Chapter eleven.

The Beginning Of An End
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Chapter eleven. When Jessica opened the door, much to her surprise; Tyler was standing there giving her a look she can't decipher. She could feel the intensity of the gaze as it travelled over her shoulder to Taeyeon who was standing not far away from them. “Are you surprised, honey? It’s me, your husband.” Tyler said, eyeing her up and down. "I-I thought you got my message, what are you doing here?" Tyler frowned taking a step forward and Jessica's heart began racing, she was baffled and It seemed almost impossible for her to avoid shrinking back but she stood her ground not backing off. Knowing for Tyler to come at her like this, he must have felt truly threatened, though the knowledge did nothing to ease the churning fear in her stomach. Despite the early summer heat, Tyler's dark suit, white shirt, and gold silk tie appear creaseless and neat. “Really? Is that the question you are suppose to ask your husband after running away from home?" Tyler asked, his voice dangerously quiet. "You are not my husband anymore, Tyler. And I didn't run away, I left. I thought you received the divorce papers?" Tyler's gaze moved freely over her, Jessica pulled the jacket she was wearing tighter, feeling inappropriately exposed. He smirked at that. "I did actually, but do you think I will just sign them?" "You have to, if you don't want me dragging you to court, but if that's what you want suit yourself." Jessica said and attempted to turn back inside the room, but Tyler stopped her by gripping her arm. Yanking her hand away Jessica glared at him. “Easy there tiger,” Tyler slurred, his hand dropping to his side carelessly. “Why the hurry? I just want to talk." "There's nothing to talk about with you Tyler, we are done. Haven't I made myself clear?" "You’ve gone over the edge this time, Jessica.” Tyler took another measured step. “This is our life you’re messing with. After everything I went through for you, you’re trying to ruin me now?” "We've had that conversation days ago." Jessica stated calmly, despite being precariously on edge. "You know I was told you were shagging some ," He looked past her to Taeyeon once again. "Is that her?" Tyler pointed mockingly at the . Out of the corner of her eye, Jessica gauged the distance between Taeyeon and them, defenses pricking up at his taunting tone and her body tensed in preparation to save her lover should in case Tyler decided to do something stupid. "That's non of your concern." Jessica shot back. He smirked. "How does it feel to her?” Tyler asked as he observed the . “I bet she’s a fire-cracker. Warm and enthusiastic,” He went on with a erse glee. “How did she taste?” Animosity sharpening to a deadly point in an instant, Jessica clutched the door handle in her hand, an attempt to stop herself from launching a slap on his face. “You have no right to say such things about her.” She uttered. "You don't know a thing about her." He smiled, shaking his head. "Why? Because you love her now? Is she the reason why you left home, dreaming of a life with her?" Tyler asked solemnly this time, his true intention showing. Yeah, He was there to put Jessica back in her place like a parent tidying their toddler’s room. Glancing to the window at the end of the hallway, Jessica averted her gaze, knowing partly Tyler was right. She never once loved him, and she wanted to end that charade, he never truly loved her, he only wanted her money, only wanted to be feared, admired and followed and Jessica did all that for the sake of their girls but she couldn't go on anymore. She knew he's here now not because he truly wanted her back in his life but because he feared that he would lose everything if she leaves and it's true meeting Taeyeon made her realized all the things she'd missed her entire life, Taeyeon also made her realized that she was capable of feeling, of loving and so all those reasons are enough, to end it all, they are enough to set her free, to let her truly live and breathe before her final days and no matter what Tyler thinks or says, she will stop at nothing until she gets what she wants. Tyler gritted his teeth. "Answer me dammit." Her gaze returned to him, but she said nothing, she watched the arrogant judgment she knew so well appear on his face. “Jesus Jessica,” Tyler attempted to laugh, but it did nothing more than distort his face into something completely unknown to Jessica but she interpreted it as being nervous. “I’ve ed dozens of women and have had no qualms with forming attachments. You ed one and you think you are in love? You think you can throw away your marriage, your family for her? You think she's everything you need?” "I'm not you Tyler." Jessica stated sternly. "I'm a human being with a beating heart not a monster like you. I'm someone that recognizes what love truly is with just one .” Jessica finished, and her words were a shock to him, they rendered him momentarily speechless, he couldn't believe the nerves of his usual timid wife. "I'm going to have you sign those papers wether you want to or not or I will have you completely destroyed, mark my words." She added in a warning tone. She watched as white hot anger spread down his neck, as his hand flew up towards her face, Jessica flinched on instinct. "Don't you dare lay your hand on her." Jessica turned to the voice behind her, Taeyeon looked angry and seemed like she'd had enough of this man threatening her client. For a moment, Tyler looked stunned. Angry even. Then, with a laugh, as if no one of her lowly caliber could truly bother him, he shook his head, "And what do you intend to do about it?" "I've called the cops." She said showing him the screen of her phone. The anticipated strike remained undelivered with Taeyeon's threat. Jessica cautiously glanced at him to see his hand falling limply to his side. Tyler backed away pointing a finger at her. "This isn't over Jessica, I will not let you ruin me because of that , you'll see." He sent a warning look her way then finally turned to leave. ~~ The moment she stepped back into the room, lockin
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I hope 2021 will be filled with joy, love, wealth, success and health for you all dear readers, friends and family. I love you! HNY!! Fighting!!!


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Fire_trek 341 streak #1
Chapter 14: Wow, now that’s what I call a story! It had everything; happiness, sadness, and my favorite thing, drama. I’m glad Jessica’s mom accepted Taeyeon. And now she wanted to propose! This was great, thank you, author nim!
Fire_trek 341 streak #2
Chapter 12: I wonder how things will pan out? I know the divorce is final(fingers crossed) but something feels missing… I hope things wrap up nicely in the next coming chapters. I’m not a doctor so all that terminology went right over my head lol but it seemed legit..
Fire_trek 341 streak #3
Chapter 11: I can’t believe it was just a brain transplant! I’m glad though now she can live her life(hopefully she makes it through the surgery) but I have no doubt she will. That was a relief 😮‍💨 I just wonder how will she proceed in her life now? What about her kids? I know, I know, it’s a love story not real life but still… but I’m glad we got good news out of all of this
Fire_trek 341 streak #4
Chapter 10: Tyler, that bastard! What is he doing there?! And finally Jessica told her everything but at what cost. I’m with Tiffany here, what about the kids? But alas, this is a love story so I’ll try not to focus on that lol and Taeyeon’s backstory is so sad, she shouldn’t punish herself tho
Fire_trek 341 streak #5
Chapter 9: Jessica dropped the L bomb! And it looked like Taeyeon was going to be reciprocating the feeling. Man, they are such a lovely couple.. better than the man that shall not be named. Hopefully everything works out for them
Fire_trek 341 streak #6
Chapter 8: Wow, and here I thought that Tyler was at least a half decent human being until I realized why he was so happy… he’s despicable. I’m glad that Jessica is going through with this divorce and fighting for her life. No one should give up on themselves, no matter what the doctors say. I never watched ‘a perfect ending’ so I wouldn’t know the outcome lol
Fire_trek 341 streak #7
Chapter 7: The ending to a downright delicious tryst! I feel bad for Jessica and Taeyeon but I know that they will find each other again!
Fire_trek 341 streak #8
Chapter 6: Gee wilikers! This was an.. interesting chapter.. lol but like I said all of this was building to something important and look, I was right! Your writing is so exceptional, even though I knew this was coming, the writing was so natural that everything just flowed beautifully! Great chapter
Fire_trek 341 streak #9
Chapter 5: Oh snap! It’s about to happen! We’re so close to the big event. I’m glad that Jessica talked it over with Taeyeon and got everything squared away. Now we can let the fun begin!
Fire_trek 341 streak #10
Chapter 4: Taeyeon did the right thing.. I would’ve taken the money lol but this slow simmering burn is amazing. I can’t wait for Jessica and Taeyeon to get together. The tension is through the roof!