tonight, taking a step back while eyes fixed on the stranger girl. The latter just slide down, and now stand on her feet, with both hands going into the pockets of the varsity jacket she is wearing, and turned to Hanni.

Hanni can hear her heart beating so loud in her chest. The look that the stranger girl gave her is mysterious, and Hanni is simply plotting for the worse, planning an escape route or just.. ways to survive.

Fortunately, the worse never comes, the stranger girl once again only smile, then walks away, leaving Hanni speechless in the park.

Again. Hanni trying to process what just happened.

Poor her mind.




“You lucky you’re still alive”


That is what’s coming from Jinsol after Hanni told her what happened.

After the stranger walks away, Hanni hurriedly leaves, not wanting to meet another strange person there.


“That was so creepy, Goodness..”


“And today is your first day in Korea”




Hanni said disbelief filling her voice. Meanwhile, on the other side Jinsol only nods, such an unfortunate event, Jinsol must say.


“Anyway, when do you start High School?”


Jinsol asked, knowing she wasn’t able to ask Hanni this when she was in the latter apartment.


“Umm.. in three days, I suppose?”


“I see..”


Jinsol responded shortly, turning to her back as she heard some sounds coming from the bedroom.


“I gotta hang up, I think Jungeun is looking for me”


“Oh no, sorry to keep you this late”


“It’s okay, I’ll talk to you later, Hanni. Good night”


“Good night”


And with that Jinsol end the call, leaving Hanni by herself, laying on her back on the bed. Staring at the ceiling, there seems like nothing in Hanni’s mind, til’ it recalls the event that just happened some moments ago.

That stranger girl wears a baseball cap, her hair is long, and it’s almost impossible to see her face clearly, but somehow Hanni manages to remember the face, even catch something off above the stranger's eyes.
Maybe, it’s because Hanni felt like she was in some kind of crisis or something that she manages to carve the girl’s face in her mind, just in case. But now, that she’s safe. She starts to wonder, only to stop herself soon later, and goes to sleep.


“She looks like a cat, now I think about it”


And the stranger was meowing. So Hanni can’t help but think, til’ sleepiness beats her.




“You gotta be kidding me..”


Hanni whispered under her breath. It was her first day at Ador High School. Hanni was excited of course, but the first time she stepped into the sports hall, she immediately spot a familiar face.

Sits comfortably on one of the chairs, reads some kind of book, and sometimes brings her hand to adjust specs that sit perfectly on her face.

The stranger girl!

Hanni meets her again!


And.. Hanni doesn’t know how, but she found herself now sitting beside the stranger girl who remains unbothered, still reading her book. Not even minding Hanni who stare hard at her.

Maybe not the stranger girl, but the other girl Hanni failed to notice, is starting to notice the strange tension between the two.


“Umm, excuse me??”


Hanni startled, blink as to put herself back together, then let her eyes fixed on those eyes who stare back at her. A smile curved.

An unfamiliar face.


“Hi! My name is Lee Hyein, and this is Kang Haerin, what’s yours?”


The new girl introduced herself, then gestured her hand at the stranger girl who eventually pause her reading. Turning to Hyein, the stranger girl, Haerin seems puzzled, til’ she follows Hyein’s gaze and found Hanni.


“O-ohh, I— I’m Pham Hanni, nice to meet you”


“.. Pham??”


Hyein's brows furrowed.


“I’m from overseas..”


Hanni said, smiling as she watched Hyein seems amazed by that, nodding her head a few times.


“Awesome! So, where are you from?? How’s there? Tell me—“


Hyein enthusiastically asks, but unfortunately, it has to wait for now, as the welcoming event is starting, with an opening speech from the headmaster follows by another speech from some teachers. And later, Hanni doesn’t know how or what happened as she was distracted, but now she suddenly found herself focusing on the stage. Frowning.


“Ohh, Kim Minji”


The name Hyein said sounds familiar, Hanni thought. But she can’t seem to recall where she heard that name before, even after the student named Kim Minji step down from the stage, Hanni still can’t recall it.

The information Hanni knows about this Kim Minji is that she’s an honor student among all the new students. That’s why she gets to give a speech there, but still, Hanni feels like there’s more she knows about this Kim Minji, and yet, she can’t remember.


“This feels like destiny!”


Hyein claps. Catching Hanni's attention, Haerin, only glances, then back to her book.

The welcoming event finished a while ago, along with a mini tour around the school. And now the students get to go to their fixed class, and surprisingly, the three end up in the same class.

That’s quite mind-blowing, Hanni thought.




Again, Hyein started, now managing to make Haerin pay attention to her.


“Want to hang out later? We can get some ice cream or something!”


Hyein eyes sparkled, and somehow it also makes its way to Hanni’s eyes, a wide smile mirroring Hyein’s.




Hanni excitedly said, high five with Hyein til’ their gaze— as if automatically, fixed on Haerin. Waiting for the latter response.

Feel the stares on her, Haerin blink, thinking, then nod. Makes Hanni and Hyein cheer in excitement, hugging each other til’ they hear some murmur around them.

Let go of the hug, Hanni looks around. Decided to follow the gaze from one of the students around, Hanni's gaze immediately lands on two girls outsides their class, walking through while talking and laughing as if they don’t realize how those eyes around are fixed on them.


“Ohh, Kim Minji and Danielle Marsh”


.. huh? Hanni raised a brow, and glance at Hyein for further explanation. She knows Kim Minji cause of the welcoming speech, but Danielle Marsh?


“Well, you see, Kim Minji, she’s famous, for her looks and how she’s also smart, genius almost, even in nonacademics. Minji’s team beats our team in basketball. Well, more like their school’s team beat ours, in middle school. Haerin injured her shoulder in the game”


Hyein shrugs. While Hanni took a glance at Haerin, the latter remains unbothered still reading her book

“And— Danielle Marsh, well not as a genius, more like average when it comes to academics, she was on the cheerleader team, which made her even more famous, she was already famous before joining in, it was like an extra point for her popularity. And they are both nice, but still, you can’t help, but feel like they just.. different I may say, but again, still feel human, you know what I mean? That’s why people admire them, wishing to get close to them in any way”


Hyein gestures to some students around them, whispering to each other in admiration, even though the two people are long gone.


“And people said, they’re dating”


Oh, now that’s the news. Hanni thought.




“You sure knew a lot”


School dismissed early, and now Hanni with Hyein also Haerin like they planned before, going to get ice cream. But quite different from what they expected, the table they sit on is not only filled with ice cream but also papers.

Apparently, joining a club is a must.


“You two not planning to join the basketball club?”

Hanni takes a paper registration for the basketball club, then glance at Hyein and Haerin. She just learns that the two was a member of the basketball team back in middle school. But somehow, they don’t even consider taking the same path in high school, with Haerin shaking her head, and Hyein forming a big X with her hands.




The two shakes their head.


“Baking club?”


Hyein looks like she considering it but later shakes her head. While Haerin already shakes her head immediately after the question.




This time, both of them looks interested but eventually shakes their head.




The same reaction, but still no.




No, after another no. Until there’s no club registration paper remains.


“This is hard..”


Hanni leans back on her chair. Seems frustrated somehow.


“Do you have a club you want to join, Hanni?”


“Well, yeah.. a Band..”


Oh, how could Hanni forget?




Hanni suddenly exclaimed. Startled both Haerin and Hyein who just gave each other a look.


“What is it, Hanni??”




Hanni sounds excited, but the excitement doesn’t seem to reach both Haerin or Hyein who looks kind of puzzled. 


“Uhh, I’m pretty sure Ador doesn’t have a band. It’s been five years since the last band. It was Dream Band if I’m not mistaken?”




Now Hanni seems shocked, speechless even by the information Hyein just said.




“I don’t know, no one interested it seems??”


Hyein is not sure, but it’s true, Dream Band is the last Band Ador has. Right after the students graduated, no one seems interested in the band club, and soon it was forgotten.


“My dream.. noooo!!”


Hanni brings her hand to her hair, messes with it a bit then put her head on the table. Absolutely in despair, and again Hyein and Haerin just gave each other a look.


“Anyway, how’d you know about Dream Band?”


Hyein decided to ask, and in response, Hanni just lift her phone for Hyein and Haerin to see. The screen is lit up, and both of them can see Hanni’s phone lock screen. 

A picture of a young little girl and a teenage girl with a green electric guitar both posing to the camera.


“I watch their performance five years ago when I was in Korea for a vacation. Never know it was their last”


That kind of explains Hyein thought, as she notice how Haerin's brow raised a bit at the picture. Hyein knows that both of them recognize the teenager in the picture, almost immediately.


“Fun fact! The girl in the picture is Kim Minji’s sister, in case you don’t know!”


Hyein attempted to cheer Hanni up and boost their mood, didn’t expect it to be very effective tho. But with Hanni’s reaction, immediately sit straight, eyes widening in disbelief, and mouth agape.

Hyein noted how effective it is.




Hanni again, exclaimed, lucky they sit kinda far, or else they might get kicked out with how many times Hanni was shocked and surprised every time Hyein filled her with some kind of new information.

But about this one, how could Hanni forget?


“Do you think she’ll be interested join a band?”


Hanni tried, even though now she remembers what Jinsol told her. But still, it’s kind of worth the try, it's just an idea.


“Nah, don’t even try, Minji is like.. well, she doesn’t like when it has something to do with her sister? You know what I mean?”


Just like Jinsol said, Hanni thought. Guess she has no choice. It will be awesome if Minji could join her band, even though the band itself is still just an idea in Hanni’s mind.

But with the fact of Minji is Kim Yoohyeon’s younger sister, it just sounds awesome to Hanni, but again she doesn’t know if Minji can play any instruments. So screw that.


“Is it possible to create a new club?”


“From what I know it’s possible, as long as you have enough members”


“How many members it needs?”


“Three, if I’m not mistaken?”


“Can you guys play any instruments?”


“I can play bass, and Haerin can play guitar”


Perfect, Hanni thought, smiling mysteriously, while Haerin and Hyein only wonder what that smile means.

They find out soon enough tho.





The next day come, it was still early and Haerin expected nothing for today. But somehow, this seems worse than no expectations.




Contrary to Hyein who seems excited, screams and jumps up and down. Haerin seems quiet, staring down at the paper on her desk. She found words like ‘Band Club’ and her name on the paper. And just by those words, she knows what this paper is about.

Glancing at the two, Haerin only watches how Hanni and Hyein seem so excited about the band club.

Well.. A club is a must at Ador High School. Haerin thought. Besides, instead of anyone else, Haerin prefers to stick with Hyein and now Hanni, so like.. whatever.


“We have to check our club room, Ms. Park said the room needs some cleaning”


That sounds like too much work, Haerin thought. And yet she just goes along with the two, the school finished a little early than usual tho, so Hanni suggested they go check the room.

And.. here they go.




But before they reach the room, Hyein's eyes catch something in the schoolyard. It’s Kim Minji and Danielle Marsh walking side by side.


“No wonder I’ve been hearing some students whispering”


Hanni blurted out and follows Hyein's gaze.


“I know right”


Hyein giggles at that, while they continue their way to the soon-to-be-their-club-room, with Haerin closely following behind, not minding her surroundings.


“I’ll open it”


Hanni announced, earning a nod from Haerin and Hyein. And when Hanni unlocks and pushes the door, just like they thought— the room is a mess.

It surely was a lot of work, Haerin was right.

Their shoulders slumped at the sight, but soon enough their eyes filled with determination, mostly Hanni and Hyein, though Haerin just do what she can do to help.


“Oh! There’s a drum here!”


Behind the so many boxes piled up in the room, a drum set hides behind it.

It was Hanni the first one to find it, while Hyein getting ready to move some boxes, and Haerin, opened the window, as to make sure they won’t feel suffocated by how dusty the room is.

And just like that, they start to put to work.

Cleaning the room.


“Okay! Good enough!”


It started to get dark outside when Hanni said that, looking around the room. It’s tidier than before, and she’s satisfied with it.

With a drum set ahead, it already looks like a band club room, just some more instruments and it’ll be perfect.


“Should we give this room a try tomorrow?”


Hanni asked, checking the soundproof on the wall. While the two, Haerin just fan herself sitting on the floor, while Hyein is beside her, drinking a bottle of orange juice.


“We need air conditioner first.. just because”


It feels like this is the first time Hanni heard Haerin talk. It caught her off guard, and yet Hanni act like she pay no mind to it, as Hyein starts to talk.


“We sure do! We have to talk to Ms. Park about it, and ask the school to buy us a new one cause that one is too old”


Hyein pointed at the old air conditioner in the corner of the room. By the looks of it, Hanni sure doubts if it still works. And just like Hyein said, they need to talk to Ms. Park, soon.



“Oh sure”


That was easy.

Hanni never thought it would be this easy to ask the school to buy them something, especially for the club's needs. That was kind of unexpected, especially with how calm Ms. Park is.


“T— then! Can we—“


“Don’t push your luck, Ms. Pham”


No fun. Hanni pout.

Like an open book, it seems like Ms. Park knows what Hanni is about to ask. So she stands from her seat, walks to the cupboard, and pulls two big bags out, and by the sight, Hanni's eyes lit up.


“These are acoustic guitars, but you need to change the strings. No one used these tho, so I think it still is good to use”


Ms. Park said, handing Hanni both of the bags.


“Thanks, Ms. Park—“


“Call the two in, you need them to help you carry these”


And again, Ms. Park pulls another bag. This time it’s a rectangular shape, but Hanni immediately recognizes what’s inside the bag.


“Thank you! Ms. Park!”


And just like that, Hanni runs out of the teacher's room. Meeting the two who have been waiting for her. With a smile on Hanni’s face, and two guitars wrapped in bags in both hands. Haerin and Hyein immediately understood what that means.


“We have cajon too!”


Hanni said excitedly, making Hyein jumps up and down and immediately run to Hanni to share their enjoyment. Meanwhile, Haerin, just stares, before going into the teacher's room, and coming out with the said rectangular bag in hand.


“Ms. Park said, the school will change the air conditioner soon. So she expects no club activities for today”


Haerin said calmly, making Hanni and Hyein immediately share a look. And somehow with the look on both of their faces, Haerin knows where this going.


“Say, which one do you prefer, rock or acoustic?”


Hyein started, pointing her spoon toward Hanni and Haerin one by one.

After knowing that they can’t use the club room for today, the three decided to go buy strings for the acoustic guitars, and later just chill for the rest of day, eating ice cream, and chatting.


“Rock will be exciting! But sometimes you just want to hear some relaxing music, like acoustic! Ahh, I can’t choose!”


Hanni exclaimed in frustration, earning a giggle from Hyein, meanwhile, Haerin seems deep in her thoughts, a scoop of ice cream into .


“I just remember we don’t have a drummer”


And just like thunder on a sunny day, it strikes both Hanni and Hyein.

How could they possibly forget, they need a drummer!


“W—what should we do?!”

“W—we need to buy drumsticks too!”


With that, Hanni and Hyein hurriedly get up from their seat running to, the Haerin-can-simply-guess instrument shop they just visit a moment ago. 

Not minding how panicked the two were. Haerin just enjoyed her time, finishing her ice cream before she later get up from her seat, takes both Hanni and Hyein’s bags on her shoulder then walks to catch up with the two.

After spending a few minutes walking, Haerin can finally spot both Hanni and Hyein who stands side by side, eyes glued to Hanni’s phone screen.


“Are we looking for a drummer? Or one of us be a drummer?”


It’s scary how it was as if, Haerin can read what was in Hanni and Hyein’s minds before the two voiced it out.


“Okay, class. See you next time!”

With a last greeting from the teacher, school is finished for today. This a cue for Hanni and Haerin to immediately grab their school bag, with a big shapes black bag in their other hand.

Hanni notices how those bags attracted some stares from her classmates and some students in the hallway as they exited the classroom. But Hanni doesn’t care, she is just so excited today.

The three agreed last night, to bring their instruments and maybe practice some songs or just have fun, and maybe discuss who’s gonna be their drummer and so on.

But before they started, they have to wait for Hyein first. The latter said she has something to do with the teacher, and also it was her duty to buy the club’s drink today.


Just after Hanni open the door to the club room, a sofa come into their sight. A big, brown sofa that seems inviting, makes Hanni quickly runs inside and throws herself on it. Enjoying how soft the sofa is.

Meanwhile, Haerin only watches, closing the door behind, then puts her guitar with Hyein’s bass on the sides. Later, she opens her bag, and pull a plastic bag out of it, putting it on the small table near the sofa, which caught Hanni’s attention immediately. Knowing what that plastic bag is, Hanni sits up and puts her guitar aside.

“This will be fun!”

Hanni smiles, can’t hide her excitement. It makes Haerin smiles too, as she handed Hanni a black acoustic guitar, while she have the white one.

Those are the acoustic guitars they got from Ms. Park yesterday, and now they are about to change the strings, just like what Ms. Park said, these guitars are still in very good condition, just the strings.

“Do you have a song you want to listen to?”

Hanni asked, getting up from the sofa, and watching how Haerin chose to sit on the floor with the white guitar on her lap.

“You can play anything”

Haerin answered shortly, starting to focus on changing the old strings from the white acoustic guitar. Hearing that, Hanni just nods, walked to the speakers on the other edge of the room, and connects her phone to it. Luckily those still work just fine.

Choosing a song, it doesn’t take much time for Hanni to let a 5SOS’s song— She Looks So Perfect, echos in the room, with a guitar sound at the opening, Hanni walks to the sofa, acts like she is playing an air guitar then once again throws herself on the sofa, this time head banging while grabbing a black guitar on her side, ready to change the strings.

It caught Haerin's attention as she was about to grab a new pack of strings. Raised a brow at Hanni, Haerin only watches how Hanni started to mouth the lyrics, and at some part, Hanni will shout the lyrics out.

Sometimes it’ll startle Haerin, but later, she starts to get used to it. She will just shake her head in amused when Hanni gets too excited, or just smile when Hanni sings the wrong lyrics.

“Want me to turn off the music?”

It caught Haerin off guard. She was tuning in the white guitar, as she finished changing all the strings already.

“No, it’s fine. I’m done already”

Haerin smile put the white guitar to the side, and grabs her bag, pulls out a book and her specs case. Watching Haerin starts to open the book after putting on her specs, Hanni manages to catch something off over Haerin’s left eye.

It looks clearer this time than that night at the park.

Talk about that night, maybe it’s the right time to ask, Hanni thought.

“Have we met before? Like at the park, or somewhere?”

Hanni drops a major hint there, while she moves her gaze to focus on the black guitar on her lap. She was almost done.

On the other hand, Haerin who heard that only smiled, eyes still on the book.

“Thought you’ll never ask, it’s been days since we know each other’s name properly”

“I’m not very sure, okay? You wear a cap that night”

Hanni brings her hand near her head, gesturing as if she is wearing a cap.

“Fair enough”

Haerin shrugged. Then back to her book again, while Hanni seems to contemplate. Putting aside how Haerin was absolutely meowing at her that night.

It was so random, but knowing Haerin.. well..

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. But what happened to your..”

Hanni didn’t continue her words, instead, she chose to point at her own temple, while her eyes fixed on Haerin.

Notice how Hanni didn’t finish her words, Haerin look up, and immediately understood what Hanni means by her gesture.

“Ohh, this? I’ve got into a fight”

That’s.. not what Hanni expected.

And besides, how can Haerin say it so easily, like it was nothing? Hanni wondered.

“Did you win?”

“Of course”

Case closed.

Hanni wants to know more, but never mind. She can always ask later, maybe when she feels closer than they are now.

And, well, to be honest, Hanni is a bit worried, but Haerin seems fine. So she leaves it at it for now. She needs to ask Haerin for details if it happens again tho, just in case.

And.. somehow Hanni has the feeling it will happen again sooner or later. Hope she is wrong tho.




Minutes later, Hyein finally showed up, just in time for Hanni to finish tuning the black guitar.

Wasting no more time, they immediately start discussing who’s gonna be the drummer. Showing a basic tutorial of how to play drum on her phone, Hanni suggests they take turns following the instructions, and whoever is the best at following the instructions will be the drummer for their band.

Haerin and Hyein agreed to this. They can look for a drummer later if this doesn’t work tho. But, they doubt someone from this school wants to join their band. From what Hanni remembers, when they were walking in the hallway she only received a weird look.

This won’t be easy.

“I’ll go first!”

Hyein excitedly raised her hand. They have finished watching the video, so it’s time for them to see who’s among them, who will be good enough to follow the video tutorial, on their first try.

With a firm grip on the sticks, Hyein watches the video and tries to follow each instruction. From steps on the bass pedal, hits the snare, and plays with hit-hat. She follows each instruction, but somehow she kind of offbeat, and it soon ruins her performance.

Hyein started to panic, Haerin tried to calm her down while holding the phone, then there was Hanni being supportive, and cheered for Hyein. But in the end, it’s quite a mess. It’s her first time tho, nevertheless, she’s good enough for her first time.

Hanni goes second.

And just like Hyein, for the first half Hanni doing such a good job, of staying calm even though her grip is tighter than Hyein's on the sticks. And when it gets to the hard parts, Hanni starts to panic, Hyein tries to calm her down, while Haerin doing the cheer this time, holds a phone for Hanni to see.

But in the end, is still a mess. There’s no helping it, it does frustrate Hanni tho. But again, it’s her first time.

Last but not least, here goes Haerin.

Hanni doesn’t know if it's just her, or if Hyein can feel it too. But when Haerin sits behind the drum, something just shifts. Hanni never yet watch Haerin plays guitar, but Hanni is sure she was good after she watch Haerin tuning the white guitar. But in this case, Haerin not plays guitar, is a completely different instrument, and yet.

Hanni just feels it.

Hanni doesn’t know if it is just because Haerin is always calm or if she is just that good at following instructions. Besides, the grip Haerin had on the sticks is the most relaxed grip among the three of them, she managed to stay calm and focused for the first half. And when it gets to the harder part, Hanni and Hyein can see how Haerin starts to frown, but still manages to follow each of the instructions from the video.

“Ahh, it’s hard”

It was Haerin, and the video eventually reach the end. And by that time, Haerin manages to get a bit of an idea of how to play the drum, so she tries to reenact what she just learned from the video. And to her surprise, she doing a pretty good job, need to practice more tho, but she’s satisfied.

For a few seconds, Haerin still tries to get a grip on playing a drum. It was til’ she remembered.

“What are you, a genius?”

Haerin completely forgot about these two.

“N—no, I just—“


Hyein exclaimed. Spreads her arm, with Hanni immediately mirroring her action. And the next second they both scream in excitement, hugging each other while jumping up and down at their spot.

Haerin, on the other hand only watches, til she feels Hanni pulling her by the hand, bringing her into the hug, and again jumps up and down. Now with three of them.

Aside from their little celebration, little did they know, a student happened to pass their club room moments ago. Been watching them for quite a while from the window on the door.

A smile on that student's face looks unreadable, and later the student walks away. Hand into the cardigan while the other is on the lollipop she later puts into .


The student said.










To be continued..






• It's been a while for me, I forgot some words, and it’s been a struggle to recall and put the right words to the story. But for now, I can say I’m pretty satisfied with how the first chapter turns out. So please enjoy! See you in the next chapter! ^^

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imether 0 points #1
Chapter 4: update plzT^T
_LE00_ #2
Chapter 4: pls update soon
keren_hmlm #3
Update plseu huhu
keren_hmlm #4
Chapter 3: Lil Daerin moment there. Also, Dani and Hyein hugging so cute and Hanni sobbing like a baby. 😭😭
keren_hmlm #5
Chapter 2: I am soooo intrigued about Catnipz past. 😭
keren_hmlm #6
Chapter 1: Rereading cause I can't get enough of it!!
keren_hmlm #7
Chapter 3: This is so good huhu. I haven’t read a well written fic in a long time. Pls update soon. T-T
keren_hmlm #8
Ani_Ang #9
Chapter 1: Wow... they became a band, this is very interesting😍
Thank you for writing this story 😍
Moreover, this is bbangsazzz and daerinn 😍
Author-nim, cheers up🤗
I'm so excited for the next part 😍
Jenner10 #10
Chapter 1: YOOO i loved this one can’t wait for more Omg