His farewell

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“Mom.. isn’t he the uncle we met last time? Isn’t he your friend?” asked Sakura as soon as he saw Jinyoung waving his hand from the table he was sitting at.


Jisoo took a deep breath.


“We.. are going to have lunch with him..” she said looking at her.


Then she turned to Alessia.


“Do you want to join us or do you want to wait for us outside?” she asked sighing.


Alessia patted her head.


“Can you do it alone? Or do you need me?” she asked worried seeing what happened earlier outside.


As soon as Taehyung left, Jisoo cried to her..

And even Sakura looked sad seeing him go away..


Jisoo held her mother’s hand.


“Maybe.. it’s better if we talk by ourselves.. I’ll call you as soon as we finish.. grab yourself some lunch while you wait for us mom..” she said faking a smile.


Alessia nodded before giving the two of them a kiss on their foreheads and going out of the restaurant.


Jisoo turned to Sakura who was already looking at her.


“Let’s go now..” she said holding her hand towards Jinyoung.


He came a little early and has been waiting for them inside anxiously.

He didn’t even know what to wear that day.. he wanted to look more approachable to his daughter so he chose a casual outfit that he rarely wears due to work..


He rose on his feet and smiled widely at the two who were approaching him.


“You came..” he said softly as he refrained himself from smiling.

He’s happy.. of course he is.. this is the first meal he is sharing with his daughter.. and his love..


Jisoo let Sakura sit across Jinyoung while she sat next to her.


“How have you been uncle?” asked Sakura smiling at Jinyoung purely. “Aren’t you sad anymore?”


She remembered seeing him crying that day.. 


Jinyoung smiled a little.

Her memory is really good.. how can she remember that?


“Not anymore.. thanks to you..” he replied looking at her.


Sakura smiled at him before looking at Jisoo.


“Mom.. why? Are you hungry?” she asked seeing her stare blankly at the table.


Jinyoung called for the waiter and ordered as much as he could.


Sakura and Jinyoung kept on talking to each other until the food arrived.


“Jisoo.. you should eat..” said Jinyoung putting some meat on her plate. 


Jisoo looked at him.

The time has come.. she should tell Sakura about him now..

Saying it later won’t change anything..


“But.. why haven’t I seen you before uncle? Are you a new friend of mom?” asked Sakura curiously as she ate some fries.


Jisoo and Jinyoung looked at each other.


“Oh.. I.. was waiting.. for the right time to show myself to you..” said Jinyoung smiling as he put some beans and carrots on her plate. “Eat some.. they are good for you..”


“Sakura hates beans and carrots..” said Jisoo as she quickly grabbed a spoon to take them away but then she saw her eating them with a smile.


Her brows furrowed as she watched her. She was confused.

When did she start eating beans? And carrots? She used to hate them..


“Uncle Taehyung told me that if I eat vegetables, I will grow taller than mom..” she answered as she giggled to herself. 


Jisoo’s throat moved fast as she listened to her.

Taehyung must have told her this lie so she wouldn’t be a picky eater..

She would have laughed if she had heard of this before but.. hearing it now.. makes her want to cry..


Jinyoung lowered his gaze to his plate as he held his fork tightly.

That guy.. doesn’t even eat vegetables himself yet he made up a story so this little girl would eat them..


“Sakura..” Jisoo called her daughter softly as she put her spoon and fork down the table. “This uncle.. in front of you-..”


“Jisoo..” Jinyoung held her hand on the table. “Let me.. say it.. please..” 


Sakura looked at them with confusion in her eyes.


Jisoo pulled her hand away from his.


“He’s your father..” she said softly.


Jinyoung closed his eyes and tears fell down his face.

He didn’t want to tell his daughter yet.. he would have wanted to ask Jisoo to tell her when she gets a little older.. when she can understand more..


“Uncle.. is.. my.. father?” asked Sakura still puzzled as she stared at her mom.


Jisoo nodded her head.

She wanted her to know about it as soon as possible..

It won’t change anything.. neither to her nor to Jinyoung.. 


Sakura turned to Jinyoung who was crying.


“Uncle.. are you.. my father?” she asked as her voice faded. “Is that true?”


Jinyoung nodded his head as he wiped his tears away.


“I’m sorry.. Sakura.. your father.. didn’t have.. any courage to even show his face to you..” he said lowering his head.


He can’t look straight into her eyes.. knowing those sparkling eyes are staring at him confusedly.. knowing that she would be asking herself a lot of questions..


“Uncle.. why.. did.. uncle.. leave mom?” asked Sakura tearing up.


Jisoo held her hands under the table.

She thought she would ask him about himself.. she thought she would be curious about her father.. that she would ask him to do things for her.. to ask gifts from him..


But Sakura.. asked him about why he left her instead..


Jisoo broke into tears.

Poor Sakura.. she must have been holding herself back from asking her why her father abandoned them.. she must have been curious about him since the start..


“I’m sorry..” Jinyoung kept on apologizing to them without lifting his gaze. “I’m really.. sorry.. Jisoo.. Sakura.. I’m sorry..”


He was crying nonstop when he felt Sakura’s little hands holding his..


“Did.. uncle.. not love mom?” she asked as her lips pursed while waiting for him to answer.


Jinyoung hugged her tightly.

He loved Jisoo.. he still loves her.. and even though he loves her very much.. although he wants her back and his daughter..

He doesn’t want to be greedy..

He doesn’t want to tie them with his responsibility as Sakura’s father..

He made them suffer a lot already.. he left them.. and if he hadn’t met Jisoo by chance that evening.. maybe up until now.. he wouldn’t have been able to see the two of them..



“Jisoo.. I.. am going to be the successor of my dad.. next week.. I have waited.. a very long time for this.. I had to.. leave you because of this position.. but I waited patiently.. while thinking.. of you.. and my child.. I thought.. that just by waiting.. and staying silent.. I would be able to.. show you my sincerity.. but I was wrong.. I was too.. confident with myself.. that I only thought of my own feelings..  without being considerate to you.. to our child.. and.. to my friend..”


Jinyoung took a moment as he stared at Sakura’s face.

She is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.. maybe after her mom..

And even her words.. are nice.. she’s kind.. thoughtful.. she is as bright as Jisoo.. both of them are optimistic and lively..

He doesn’t need to worry about them.. Jisoo has raised her well.. and he knows that this little girl will grow up to be a better person than her father..


“I.. will focus myself on business.. so you.. Jisoo.. shouldn’t worry about me.. wanting to take your child away from you.. I will not.. leave you.. I will not abandon you anymore.. I will be there for you.. while rooting for you.. and Sakura’s happiness.. I’m wishing you well.. you.. Sakura.. and Taehyung.. I know you both love him.. it wasn’t him.. who meddled in between us.. it wasn’t my friend.. who got in between you and me.. it was me.. it was I.. who cowardly hid myself from you and appeared to the two of you to break your happiness..”


Jisoo was remaining silent.

Whatever he says now.. will not change anything..

It’s all done.. she had already decided..

It’s over.. between her.. and him.. and Taehyung..


“I’m sorry..” said Jinyoung as he patted Sakura’s head. “I.. didn’t leave you.. because I didn’t love you.. I loved you before I even met you.. and I still love you now.. but I know.. that you don’t need me anymore.. it isn’t me.. whom you need in your life..”


He has never regret anything else in his life..

He thought leaving Jisoo was the best choice back then..

He thought he was being a hero for giving up on their love..

But he has only realized now that he was just selfish..

He wanted Jisoo and his child without doing anything..

He held onto his position so he would be a good child to his parents..


In the end.. he was able to get what he has always dreamed of.. he has climbed to the top.. but he has just lost the woman he loves.. his daughter.. and even the only good friend he has..







“He still hasn’t come out?” asked Bora to the maid as soon as she stepped inside the house after going to the company.


The maid shook her head.


“The food I brought inside his room hasn’t been touched either..” she replied.


Bora sighed.


“Can you get something else and I’ll bring it to him myself..” she said as she went to her room to change clothes.


A few minutes later, she knocked on Taehyung’s room and went in with the tray in her hand.


She found Taehyung lying on his bed.. the windows closed.. the lights off..

She put the tray on the table before sitting on the bed beside him..


“Taehyung..” she called him softly as she shook his arms. “Eat something..”


He didn’t move but Bora could see his shoulders tremble.

He must be crying silently again..

It has been two days since he came home after going to his parents’ house and he’s still crying like this..


“Get up and let me see you..” she said pulling his arm to her.


Taehyung turned to her slowly with tears in his eyes.


“Aigoo.. look at you crying like a child.. I didn’t know you had so many tears because you never cried for me..” said Bora wiping his tears gently. 


Taehyung sat up and hugged her.


“Grandma.. I feel.. like I have just lost my wife and daughter..” he said whispering to her. “Like.. they have taken everything away from me.. and there’s nothing left anymore..”


Bora patted his back.

Her poor grandson has his heart broken for the first time in his life..


“Do you love them very much?” she asked as she continued patting his back. 


Taehyung nodded his head as he pulled himself a little.


“Did it.. hurt like this.. when you lost both my parents and my grandpa?” he asked breathing heavily. “How.. did you feel back then? How long.. does it take.. for the pain to go away?”


Bora smiled a little as she held his face with a hand.


“Until now.. it hurts..” she said whispering to him. “And it hurts even more.. when I look at you.. and see you in pain.. because you don’t have a mother or a father you can cry with.. it would have been easier for you to cry with them.. talk with them.. ask for advice.. but here you have an old woman in front of you who can’t even take care of her only grandson..”


She sighed as she held his hands together.


“I should have protected you.. but instead.. it was me.. who put you in this pain..” she continued as she shed a tear.


Bora put him next to Jisoo so he would learn how to love.. so he would open his heart..

She knew that Jisoo was that warm person his grandson needed in his life..

She knew that Jisoo would teach him what he has been missing in life..

She would have wanted them to be together.. she wanted them to love each other..

And they did.. they did fall for each other.. but it didn’t end as what she had expected..






Jisoo has been coming to work as if nothing happened..

At least.. that’s what she was trying to tell herself..

A week has passed ever since she met and ended things with both Taehyung and Jinyoung..

Luckily.. she was busy enough with all the preparations for the next project they have..

She barely leaves her office.. and she doesn’t see Taehyung whom she believes is also trying to avoid her as much as he could..


It hurts.. it pains her..

But she cannot complain because it was her who wanted this..

It’s her who did this to herself.. and to Taehyung..


She received a call from Jimin asking her to join the meeting.

She quickly gathered her stuff and went out of her office but she found Taehyung standing before her.


He was about to knock on the door when she suddenly came out.


“Team Leader Kim.. I-..” he lowered his gaze as he tried to find the words to tell her.


Jisoo cleared before walking past him and hurrying out of there.

She doesn’t have time to waste today.. she’s busy.. she didn’t ignore him because she wanted to..


Taehyung sighed as he remained standing in front of the door.

He had received a call from Sakura’s teacher 5 minutes ago asking him to pick her up..

What should he do? He couldn’t even tell her anything..

She might be mad if he went to pick her daughter up himself..

But Sakura must be waiting in her class alone..


With all the hesitations and thinking he made.. he finally decided to pick her up from school..


Sakura had a broad smile on her face as she waited for him at the door.

Taehyung’s heart was slowly finding peace as he approached her.

How can this child’s smile soothe and comfort him like this?


“Uncle!” Sakura ran to him and hugged him tightly. “I’m glad uncle came to pick me up..”


Taehyung turned to her teacher and bowed his head to her.

It was the same from the last time he had picked her up..


“Sakura said her mom was busy so she asked me to call you instead..” said the teacher before leaving the two of them.


Taehyung lowered himself to see Sakura eye to eye.


“Why.. didn’t you call your mom? She will be worried about you..” he said holding her face with his hands. “I will bring you to the company now so she-..”


Sakura pouted her lips.


“But.. I don’t want to.. I asked uncle to come because mom wouldn’t bring me to you..” she said complaining. 


Taehyung remained silent.

Her mom wouldn’t let him see her because she has a reason..


“I missed uncle..” said Sakura close to tears. “I want to play with uncle..”


Taehyung heaved a sigh.

He thought about it for a while.. before finally coming to a decision..


“Do you.. want to go on a date with uncle?” he asked smiling at her. “Wanna go shopping?”


Sakura’s lips curled up into a smile before hanging herself around his neck.


“Let’s go uncle..” she said as she gave him a kiss on his cheek. “But we shouldn’t tell mom.. she will be mad at us..”


She reached her pinky finger to him.


“Promise me uncle..” she said blinking a few times and making his heart melt.


Taehyung ruffled her hair before making a pinky promise.


“I promise..” he said smiling.



They went to watch an animated movie together.. had some popcorn and even burgers..

Taehyung bought her some pretty dresses she chose herself.. fairy tale books and other educational stuff.. 


And lastly, they stopped by an ice cream store to treat themselves to some sweets..


Taehyung reached his pinky finger to her this time..


“You cannot tell this to your mom..” he said looking at her eyes.


Sakura nodded her head before making the promise with him.


“If I tell this to mom.. I will be scolded so don’t worry uncle..” she said smiling as she tasted her favorite chocolate and strawberry ice cream.


Taehyung was watching her eat with so much gusto..

She was closing her eyes while smiling to herself everytime she it..

Her feet were moving in sync with her eyebrows..

Her face was all dirty but it only made her cuter than how she already was..


He didn’t know this beautiful and delightful view could be this sad..

Sakura brought happiness to him during the time he spent with her..

She was a ball of sunshine to him.. he discovered having a soft part inside him he didn’t even know he could have all because of her..


He remembered smiling until his cheeks hurt because of her.. but he didn’t know a day would come where he would be this sad looking at her..


He sighed as he lowered his gaze.

He’s going to miss her as much as her mother..


He was still staring blankly when Sakura held his thumb with her sticky fingers.

He lifted his eyes to her and smiled right away.

She had a chocolate moustache again! Just like the first time he met her..


He was laughing at her while wiping with his hands.

She looked too adorable with that moustache..

He should have taken a picture of her so he could laugh at it whenever he wanted!


“Uncle..” Sakura called him softly.


“Why? What is it?” he asked as he took some tissues to wipe her hands. “What do you want to tell uncle-..?”

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All the pictures I used aren’t mine, ctto!


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Chapter 18: ❣️
1131 streak #2
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1479046/1'>Spring started</a></span>
First chap and I'm already loving it... As I was staring at the front photo of Vsoo and her child I thought the child looks a little like Yeji hehehe I don't know maybe because of the eyes?
1131 streak #3
Again thank you for accepting my friend request authy😁😁😁 as soon as I saw this I immediately click it and oh boy I'm glad that I did cause there are so many stories to chose from and I can't wait to start reading
Nurliana9 #4
Chapter 16: 2nd time reading this story and still loving it..beautiful story❤
KimJisooxMaleIdols #5
Chapter 18: love it too good for my little heart
Alisha9867 #6
Chapter 6: You're stories are really amazing author... You have great talent in writing. Like all the books I have read from you are very good and the fact that they are vsoo stories are even more amazing... Thank you for giving us such stories, we love you... Take care
Soyaaa_stans #7
this story is really close to my heart.
Soyaaa_stans #8
Chapter 18: This is such a good story.you are so talented
Js_chu #9
Chapter 18: Omg🥺