
My Neighbor
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"Unnie, the business party is tomorrow already," Sooyoung absent-mindedly stated. A few days prior, Joohyun had accepted the invitation to the party she had always been invited to, and arrived every single year for the past few years. Joohyun somewhat loved and hated the event, it gave her opportunities to meet new possible business partners, but also the bad ones aswell.

"Ms. Bae, might I propose to you a contract?" Bae Joohyun, CEO of Bae Products, looked at the man before her with a raised brow and sipped her whine. "I'm listening."

"We were thinking about a collab with your company, Ms. Bae, it will benefit the both of us. We have famous celebrities and models willing to promote our collaboration in our advertisements."

"What are the percentages?"

"You will get 30% of the market revenue."


"We are providing the models and necessities for this collab so all we need is your-"

"Get out of my face before I bankrupt your business." Joohyun scoffed as she saw the man run away in fear. The audacity of people to offer her such crappy deals is beyond her.

Joohyun sighed remembering the certain event from last year. Eventually, she had heard that the man's business, Kim Co, had suffered from bankruptcy due to drop of sales and famous models canceling their contracts because of certain mistreatments.

"Prepare my car, we're going shopping today." Sooyoung immediately rushed to the door to get the car ready. Joohyun took a last look at the signed contract with KS Inc. and packed her things. Getting inside the car at the main entrance, Sooyoung's stomach grumbled. 

"Yah I'm hungry, can we get something to eat later?" Joohyun checked the clock and it was already 1:48pm. "Have you eaten yet?" Sooyoung shook her head. "What do you want to eat?"

"I'm really digging for Seungwan's chicken noodle soup again. Man, I miss her," Sooyoung pouted. Joohyun sighed as she just kept her head on the window. I wonder how she's doing.

Joohyun didn't really have a warm heart, but Seulgi was a really nice person. She felt a bit guilty for being mean to the girl, but she's also very annoying.

Annoyingly cute.

Did I just say that?! Joohyun yelled at herself in her head.

"You look like you're battling your inner thoughts." Sooyoung glanced, then chuckled. "I see you're thinking about the cute little bear."

"Cute?? Bear?!" Joohyun asked in confusion, making Sooyoung nod. "You have to admit, she really does look like a bear." Sooyoung looked at Joohyun who had a hint of blush on her cheeks, and Joohyun looked as good as guilty. 

"YaH! Pay attention to the road not me!" Joohyun squirmed. "Why don't you accept a date from her? It's not bad to try something new." 

Joohyun shook her head, "She seems too young for me, and plus she's persistent which makes it annoying." Sooyoung sighed at her boss, with an obvious look of disappointment. "Don't come to me when she suddenly stops trying and you're all hurt."

They both got out of the car and walked to the west wing of KS Shopping Mall, where stores like Gucci, Chanel, and Coach were. 

"Good evening ladies, how may I assist you today?" The employee asked. "I need a dress for tomorrow," Joohyun bluntly stated, "and it needs to be made out of the finest materials." The man nodded and guided them to another area of the store. "This is one of our silk dresses, the Chloe Long Sleeve Print Mini Dress, priced at $1,300 for it's fine quality." 

Joohyun took a good look at it, like she was staring deep into it's soul while Sooyoung kept grumbling about how hungry she was. 

"I'll take it."

The employee then bagged it up carefully while Joohyun paid with her black card. After walking out the store, Sooyoung sighed again and looked at Joohyun with pleading eyes. "Can we please grab food now?"

Joohyun chuckled and nodded, just when they were walking to a corner with Sooyoung walking in the front, Sooyoung glanced to her right and saw a person running towards them at full speed, crashing into Joohyun.


Joohyun was trying to process everything until she heard a familiar voice. "Ah! Sorry miss! Are you oka- Wait, Joohyun?"


They both stared at each other silently until they heard the sound of a camera. "SOOYOUNG!"

"What? This is a cute pose- I just had to take a picture of it." Joohyun then realized that Seulgi was on top of her, and their faces were dangerously close.


"Joohyun.exe has stopped working." Sooyoung sighed.

Joohyun quickly kicked Seulgi in the gut to get her heavy body off of her own. "OW!" Seulgi whined. "Seulgi! What happend- Ms. Bae? Sooyoung?!" Jisoo gasped, pointing at the two. "Wait- why are you on the ground?"

"Your idiot of a friend pushed me to the ground and almost kissed me!!" Seulgi blushed madly hearing those words come out of the other girl while Jisoo and Sooyoung snickered. "Now that you think about it... That does sound pretty lewd." Joohyun blushed madly as she got herself up from the ground, "wha- WHAT?!" 

"I knew you two liked each other, but I didn't know the level was this extreme-" Sooyoung added. "Huh- HUH?!!??" Joohyun was a blushing mess, no one had ever seen this side of her, but seeing as though the two had twisted the words of her own surprised even herself. Seulgi coughed to get Joohyun's attention, "anyways- I'm really sorry. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Seulgi saw a little dirt mark on Joohyun's hand and tried to wipe it off.

Joohyun scoffed and rejected Seulgi's hand, slapping it away. "I'm fine." Seulgi frowned at the sudden slap but proceeded to apologize to the smaller girl- until she had an idea. "Maybe I can treat you for lunch as an apology?" Seulgi suggested. 

Joohyun was about to reject the offer again until someone else beat her to it. "OF COURSE SHE WOULD LIKE LUNCH WITH YOU!" Sooyoung screamed. Joohyun looked at Sooyoung as if she was a mad woman.

Sooyoung put her arm around Seulgi's shoulder, "listen to me, Seulgi. I'm probably older than you so you should call me unnie. Anyways- what I'm saying is that Joohyun would love to eat lunch with you! Of course, you have to pay for my lunch too- and make sure it's a fancy restaurant! We're practically starving!" Seulgi nodded in excitement while Joohyun sent menacing glares at Sooyoung.

"Wait- unnie? You don't look that old." Seulgi questioned. "Oh, I'm 22." Jisoo and Seulgi both gasped and started laughing. "That means you should call us unnie from now on." Jisoo snickered. "WHAT?! Seulgi, I thought you were a college student!" Seulgi tilted her head in confusion. "No? I graduated college 5 years ago."


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Chapter 7: Amazing progress!! And joohyeon finally realised her feelings yayy
Chapter 7: There's finally a breakthrough! Clear progress right here
\(^-^)/ ♡
Jisoo was spot on with her observations about Seulgi and Irene's personality, and I actually do agree that some of those could've made a bad combination had things been different. Had Seulgi not been attracted to Irene's feisty and headstrong personality, there certainly wouldn't be a chasing or pursuing of sorts from Seulgi's end towards Irene. Interestingly enough, their similarities does give them an edge when it comes to their own agenda no matter how people may look at it as a possible setback or cause of issue. On the other hand, their differences are the things that makes it possible for them to be more connected and go seamlessly together in terms of temperament and the like. It was those things that kept them coming back for more. While those traits looked and sounded undesirable and annoying at first glance, it was those things that really grabbed attention and made it stay. Without those things, I think nothing would standout and make both of them stop and look twice at the other.

Irene's backstory was credible enough to make such lasting impact on her that she basically turned into a different person the moment everything was said and done. I don't know what would be Seulgi's own story, but I'm guessing that she might be able to relate and identify enough with Irene because of her own background. Other than her personality, maybe her experience could end up somehow mirroring some of what Irene experienced before. If not, well there would still be no issue anyway. Whatever her story might be, they actually match and fit well with other. Their past won't have much bearing as long as they give each other a chance and remember that they could just make a better history out of the present if they so wish to really let the past stay as the past.

By the way, it turned out that a flustered Joohyun is a laughably adorable and clumsy Joohyun XD More of this please hahaha Not only was it entertaining, it was also a testament to her finally lowering down her walls bit by bit to and for Seulgi.
Chapter 7: ❤️
Chapter 6: Joohyun’s attitude towards Seulgi frustrates me. She belittles Seulgi while at the same time giving her mixed signals. She kept on asking if Seulgi can afford to buy this or that without even realising that she might have hurt Seulgi’s feelings with such questions just because she doesn’t look like those typical rich people. I also wonder if Seulgi’s image is one of the factors why she kept on denying Seulgi’s request for a date. She is conceited and full of herself and I can’t wait to know her reaction once she knows Seulgi’s real identity.
Chapter 5: Stop giving Seulgi mixed signals and start confessing already, Joohyun.
Chapter 6: Oh mannnn cant wait for joohyuns reaction when she finally discover seulgis companyXD
Chapter 6: Good thing Seulgi doesn't get offended easily. If she would, she gon' snap at Irene any time now. XD
Chapter 6: Well, it would be nice if something were to happen that would make Joohyun at least admit that she does like Seulgi enough to consider a better relationship with her other than simply a neighbor. Anything that would move their standing along because at the rate things are going, it's more likely that Sooyoung would've already gotten together with Wendy and going steady for months because Seulrene's doing a perfect imitation of a snail's pace. Even considering Seulgi as a friend is a good enough step towards the right direction. A very small step forward is better than doing nothing at all. Seulgi and Joohyun's romantic involvement isn't even a possibility in the future at this point because of the damning stubborness and denseness on Joohyun's part. There is also the matter of Seulgi's full identity to deal with. It's getting kind of ridiculous how Joohyun and Sooyoung still misses glaring evidences or clues about Seulgi's person. They know that she is rich and that she knows people in high places, and yet they've never thought nor had a guess that maybe there is something more to Seulgi than meets the eye. There were instances that had shown Seulgi doing something that wouldn't be out of character for a person of importance, people giving her much leeway and respect, Seulgi knowing things at far greater detail, etc. and yet they've never processed those events as clues of Seulgi's identity. Just how blind can Joohyun and Sooyoung be for not suspecting even a little bit? They even missed an opportunity to know more about Seulgi at the party. They could've subtly asked the other partygoers if they know Seulgi and her line of work, you know XD Ask around or pretend that they don't know Seulgi and ask them who she is because they have never seen her before. They wasted the chance hahaha
eunxiaoxlove #9
Chapter 6: I hope they know soon so she doesn’t say things like that to seulgi. Good thing she doesn’t take it to the heart