Mutual feelings

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“How.. do you know him?” asked Jisoo in trembling voice.


Taehyung tried to hold her arms but she pushed his hands away.


“You lied.. you have been lying to me..” Jisoo continued before walking past him.


Taehyung took a deep breath.

How can he explain this situation now? She must have seen and heard him arguing with Jinyoung..

She must have thought that he knew about them since the start..


He ran to her and stopped her just in front of the company.

He grabbed her by her wrist and made her face him.


“Listen to me.. please..” he said catching his breath. “Jisoo.. I didn’t lie to you.. I swear I didn’t..”


Jisoo tried to pull her hand away forcefully but he held her still by grabbing both of her hands.


“I didn’t know..” said Taehyung lowering his gaze to her hands. “Jinyoung is the friend I wanted to introduce to you.. and I didn’t know about you and him.. I only learned about it at the launching event and-..”


“And you didn’t say anything to me? You never mentioned anything to me?” she asked looking at him. “Didn’t I tell you about meeting my ex that night? And you.. pretended not to know anything?”


Taehyung wet his lips nervously.

He knows it’s was a mistake on his part to not tell her about it..

He knows he’s partly at fault..


“I didn’t know how to tell you..” he said lifting his gaze to her face. “That Jinyoung.. is a friend of mine.. and he never mentioned anything about.. having a child.. nor about you Jisoo..”


It’s the truth.. he was just as clueless as her.. 


“Then you were planning not to tell me at all?” asked Jisoo almost in tears. “What were you waiting for? How do you think I would feel.. if you continued keeping it from me?”


Taehyung sighed as he let go of her hands slowly.


“I’m sorry..” he said softly. “It was my mistake.. I should have told you.. I’m sorry Jisoo..”


“You.. I thought.. you understand me..” said Jisoo crying. “But no.. you don’t.. in the end.. no one does.. no one will.. I’m still alone..”


Taehyung pulled her into a hug.


“Please.. don’t say that.. I like you.. and your daughter.. I like the two of you.. Jisoo.. please don’t get mad at me.. I don’t want to see you cry and-..”


Jisoo pulled herself away from him.


“Please leave me alone..” she said taking a deep breath. 


She looked at her watch and noticed it was almost the time for Sakura to leave school.


“I need to go now..” she said hurrying to the bus stop but Taehyung hugged her from behind.


Jisoo’s tears fell down.

She needs to go.. she needs to pick Sakura up from school..

She will be left alone.. she will be sad seeing her friends leaving one by one while she stays behind..


Taehyung turned her body to him so he could see her face.


“Please.. talk to me..” he said looking into her eyes.


 Jisoo looked away from him and only then she realized that the other employees had been looking at them.. and even people who were just passing by whom she doesn’t know were all watching the two of them arguing..


Those stares.. those gazes.. all these eyes judging her.. these people condemning her.. they must be thinking bad about her.. they must be talking to themselves about her.. how a woman like her is being involved with two men.. how she seduced them.. how she got pregnant at a young age only to be abandoned and now she’s even flirting with another guy..

They must be thinking that she’s some kind of gold digger.. because she’s getting herself involved with the heir to the company she works for.. they must think she want to become the future CEO’s wife.. they must believe she wants attention.. because she’s arguing with him in front of everyone..

And that even though she has a child already.. she can’t keep herself from becoming close to a young and rich man like Taehyung..

Maybe they are talking about how  she looks stupid and lowly.. she must seem pitiful in their eyes.. that she’s trying hard to catch a man who can lessen the burden in her life..


She took a look around her..

These painful stares at her.. these eyes are like stabbing her.. their words are sending daggers to her.. and slowly.. they are killing her..


Taehyung held her arms.

She suddenly looked pale to him while she was continuously shedding tears..


“Jisoo.. are you okay?.. let’s talk about this again some other time.. we need to-..”


Then Jisoo suddenly lost consciousness and fell into his arms.


“Jisoo.. Team Leader Kim!” he called her loudly as he held her face.


He had to call for an ambulance and bring her to the hospital.


He closed his eyes tight as he held her hands while waiting for her to wake up.


The doctor told him that she fainted due to too much stress and probably trauma.


It was stupid of him to make a scene outside the company..

He totally forgot about her fear of being at the spotlight.. she must have feel observed before.. she must have felt embarrassed and ashamed while they were arguing in front of Bora..


Why did he have to do that in front of other people? He lost his mind seeing her getting angry at him..

He feels bad for her.. he was careless..


Jisoo opened her eyes moments later.

She saw him holding her hand tightly and she pulled it away immediately.


How did she end up here at the hospital? What happened to her?

What is she doing here? Did she faint?


She was still trying to think of what happened before when she remembered about Sakura..


She took her phone from the table and saw it was already past 7 pm.


Oh no.. Sakura.. what happened to her daughter? What if she’s still waiting for her mom? What if she’s still at school? She must be crying now..


“I need to go.. my Sakura is waiting for me..” she said as she tried to remove the IV drip administered to her.


“You’ll get hurt.. don’t do this..” said Taehyung standing up and keeping her still. 


Jisoo pushed him away and stubbornly tried to stand up but ended up losing her balance.


Taehyung was able to catch her and put her back on the bed right away.


“I called your mom.. and she picked her up already.. so don’t worry about Sakura.. she’s fine.. and your mom will bring her to your house later..” he said holding her hand. “I’ll call the doctor for you so just wait here and-..”


Jisoo removed his hand on hers.


Taehyung felt his chest gripping in pain.

Why does she hate his touch that much? Why can’t she stand him? Seeing her mad at him hurts him.. he isn’t used to her being like this..


“Jisoo.. I-..”


“Thank you for bringing me here and for calling my mom.. but please leave now.. I can talk to the doctor myself.. there’s no need for you to stay with me..” she said not waiting for him to finish what he was saying.


Another pain in his heart.. it that she’s pushing him away like this.. it hurts..


The two of them heard a knock on the door.

It was the doctor who came himself to check on Jisoo.

He is a longtime friend of Bora.. Taehyung brought Jisoo to his hospital..


“Are you feeling better now?” asked the doctor to Jisoo. “You should take a good rest tonight and also tomorrow.. and if it’s possible.. avoid thinking too much.. you must have been under a lot of stress lately..”


Jisoo remained silent keeping her head lowered.


“I will ask grandma to give her a dayoff tomorrow so she can rest well..” said Taehyung smiling at the doctor. “Thank you for taking care of her.. I’m very glad that you checked on her yourself..”


The doctor tapped his shoulders lightly.


“Is she your girlfriend?” he asked smiling.


Taehyung turned to Jisoo who was still remaining silent.


“She is..” he said smiling a little. “Can we go home now? Will she be fine?”


The doctor seemed hesitant.


“It would be better if she stayed here..” he answered.


“But she’s worried about her child being alone at home..” said Taehyung lowering his gaze. “Can I just drive her home and make sure she takes her medicines well?”


The doctor looked surprised hearing his supposed girlfriend has a child already.

He has never heard from Bora that her grandson had a child.. 

Or maybe.. this woman’s child is not his but another man’s?

Did Bora allow Taehyung to date a single mother?


“Alright.. I’ll tell the nurses to prepare the papers..” said the doctor before leaving the two of them.


And as soon as Jisoo saw him leave, she turned to Taehyung with red eyes.


“I’ll take care of myself.. just leave..” she fought back her tears.


Taehyung was alarmed seeing her.


“What is it? Why are you crying? Are you in pain? Should I call the doctor again?” he asked worriedly.


But Jisoo didn’t need any doctor..


The pain she’s feeling is not something that can be cured by someone..


She has a lot going on inside her..

She feels embarrassed.. ashamed.. looked down.. judged..


The same emotions she felt.. when she had just learned about her pregnancy 6 years ago..


She feels like no one is on her side.. that all of them are thinking badly of her..


And Taehyung telling the doctor she was his girlfriend.. and she had a child.. put her in more pain..

The doctor must have already judged her.. the nurses too.. everyone did..


But she didn’t want this.. she doesn’t want any of this..


“I have to go now..” said Jisoo with her teeth clenched.


She didn’t want to say anything to him anymore..

She doesn’t want to share what she’s feeling inside her..

She can’t trust anyone.. she won’t trust anymore..


And Taehyung was also remaining silent as he watched her.

Maybe saying a few more words would worsen the situation..

Maybe doing things would lead him to more mistakes..


“Wait for me here and let me drive you home..” he said as he left the room to check on the papers they need to get her discharged.


Jisoo sighed as she drew her knees up against her chest.


She’s too confused.. she can’t understand what’s happening around her..


She still hasn’t gotten over the fact that her daughter’s father.. is a friend of the man she loves now..


What should she do? What will happen now? How would Sakura feel once she learns about this? And what would people think of her daughter? Of her?






It was past 8 pm when Taehyung arrived in front of Jisoo’s house.


It was the most silent he has ever been since he met her..

He was used to teasing and making fun of her.. asking her about Sakura.. and her laughing and smiling at him whatever he tells her..


Jisoo alighted the car without saying a thing to him and hurriedly opened the door to her house.


Taehyung followed after her and held the door before she could even close it.


“I’m grateful that you drove me home..” said Jisoo sighing. “But please go now..”


Taehyung doesn’t want to..

He can’t go just like this when she can’t even look him in the eye..


“Can we.. have a talk? Even just for a minute?” he asked softly.


Jisoo took long before she entered the house and let him in.

She noticed her mom hasn’t brought Sakura yet.

She needs to call them and ask them if they will come tonight or if she has to go to her mom’s to pick her daughter up..


“Make it short.. I need to talk to my mom..” she said as she put her bag down the table and took her coat off.


Taehyung hugged her.


“I’m sorry..” he said whispering to her ears. 


He’s really sorry for not being able to tell her that he came to learn about her and Jinyoung a few days ago already..

He hopes she can understand him.. he hopes she wouldn’t be affected just because Jinyoung is his friend..


But Jisoo is exactly feeling that way..


“I feel.. stupid..” she said pulling herself away from him. “Just like someone.. who has been played with.. I feel like I’m an old toy which has been passed down.. from one friend.. to another..”


That’s what she feels.. after playing with her.. using her.. consuming her to the fullest.. she has been tossed aside and is now in another friend’s possession..


Taehyung looked at the ceiling as he tried to gather his thoughts.


“Jisoo.. I didn’t know about you and him until I overheard the two of you talking at the launching event.. I didn’t know he was your ex.. that he is Sakura’s father.. but even if I did.. that wouldn’t change anything for me.. for us.. because I love you..”


He was planning to confess to her in the most romantic way he could..

He wanted to make her the happiest woman by telling her about his feelings..

He was thinking of ways to do it in a special way.. but he ended up confessing to her like this.. with the two of them being in pain.. with them in tears.. and with her mad at him..


“It does.. for me..” said Jisoo looking at him.


Taehyung’s brows furrowed.

What does she mean by that? What is it?


“The fact that you.. and him are friends.. changes a lot for me..” she said as her eyes started watering again.


Taehyung didn’t want to believe what he just heard.

It does.. for her? Why?


“If I had known you were his friend.. I would have never even tried to be close with you..” Jisoo continued sending daggers to his chest. “Because I don’t want to get myself involved with anyone around Jinyoung anymore..”


“W-what?” asked Taehyung in disbelief as he raised his tone a little. “Jisoo.. I don’t understand you.. I don’t understand why-..”


“You won’t understand because you aren’t me.. you didn’t go through being shamed by people you thought were your friends.. you weren’t laughed on by people who didn’t know you.. you.. you would never understand how it felt to have to be continuously stared at.. just because-..” Jisoo covered with her hand as she started crying. “Just because I was carrying a precious life in my stomach.. they ridiculed me.. they said that I deserved it.. because I was a b*tch.. because I was.. just a daughter of a single mother.. and I took after my mom.. and ended up like her..”


Taehyung wanted to wipe her tears but Jisoo turned her head away.


“You don’t know how it feels.. Taehyung.. so please.. go.. I don’t want people to talk about me.. my daughter.. and my mom.. I don’t want them to be hurt just because of what I did..” Jisoo continued. “I don’t want.. anything that could be used against them.. a man like you will never know.. because all they see is the woman’s fault.. that’s right.. they will only see me and my mistakes..”


Taehyung took a calming breath.

Just what mistakes is she saying? Why isn’t she making sense to him at all?

He can’t understand her..


“People will only see what they want..” said Jisoo softly. “I will be named.. as a woman.. who broke two men’s friendship.. has a child with one.. and is seducing the other one.. that is what they will see.. whenever they look at me..”


She lowered her gaze as she tried to calm herself down.

Maybe she shouldn’t have just opened her heart again.. she should have remained focused on herself and on her daughter.. she shouldn’t have gotten involved with him.. she shouldn’t have liked him..


“So you’re telling me.. you want me to leave you? Just because.. Jinyoung is my friend? Why? Why do I need to leave you when I know it myself that I can protect you from all of those people you hate Jisoo? When I know I can fight for you? For Sakura? Why should I do that when I’m telling you.. that I love you?”


Taehyung raised his voice as he felt unfair..

Why isn’t she giving him any chance a

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All the pictures I used aren’t mine, ctto!


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Chapter 18: ❣️
1131 streak #2
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1479046/1'>Spring started</a></span>
First chap and I'm already loving it... As I was staring at the front photo of Vsoo and her child I thought the child looks a little like Yeji hehehe I don't know maybe because of the eyes?
1131 streak #3
Again thank you for accepting my friend request authy😁😁😁 as soon as I saw this I immediately click it and oh boy I'm glad that I did cause there are so many stories to chose from and I can't wait to start reading
Nurliana9 #4
Chapter 16: 2nd time reading this story and still loving it..beautiful story❤
KimJisooxMaleIdols #5
Chapter 18: love it too good for my little heart
Alisha9867 #6
Chapter 6: You're stories are really amazing author... You have great talent in writing. Like all the books I have read from you are very good and the fact that they are vsoo stories are even more amazing... Thank you for giving us such stories, we love you... Take care
Soyaaa_stans #7
this story is really close to my heart.
Soyaaa_stans #8
Chapter 18: This is such a good are so talented
Js_chu #9
Chapter 18: Omg🥺