Hesitation and mistrust

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“Tell me.. is the Team Leader Kim you like.. Jisoo? Is it her?” asked Jinyoung grabbing Taehyung by his collar.


There’s no way this can happen to them..

The person Taehyung has been talking about.. the woman he’s madly in love.. that single mom who changed his mind and heart.. is Jisoo? 


Heavens must be playing jokes on them.. this must be a prank..

He hopes it can be one..


He has been giving him advice.. convincing him of his feelings to her.. telling him to confess to her..

But that woman is the same woman.. that he.. himself.. loves?


“How could you do that? How could you leave a woman with a child? How could you hurt her like that?” Taehyung looked mad as he held Jinyoungs hands and pulled them down. “Are you not ashamed? How can you.. how were you able to live until now.. when you know you have a child you haven’t even seen?”


Jinyoung grabbed on his shoulders.


“You can’t like her.. not Jisoo.. you cannot do that to her.. she isn’t like all the other women you had.. she is different from them Taehyung..” he said almost screaming.


He doesn’t want him to touch her.. he can’t allow that..

Knowing that his friend might get tired of her one day.. he will not let him stay with her.. 

He might love her now.. but who knows what he will think in a few months.. or weeks.. or even days..?


Taehyung pushed him a little.

He’s furious.. he can’t believe a good boy like him was hiding something like this from everyone..


He heard from their conversation before that it was his parents’ decision.. he can imagine that.. but.. he literally did nothing throughout all these years?


How could he not even support her financially? How could he just stay still and live like nothing happened? 


“Do you even know how Jisoo felt when you abandoned her? And your daughter.. do you know what she wants the most?” Taehyung was clenching his fists tightly. “A complete family.. that is.. Sakura’s dream.. the child that you left.. she wants her family to be complete..”


Jinyoung remained silent as his eyes started watering again.


Sakura.. what a beautiful name Jisoo has giver her..

Can it be because she was born at Spring? Does she remind her of the beautiful cherry blossoms?  Is it because.. the season of spring gives hope to people?


Jisoo is a very optimistic person in everything she does..

She’s bright.. she’s smart.. he loved her because of her uniqueness..

She was a one of a kind woman..

And he regret breaking up with her the most.. he was never able to forget her..

His parents kept telling him he’d find a better woman than her but.. she was already the best for him.. she was perfect to him..


“You disgust me..” said Taehyung taking a deep breath. “Even as a man.. you disgust me.. and as a friend.. you gross me out.. I mean it..”


Jinyoung’s throat moved fast as his words sent daggers to his chest.

He was offended.. he made him angry.. because probably.. it’s the truth..


“And what makes you so proud then?” he asked clenching his teeth. “You have been sleeping here and there with women you just met.. you aren’t any better than me Taehyung.. maybe you’re worse than me.. and for this.. I will not allow you to lay a finger on Jisoo.. I know what you want from her.. I will never let you touch her and my daughter!”


Taehyung grabbed his collar.


“What did you say? Who are you to tell me these things? You left her already, didn’t you? You aren’t even considered a father to Sakura because you-..”


Jinyoung landed a punch on his face.


“You are in no place to give me a lesson.. you must not-..”


Jinyoung was going to grab him by his collar again when someone held him still from behind.


It was Jimin who saw them fighting while on his way to make a phone call.


He had recognized Taehyung right away and then he saw Jinyoung..

He couldn’t believe his eyes at first but it was really him..


And it’s far more incredible that these two know each other personally..


“Stop it.. you two..” he said while holding Jinyoung still. 


Jinyoung was also able to recognize him.

He didn’t know he’d find him working at Bora as well.


He pulled himself from him as he looked at Taehyung who was holding his jaw.

He must have hurt him.. why did he have to lose patience like that?


He waa going to approach him to check on him but Jimin pulled him away again.


“What do you think Jisoo would feel if she saw the two of you fighting? And not in front of her house or in the streets.. but just in front of the place where she has just launced a successful project..” 


Jimin sounded irritated by their childish behavior.

Why would they fight here of all places? Are they sane? Do they want Jisoo to be embarrassed? That woman has been working hard all her life but all she gets to have is two men fighting like little kids..


“Go back inside Taehyung.. the CEO will be looking for you..” he said barely able to calm himself down. “And you Jinyoung.. you should leave for now.. you can talk to Jisoo in another moment..but not tonight..”


Jinyoung left silently after a few moments..


But one more thing has been added to his regrets.. punching Taehyung on his face and not even apologizing..

He must have gone nuts.. he let his anger take over him..

He hopes that Taehyung won’t get a bruise or anything..





Taehyung drove Jisoo home after the event.

The two of them were strangely silent during the whole ride.

They had planned to talk to each other.. they had the same exact words they wanted to tell but they weren’t able to say anything at all..


It was all ruined because of Jinyoung..


Jisoo turned to him before getting off the car and only then she was able to notice that he seemed to have a scratch on his lower cheek.

How could she not see it before? She must have been too distracted because she saw Jinyoung before..


“What happened to your face? Did you get into a fight? Why do you have a bruise?” she asked worriedly as she reached her hand to his face but Taehyung held it instead.


“This is nothing.. I tripped over the stairs before leaving.. I was just careless..” he replied not wanting her to overthink. 


“Come inside and let me put something on it..” said Jisoo opening the door and pulling his hand.


Taehyung held her still.


“Chaeyoung and Sakura must be sleeping now.. I don’t want to wake them up just because of a small bruise..” he said smiling to reassure her.




He pulled her against him and kissed her on her temple for a long time.

He’s going to protect her from everyone.. he will not let Jinyoung come near her again..

He made her cry a lot already.. he has hurt her many times..


Jisoo’s lips curled up and slowly.. her heart started to find peace in his warm embrace.

She didn’t know this was all she needed.. 


“Go inside.. and rest well..” said Taehyung patting her head. “Team Leader Kim did well today.. I’m proud of you..”


Jisoo held his hands tight.

His words are always cheering her up and encouraging her very much..

Her weariness is starting to go away because of him..


Before she alighted, she turned to him once more..


“The two of us.. are quite tired today.. let’s have a talk when we meet at the office on Monday..”


Taehyung faked a smile as he watched her go inside her house.

And as soon as she was gone from his sight, he let out a sigh..


How is he going to tell her that Jinyoung is someone he knows? That he is his friend?

And what is he going to do with Jinyoung? What is he supposed to do now?


Meanwhile, Jisoo found Chaeyoung and Jimin in the living room eating some popcorn while watching a movie.


“How come you’re here? Weren’t you-..?” she looked confused as she pointed at Jimin.


“I drove the CEO home then came here..” said Jimin smiling. “Why? Are you tired of seeing me?”


Jisoo smiled a little as she took her heels off and sat beside them.


Jimin came to see how she was.. and he wants to know if she met her ex and if she knows that Taehyung and Jinyoung know each other..


But hearing a car stopping and going earlier.. it doesn’t seem that she knows about them being friends..

Taehyung must have not told her anything yet..


Jisoo leaned her back against Chaeyoung who was focused on the movie.


“Unnie my back hurts a little because Sakura wanted me to carry her and fly her like Superman.. did you show her a superhero movie perhaps?” said Chaeyoung as she ate more popcorn.


Jisoo sighed.


“I met.. and talked.. with Sakura’s father..” she said softly.


The popcorn inside Chaeyoung’s mouth fell and Jimin turned his head to her.


“You.. what? And.. with who?” asked Chaeyoung again.


“What happened?” asked Jimin.


Jisoo looked at their eyes for a few seconds.

Then she started crying softly..

She can’t cry loudly because she’s afraid Sakura would hear her.. she doesn’t want to wake her up and she hates it more that she’d see her crying over someone who left the two of them.


She told her two friends everything that happened.. what Jinyoung’s excuses were.. how he looked pitiful as he begged forgiveness to her..


Jimin sighed.

This is bad.. she’s trapped between those two men and she isn’t aware of it..


“What do you want to do unnie? Are you.. going to let Sakura meet him?” asked Chaeyoung holding her hands tightly.


Jisoo remained silent.

Even if she hates Jinyoung, the fact that he is Sakura’s father will not change..


“Maybe yes.. if Sakura wants to.. but maybe not.. because I don’t want her to..” she said taking a deep breath. “And I don’t think Taehyung would want to know about me meeting with Sakura’s father.. he adores my daughter very much.. I don’t know what he will think of me if I allow Jinyoung to see my daughter freely..”


Jimin closed his hands into fists.

He has never seen a complicated relationship like this before..


He doesn’t want himself to get involved.. he doesn’t want to meddle with their affairs..

But Jisoo will get more hurt if she continues not knowing anything about those two..







It was Saturday evening and Jisoo was cooking dinner for her daughter.


She would be lying if she said she didn’t think of Jinyoung the whole day.

It was surprising to see him after such a long time.. and even more when he told her about why he just disappeared after knowing about her pregnancy..


She may be shaken up a little because she feels bad and at the same time angry at him.. but his excuses are never going to justify what he did..

They don’t make him look less guilty.. 


He was still thinking aloud when she smelled something burning..


She lowered her gaze to the frying pan and found the sausages completely burned.


Oh no! Where has her mind been? Why did she have to get her daughter’s dinner all burned?! She should have been careful!


Sakura came to see her in the kitchen after smelling the burnt sausages.


“Mom.. are you we having barbecue tonight?” she asked as she held onto her legs.


Jisoo smiled a little.

She was really in a bad mood but her daughter’s honest thought made her laugh..


“Can you wait a little more in the living room? I need to cook again.. I’m sorry Sakura..” she said feeling guilty and embarrassed at the same time.


She was opening some of the windows to let the smell go away when she heard the doorbell ring.  


Who could that be? At this time of the night? On a Saturday?


“Who is it?” asked Sakura looking at her.


Then fear gripped onto Jisoo’s chest.

What if it’s Jinyoung who learned about where she lives?

What if he came to see Sakura? What if he wants to take her away from her?


“Can I open the door?” asked Sakura going towards the door.


Jisoo was quick to pull her beside her.


“Mom will open.. okay? You can never open the door to anyone from today, understood?” she asked looking anxious.


Sakura nodded her head.


Jisoo opened the door nervously.


But seeing who was standing before her made her feel relieved..


She found Taehyung holding two boxes of pizza in his hands.


“Surprise!” he said smiling.


Sakura immediately went to hug him.


“Uncle came? You brought pizza?” she asked excitedly.


She loves pizzas the most! Maybe after chocolate and strawberry ice cream!


“What are you doing here?” asked Jisoo puzzled.


Taehyung smiled at her as he came inside the house.

Only then Jisoo realized that he was also carrying a backpack.


He doesn’t even bring anything at work so seeing him with a backpack  isn’t usual..


“I’m sleeping here tonight..” said Taehyung shyly as he put the boxes on the table in the living room. “With you.. and Sakura..”


Jisoo’s eyes widened.

Why all of a sudden? It isn’t like she hates it but.. it’s just weird that he wants to sleep at her house when he has his own bedroom at his grandma’s.. and certainly his mattress will be a lot better than what she has here..


“I made a promise with Sakura..” Taehyung continued. “That I will eat and sleep here..”


Sakura was rejoicing.


“That’s right.. uncle promised me!” she said as she showered kisses on his cheeks.


“Let’s eat now before this gets cold.. have you had dinner yet?” asked Taehyung looking at the empty dining table.


Jisoo scratched the back of her head.

She just almost burned the whole kichen a minute ago to be honest..


“Mom was cooking barbecue in the frying pan..” said Sakura as she sat on Taehyung’s lap.


Jisoo went to sit beside them and covered .

Does she have to tell him that she can’t cook well? Why is her daughter shading her in front of him?


Taehyung fed Sakura first before giving a slice to Jisoo who was looking at him.


“Why? Did you miss me?” he asked smiling onesidedly.


Jisoo also smiled at him.

She did.. to be honest.. 


“Or do you want to send me back home?” Taehyung asked acting sad.


Jisoo fed him a slice of pizza.


“No.. I want you to stay here with us..” she said smiling broadly.


She wants him to be with them.. always.. if he can..

Probably she will feel better if she sees him nearby.. and far better if he’s beside her..

She was feeling anxious all day because of Jinyoung but after Taehyung came inside the house, she felt like she has just regained her energy..


Taehyung wiped her lips with his thumb.


“Eat more..” he said as he gave her another slice.


Little did Jisoo know.. that he was just as anxious as her..

He didn’t like the idea.. for some reason.. that Jinyoung would meet her again.. and particularly Sakura..


He couldn’t even sleep last night and he was thinking all day about them..


That’s why he had to come here and see it for himself that these precious women in his life are all doing good..


He held Jisoo’s hand under the table.

They turned their heads to each other.. and their eyes met..


If only she knew that he was also thinking of the same thing.. that he was also worried about the same person.. if only he had the courage to do so..


He badly wants to tell her.. that he found out about Jinyoung being her ex.. and he is his friend..


But he can’t bring himself to tell her.. why can’t he just say it to her?


They were still staring at each other when the two of them heard and smelled something..


Their eyes automatically turned to Sakura who was covering with her hands..


“I’m sorry.. I farted..” she said embarrassedly as she turned to the two.


Jisoo and Taehyung laughed at her for being an honest and funny kid.


“Let’s go to the bathroom..” said Jisoo still laughing as she held her hand.


Taehyung was left in the living room alone.

Sakura was so funny that he couldn’t stop smiling to himself..

It was hilarious! 

He was feeling really bad but she just made him feel a lot better..





The three of them have decided to watch a movie together in the living room.


Jisoo would usually do that to make Sakura fall asleep but strangely.. her daughter hasn’t run out of energy yet and is still joking around with Taehyung..


She looked at the time.

It was almost 11 pm.. the movie has ended already and this little girl is still awake and might be pulling an all nighter..


This can’t do.. she can’t let her g

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All the pictures I used aren’t mine, ctto!


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Chapter 18: ❣️
1120 streak #2
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1479046/1'>Spring started</a></span>
First chap and I'm already loving it... As I was staring at the front photo of Vsoo and her child I thought the child looks a little like Yeji hehehe I don't know maybe because of the eyes?
1120 streak #3
Again thank you for accepting my friend request authy😁😁😁 as soon as I saw this I immediately click it and oh boy I'm glad that I did cause there are so many stories to chose from and I can't wait to start reading
Nurliana9 #4
Chapter 16: 2nd time reading this story and still loving it..beautiful story❤
KimJisooxMaleIdols #5
Chapter 18: love it too good for my little heart
Alisha9867 #6
Chapter 6: You're stories are really amazing author... You have great talent in writing. Like all the books I have read from you are very good and the fact that they are vsoo stories are even more amazing... Thank you for giving us such stories, we love you... Take care
Soyaaa_stans #7
this story is really close to my heart.
Soyaaa_stans #8
Chapter 18: This is such a good story.you are so talented
Js_chu #9
Chapter 18: Omg🥺