Go against the rules

Ever since he was young enough to remember Park Chanyeol had always wondered what having a mate would feel like, he used to idolise his fathers who he had thought were true mates yet when the truth had been revealed to him about their situation Ch...

Ever since he was young enough to remember Park Chanyeol had always wondered what having a mate would feel like, he used to idolise his fathers who he had thought were true mates yet when the truth had been revealed to him about their situation Chanyeol had gone through a dark period of his life. He refused to believe in love and refused to acknowledge the possibility of having a soulmate, he could still feel them breathing and with a beating heart so he knew that they were alive and out there in the world he just wished that he would have never met them. 

All of that changed when he witnessed the true effect of having a soulmate, his half brother Jongin had found the love of his life at one of the many parties their father threw at the castle for his first son's sake. Chanyeol was destined to take the throne when he became of age, at first the idea of ruling a kingdom was exciting (as it would have been for any young child) yet as he got older Chanyeol could practically taste the posion that came with it. Jongin wasn't entitled the throne as many of the king's subjects were traditional in the idea of the monarchy line, Jongin was Kris' bastard son from a young vampire woman named Katherine. Since he wasn't an offspring of the king and his husband, Jongin wasn't in line for the throne. 

"I refuse to learn about this !" Kyungsoo hissed, slamming the math book closed and glaring over at Minho who was their tutor picked out by the king himself. The tutor sighed and hung his head between his shoulders, looking defeated yet again. 

Do Kyungsoo used to be apart of the Do clan based in the mountainous regions of Korea, yet they only journeyed into the city to attend different parties and gatherings of the other families. He had met Jongin through one of the parties Kris threw hoping that Chanyeol would find his mate there, he recalled the morning after the party where Jongin introduced the small boy as his mate. Kris looked annoyed that his youngest son had found his mate before his eldest, yet Chanyeol was over the moon for his brother. He had congradulated the couple and slowly as time passed he began believing in the soulmate system he had lost hope in previously. 

"Come on babe, you know you can do this" Kai chuckled, pulling his mate into his lap while rubbing his back gently. "you're the smartest out of all of us!" 

"There are three people here" Kyungsoo deadpanned, pointing at himself, Jongin and finally Chanyeol. The Prince held back his laugh as he watched his brother's grin fall from his lips, he had clearly forgot that they don't attend school like the average vampire. "the fact that I'm the one with the brains worries me." 

Due to their genetic makeup and an over protective father, Chanyeol, Jongin and Kyungsoo weren't allowed to attend school with the other vampires their age. Minho who had taken over their studies since Chanyeol was young was his father's right hand man, he was a kind and well mannered vampire who often kept the information he learned about the three within the safe walls of their supposed classroom (it was just one of the many rooms of the castle that was decorated with various posters, staged to look like a normal classroom). He was pretty laid back and most of the time they were able to talk about other things outside their set out coursework. 

They were vampire teens, meaning that they spent most of their lives studying smiliar to the way the humans do, however they didn't receive as many tests or hours of sitting in a chair while staring at a book and call it studying. 

"Come on guys help me out here," Minho begged, his hands forming a praying motion. "I don't know how I manage to stay sane through this whole thing!" 

I chuckled at his misfortune and closed my Math book knowingf that we wouldn't be goiung back to learning today. "I think we're done for the day.." 

"Thank goodness!" Kyungsoo cheered throwing his hands up into air with a proud smile on his lips, in his excited haze he leaned back against Jongin's chest and quickly pressed his lips against his cheek. The boy froze at the action, his cheeks going red in embarrassment. 

Chanyeol watched them with a slight jealously feeling bubbling in the pit of his stomach, as he was older than his brother he had hoped to have found his soulmate before the younger. Being 118 Chanyeol was expected to have the ability to find his mate but so far the only inkling he had to them was the feeling he had of them being alive, yet there Jongin was 114 and nuzzling into his mate's neck happily. 

A tap on the prince's shoulder had pulled Chanyeol out of his thoughts and into reality, he turned towards the servant with a smile kindly accepting the leytter he held out. "It's quite important your majesty." the servant stated with a quick nod before leaving the room. 

"Your duty calls," Jongin sighed "shall we leave you?" 

"No," Chanyeol shook his head. "you're my brother and you deserve to know what is going on in our kingdom." 

Jongin's brow raised as Chanyeol turned the envelope over and stared open mouthed down at the seal. "It doesn't appear to be from any high ranking lord." the tanner skinned boy chuckled holding Kyungsoo closer to himself. 

The seal covering the back of the envelope was what Chanyeol could identify as a Celtic Knot, the wax holding the seal was a beautiful emerald. The cursive writing that spelled out his name and address made Chanyeol smile, having expected nothing else from his family members located halfway around the world. 

"Open it!" Kyungsoo urged, clearly stressed out with the slow actions from the prince. 

With a deep breath Chanyeol broke the seal and opened the letter, the same writing style greeted the prince as he discarded the envelope onto the table. 

Dear Brother, 

                            I am so sorry that it is I that must tell you this news brother, but there has been an raid on the castle last night. Local rebels in the surrounding towns have taken responsibilty for it, claiming that they don't want to see you on the throne. They were somehow able to break through our defences while we were sleeping, they destroyed the west wing which resulted in a devasting outcome. Our beloved Nana is dead and my poor mate is currently recovering from a head injury. 

Unlike Korea we enjoy the sleep that we are able to get here, yet I fear we must place our dreams aside for the time being while we attend to the injured. I found myself getting away with a couple minor injuries but our dear sister -I hate to say- has suffered more. She is currently in the hospital with Luhan, the nurses are tending to them both hourly even though we both know how strong the both of them are. Some good news is that they are expected to pull through in the coming days.

Chanyeol, my dear brother, I'm worried that the rebellion has officially begun. Not many people want you as king and I am surprised that we had to encounter such things as this, here. We urge you as part of your family and as your friends to find your mate quickly and to stay safe. 

Please do write back and inform me of my stubborn brothers, and if Jongin is taking good care of Kyungsoo. 

After the news that I have shared with you now, I will be expecting your arrival soon brother, may the old gods and new watch over your castle and mate until we find ourselves side by side again. 

Your loving brother,


A lush gasp filled the air as Kyungsoo clung onto Jongin as he cried into his chest. Chanyeol watched as his brither stared off into space, attempting to let the information settle. 

Memories of the old lady and her hot chocolate chip cookies filled Chanyeol's mind like a tidal wave. 

"My my Chanyeol you get taller everytime I see you." Nana grinned staring at the littkle boy before her. His face was hidden behind large black sunglasses which his father had given him before his flight. 

Chanyeol's childish laughter rung throughout the air as he ran towards the lady, hoping for one of her famous warm hugs. He wasn't even fourteen yet and the lady blushed when she realised that very soon he would be towering over her in height. 

"Nana, it will be my brithday soon!" Chanyeol cheered throwing his arms up around her waist and nuzzling his face into her neck, the poor lady shivered at the coldness of the sunglasses against her skin. "Will you keep your promise?" 

"I always send you cookies for your birthday you brat!" she laughed stepped back and letting the boy into the large home. 

"I just wanted to make sure!" Chanyeol admitted with a cheeky wink, which earned him a slap to the back of his head. 

"I know honey" she giggled, pushing her grandson into the kitchen. "Why don't you help me make the dinner hmm?" 

"Can I put my bag in my room first?" the prince wondered, blinking innocently up at his grandmother who simply rolled her eyes. 

"Be quiet, the twins are asleep!" 

"Aye aye nana!" 

When the memory was over Chanyeol found himself standing up from his seat, he excused himself back to his chambers hoping that the tears wouldn't fall from his eyes until he was sure that he was alone

When the memory was over Chanyeol found himself standing up from his seat, he excused himself back to his chambers hoping that the tears wouldn't fall from his eyes until he was sure that he was alone. 

His second home had been breched by the rebel vampires who had been revolvting ever since the young prince was born. He reread the letter over and over again, not entirely registering the news. As he read the words out loud for a second time he began to notice something strange, Sehun had seemed a lot more scared in the way he wrote. His hand must have been shaking slightly as most of the words displayed on the page weren't as perfect as he had expected them to be. Chanyeol figured that Sky was the reason behind it. 

"Come on Baekhyun we don't have all day!" Lay laughed from the kitchen, the sight of the teenage boy running around looking for his shoe was definitely the kind of entertainment he needed that morning. 

"Do me a favour and kill me please." Baekhyun begged although his voice was muffled thanks to the toast lodged between his lips. 

He looked slightly pale today and Lay was beginning to wonder if the boy was eating properly since he wasn't sure when the last time he saw Baekhyun going grocery shopping was. "Are you alright Baekhyun?" 

Baekhyun waved him off while tossing the couch cushions to the floor. "I'm fine hyung, I just need to find my bloody shoe!" 

Lay let out a laugh and nodded his head, taking a seat at the kitchen island to watch the boy as he ran around like a headless chicken. 

"Ah Ha!" he yelled grabbing the shoe and holding it above his head in a praised position. Lay jumped off the seat and began his walk to the front door f Baekhyun's apartment. Since he was a teacher he wasn't needed on the school grounds until 9am but seeing as how Baekhyun was his student's Lay needed to get him there before 8:45. 

Like they had done many times before Lay left Baekhyun in the hallway as his student made himself busy with his locker, grabbing the books he needed for class before realising that he had left his geography book at home. He had needed it when inspiration had hit him again during the night. With a low groan escaping his lips Baekhyun slammed his locker closed and trudged off to class. 

However as he turned the corner that would lead him in his desired direction Baekhyun ran face first into Wonho -the star football player of their school- Baekhyun's bully. 

"Well would you look what we have here lads," he smirked, his bleached white hair stuck to his forehead which made Baekhyun wonder if they had been practising so early in the morning. "Byun Baekhyun isn't bruised today!" 

Baekhyun whined as his back fell flat against one of the many lockers, Wonho's body pressed up against him to keep him in place. 

"So what does the have for me today?" he hissed, a hand wrapping around Baekhyun's throat. 

Baekhyun kicked and screamed attempting to fight but it only tired out his body, for some strange reason Wonho was acting a lot stronger than usual. 

"WONHO!" An unfamiliar voice yelled pulling the boy away from making Baekhyun's life flash before his eyes. "Back off!" the teacher shouted pulling the star away from the boy that instantly fell to the ground limp, choking on nothing but air. Students rushed around the three and the other teachers pushed through. 

"Baekhyun!" Lay gasped, bending low and holding the boy's body closer to him. "Are you alright?" 

"Y-yeah.." he breathed, his lungs filling with air as he rubbed the part of his neck that was held tightly by Wonho's fingers. 

"My gosh your lips are slightly blue!" one of the female students gasped, pointing with her finger in Baekhyun's direction. 

"I'm fine-" Baekhyun attempted to reassure everyone but the second he attempted to stand up from Lay's hold he instantly fell back onto the ground, knocked out. 


Turning towards the door to his bedroom door Chanyeol couldn't help but smile noticing his brother's worried face staring back. 

"Are you alright hyung?" 

Chanyeol didn't know what to say, he wanted to say no yet in his heart he felt fine. 

"I'm not sure Jongin.." were the words that he had finally decided on. Jongin nodded his head in understanding, taking calculated steps into the room. Chanyeol didn't realise that his brother had been holding his hands behind his back until he noticed the pink icing cupcake being held out to him, he recognized it as the dessert Kyungsoo was decorating earlier. 

"Kyungsoo told me to give this to you." 

"Thank you" he whispered gently taking the dessert from the palm of his brother's hand. Chanyeol plucked the strawberry from the top of the cupcake and placed it on the napkin that Jongin had placed onto his desk, he wasn't a lover of the fruit after all. 

"Hyung I hope you know that everything will be okay in the end, you know that right?" Jongin tried to make his hyung see reason but Chanyeol was already way ahead of him. 

"Nana used to tell me that the only time a vampire can find peace would be when they die, we are sworn to a life of immortality, we watch history pass us in a flicker of a moment and sometimes we can't take it. Nana only stayed alive to watch over the twins, now that's she's gone I'm sure that old bat is over the moon." Chanyeol admitted with a soft chuckle, his eyes tearing up but the tears never fell. "She's fine where she is, I just hope that she's watching over us and is going to help me find my mate." 

"I've only met her once but I know how much she meant to you, Suho and the twins." Jongin whispered, placing his head on his brother's shoulder. "I know she's watching over you Chanyeol, she loved you a lot." 

"Thanks Jongin." Chanyeol smiled, reaching up and running his fingers through the boy's hair. 

"Father has been looking for you.." 

Chanyeol rolled his eyes and placed the half eaten cupcake onto the table, before turning around and grabbing the towel that hung over the back of his chair. 

"He can continue looking because I don't want to see him." Chanyeol explained over his shoulder, watching as his brother merely nodded his head. 

"Your Appa is worried about you too, he was looking for you earlier as well I believe he received some news about his mother too." 

The mention of Suho made Chanyeol's heart melt ."Tell him that I'm alright and that he should be the one upset, it was his mother that passed." 

"He hasn't seen her in a very very long time Chanyeol, you saw her almost every summer." 

"Until our dear father forbid me from going back!" 


"Jongin I love you and I don't want to loose my temper with you brother, please don't make me."

His brother nodded and sealed his puff lips. Chanyeol drew a sigh before walking towards his window, the towel being thrown over his shoulder. 

The landscape in Korea was nothing like there, no trees of grass greeted Chanyeol as he looked out the window. There was no sunshine naturally trickling through the window panes and there was no fresh earthly scent meeting his nostrils. Instead you were met with the concrete jungle, cars littering the back and front yards and cobble stones stopped any green plants forming. Nothing made this place beautiful except the family that Chanyeol cared for. The trickling waterfall that led to a koi pond didn't make Chanyeol's lips form a smile, not the expensive furniture that lined the walls and the floors. Nothing, not one thing made Chanyeol feel at home. 

"I'm going to go and have a shower." he whispered making sure that his voice was filled with care, so that Jongin knew he wasn't annoyed at him. 

"I'll make sure Kyungsoo has breakfast on the table.." 

Surprised with the words that his brother claimed Chanyeol turned back towards the window, not even surprised to see the sunrise begin to dance over the top of the buildings below the hill. 

Their castle was on a hill and looked more like a mansion on the outside then the inside. Apparently the streets just under the hill were filled with the king's people and further away past the hill was the rest of Seoul. Each person waking up to the morning sun, those like Chanyeol having never slept. 

"We stayed awake through the whole night again didn't we?" Chanyeol sighed, his head falling forward and hitting the window. 

Jongin chuckled and Chanyeol could feel him nodding. Chanyeol sighed yet again and pushed himself away from the window. 

"We are used to it at this point in our life, aren't we brother?" Jongin laughed and the prince couldn't help but join in. 

A shiver ran down Chanyeol's back as he felt a soft tingling sensation dance on his lift wrist before gradually travelling up his arm, glancing down he gasped at the sight of the blue ink being swirled into his skin. 

"Woah!" Jongin gasped grabbing his brother's hand and pulled it up so that it was eye level to both of them. "What's this?!" 

Together they both examined Chanyeol's arm, the lines and swirls swayed and danced on his skin. 

"A plant?" 

"My mate?" Chanyeol questioned, his eyes widening as the possibility finally hit him. 

The art of finding your soulmate was different for all vampires, some were able to find their mates through senses like taste and sight, others had a clock on their arms counting down until they would meet, and on the rarest occasions mates would be able to communicate through the art of writing on their skin. Chanyeol remembered having read about it before in one of the thousands of soulmate books located in the castle's library. 

"Chanyeol.." Jongin gasped, his hand meeting his mouth in shock. "your mate is able to contact you through this?" 

Chanyeol grinned happily while nodding his head. 

Finally it was time. 

It's time that Chanyeol found his mate and there wasn't anything that would get in his way this time. 

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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
750 streak #2
Chapter 30: Welcome back, thank you so much for a new update.

So, someone finally got to see Baekhyun’s paintings, very fitting that it was Kyungsoo. It also seems that their overnight Council cram session was fruitful. Looking forward to the upcoming meeting, I just hope that Kris won’t be able to cause any trouble.
750 streak #3
Chapter 29: Happy New Year, thank you for the update! I loved this chapter. I’ve been waiting for Chanyeol to use mind control on someone, and it’s funny how Baek just takes everything in stride.

So, Jessica knows Katherine from way back. I hope she’s able to help her, and Donghae will eventually be exposed.

I am surprised that Nana did not mention to Baekhyun what she overheard at the castle. Things are going to get crazy.
750 streak #4
Chapter 28: Happy New Year, thanks for the update! This chapter was so sweet, I love that they have such a connection. Baekhyun comparing the Council to the Volturi was hilarious. I can see where the older vampires would not be amused. lol
750 streak #5
Chapter 27: Uh-oh, this is not good at all, I wonder what Chanyeol is going to decide. I’m also hoping that Baekhyun is going to be okay in the meantime. I still don’t believe he’s human though, so I can’t wait to find his true age. Thank you so much for the update.
750 streak #6
Chapter 26: Fingers crossed it was enough blood to heal Baek, but I am hoping that he can be turned eventually. In a side note, I’m happy that Chanyeol and Yixing got a chance to see Nana once again. Thanks for this update, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m wondering what sort of species that Baek will turn out to be as well/
750 streak #7
Chapter 25: I was thinking that Yixing would ask about Sehun, but you probably have something planned for that storyline. I can’t wait to see if Chanyeol makes the magic happen and finds a plane within the specified period. Hopefully, they will be able to keep Baek safe. Thank you for the update.
750 streak #8
Chapter 24: I’m glad that Yixing’s first call was to Chanyeol, as he needs to know what is going on. I am also wondering what role Jessica will play in all of this, especially as she is now pregnant. Great update! The plot thickens…
750 streak #9
Chapter 23: I’m loving the way that Baek is dealing with all the vampires, he’s really giving them hell. I would say that he would be wise not to antagonize Kris, but it would seem than the boy can more than hold his own. Also, Baek’s new friendship with Kyung is so precious.

Looks like Donghae’s role in all of this is much more ominous than I was thinking. I’m just wondering what evil Kris is plotting. Thanks for the update.
750 streak #10
Chapter 22: So glad I decided to binge-read, I absolutely love this story and the characters. I’m hoping that Luhan will suddenly start getting better, and he and Sehun can move to Seoul. I am also wondering how Donghae and his wife fit into things, if he is perhaps the vampire that killed Baek’s landlord.The plot thickens, can’t wait for the next update.