Chapter Thirteen.

The Beginning Of An End
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One good thing about staying in the hospital is the fact that Taeyeon was always there with her, Jessica thought. And now as she stared at her, she wondered if she should request for more days just to have the all to herself. "Would you come here?" Jessica asked suddenly. Taeyeon looked up to find the woman watching her, she blushed as she closed the book she was reading. "You are not asleep yet?" "I was watching you." Jessica's voice was low, her eyes bored into Taeyeon, leaving her slightly breathless. "Come here." Jessica beckoned. Taeyeon stood, placing her book on the table, she walked and paused in front of Jessica's hospital bed. "Do you need anything?" Taeyeon asked, that worried look in her eyes always makes Jessica's heart flutter. "No," Jessica pulled her down onto the cot. "I just want to hold you." "And this bed will be big enough for both of us?" "Why don't we find out?" Jessica said and shifted to make space for the tiny woman. Taeyeon eased on, relaxing into the cot, her arm wrapping around Jessica. "Feel better now?" Taeyeon asked with a smile. “Mmhmm.” Jessica nuzzled into the crook of Taeyeon's neck, inhaling deeply. It felt good to be in Taeyeon's arms once again. “I’ve missed you.” Her fingers the back of Taeyeon's neck, sending a shiver down her spine. "I've missed you too, but we can't you know...I mean this is a hospital." Taeyeon's tone was almost chastising. Jessica took her lip between her teeth, glancing down at the exposed skin of Taeyeon's chest."I'm not talking about that, though I missed it, but I just missed your warmth." Taeyeon blushed once again, something she finds herself doing often lately. "Oh! Sorry, my mind just wandered there." Jessica giggled and held Taeyeon closer and thought 'this is always where she wants to be forever.' Taeyeon placed a hand on the small of her back, ghosting her fingertips up and down in a sorting manner. "Have you thought about my proposal?" Jessica suddenly asked. The hairs on the back of Taeyeon's neck standing to attention, she'd been expecting this conversation but still don't know what to say, so she rested her head deeper into the single pillow, and closed her eyes instead. "I'm hoping you will stop seeing clients. Have you thought about that?" Jessica asked again. Taeyeon let out a deep breath. "I still have two years of my contract with the agency." "I will pay the penalty or I can talk to Sunny, I just need your approval, I hope you won't think I'm pushing you too hard." Taeyeon sighed. "Not at all and to be honest I'm also tired," she confessed. "I want to quit the agency but I still feel I'm not punished enough for my deed, like I truly don't deserve another chance to love again." "Everyone deserves a second chance to anything not just love Taeyeon. You just need to prompt yourself to forgive yourself and accept that what happened wasn't your fault. Accidents happen all the time, if your fiance was destined to die that night, nothing you do would stop that from happening." "I would have, if only I had listened to him." Taeyeon mumbled. Jessica smiled faintly. "I want you to stop blaming yourself for that, you loved him, it's impossible for you to hurt him let alone kill him. And you have suffered so much because of that, now I want you to let go and live your life, you have me now. I love you and I want to wake up in your arms every morning,” she said, her voice barely audible. “I want to be the one to cook your dinner, take you to the movies, and walk around town with my hand in yours. I want to spend every second of my life with you, Taeyeon." Jessica shifted closer, turning her body to face Taeyeon fully. And then their hands found their way to one another’s, it fits as though they were meant to be. “You make me so happy Taeyeon, if I hadn't met you, I'd never have known this feeling.” she smiled weakly, lifting Taeyeon's hands and kissing her knuckles. Taeyeon's heart fluttered with emotions. It's no more a secret that she also feels something for her client, something familiar because that's how she felt for Tae Sul. “You do make me feel relaxed and free too, and I’d love to experience all those stuffs you listed with you, but..." "But what? The accident again?" Jessica asked with a ting of disappointment. "Not really. I have other concerns you know. Do you think it will be okay for us to be in a relationship? I mean you don't even know me that much?" “I know at least a little about you and I'm satisfied with what I know,” Jessica said softly. "You are kind, caring, beautiful in and out and extremely loyal, is there more to know?" "Well, in relationships though I had only one, it's all or nothing for me, that's why I'm so scared." "We can all be scared together. It's natural for us to be scared of new things." "But, you are still married, and are you even certain your kids and your mother will accept me?" "My divorce with Tyler is going to be finalized as soon as I'm out of this place. You are aware I will never go back to him, not after knowing and seeing his true colors. And I know my kids are going to love you, trust me." "What about your mother? You need to understand it's not going to be the same, not like with Tyler and you." "I know it's not going to be the same, God! It will never be the same that I'm sure of. Tyler is nothing but an opposite of you." "You still don't get me. I'm a woman not a man like Tyler, how will your mom react to it?" "First of all, I'm done hearing that damn name, he's not worth the mention. And to answer your question, I already have at least two gay best friends and my mother never showed any sign of discrimination towards them. I think it'll be okay with her, though she's a little bit conservative, she's still the most understanding and open minded person I've ever known. Besides, my happiness is all that matters and that's exactly what she wants too." Taeyeon nodded. “Okay.” "Okay, what?” Jessica asked anxiously. “We can give it a try.” Taeyeon winced. “Wait, that sounded really unenthusiastic. But you know what I mean. I’m worried, okay? I’m struggling with the fact that I'm going to be in a relationship again after deciding not to, and the fact that I don't know how good I can be to you, I don't want to hurt you in anyway.” “That’s not going to happen, you are not going to hurt me Taeyeon, you'll see." Jessica said, leaning in and pressing a hesitant kiss to Taeyeon's lips. "So does this mean you are my girlfriend now?" She breathed against her lips. "I guess, yes." Jessica smiled. "Thank you." She said and when their lips touched again, Jessica moaned unto Taeyeon's mouth. "Your lips are so soft, I will never get tired of kissing them." Jessica whispered and this time claimed them for a more intimate kiss, oh well, she had every intention of kissing Taeyeon for the rest of the night. Forgetting where they were, Jessica's hand trailed down Taeyeon's back and then clutched her making her gasp against her lips, arching against her. With their senses overloaded, it took Jessica a moment to register there was something that didn’t belong. The realization though, didn’t dissuade her from the haven of Taeyeon's lips, not until she heard a screech, well-known and jarring in the moment. The shrill screech coming from the door made them flinch apart abruptly. “What in the name of God are you two doing?” Mrs Jung stood in the room, her face going from deathly pale to apoplexy red. "Jessica Jung Sooyeon! I asked you a question. What are you doing?" Taeyeon jumped on her feet first, leaving the woman on her sick bed. “Umma, I…I… It’s…” Jessica tried to form words to say with trembling voice. Sitting up on her cot, she felt like a thirteen-year-old who just got caught making out in her bedroom for the first time. “Umma,” she tried again, watching as her mother averted her gaze from her, landing them on the standing woman, her cheeks flaming pink. “It’s okay.” Jessica whispered to Taeyeon, she wondered if it actually was okay. Taeyeon appeared more anxious than her mother, nervous in a way Jessica had never seen her. Whether due to the surprise or the sudden intrusion, she wasn’t sure. Taeyeon looked so intriguingly stunned, thoug
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I hope 2021 will be filled with joy, love, wealth, success and health for you all dear readers, friends and family. I love you! HNY!! Fighting!!!


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Fire_trek 351 streak #1
Chapter 14: Wow, now that’s what I call a story! It had everything; happiness, sadness, and my favorite thing, drama. I’m glad Jessica’s mom accepted Taeyeon. And now she wanted to propose! This was great, thank you, author nim!
Fire_trek 351 streak #2
Chapter 12: I wonder how things will pan out? I know the divorce is final(fingers crossed) but something feels missing… I hope things wrap up nicely in the next coming chapters. I’m not a doctor so all that terminology went right over my head lol but it seemed legit..
Fire_trek 351 streak #3
Chapter 11: I can’t believe it was just a brain transplant! I’m glad though now she can live her life(hopefully she makes it through the surgery) but I have no doubt she will. That was a relief 😮‍💨 I just wonder how will she proceed in her life now? What about her kids? I know, I know, it’s a love story not real life but still… but I’m glad we got good news out of all of this
Fire_trek 351 streak #4
Chapter 10: Tyler, that bastard! What is he doing there?! And finally Jessica told her everything but at what cost. I’m with Tiffany here, what about the kids? But alas, this is a love story so I’ll try not to focus on that lol and Taeyeon’s backstory is so sad, she shouldn’t punish herself tho
Fire_trek 351 streak #5
Chapter 9: Jessica dropped the L bomb! And it looked like Taeyeon was going to be reciprocating the feeling. Man, they are such a lovely couple.. better than the man that shall not be named. Hopefully everything works out for them
Fire_trek 351 streak #6
Chapter 8: Wow, and here I thought that Tyler was at least a half decent human being until I realized why he was so happy… he’s despicable. I’m glad that Jessica is going through with this divorce and fighting for her life. No one should give up on themselves, no matter what the doctors say. I never watched ‘a perfect ending’ so I wouldn’t know the outcome lol
Fire_trek 351 streak #7
Chapter 7: The ending to a downright delicious tryst! I feel bad for Jessica and Taeyeon but I know that they will find each other again!
Fire_trek 351 streak #8
Chapter 6: Gee wilikers! This was an.. interesting chapter.. lol but like I said all of this was building to something important and look, I was right! Your writing is so exceptional, even though I knew this was coming, the writing was so natural that everything just flowed beautifully! Great chapter
Fire_trek 351 streak #9
Chapter 5: Oh snap! It’s about to happen! We’re so close to the big event. I’m glad that Jessica talked it over with Taeyeon and got everything squared away. Now we can let the fun begin!
Fire_trek 351 streak #10
Chapter 4: Taeyeon did the right thing.. I would’ve taken the money lol but this slow simmering burn is amazing. I can’t wait for Jessica and Taeyeon to get together. The tension is through the roof!