
(G)-idle Neverland stories
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long hiatus ever haha, sorry guys abou the delayed, I had been so busy. here is the plot everyone voted for, PERFUME, you guys seriusly love Jeaousy stories haha REMEMBER TO FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @Mishujin311, every +20 a new pdate will be done (it´s my new way to gain time and it will be up to you how often you wanna read my stories)  DO NOT FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, UPVOTE AND COMMENT IF YOU ARE ENJOYING MY STORIES. that all being said I will let you enjoy the storie

Jealousy, such an awful feeling, one that was consuming Soojin right now as her eyes landed on Miyeon and Minnie being affectionate with HER girlfriend.

And Soojin couldn't help to think that in her relathionship, sometimes it feels like there were three even four of them in it.

That was the reason why, she always made sure to leave a trace of her on Shuhua.

PERFUME Perfume - Britney Spears
Jealousy Just who the hell invented that word?
Who thought it was a good idea to put a name in the volcano of emotions Soojin was feeling. Whoever it was, had gained Soojin hate. Specially when they were at it again. Miyeon and Minnie loving her girlfriend in ways she couldn't. Those silly lovely-dovey antics that she hate but her girlfriend loves. Why should they hug her like that? Why is Minnie pating her hair and treating her girl as a baby and why the hell was Miyeon kissing and pinching her cheeks? She was definitely boiling with jealousy.
But no, she will not let Shuhua know that. Soojin prefer other ways to make any outlooker that Shuhua was her. Could be a simple love mark on her girlfriend neck On even let her perfume linger on Shuhua's clothes. Hoping they smell her essence on the Taiwanese girl. Like a feline marking her territory. A simple look along with a small smile that barely made it to her lips Or even rubbing Shuhua's upper back arm, close to her armpit Nothing obvious. Nothing that give away how mad she was about the fact that other people, specially the couple who was by Shuhua's side,  look at her with such adoration in their eyes, feed her, kiss her, hugg her, it triggered her to the top, but no, she wasn't going to let them see a glimpse of this feeling that consumed her. Shuhua was hers, she was sure about that. Soojin refuse to be the typical jealous girlfriend who demands all their partners attention, she wasn't going to be an insecured teenage girl. But she was.  And Soojin hate how much power Shuhua had over her. How Shuhua made her realize how possessive she can be and how fast her heart can beat inside her chest. Her eyes landed again in the trio still sitting on the sofa, now Minnie and Miyeon's head on Shuhua's shoulder. And as Soojin sit at the single couch she reminds herself that she was not single and holding herself back from sitting between them, and convinced herself she was calm. -so, tell me again what are you doing here- Soojin's asked straightforward. Ok, she did not do a good job there. -oh we just miss our shushu so much- Minnie smile looking at her. -yes, she has been working so much that we haven't seen her in a week- Miyeon added adoring Shuhua, making the receiver of those attention giggle at their overdramatic selves. And they were right, this was Shuhua first day off in the week, and Miyeon and Mi
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Still sad for Soojin, without inspiration cause SooShu is dead …but Suayeon is helping me to keep going.




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0 points #1
Chapter 1: Maybe Soojin had messed up but now she has realized her mistake and can try again, if Soojin allows.
Chapter 55: this is so sad and painful I really hope soojin is doing fine..
1199 streak #3
Chapter 55: Oh this hurt 🤕
Zhappy #4
Chapter 3: this is just sad ngl
Chapter 1: ahh why so sad
1199 streak #6
Chapter 54: Oh my heart wasn't prepared for this, but at the same time it was kinda needed, like bringing peace to me at the same time
Chapter 54: T-T
1199 streak #8
Chapter 53: I can completely understand, because she was my favorite too, it's heartbreaking to hear she's gone
twiceonce999 #9
Chapter 52: Mishu juseyoooooong..... :D
Shushubao #10
Chapter 52: This chap was hella confusing but cute story othornim!