Chapter eight

The Beginning Of An End
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Chapter 8 Jessica's stood at the front door of her 'mansion' of a home, contemplating on wether to go in or not. It's not to her liking that she had to part ways with Taeyeon so soon, but after taking a deep breath the brunette placed her hand on the door handle and twisted, opening the door, she proceeded in, and gently closed the door behind her. "Welcome madam." Bong cha, the household's younger maid abandoned her work and ran towards her mistress. Jessica regarded her but didn't stop to chat with her. "Where's Tyler?" She asked instead. "He just left a moment ago, but he said to call him when you get back." Bong cha explained. He called sounding so urgent and now he couldn't even wait a few minutes for her. Jessica shook the thought out of her head and asked. "And where's Mrs Jun?" "Most be inside, do you need anything?" Bong cha asked. "No, but get me a glass of water." Jessica instructed. "Yes." The maid bowed and turned to her task, while Jessica heads up to her room, with the intention to get ready and meet up with her friends. ~~~ Taeyeon, on the other side let herself into her flat, closing the door behind her with her foot. As always, she was struck by the stillness, living at the roof top of a funeral home had its benefits, the main one being that the people below her were dead quiet. She walked into the tiny kitchen, and shuddered as she noticed the pile of unwashed dishes and cups resting in the sink. 'What I wouldn’t do to own a dishwasher.' She thought with a sigh. Her kitchen was shabby but clean. It only had room for a cooker, washing machine, a small sink and two cupboards barely clinging to the wall. Seohyun, (her roommate) always joked that she liked the way their minimalist kitchen looked. In reality, both women were desperate to relocate, but due to financial constraints that didn’t look like it was going to happen anytime soon. Having found one remaining clean mug, she made herself a coffee and walked through to the living room. Setting her cup down on the coffee table, she flopped onto the sofa and closed her eyes as she brought up the image of Jessica in her mind’s eye, how alluring and beautiful the woman had looked when she was making her come. Jessica was a work of art and she feels sorry for her that she had to spend almost half of her life without knowing what pleasure really is. Though, in her line of work, she had met so many women like that, who thought they were aual due to their unfulfilling lives. Taeyeon instinctively knew Jessica's passion ran deep, she saw it in the depths of her eyes. It was a pity their relationship would not be going any further than an and a client. 'Oh, stop it already, you should get over it and move on, besides, Jessica is already married, you have no chance what so ever with her.' She scolded herself and began gingerly sipping her coffee. ~~~ An hour and half after going home, Jessica was already sitting amidst her best friends. Telling them how the whole issue went well. "So, it's official, you are now fully a woman?" Sooyoung jumped happily like a child beside her friend, her eyes shining with excitement. Jessica laughed. "I guess I am now, thanks to Taeyeon." "Oh my God, is that why you are looking so radiant?" Wide eyes narrowing to a point, one of Tiffany's eyebrows quirked up, "Tell us more." Eyes dropping to the table, Jessica closed her fingers around the glass of water in front of her, the cold against her skin doing little to alleviate the increasing warmth of her blush. "No, that's enough, you already know what you need to, I will keep the rest to myself." "That's so selfish of you," Sooyoung cut through. "And here I was already planning on hitting it up with that , now how am I suppose to know what she likes or how she likes being touched..." she said, letting the last utterance linger until Jessica met her gaze. Though, for the most part, Sooyoung held her game face, Jessica could see the smirk forming on her lips. "Choi Sooyoung," Jessica glared at her. "Taeyeon is off limits for you." "Ohhh, possessive much?" Sooyoung tossed out teasingly. With a shake of her head, Tiffany tried changing the subject. "So tell me how was she?" "So exquisite!" Jessica said dreamingly with an expression that gave out just how deeply fond of the she was. "Well, I am thrilled." Tiffany said. "Yeah, I hope you both are proud of yourselves now." "Well, I feel I deserve a gloat! I took a little girl to school, and she got an A, in muff diving. Isn't that awesome?" Sooyoung reached across the table and nudged at her. Expert at changing subjects, Tiffany decided to ask the question she's been wanting to ask. "So, where does this possibly go from here?" "I don't know. Really." Jessica smiled. "But for the first time ever, I am not trying to cram it in for a reason or squeeze it in because I have to. I'm just going to enjoy every last moment, which is the reason I'm planning on taking her on a trip." "A trip? Woah, this Taeyeon of a woman had surely uprouse something in you." Sooyoung said. "She's just a helpless romantic, but really where do you plan on taking her to?' Tiffany asked. "I haven't thought about it yet but if I do it will be Paris. I've always wanted to go to Paris." "Yeah, definitely a helpless romantic." Sooyoung nodded her agreement. "Girl, Paris is perfect." Unsurprised at Sooyoung's response, Tiffany nodded, eyes no less excited as they regarded Jessica. “I'm truly happy for you, Sica.” She softly appealed to her. “I know,” Jessica breathed in appreciation, squeezing the hand beneath hers. ~~~ Tyler came home on time, and supprisingly in a good humor. He insisted on eating dinner together and made conversation that was almost pleasant, complaining just enough about his day to make himself seem like a common working man, and asking the details of hers as if they mattered to him. Jessica played along, watching Tyler the entire time for a tell, any indication as to why he was acting the part of the caring husband tonight. He didn't ask her where she was last night, which didn't surprise her for a bit. He probably wasn't home himself and he didn't care enough to worry if she was well, or she was dead somewhere. Tyler, who was now seated in one of the luxurious cushion sofas enjoying a glass of wine, rose his head and glanced at his wife that was standing not far away from him, he watched Jessica cross her arms over her
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I hope 2021 will be filled with joy, love, wealth, success and health for you all dear readers, friends and family. I love you! HNY!! Fighting!!!


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Fire_trek 351 streak #1
Chapter 14: Wow, now that’s what I call a story! It had everything; happiness, sadness, and my favorite thing, drama. I’m glad Jessica’s mom accepted Taeyeon. And now she wanted to propose! This was great, thank you, author nim!
Fire_trek 351 streak #2
Chapter 12: I wonder how things will pan out? I know the divorce is final(fingers crossed) but something feels missing… I hope things wrap up nicely in the next coming chapters. I’m not a doctor so all that terminology went right over my head lol but it seemed legit..
Fire_trek 351 streak #3
Chapter 11: I can’t believe it was just a brain transplant! I’m glad though now she can live her life(hopefully she makes it through the surgery) but I have no doubt she will. That was a relief 😮‍💨 I just wonder how will she proceed in her life now? What about her kids? I know, I know, it’s a love story not real life but still… but I’m glad we got good news out of all of this
Fire_trek 351 streak #4
Chapter 10: Tyler, that bastard! What is he doing there?! And finally Jessica told her everything but at what cost. I’m with Tiffany here, what about the kids? But alas, this is a love story so I’ll try not to focus on that lol and Taeyeon’s backstory is so sad, she shouldn’t punish herself tho
Fire_trek 351 streak #5
Chapter 9: Jessica dropped the L bomb! And it looked like Taeyeon was going to be reciprocating the feeling. Man, they are such a lovely couple.. better than the man that shall not be named. Hopefully everything works out for them
Fire_trek 351 streak #6
Chapter 8: Wow, and here I thought that Tyler was at least a half decent human being until I realized why he was so happy… he’s despicable. I’m glad that Jessica is going through with this divorce and fighting for her life. No one should give up on themselves, no matter what the doctors say. I never watched ‘a perfect ending’ so I wouldn’t know the outcome lol
Fire_trek 351 streak #7
Chapter 7: The ending to a downright delicious tryst! I feel bad for Jessica and Taeyeon but I know that they will find each other again!
Fire_trek 351 streak #8
Chapter 6: Gee wilikers! This was an.. interesting chapter.. lol but like I said all of this was building to something important and look, I was right! Your writing is so exceptional, even though I knew this was coming, the writing was so natural that everything just flowed beautifully! Great chapter
Fire_trek 351 streak #9
Chapter 5: Oh snap! It’s about to happen! We’re so close to the big event. I’m glad that Jessica talked it over with Taeyeon and got everything squared away. Now we can let the fun begin!
Fire_trek 351 streak #10
Chapter 4: Taeyeon did the right thing.. I would’ve taken the money lol but this slow simmering burn is amazing. I can’t wait for Jessica and Taeyeon to get together. The tension is through the roof!