Go against the rules

"Park Chanyeol I swear to Dracula, get down here this second!" Kris shouted up at his son who hung upside down on one of the many chandeliers in their castle. 

"Not today Satan!" he called back down with a smirk situated on his beautiful lips. 

"Chanyeol you're making me very uncomfortable darling!" His Appa tried to reason with both of his hands clutched together by his chest, his eyes trained onto the bat who continued to ignore them. "I don't think my heart will be able to take it if anything were to happen to you dear!" 

Chanyeol stared down at the man that gave birth to him, a small smile on his face as he watched his father roll his eyes at what his Appa had said in an attempt to pursuade him down. "Sorry Appa but you won't be able to get me down either!" 

Kris could feel the anger bubbling inside of him as his son disrespected him once again. Suho could feel the heat coming off his husband and made sure to get out of the blast zone before he blew up, which was sure to happen due to the change in his eye colour. His once handsome face morphed into a monster, the veins below his eyes becoming visible as his teeth grew into sharp fangs. 

Kris pushed off the ground and changed into his bat form, his large wings spreading out on either side as he zoomed to his suddenly silent son. It happened all too quickly. Kris had flown directly into the electrical line that held the chandelier to the ceiling, breaking it's connection. The chandelier plumatied to the dark wooden floors of the dining room. 

Chanyeol was in a free fall, his smile clearing as he realised his Appa was standing in the way of the deceasing glass structure. He sprung from the chandelier and instantly transformed into his bat form, propelling himself through the air in order to get to Suho. Upon hitting into his Appa, Chanyeol changed back and held him close, shielding the vampire from the blast as the chandelier cracked and broke all around them. 

Suho was gasping heavily while Chanyeol grunted silent curses, the man in his arms wasn't as strong as himself or his husband therefore he was very easy to kill. A slight nick to the heart would kill him and it didn't need to be a wooden stake (which could technically kill anyone including a vampire). 

"Look what you've done now!" the king bellowed transforming back into the cruel man that he was. "You could have killed your own Appa, then where would we be?!" 

Chanyeol snapped, he was already close to blowing up thanks to the news he had received this morning and now this.. was his father purposely hurting him? 

"I didn't do anything!" The Prince yelled back, his natural brown eyes changed into a yellow hue. "You're the one who broke the chandelier link, it's your fault that it came down and nearly killed your husband!" 

Kris raised his hand and intended to hit Chanyeol with it if it hadn't of been for Suho who had purposely placed himself between the two tall men. "Don't you dare," he hissed, his natural fangs growing larger as he continued to get angrier. "I have had enough of the both of you fighting!" 

"Stay out of my way Suho." Kris warned yet it simply went on deaf ears as his husband ignored him and turned back to their son, who he had claimed was his main priority. 

"Are you alright Chanyeol?" he whispered, gently cupping his son's cheeks with the palms of his hands. "Are you hurt? You'll heal quickly but we must get rid of any glass that could be embedded in your skin by now, or else it will heal up with in still lodged inside."

"I'm fine Appa" the prince breathed, meeting Suho's gaze his heart hurting when he saw tears in them. "I'm a pure blooded vampire, I don't get hurt as easily as you do." 

"Say that you me when you get your heart broken" he chuckled with a shake to his head. He pulled Chanyeol closer by his neck and pressed a sweet loving kiss on his forehead. "Go on, get out of here." he whispered. 

The Prince smiled and stepped away, he sent one last glare over to his father before speeding away not once looking back. 

"You have no right getting between my son and I." Kris hissed, grabbing his husband's shoulders tightly as he stared into his eyes. Suho shivered but decided to remain unfazed, he stared into the orange eyes of his husband as if challenging him to do something that he would later learn to regret. 

"You forget that he is mine as well Kris," Suho shot back, looking his husband in the eye. "you're trying to ruin his life by arranging a marriage he does not want-" 

"Do you think I wanted ours?" the king sneered, his lips tugging upwards in a sickening grin. "I hadn't met my mate and my father thought it would be necessary to find someone who could accompany me to the throne and instead of who I wished, he found me you." 

"We both know that I never wanted this" Suho hissed, attempting to get himself out of the king's grip but he was just too weak. "I was willing to fall in love with you and for a time I did, until you destroyed whatever feelings I had for you the second you left that night." 

"I was never satisfied." Kris admitted, thinking that his words could possibly hurt his husband. At this point in their relationship Suho knew any words that fell from the man's lips were to be ignored. 

"Neither was I, but that's were we differ Kris. I was willing to give up everything for you and our kingdom but you wanted more." Suho rose onto the tip of his toes and pressed a single kiss onto the king's cheek before slipping out of his grip and leaving the room. Kris stared into the open space before him, frozen by the action. 

"Oh my lord Prince Chanyeol!" Kyungsoo gasped, his chef hat almost falling to the floor from his fright. 

"My apologises Kyung" the prince laughed, reaching to fix the chef's hat yet getting his hand slapped away in the process. "It wasn't my intentions to frighten you!" 

The raven haired chef simply waved Chanyeol off, his gaze falling back onto the cupcakes he had been baking peacefully for the past half hour. "What is it that brings you here huh, you're ruining my concentration!" 

"I heard the news..." the Prince of Darkness announced, his voice low but unwavering. Kyungsoo felt a shiver run down his back at the deep voice and how scary it seemed. 

"Ah!" was all he was able to get out past his puff lips. 

"You knew about it I assume?" Chanyeol wondered, sitting himself up on the counter next to the trays of delicious looking baked goods. 

"I knew a little" Kyungsoo sighed with a nod to his head, his chef hat moving slightly. "but I wasn't sure on the details, us kitchen staff don't know much about what goes on around your family." 

Chanyeol blew a breath of air out in annoyance. "I don't even know my own family," he started, looking down at his thumbs that played together in nerves. "how could he do that? How could my father disrespect my Appa's decision of allowing me to marry my mate and not some girl who apparently doesn't have one?" 

Kyungsoo shrugged his shoulders as he happily placed some freshly chopped strawberries on top of the cupcakes. "Kris isn't a very nice man Chanyeol, you know what he did to Clara when he found out she was leaking information to you against his wishes. Besides, all vampires are destined to have mates, I wouldn't trust the rumours you hear about that girl." 

A moment of silence for the dead chamber maid was needed, Chanyeol having to bite back tears as the memories of her smile and delicate touch resurfaced. 

"Which is why I'm lucky to have you here," Chanyeol attempted to make a joke, Kyungsoo humouring him as he laughed. "I needed someone else to talk to." 

"You only have me here because I'm your brother's mate and not because your father likes me living in his castle." 

Chanyeol gently patted the cook on his shoulder before jumping down from the counter a wide grin on his face. "You two make a lovely couple Kyung." 

A small blush rose onto the chef's cheeks as Chanyeol left the kitchen with a smile on his lips and an apple in hand. 

"Good afternoon Baekhyun!" the said boy turned around from closing the classroom door and with a smile warmly bowed in the direction of his professor. 

"Good afternoon Professor Zhang!" 

"Baek, what did I tell you to call me when we're alone?" 

"Sorry Lay." the boy giggled, sitting himself down in the assigned seat he always sat in whenever school was over. 

"So what homework do you have today?" Lay wondered, turning the exam papers in his hand over after having gone through them thoroughly. 

"I only got Math and if you can could you run through the Chinese exercise one more time?" 

Lay nodded and began explaining as best as he could to Baekhyun who quickly took down everything he needed into his workbook. When he was finished the bright smile on his student's face made him feel confident. He watched the boy move onto his math homework before turning himself back to his paperwork.

"Alright I'm done!" the teacher cheered after some time, closing his folder with a grin. 

Baekhyun cleared the table and placed everything back into his bag before making sure to check if he had left anything behind, when he was confident that he hadn't forgot anything he joined his teacher by the doorway. 

"Ready to go?" 

"Yep, come on." 

The two of them walked outside after having waved goodbye to the other teachers who still had some work to attend to. When they reached Lay's car in the centre of the carpark, Baekhyun let out a quiet sigh before jumping into the passenger's seat and buckling up after tossing his bag on the seat behind him. 

Byun Baekhyun was a senior in Sandy-Cove High School, his friend and teacher Professor Zhang Lay was his next door neighbour. The two of them had met when Lay was moving into the apartment next door and Baekhyun thought he would make him feel welcome with some delicious chocolate chip muffins, the elder was surprised to see the teenager again so soon and had never expected to have him in class for Chinese and History. 

"Thanks for the ride hyung," Baekhyun smiled, his eyes straining to see the blond haired teacher through the dark. Their hallway light had blew up one day and no-one had the energy to call the janitor to fix it, it wasn't that bad in summer but once it hit winter Baekhyun was sure that he would be finding himself with bruises from miscalculating where he door was. "and for going over the lesson again." 

"You don't have to keep thanking me daily Baekhyun, you're like a son to me it's the least I could do since you're living alone." 

Baekhyun let out a small giggle as he nodded before wishing the teacher a goodnight and stepping into his apartment. Once he closed the door behind him Baekhyun sighed at the bare walls and uncomfortable space. He wasn't interested in giving his home a makeover. He had often watched YouTube videos about people designing their homes to fit their personalities and style. Baekhyun didn't have a style and wasn't overconfident in his personality. 

He set his bag down on the floor next to his kitchen counter, grateful that he and Lay had developed a routine where they would finish their work in school so that when they came home they could relax. Feeling his stomach rumble Baekhyun flicked on the switch for the kettle and sat himself down on his kitchen island to wait for the water to boil. His fingers fiddled in desperate need of painting, it had quickly became a hobby for the young student and when Lay had got whiff of his passion he had made sure to buy him the best colours and pens he could find. 

When the kettle timer flipped and the water was boiled Baekhyun took a packet of his favourite ramen noodles from one of the shelves in the cupboards lining his wall, he ripped off the plastic and pulled back the lid (not too far, just enough to get the water in) before pouring in the water. He closed it back up and laid his chopsticks on top to stop any escaping steam. 

He sent a quick glance towards his spare room which he had converted into a studio for his paintings and drawings, he figured that he would be too tired to do anything major tonight so he simply retrieved a blue pen from one of the many pen holders he had. He gazed around for paper but he wasn't able to locate any beneath the mess he had left there from the last time he had been painted, defeated he strolled out of the room and back into his kitchen. 

Over some deliberation he pulled the top off the pen before rolling up his long sleeve blue shirt exposing his left arm. He wondered for a moment if it was a safe thing to do, he wasn't sure if the ink would be able to be absorbed into his bloodstream like everyone on the internet said it could. He wanted to draw and allow his mind to wander so he figured that the rumours could be damned. 

So without thinking twice he began drawing. A simple line generating from the band of his wrist and up towards his elbow, eventually that single line developed into a flower stem. His hands travelled back towards the roots and made them more profound, adding a couple extra flowers and stems that led to more flowers. 

He smiled at his work before closing the pen and taking the chopsticks from the top of his noddle pot. Dipping the tips into the broth Baekhyun swirled them around in the packet before draining the water, as he did this he couldn't help but stare down at his arm in adoration. Eventually a moon joined the 'plant tree' and set the mood. 

Byun Baekhyun proudly announced himself a night owl to whoever asked, he just never seemed to sleep and whenever he did it didn't last very long. He just loved spending his time painting or drawing, myths and legends were his favourite pieces to do. He didn't have any friends apart from Lay and he wanted to keep it that way, he liked being alone but at the same time he didn't. He always wanted to know what it would be like to have a family and being able to fall in love. 

He had grown up in an orphanage in Bucheon called the Sisters of the Rose, as far as he could remember he had been there his entire life. They were a Catholic organisation but they respected modern day views so when Baekhyun identified himself as gay when he was merely the age of sixteen they had supported him as best as they could, Baekhyun loved the sisters that had raised him all throughout his life and when it was time for him to leave since he was old enough they had managed to pay for the remainder of his high school education (something he would forever be grateful for). He had constantly thought of what life would have been like if he had of never gone to that orphanage, he would dream of his faceless parents and always wondered why they had chosen to give him up. Did they not love him? Did anyone love him? 

Did they not love him? Did anyone love him? 


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
750 streak #2
Chapter 30: Welcome back, thank you so much for a new update.

So, someone finally got to see Baekhyun’s paintings, very fitting that it was Kyungsoo. It also seems that their overnight Council cram session was fruitful. Looking forward to the upcoming meeting, I just hope that Kris won’t be able to cause any trouble.
750 streak #3
Chapter 29: Happy New Year, thank you for the update! I loved this chapter. I’ve been waiting for Chanyeol to use mind control on someone, and it’s funny how Baek just takes everything in stride.

So, Jessica knows Katherine from way back. I hope she’s able to help her, and Donghae will eventually be exposed.

I am surprised that Nana did not mention to Baekhyun what she overheard at the castle. Things are going to get crazy.
750 streak #4
Chapter 28: Happy New Year, thanks for the update! This chapter was so sweet, I love that they have such a connection. Baekhyun comparing the Council to the Volturi was hilarious. I can see where the older vampires would not be amused. lol
750 streak #5
Chapter 27: Uh-oh, this is not good at all, I wonder what Chanyeol is going to decide. I’m also hoping that Baekhyun is going to be okay in the meantime. I still don’t believe he’s human though, so I can’t wait to find his true age. Thank you so much for the update.
750 streak #6
Chapter 26: Fingers crossed it was enough blood to heal Baek, but I am hoping that he can be turned eventually. In a side note, I’m happy that Chanyeol and Yixing got a chance to see Nana once again. Thanks for this update, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m wondering what sort of species that Baek will turn out to be as well/
750 streak #7
Chapter 25: I was thinking that Yixing would ask about Sehun, but you probably have something planned for that storyline. I can’t wait to see if Chanyeol makes the magic happen and finds a plane within the specified period. Hopefully, they will be able to keep Baek safe. Thank you for the update.
750 streak #8
Chapter 24: I’m glad that Yixing’s first call was to Chanyeol, as he needs to know what is going on. I am also wondering what role Jessica will play in all of this, especially as she is now pregnant. Great update! The plot thickens…
750 streak #9
Chapter 23: I’m loving the way that Baek is dealing with all the vampires, he’s really giving them hell. I would say that he would be wise not to antagonize Kris, but it would seem than the boy can more than hold his own. Also, Baek’s new friendship with Kyung is so precious.

Looks like Donghae’s role in all of this is much more ominous than I was thinking. I’m just wondering what evil Kris is plotting. Thanks for the update.
750 streak #10
Chapter 22: So glad I decided to binge-read, I absolutely love this story and the characters. I’m hoping that Luhan will suddenly start getting better, and he and Sehun can move to Seoul. I am also wondering how Donghae and his wife fit into things, if he is perhaps the vampire that killed Baek’s landlord.The plot thickens, can’t wait for the next update.