Seasons of love

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Jisoo felt like a fool standing there and not knowing what to do..

No.. honestly, she was feeling extremely jealous because she can’t even go and snatch Taehyung away from that blonde woman..


What if Taehyung asks her what she’s doing here? What if he sends her away? What if he says he doesn’t care about her anymore?


Just thinking about it makes her chest tighten..

Knowing that it’s possible because she has already hurt him so much in the past..


She was biting her lower lip while turning her head back to see what those two were doing when she met eyes with Taehyung..

He’s coming towards her..

She gasped as she held on her luggage tightly while looking around her and trying to think where she could hide herself that very moment..


Before she could even move a little.. she heard that deep voice she has been missing the most..


“What are you doing here?” 


She gulped. He just asked the first question she had in her mind..

His voice sounded cold and she isn’t used to it..


She couldn’t turn to him at all.. she was afraid he’d look at her with coldness as well.. and just imagining it is making her nervous..


“Fine.. then just continue going your way..” said Taehyung leaving her.


Jisoo’s eyes widened.

Oh no.. that’s the second thing she had in mind before!

If she still doesn’t look at him, he might tell her now that he doesn’t care about her and he doesn’t want to see her anymore..


“Taehyung!” she called him loudly as she ran after him.


She was dragging her luggage with her when she stumbled on a stone making her trip and fall on the ground.


She was lucky enough to fall on both hands and didn’t get hurt but seeing the reaction of everyone passing by.. maybe it was better if she got hurt to the point that she needed to be admitted to the hospital.

They would at least pity her.. but now.. they are looking at her with a grin.. a smirk.. and a smile on their lips..


Taehyung came to her and helped her up.


“Are you okay?” he asked looking at her knees and hands. 


Jisoo’s heart seemed to have stopped beating when she saw him closer to her.

He still looks handsome as how he was.. his hair grew a little longer but  it looks fine with him.. 

She looked at every part of his face carefully.. his lips aren’t pale anymore.. his nose wasn’t red from all the crying he did in the past.. and his eyes.. she gulped as she noticed him staring at her with those doe eyes..

They weren’t swollen anymore.. he must be sleeping well these days unlike when he was in Seoul..

Unlike when she was next to him..

Looking at him like this makes her feel embarrassed for putting him in a lot of pain while they were together..


Then she felt cold when he suddenly stepped away from her..


“Did you get hurt?” asked Taehyung turning his head away.


Jisoo lowered her gaze.


She will be.. if he keeps acting cold to her..

She remained quiet for a moment until she remembered about the woman from before..

Did she go away already? After kissing him on his cheeks and smiling and talking to him?

Oh wait.. did they.. spend their two nights already?


She unconsciously held on her chest as she felt the pain piercing her..

If it’s true then.. he must have really forgotten about her..

While she didn’t.. the two nights she and Taehyung spent together are the most memorable for her..


“What brings you here?” asked Taehyung looking at her then to her luggage. “Vacation? Business trip?”


Jisoo bit her lower lip.

Can this be considered a vacation? Well.. she did ask the CEO to grant her this holiday.. she chose to have this instead of asking a raise so this must be the most expensive holiday ever!


“Well.. maybe.. vacation?” she said smiling a little.


“Then enjoy your stay here..” said Taehyung before turning his back against her.


Jisoo sighed.


“No.. I mean.. I came because-..” she was trying to explain herself but he was just getting further from her.


She followed after him and stopped him by grabbing him by his arm.


“I came to see you Taehyung..” she said catching her breath.


Why is her luggage so heavy? It’s tiring her out since earlier! 

She must be the only tourist going around London with a luggage!


“I.. wanted to see you.. again..” she continued as she tried to see his face but he had his back against her. “Can you.. turn to me? I want to see.. your face..”


But there’s a reason why Taehyung is either always turning his head away or his back against her..


Jisoo.. looks really cute.. and adorable.. anything she says or does makes him smile..

That’s right.. he’s been fighting himself.. he has been refraining himself to smile..


He knew about her coming to London just this morning.. his grandma mistakenly asked him if he had met Jisoo already and so he learned about this just a few hours ago..

Madame Bora had to explain to him everything that happened.. how could his grandma keep this from him for almost two months when she knew that he was almost dying from not being able to see his Jisoo?


If he hadn’t discovered about this earlier, he might have fainted upon meeting her here..

They must not know how much he has missed this woman..

He went far from her not because he wanted to forget her.. nor move on from her.. he just wanted her to not worry about him anymore.. he knew she was in pain just like him.. and seeing each other at work was torturing both of them..


He badly wants to hug her tight.. run his nose on her skin.. and kiss her lips nonstop but he is holding himself back..

He wants to hear something from her.. no.. he needs to.. 

He has been confessing his love to her since a long time ago and she kept pushing him away while telling him that she didn’t love him.. so this time.. he wants her to say it herself.. he needs to hear from her directly that she.. loves him.. and she came here because she loves him..


He took a deep breath before turning to face her..


“Why?” he asked pretending to look cold. “Do you need something from me?”


He could see the confusion in her eyes. She must be feeling lost right now not knowing what to say to him..

Seeing her like this makes her look like her daughter even more..

It’s good that she will be as beautiful as her mother but he only wishes Sakura could be a little more sure of herself.. specially when it comes to her heart.. 


Jisoo was pouting her lips as she tried to think of something..


“Aren’t you.. going to show me around here?  It’s my first time here.. I don’t know anyone else apart from you.. and I don’t speak good English.. and I.. I kinda missed you..”


Taehyung almost broke into a smile.

What did she say? She.. kinda? She didn’t miss him but she kinda missed him? Look at her being embarrassed to say it with her own mouth..

He should continue acting cold until she learns her lesson!


“What do you want to do? Is there any place you want to see in particular?” he asked as he looked around them.


Seeing her eye to eye is just impossible..

Her puffy eyebags are too much of a cute attack to his heart.. 


“Ohh.. I don’t really know anything here..” said Jisoo scratching her temple. “Where.. should be a good place?”


Another heart attack.. she looked freaking cute just now..


He might end up in a hospital if she continues being like this.. 

Isn’t this the first time he’s seeing her like this? Isn’t she acting like Sakura right now?

He should have acted cold from the start if he had known she would be like this!






He brought her to the most famous tourist attractions after leaving her luggage behind at the baggage storage near the train station.


He realized he has been living there for a long time already yet he wasn’t able to visit all of those..

He was too busy living a life he regret the most that he couldn’t see the true essence of living here..


They have just had some fish and chips for lunch and were walking along the river when Jisoo stopped and turned to him.

She had her hands behind her while swaying her body a little..

Darn.. she looked cute again..

He had to look up in the sky to gather himself..


“I want to take the river cruise..” she said shyly as she pointed behind them. “With you.. of course.. you aren’t going to let me ride it alone, are you?”


Taehyung’s throat moved fast.

He was reminded by their first date by the Han River back in Seoul..

He was really happy that time.. it was the first date he ever had in his life..


Jisoo held his arm as she dragged him to the ticket office to buy the tickets right away.


Taehyung was staying behind her while she was communicating using body language to the ticket seller..

She looked funny yet lovely at the same time..


He let her sit next to the window just like the other time.

She was taking pictures of everything that she must have forgotten that HE was sitting next to her.. that HE was the reason why she came here and HE should be her focus..


He was watching her enjoy the view when she suddenly gasped.


“Why?” he asked worriedly.


Jisoo turned to her with her hands covering .


“I just.. saw a whale passing by..” she said before smiling broadly.


He has to say that this was the greatest challenge so far since he saw her this morning..



He almost lost it!


“I’m sorry.. wasn’t it funny?” said Jisoo feeling embarrassed seing him not changing his facial expression.


Maybe she should have said there was a shark or a dolphin instead, just like what he did the other time? 


Taehyung cleared his throat before rising from his seat.


“Let me buy some water.. I’m quite thirsty..” he said quickly leaving her.


If he doesn’t go away, he might start smiling like crazy and his plan will be doomed!

When will she say that she loves him? That’s the only phrase he wants her to tell him.. if she says those words then he can stop pretending and he can kiss her already!


He came back after a few minutes and found her taking a selfie.

She looked like a goddess.. she was even more beautiful than the view behind her..


He sat down and passed her one bottle of water.


“I can take a picture of you if you want..” he said asking her to give him her phone.


He noticed it was the same phone he broke months ago..

Good thing she got it repaired immediately.. she had a lot of good pictures of Sakura in there.. the same she sent to him which have been keeping him alive up until now..


Jisoo gave it to him.


“Take one.. with the two of us..” she said embarrassedly. “It’s awkward if I’m alone in the picture..”


Taehyung nodded his head cooly.

Can’t she just admit that she wants him to be in the same picture as him because she has missed him so much?


He unlocked her phone and was about to press on the camera when he noticed her wallpaper has changed..

It used to be Sakura’s picture on her fifth birthday.. but now.. she has changed it into the picture she got as a prize from the Family day event..

There was her.. and also him carrying Sakura in his arms..

He didn’t know he was staring at it for a long time until Jisoo held his arm.


“Take a picture..” she said asking him in a hurry. “I want the bridge to be seen on the photo..”


Taehyung smiled onesidedly before preparing to take a picture.

And just when he was about to take one.. he felt her hands wrapping around his body while she put her chin just above his shoulder..

He remained frozen with his hand holding her phone..


“In case you get cold..” said Jisoo whispering to his ear. “It’s quite chilly here, isn’t it?”


Taehyung gulped.

She just.. imitated him.. he was the one who made those excuses up because he wanted to hug her back then..


“Take it now..” said Jisoo looking at the camera.


And when she noticed him relaxing himself as he posed for the picture, she kissed him quickly on his cheek making him open his eyes wide.


“That must have come out well..” said Jisoo taking her phone away.


She checked it immediately and started giggling to herself.

Taehyung looked really surprised! He’s too funny!


But while she was busy laughing alone, Taehyung was having a mental breakdown.

He didn’t know this woman was capable of being this flirty! Did she think he’d like it? Of course! Why couldn’t she do this to him before? She made him go through a lot of struggles before having their first kiss and here she is now casually doing what she wants without his consent!


He was barely able to calm himself down but then he felt her hand holding his as she leaned her head on his shoulder.


He took a deep breath.

Just one more touch and he might completely lose himself  in this lonely fight..

He might not be able to wait until she says it herself that she loves him..


“Taehyung.. I missed you..” said Jisoo softly. “I really did.. very much..”


Taehyung turned his head to her.

He wants to kiss her on the top of her head.. he wants to run his fingers through her hair.. she doesn’t know how much he missed her too.. how much he has wanted to see her again..


Jisoo pulled herself a little before looking at him.

She caught him staring at her with a smile on his face.

Did he perhaps.. miss her too? Is he thinking the same? Does he.. still love her?

She reached a hand to his face.. she wants to give him a kiss but she’s afraid to be rejected by him..

What if he only accepts kisses from blonde women right now? Or is she being ridiculous now? She doesn’t know anymore.. she has a lot of thoughts going inside her head that she might not be making sense..


They were staring at each other’s eyes when the cruise suddenly ended.

Taehyung stood up right away pulling his head from her.


“We should go now..” he said as he went by himself towards the exit.


He needed to breathe some fresh air.. he almost kissed her on her lips when she held his face all of a sudden.. his plan almost failed.. 


Jisoo came out with pouting lips..

She would have preferred to continue the cruise.. why did it have to end in a critical moment?


“Do you want to see something else before I go to the university?” asked Taehyung making Jisoo frown.


“You.. are leaving? I mean.. you have to go to the university?” she asked knitting her brows together.


Taehyung nodded.

He already skipped his morning lessons because he was too excited to meet her..


“Then.. you can choose where you want to go..” said Jisoo lowering her gaze.


Taehyung looked around them.


“What about that?” he asked as he pointed behind them. “That’s the main attraction here..”


Jisoo lifted her gaze and followed where his finger was pointing at.


“The.. London eye?” she asked as she gulped.


She’s scared of heights.. she doesn’t enjoy amusement parks.. she doesn’t go mountain climbling..

Can she.. do this? 


Taehyung was refraining himself from smiling as he looked at her reflection from the glass.

He feels really bad because it seems like she’s afraid but.. seeing her close her eyes and then peek outside is really cute..

She would do that continuously..

She must be scared yet she wants to see the view..

And look at her bravely taking a picture with her eyes closed..

She’s really incredible.. she’s an amazing woman..


Jisoo took a step away from the glass window.


“I think I need to close my eyes until we come down.. it’s making me dizzy..” she said closing her eyes shut.


This is worse than when she was pregnant.. she might puke at this rate.. 

She didn’t know it would be this high.. she should have just told him the truth instead of insisting to climb up here..


She was busily thinking about all of this when she felt Taehyung’s hand holding hers.

She held it tightly right away.

She really needs a hand to hold now.. 


“Are you.. really scared?” asked Taehyung looking at her face with a smile on his face.


Jisoo nodded.


“Yes.. it’s scary.. the view is great but it’s scary when I look outside..” she answered as she tightened the grip on his hand.


Taehyung’s lips curled up.

Should he take the opportunity to stare at the woman he loves?


He thought he would need to die just so he could meet her again in the next life again..

She was such a difficult woman to handle.. she was very strict.. rigid.. on pushing him away.. but at the same time she was soft.. kind.. nice.. pure.. innocent.. lovely.. and the praises wouldn’t stop just so he could describe this amazing woman..

He’s glad to see her again.. he has been praying for this.. he doesn’t even have a religion yet he begged God to let him see her again..

And he’s really happy.. that it’s her who came here just to be with him..


“Are we.. still at the top?” asked Jisoo peeking a little.


“Not yet.. we haven’t even reached the top yet..” said Taehyung looking behind him. 


Jisoo closed her eyes right away.

How long does this ride take? She can’t even look at his face yet she has to send him away to university later!


She didn’t know she was frowning very much until she felt his other hand caressing her face.


“What’s making you frown?” asked Taehyung putting his face close to hers. “Why are you pouting your lips like this?”


Jisoo gulped.

His touch.. sent shivers to her spine..


“Oh.. I was.. thinking of you..” she said honestly.


Taehyung chuckled.


Jisoo opened her eyes hearing him.


“We’re at the top! Don’t open your eyes.. it’s really scary outside..” he said scaring her even more.


Jisoo closed her eyes tightly again.


“Just keep them closed.. I will tell you when we’re going down..” said Taehyung enjoying his time.


He didn’t know she could be this obedient.

Couldn’t she have done the same before so he wouldn’t have had to go through so much pain?


“Now.. tell me.. why did you come here?” he asked narrowing his eyes. 


“I.. came to see you.. I told you already, didn’t I?” said Jisoo biting her lower lip. “I said.. I missed you..”


Taehyung smiled wide.

That’s it.. she should start being honest with him so they could understand each other..

She shouldn’t lie to him anymore just like what she did in the past!


“Why.. did you miss me?” he asked looking forward to what she was going to say.


Jisoo gulped.

Why is he asking why she missed him? Why? Can’t she miss him? Didn’t he miss her too?


“It’s because.. I.. couldn’t see you.. for a long time.. Sakura was crying to me everyday.. and I-..”


“You also cried because I was gone?” asked Taehyung looking serious. “Did.. Team Leader Kim.. cry because an intern like me suddenly quit and disappeared?”


Jisoo opened her eyes.

The way he was staring at her.. the way he was looking at her eyes..

It was.. intense..

Just like those other times he talked to her and told her about his feelings to her..


Then her eyes suddenly shifted to the view outside.

Oh no.. they are still at the top!

She closed her eyes again.


Taehyung moved closer to her.


“You.. haven’t answered me yet.. I asked you if you cried because of-..”


“I did.. a lot.. I cried the day I decided to push you away.. the day I told you I didn’t love you.. the day I scratched your forehead.. the day I woke up after spending the night with you for the first time.. and I cried the next day as well.. I cried the day I learned you left.. and until before I saw you earlier.. I was crying..”


Taehyung’s throat moved fast.

The two of them.. cried together.. they suffered a lot.. they were both in pain..


“I cried.. because.. I knew I was wrong.. because I knew you were hurting.. and it was all my fault.. I should have.. been more honest with myself.. and just admitted.. that I couldn’t live without you..” Jisoo continued as tears started falling from her eyes still closed.


Taehyung wiped those tears gently.

It wasn’t only her fault.. he also made a lot of mistakes towards her.. he also made her cry because of his foolishness and greed..


“I’m sorry.. I’m sorry.. for saying sorry just now.. when I should have told you before.. when I.. should have begged for your forgiveness a long time ago.. I’m sorry Taehyung.. if you.. forgive me.. and allow me to come to your life again.. I will.. never-..”


She took a deep breath as she choked back a sob.

She told herself she shouldn’t cry in front of him.. she didn’t want to look pitiful in his eyes.. she didn’t want to look like she was begging him to come back to her.. she doesn’t want to seem like he is doing this to obtain his sympathy..


“I will never push you away again Taehyung..” she said as she opened her eyes slowly. “Because I love you-..”


Those three words have just left when Taehyung kissed her softly on her lips.


She said it.. finally.. Jisoo said it to him.. it took her long to say it.. it took months before she admitted her feelings to him..

But it was worth waiting for.. it was worth being hurt..


He pulled himself a little as a smile formed in his lips while looking at her.


“I love you too.. I love you Jisoo-..”


His eyes widened as Jisoo held his face with both hands before crashing her lips with his.


She pushed her against the glass bravely.. their kiss was urgent and needy..

Taehyung wrapped his hands around her waist closing the gap between them.

He missed her warmth.. but most of all this scent of hers.. 

He dragged his lips lower to her jaw before going behind her ear and biting her earlobe lightly.

Jisoo gasped as she felt his kisses sting a little.

She has been wanting him to touch and kiss her again.. she has been waiting for this..


She moved her hands to his chest.. caressing him.. feeling him.. and then she felt his mouth going down to her neck then to her collarbone..

She pulled his head back and kissed him on his lips again.. she needs more of him.. she has to have more of him..


Taehyung deepened their kiss by dipping his tongue into .. he tasted her.. explored her.. drank of her sweetness..

They kept kissing and touching each other until the two of them were catching their breaths.


Jisoo fixed his shirt after getting it wrinkled by her desperate touch.


“I’m sorry.. I should have held myself back..” she said smiling.


Taehyung kissed her cheeks.


“No.. you don’t need to be sorry when it comes to kissing me..” he said cradling her face with his hands. 


Jisoo went into his arms. 


“Can we stay like this for another minute?” she asked as she put her ear on his chest.


She likes hearing his heartbeat the most.. knowing that thing only beats for her.. whether he’s mad.. or sad or just in love..


Taehyung kissed the top of her head.


“We can stay like this always.. you can hug me whenever you want.. kiss me when you feel like it.. because I will do the same to you..” he said running his fingers through her hair.


Everything that he wants to do with her.. he can finally do it now.. the words he wanted to hear from her.. she has said them now..


“Can you.. repeat what you told me before?” he asked pulling himself a little. 


Jisoo’s brows furrowed.

She has said like hundreds of words before.. does he want her to repeat all of them?


“Which one?”


Taehyung chuckled.


“The last one..” he replied.


Jisoo pursed her lips.


“If.. we can stay like this for a minute?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow.


Taehyung shook his head.


“No.. the

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Chapter 18: ❣️
1131 streak #2
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1479046/1'>Spring started</a></span>
First chap and I'm already loving it... As I was staring at the front photo of Vsoo and her child I thought the child looks a little like Yeji hehehe I don't know maybe because of the eyes?
1131 streak #3
Again thank you for accepting my friend request authy😁😁😁 as soon as I saw this I immediately click it and oh boy I'm glad that I did cause there are so many stories to chose from and I can't wait to start reading
Nurliana9 #4
Chapter 16: 2nd time reading this story and still loving it..beautiful story❤
KimJisooxMaleIdols #5
Chapter 18: love it too good for my little heart
Alisha9867 #6
Chapter 6: You're stories are really amazing author... You have great talent in writing. Like all the books I have read from you are very good and the fact that they are vsoo stories are even more amazing... Thank you for giving us such stories, we love you... Take care
Soyaaa_stans #7
this story is really close to my heart.
Soyaaa_stans #8
Chapter 18: This is such a good are so talented
Js_chu #9
Chapter 18: Omg🥺