Go against the rules

"You seem quite chipper this morning," Katherine chuckled looking at the Prince as he happily floated around in the kitchen, both of his hands were full with a bowl of cereal and spoon. "should I even bother to ask what happened yesterday or shall I wait for you to finish your adorable yet terrible dancing?" 

"I had the utmost pleasure of bringing my beloved mate out on a date last night" Chanyeol exclaimed after placing his breakfast down on the counter, the king's mistress watched with a smile on her lips as the prince began making his way over to her. "it was quite late into the day when he agreed to meet with me but I'm so glad that he did." 

Katherine let out an honest laugh as Chanyeol's hands dragged her left hand up to rest on his shoulder while he entangled his fingers with her right hand, he spun her around on the spot. His ballroom dance training having really come in useful for this exact moment. He spun and dipped and waltzed with his Eomma with a bright smile on his face and love hearts swimming in the iris of his eyes, Katherine had never seen him look so happy in his entire life. 

"We spent hours talking about the most random things, he showed me imagines of the paintings he had done on his phone and then provided me with lengthy explanations as to what they entailed. Katherine his work is really beautiful, he paints with such a passion that I have only ever seen once-" 

"Leonardo Di Vinci." Katherine nodded her head, knowing exactly where her adoptive son was going with the conversation. Chanyeol had found himself obsessed with the famous Renaissance polymath ever since he had come across the Mona Lisa on one of their royal trips to Paris, to every wandering human eye they looked like a mere family outing and not some ancient old creatures of a royal bloodline. "Yet his paintings were more on the biblical sides of things and not exactly what your dear mate paints, but you have peaked my curiosity in the boy. Do tell me the scenes he has painted!" 

Chanyeol told his mother of all the paintings Baekhyun had showed him on his phone, from the most recent David vs. Goliath to a old painting done of Baekhyun's take on the fabled story of the City of Gold. Katherine's eyes widened as she listened to her son's speech, listening intently to the various things Baekhyun had told him about his paintings such as the canvases he used to the oils or paint colours he had used. Katherine herself was a massive fan of the arts and had the pleasure of owning quite a few paintings herself from famous painters all around the globe, Di Vinci's works too. 

"-they're all so amazing Eomma, I don't like to toot my own horn but my mate really is quite an amazing painter." Chanyeol smiled, his eyes sparkling as he joined Katherine on one of the stools in the kitchen. His fingers played around with a loose thread of one of the towels used for drying off the dishes, his mind pulling him back to the previous night where he had probably the best (and first) date of his entire life. 

"So we'll have a musician and a painter in the family hmm?" Katherine teased, her cheeks lifting her eyes up and crinkling them. She was hesitant to talk to the prince about his previous passion and yet staring into his eyes as they sparkled as he reminisced his date gave her courage, Chanyeol had been an amazing musician before he had given up the craft after a verbal fight with his father. "Have you told him about your music?" 

"I haven't needed to" Chanyeol admitted, his gaze turning onto the cloth in his hand. Katherine found herself glancing down at the material too, her eyes tracing the black thread entangled throughout the white towel. "the first day I met with him ion the café in Seoul I brought along my music sheets, I've found some inspiration for song writing." 

The king's mistress didn't know what to say, her lower jaw hung loose while her eyes bulged from her head. This news was by far the most interesting and unexpected thing she had heard all week (aside from Nana's death), The crowned prince had publicly claimed in front of the entire court that he was certain he would never be able to pick up a pen in order to write another melody ever again. The vampire council were sad to hear the young vampire declare such claim but nevertheless they respected his wishes and promoted that since he couldn't be spending his time studying music he could learn other things, Chanyeol was then tasked with developing on his historical and language skills as well as gathering other teachings like cooking and sewing. Kris had fought hard to keep his son out of the sewing classes since it seemed 'a little too feminine' for his son but he wasn't able to hold Chanyeol back from learning how to cook. The Prince was skilled in the kitchen even if they had their own castle chef. 

"Will we ever be able to hear your songs again?" Katherine wondered, asking the question she had restricted herself from asking after the king and his son had fought. She watched as the prince continued to stare off into space, his mind lugging through his thoughts while he decided on what he would do. 

For a moment Katherine allowed herself to open the part of her memories which had been closed for decades, Chanyeol's beautiful piano music filling her ears as her eyes closed to focus solely on the memory. The young prince was probably only 95 at the time, his fingers gliding against the keys of the piano like he had known how to do it his entire life and hadn't simply practised for only a week. The piece was one of Mozart's, calming yet complicated. Katherine hadn't been interested in music so she had never asked her step-son the name of the melody in which he played but it's tune still managed to haunt her dreams. 

"Maybe one day" Chanyeol had always liked to consider himself a positive person and therefore his answer seemed to have caused Katherine to grin in excitement regardless of the fact that his words only held a slight glimmer of possibility. "in the distant future. I think I want you to meet Baekhyun before I really throw myself back into my music, I have much more important matters to attend to before I can even think like that." 

"Always so professional." Katherine scoffed but her words held no venom, she simply rolled her eyes when she realised that the prince's attention had turned back to her. Her lips curled up and Chanyeol let out a laugh, before quickly reaching over and tightening his fingers around Katherine's wrist. They were both strong vampires but Chanyeol having been born a vampire meant that his strength easily doubled her own, forcing Katherine to comply and rise a brow in her step-son's direction. 

Chanyeol's eyes were drifting from left to right like he was reading some invisible script that had just appeared between them both, Katherine was confused to allowed the boy some time to come back to reality. In the mean-time she simply plucked a shiny red apple from the fruit bowl just ahead of her, her fangs dug into the fruit the moment it pressed against her lips. 

"How long did Kris' letter say that he would be gone?" Chanyeol asked, turning his attention away from the hidden script and back onto his mother who blinked at him in confusion. "You received a letter from the idiot this morning which if I know my father like I believe I do he would have written with some excuse claiming that he needs to stay in China for a couple more days, how long has he decided this time?" 

Katherine was awestruck but then after a moment she shook herself out of her surprised state because of course the Prince was able to foresee his father's letters since the King had been using them to it make excuses for more than ten decades now. She signed and pulled the parchment out of her Victorian style dress pocket, the skirt wasn't as large and puffy like the other's Chanyeol had seen her wear. He waited in silence as his Eomma unfolded the message and cleared , her fingers pressing against the folding's so that the paper looked less creased after having been shoved into her pocket all morning. 


                      Given the current circumstances that have befallen at home, staying longer in China was the very last thing I wanted to do. As you have been briefed, I have taken Minho with me on my royal business in our neighbouring country. One of the businessmen that I work with on a daily basis has found himself in quite the predicament as his business is currently under investigate for housing some rebels that have willingly announced to our people that they were planning to assassinate Chanyeol and as the council have advised I am to see to it that the matter be cleared up, just in time for Chanyeol to take the throne away from me. 

I have extended my trip from a week to a month, as the case has been constantly fed more rumours and information therefore it is in my honest heart that I beg you to watch over the Queen who will need constant care now that I am gone. The guards have been given strict orders to protect you encase there is an enemy attack while I'm away but the mere sight of a letter from you will force me to return home at once. 

Please give my regards to Jongin and his mate, the sickly queen and my son who will be meeting with the daughter of my close friend upon my return in preparation for their wedding.

Always a pleasure, 

The King. 

"Ah always so heartfelt my beloved father" Chanyeol rolled his eyes, taking the offered letter that Katherine held out to him knowing that the young vampire was desperate to see it with his own eyes rather than listening to her reading it out. She watched as he began scanning through the short note, his upper lip raising in disgust before placing it down onto the counter just before the fruit bowl. "this matter could have easily been addressed from home, not that my father cares as the only reason he's staying is due to the need of support from his friend." 

"I'm not sure what you mean?" Katherine admitted, taking the message and re-folding it. She delicately placed it back into her deep pocket, her head tilting as her eyes stared holes into her step-son. Chanyeol's eyes appeared to be full of rage, her eyes drifting to his balled up fists that were clenching tightly on the counter-top. Katherine's fingers gently rested on top of each of them and without another moment's hesitation she pulled them to her chest forcing Chanyeol to look at her. "Tell me what's on your mind honey." 

"The only business man that my father deals with in China is the owner of a multinational e ring it's a legal business with no links to any sort of underground organisations, I don't doubt that there was rebel vampire's there hatching a plan to keep me off the throne but I highly doubt it's the only reason he's staying." Chanyeol stated, his Eomma's eyes widening at the facts her step-son was sprouting. Katherine knew that Chanyeol occasionally lied but a majority of those sins were directed at the king rather than her and Suho, she didn't want to believe him with this but she still allowed him the chance of explaining him, and he did. "Lust Shot is the name of the overall business and is known for it's recurring vampire customers who come to get laid or to obtain blood from various willing participants. Some of the es are vampires themselves so they can have their fun with whichever lonely human walks in unknowingly, I read about it when I was looking through Kris' files in his office." 

"Should I even ask why you were snooping through your father's office?" Katherine sighed, her brows raised so that they disappeared into her hairline. She brushed the bangs out of her eyes and blinked innocently at the vampire teenager who didn't even seem apologetic for his actions. 

"I was merely looking for paper." Chanyeol grinned knowing that Katherine could see right through him with his lie, he winked at her before continuing his explanation. "The council didn't send him because they don't know that he's linked to Lust Shot, he's using them as an excuse for his sudden departure from the castle. Like he's using this supposed court case to hide his countless affairs with the es there, even if there was a rebel meeting my father wouldn't have cared for it." 

"So you have reason to believe your father is lying?" 

"When hasn't he?" Chanyeol asked, generally waiting for Katherine to come up with a time where the king had spoken words of the truth. Her search turned up with nothing, her memory outstanding since she was a vampire but even her memories painted the king as a selfish bastard who only thought with his rather than his mind or heart. "Oh and must I remind you of what happened to Olivia yesterday?" 

Katherine had already been informed about what had happened to the chambermaid when Kris had decided to take her into his chambers a night ago, in a way she was glad that Chanyeol was there to comfort her and take her to the right person for help. Mary had sought the king's mistress out the moment she arrived back in the castle from her duties outdoors, she had spilled as much information as she could before leading the way to the girl who had explained the rest to the consort. 

"Why did you want to know how long your father would be away?" she wondered, pulling herself back into reality. She took a bite from the ruby red fruit, her tongue tingling in the sweetness. 

"A month is a long time" Chanyeol muttered out into the air, having swallowed the spoonful of cereal he had just shoved into his mouth. He turned his head so that his eyes landed on Katherine's side profile, the consort was blinking down at the apple in her fingertips naturally studying her bite mark like she had never seen it before. "I was thinking that since my father is away we might be able to do things that we might not have managed to do before." 

"What do you suggest that we do?" Although she sounded skeptical and was viewing the prince with narrowed eyes, Chanyeol could see the curiosity shining through her pupils. "Nothing that will cause harm to anyone right?" 

"How do you feel about sending me to high school?" he wondered, watching with a knowing grin as Katherine's lips turned up into a devilish smirk. 

"Lay!" Baekhyun gasped rushing towards his professor who was halfway through Baekhyun's doorframe after having been told through the door to come in. The Chinese teacher halted in his steps, staring at his student on curiosity after seeing him practically vibrating with excitement. 

"Yeah no, not happening!" The teacher exclaimed attempting to walk back into the hallway only for his attempts to fail when Baekhyun's hand gripped onto his wrist and pulled him backwards, obviously being a vampire he could have prevented himself from complying to the human's wishes but as he was still a old being who had spent his entire day teaching annoying students, Yixing was too tired to put up a meaningless fight against him. "Baekhyun I'm really not in the mood of dealing with your hyper -" 

"Chanyeol took me out on a date last night!" he squealed, holding on tighter to his friend's wrist as he jumped up and down on the spot. Lay couldn't stop the smile from spreading on his face as he watched with a thundering heart as Baekhyun continued to squeal and jump around. Maybe he had time for this. 

"Let me get some tea and then you can tell me all about it!" he gushed, gently pulling his arm away exchanging it for Baekhyun's which he used to steer the younger into his living room. His student collapsed onto the sofa, his eyes wide and sparkling in the mid-afternoon sun that was shining through the windows of Baekhyun's apartment. Lay let out a laugh at his student's state, he quickly placed his bag down and rushed into the kitchen set on making himself a cup of tea that would bring his focus back for what he expected to be a lengthy explanation of what happened on the prince's date. 

While the water in the kettle was boiling Lay couldn't help but wonder if Chanyeol was as effected by his date with Baekhyun like his student was, he tried to imagine the young prince speaking with Suho and Katherine about what happened but the only imagine that came to mind was a toddler in a diaper attempting to talk but only letting out little babbling phrases. A lot of time had passed since then. 

When the water was boiled and it had been poured into Lay's favoured cup, the professor excitedly exited the kitchen a warm smile resting on his lips as he took his seat in the armchair facing with it's back to the sunshine. He slowly took a sip of the hot beverage, blowing on it gently before he allowed it access to his mouth. He could feel Baekhyun's intense gaze on his body but some extra amusement he ignored it, his full attention of the cup of tea in his hands. 

"Lay!" The human groaned, throwing his head back so that it rested against the armrest of the sofa. Baekhyun crossed his arms and exaggerated a pout, his brows furrowed in mock anger directed towards his neighbour. Lay knew that it wouldn't last very long so he happily sipped on his tea some more before Baekhyun reached his breaking point. 

"He's just so perfect!" he cried, thrashing around on the sofa squealing into his fluffy covered pillows while his legs rose into the air and wiggled around. Lay watched him in disappointment although he had expected a somewhat similar outcome. "We always had a topic of conversation, we were never not talking. He brought me to McDonalds because I told him how much I loved their McNuggets, he paid for it and some drinks before taking me to the park where he literally bought a picnic blanket so that we had a place to sit down. Then we just talked some more, I showed him some pictures of my paintings and he told me that he's slowly getting back into his music. Then as it was getting later he suggested that we lay down and star-gaze and oh gosh Lay when I say that he just couldn't get any more magical he literally pulled me into his arms and claimed that he was cold despite the fact that his body was like literally so warm, but obviously like the stupid I am I told him that I best get home before it got really late and guess what this does!" 

"Enlighten me." Lay suggested, continuously sipping on his tea while he allowed the story to sink into his mind. Baekhyun really wasn't good at giving details but he found his excitement adorable. 

"He gave me his black hoodie to wear so that I don't get cold while he was walking me home, he took my hand and guided me along. Kept me close to him while we were walking past dark alleyways and wouldn't let go until we were standing right outside my apartment, he looked so happy that I had agreed to go on a date with him and honestly I even found myself missing him the moment he said goodbye-" 

"Please tell me that he gave you a peck on the cheek, please tell me that you got a goodnight kiss!" Lay begged, his hands would have formed a praying formation if he wasn't currently holding onto his cup. Even though he knew that the burning hot sensation of spilt tea on his crouch wouldn't have stunned him in the slightest he couldn't risk Baekhyun worrying about it, only to discover that it literally did nothing to the vampire. 

"He did!" Baekhyun hollered, wiping a fake tear from his cheek. "This got a big fat juicy pair of lips pressed against his cheek and I swear to the heavens above that I momentarily stopped breathing." 

"Thank you Jisoos" Lay laughed, tossing his head back to shout at the ceiling like he was speaking with a godly being from the sky. His action caused a spark of laughter to erupt from Baekhyun, the human's eyes crinkled as his entire body shook in happiness. "so did you get his number?" 

"Why would I need his number?" Baekhyun questioned, his gaze falling back onto his professor. Giggles erupted from the human's mouth when he realised that he looked like someone who was getting a phycological exam done with Lay as his therapist who found more enjoyment in sipping tea than in taking notes. "We are soulmates that are able to communicate with one another through body art, I don't need his number when I can literally write to him with my body." 

"That sounds so erted I like physically can't.." 

"Did you just-?" Baekhyun gasped looking at his professor with wide eyes, he had never expected Lay to use modern day slang words. But judging by the shocked expression that appeared on the Chinese teacher's face he himself hadn't realised that he had said it. 

"It's the tea" Lay defended himself, pointing with his free hand to the cup. Baekhyun stared at his friend with a teasing brow lifted against his forehead, his bangs were pushed back onto the pillow throughout his explanation of what he and Chanyeol did the previous night. "it's making me say weird things!" 

"Sure it is." Baekhyun humoured him, a small smile pulling at the corner of his lips. For a spilt moment Lay wondered why he had even decided to give this boy his attention in the first place but simply ruled it down to him reminding the professor of the former boy he had protected. "I'm going back to school on Monday, I explained what happened briefly to Chanyeol and he seemed surprised by it but he did look relieved when I told him that they were suspended until graduation. Which now that I think about it is quite some time away.." 

"Only in a couple months now" Lay chuckled, watching as his pupil nervously fiddled around with the loose string of one of his sofa cushions. "besides I expect them to be back before their due back date since their parents can be quite persuasive to the school." 

"Ah well that doesn't matter," Baekhyun claimed, turning his head so that his eyes fixed on the ceiling of his living room. "I don't understand it but I feel a lot less anxious about seeing them again. It's strange to put into words but I feel like I'll be okay?"

"Must be the effect Chanyeol has on you." Lay offered out into the air, nervous as to what Baekhyun might say in relatiation to his claim. Being a vampire Lay knew how humans would change slightly in the presence of one of his own, Baekhyun was a shy kid before he came along and brought him out of his shell by just being around him. Now that Chanyeol was in the picture, being a royal blooded vampire at that, Lay could understand where Baekhyun was going with his confusing explanation. The boy was feeling somewhat impowered because he had found his soulmate, he was feeling a better version of himself now that he knew deep in his heart that Chanyeol wasn't going to leave him. 

"Yeah.." Baekhyun agreed, a tiny smile occurred on his lips as he mapped out the boy's face on the white of his ceiling. He mentally drew the boy smiling since that's the most common expression his soulmate had whenever they were talking and it made Baekhyun's heart race just a tad bit more at the thought of it. "he definitely has a positive effect on me." 


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agsk98 #1
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
750 streak #2
Chapter 30: Welcome back, thank you so much for a new update.

So, someone finally got to see Baekhyun’s paintings, very fitting that it was Kyungsoo. It also seems that their overnight Council cram session was fruitful. Looking forward to the upcoming meeting, I just hope that Kris won’t be able to cause any trouble.
750 streak #3
Chapter 29: Happy New Year, thank you for the update! I loved this chapter. I’ve been waiting for Chanyeol to use mind control on someone, and it’s funny how Baek just takes everything in stride.

So, Jessica knows Katherine from way back. I hope she’s able to help her, and Donghae will eventually be exposed.

I am surprised that Nana did not mention to Baekhyun what she overheard at the castle. Things are going to get crazy.
750 streak #4
Chapter 28: Happy New Year, thanks for the update! This chapter was so sweet, I love that they have such a connection. Baekhyun comparing the Council to the Volturi was hilarious. I can see where the older vampires would not be amused. lol
750 streak #5
Chapter 27: Uh-oh, this is not good at all, I wonder what Chanyeol is going to decide. I’m also hoping that Baekhyun is going to be okay in the meantime. I still don’t believe he’s human though, so I can’t wait to find his true age. Thank you so much for the update.
750 streak #6
Chapter 26: Fingers crossed it was enough blood to heal Baek, but I am hoping that he can be turned eventually. In a side note, I’m happy that Chanyeol and Yixing got a chance to see Nana once again. Thanks for this update, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m wondering what sort of species that Baek will turn out to be as well/
750 streak #7
Chapter 25: I was thinking that Yixing would ask about Sehun, but you probably have something planned for that storyline. I can’t wait to see if Chanyeol makes the magic happen and finds a plane within the specified period. Hopefully, they will be able to keep Baek safe. Thank you for the update.
750 streak #8
Chapter 24: I’m glad that Yixing’s first call was to Chanyeol, as he needs to know what is going on. I am also wondering what role Jessica will play in all of this, especially as she is now pregnant. Great update! The plot thickens…
750 streak #9
Chapter 23: I’m loving the way that Baek is dealing with all the vampires, he’s really giving them hell. I would say that he would be wise not to antagonize Kris, but it would seem than the boy can more than hold his own. Also, Baek’s new friendship with Kyung is so precious.

Looks like Donghae’s role in all of this is much more ominous than I was thinking. I’m just wondering what evil Kris is plotting. Thanks for the update.
750 streak #10
Chapter 22: So glad I decided to binge-read, I absolutely love this story and the characters. I’m hoping that Luhan will suddenly start getting better, and he and Sehun can move to Seoul. I am also wondering how Donghae and his wife fit into things, if he is perhaps the vampire that killed Baek’s landlord.The plot thickens, can’t wait for the next update.