Chapter Ten.

The Beginning Of An End
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Chapter Ten. The ringing of her cell phone wrenched Jessica from a deep, satiated sleep. Groggily, she slid one arm out from beneath the covers and, with her eyes closed, felt around for the phone on the bedside table. “Your phone,” Taeyeon mumbled against her shoulder blade. “I know. Go back to sleep.” Jessica finally found the phone and squinted at the display. Oh . It was her attorney. For a moment, Jessica was tempted to reject the call, but she knew it was important. Not wanting to disentangle herself from Taeyeon's warm, soft body that was cuddled against her back, she stayed where she was and accepted the call. “Good morning,” she whispered, so she wouldn’t disturb the sleeping Taeyeon too much. “I hope I’m not waking you, I just wanted to let you know that everything is ready, I've sent Tyler the divorce papers, but I don't think he's willing to sign them, he hasn't called, yet." Her attorney explained. "He will when he finally learn that I've taken everything back." Jessica pressed the hand resting on her belly more firmly against her. "I will see you in the evening, I will be the one to have him sign both the divorce papers and the other." "Divorce?" Taeyeon whispered into her ear. Her warm breath in her ear made Jessica shiver. Her body apparently didn’t care that this was a serious call. She rolled over, their legs still tangled, and caressed Taeyeon's pillow-lined face with her fingertips. “Yes,” she whispered back.” “But why?” Taeyeon shook her head. “I thought you have kids together?” “I will tell you all about it later, okay.” “Jessica you still there?” . She’d forgotten that her attorney was still on the line. “Um, yeah. Bad connection. I guess, I will see you later okay?” “All right,” her attorney said. “I will see you then.” Jessica said goodbye, and ended the call. She studied Taeyeon for a moment, searching for the right words to start a conversation but Instead of talking, Jessica leaned forward and joined their lips in a tender kiss. When it ended, she tucked a strand of hair behind Taeyeon's ear and smiled. Her mind reeled to the conversation she had with her best friend. Flashback Tiffany walked up to Jessica that was sitting on a bench in a park. "I have to say, you really have changed Sica ever since you met that ." Jessica laughed weakly. "Really, you look more alive now, and I rarely see you these days, bet she's been taking good care of you." Tiffany said as she sat down beside her. "Thank you for meeting with me, even though I know you are busy." Jessica said staring at her friend. Tiffany smiled. "Of course, you know I will be there when you call, always. So what's up? Why meet here when we have our usual gathering tomorrow?" "I won't be able to go." "Aww. Everyone would be sad. Why? Are you sick?" Tiffany asked worriedly. "Yes as you know, but right now I'm alright." Tiffany nodded. "Tyler and I are over." She said, with a sigh. Tiffany glanced at her and didn't even hide her bewilderment. "What?" "I'm filing for a divorce, I've had enough of his greed, and I'm tired of living like a dead person. I want to be happy and being with him won't do that." "I understand what you are going through Sica, but have you considered your kids?" Jessica smiled sadly. "I'm dying anyway what difference does it make, and besides my mother will be there to care for them. I know I sound selfish but I want to live my remaining days the way I should have all my life." "And I can see that you are finally experiencing all that happiness right now. So what do you want me to do?" Jessica searched her back for something. "When the time comes, I'd like you to give this to Taeyeon." Jessica handed her a large manila envelope. It's a gift. "She'll know what it means." Tiffany's gaze travelled to the envelope and then back to Jessica. "I thought you said you see her almost every day. Why don't you just give it to her yourself?" "Well, um... I won't be seeing Taeyeon these coming days." "Ooooohhh. Lover's quarrel." Tiffany nudged at Jessica playfully. "This is important, Fany. I want her to get out of that business. Don't get me wrong, I respect what she does, but I can't find peace knowing Taeyeon is still in that business after I'm gone." "Did it ever occur to you that Taeyeon do this because she likes it? And she's proud of her trade? That maybe, she'd had opportunities?" "Probably, but I want her to live her life now. I'm in love with her, Fany." "Yes you are." Tiffany nodded. "But I hate to tell you that you're not going to be the last." "I need to be her last... client. I've scheduled my surgery, but I was warned of the complications, it may not be possible for me get out alive, and I need to make sure she's happy and living a perfect life, that's all I can do for her." "But don't you think it's better to tell her all these yourself?" "I don't want Taeyeon to see me in my weakest state. I want her to remember the good stuffs, so I'm planning not to see her again after tomorrow." "Do you think she has feelings for you too?" Jessica smiled shaking her head. "I'm not sure, but I think she likes me." "And does she know you are sick?" "Not really." "Then, you must say goodbye yourself." "I don't know what to tell her. We are not even in a relationship or something, I don't want to seem like a
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I hope 2021 will be filled with joy, love, wealth, success and health for you all dear readers, friends and family. I love you! HNY!! Fighting!!!


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Fire_trek 351 streak #1
Chapter 14: Wow, now that’s what I call a story! It had everything; happiness, sadness, and my favorite thing, drama. I’m glad Jessica’s mom accepted Taeyeon. And now she wanted to propose! This was great, thank you, author nim!
Fire_trek 351 streak #2
Chapter 12: I wonder how things will pan out? I know the divorce is final(fingers crossed) but something feels missing… I hope things wrap up nicely in the next coming chapters. I’m not a doctor so all that terminology went right over my head lol but it seemed legit..
Fire_trek 351 streak #3
Chapter 11: I can’t believe it was just a brain transplant! I’m glad though now she can live her life(hopefully she makes it through the surgery) but I have no doubt she will. That was a relief 😮‍💨 I just wonder how will she proceed in her life now? What about her kids? I know, I know, it’s a love story not real life but still… but I’m glad we got good news out of all of this
Fire_trek 351 streak #4
Chapter 10: Tyler, that bastard! What is he doing there?! And finally Jessica told her everything but at what cost. I’m with Tiffany here, what about the kids? But alas, this is a love story so I’ll try not to focus on that lol and Taeyeon’s backstory is so sad, she shouldn’t punish herself tho
Fire_trek 351 streak #5
Chapter 9: Jessica dropped the L bomb! And it looked like Taeyeon was going to be reciprocating the feeling. Man, they are such a lovely couple.. better than the man that shall not be named. Hopefully everything works out for them
Fire_trek 351 streak #6
Chapter 8: Wow, and here I thought that Tyler was at least a half decent human being until I realized why he was so happy… he’s despicable. I’m glad that Jessica is going through with this divorce and fighting for her life. No one should give up on themselves, no matter what the doctors say. I never watched ‘a perfect ending’ so I wouldn’t know the outcome lol
Fire_trek 351 streak #7
Chapter 7: The ending to a downright delicious tryst! I feel bad for Jessica and Taeyeon but I know that they will find each other again!
Fire_trek 351 streak #8
Chapter 6: Gee wilikers! This was an.. interesting chapter.. lol but like I said all of this was building to something important and look, I was right! Your writing is so exceptional, even though I knew this was coming, the writing was so natural that everything just flowed beautifully! Great chapter
Fire_trek 351 streak #9
Chapter 5: Oh snap! It’s about to happen! We’re so close to the big event. I’m glad that Jessica talked it over with Taeyeon and got everything squared away. Now we can let the fun begin!
Fire_trek 351 streak #10
Chapter 4: Taeyeon did the right thing.. I would’ve taken the money lol but this slow simmering burn is amazing. I can’t wait for Jessica and Taeyeon to get together. The tension is through the roof!