Too little too late

(G)-idle Neverland stories
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update!!! please do not forget to upvote, subscribe and among all comment! your words are highly appreciated and they help me to keep up! enjoy the story! let me know down below if you had liked it. Enjoy! A litte too late   "Miyeon, Come and stay the night"   It's the message that the blonde female kept reading, the message was now showed read for the emisor of the message and the receptor of it couldn't stop looking at it, her screan lighting the dark room she was in.   The words doesn't feel right it's been almost six months since they last spoke and truth to be told she did not know what do to.   -What does she expect to me to say?- she wonder herself as she recall the events that made them like this.   It was a Sunday afternoon, and Miyeon always hang out with her best friend, it was a Thai girl that had come to Korea at the begging of Miyeon's first day of elementary school, it was the cute type of girl and Miyeon being well raised approached the little girl that was all alone at lunch break.   Since that day they have been glued like bees to honey, always choosing to be together, same school, same group of friends to the extent to live in the same neighborhood, with a lot if begging in between, and now they had enrolled themselves in the same University, luckily now Miyeon was thankful to not had shared the same dorm, that would have been such a torture given their current situation.   For Miyeon it happened when they were both seventeen, she never questioned her uality, she well knew she was more attracted to girls, finding them cuter than boys, she had caught herself staring more to the female roles of a movie or a drama, even enjoy their company more, but even besides she knowing herself it was such a revelation when she realized she had developed feelings for the only person she promised herself she wouldn't.   No, it wasn't because her friend was ugly, but all the contrary, the girl in question was nice, beautiful, kind and very talented and where the small gestures that the multi talented girl did for Miyeon that made her heart skip a bit when the pink haired girl brushed her hand again Miyeon's skin either touching her hand or caressing her cheek, the way she would open the door for Miyeon to walk in first, how she would buy all the tickets for a small concert and obligated their relatives and friends to assist even handed some free tickets on social media.   It was a kind soul and Miyeon would have been blind or numb if those small details didn't moved her but she convinced herself that it would be better to keep it in, for the sake of their friendship.   The reason, the Thai girl was straight, or at least that was what Miyeon thought with the girl changing of boyfriend way too often for her liking.   It never worked "They are too immature" was Minnie's favorite excuse every time. But something changed, or more like Minnie next couple on their first year at the University changed, imagine Miyeon's reaction when at the end of their last day as juniors her friend introduced her to her new girlfriend.   Her name was Shuhua and they didn't last much tho but it wasn't what truly mattered, the fact that Minnie had kept that secret was what bothered Miyeon but there again she couldn't say much because she had kept a secret from her friend too. So two months after Minnie and Shuhua had broken up, Miyeon grow beaver and confessed to her best friend.   Miyeon invited Minnie to a Troy Sivan concert, if she was going to do it, she would do it well even though we knew things couldn't end as she expected she will give her best. The concert was great, both girls were so hyped and had enjoyed the event as well, singing, dancing and specially screaming. It was on their walk back home that Miyeon stopped walking making Minnie to stop on her tracks and turned her head to look at Miyeon.   - are you tired?- the Thai girl asked at noticing the blonde girl had stopped. - I can piggyback you back home if you want- Minnie offered when Miyeon didn't answer.   - I'm fine, don't worry- Miyeon smiled and Minnie did too   - so what's wrong, wanna rest a little bit?- the pink haired girl asked wanting to find a reason for them to be in the middle of the sidewalk at 3 am.   - I wanted to tell you something, but I'm hesitating- Miyeon confessed a side of her plan as well as her current feelings   -oh, you know I'm here if you need me, no need to pushed yourself to tell me- Minnie assured her not wanting for Miyeon to feel pressured to tell her.   - I don't know how you will react but the reason why I'm telling you is because I cannot keep it to myself anymore, and for some reason I feel it's fair for you to know, please do not think for a moment that I'm doing it to burden you - Miyeon wanted to let Minnie know her reasons not realizing she was scaring the girl in front of her.   And as the second passed and the Thai girl worries grow too the blonde girl spoke again.   - I really like you - Miyeon looked up and feel relieved when her friend smiled her But Miyeon smiled faded after her friend's answers.   -you are so silly, why so much drama to tell me that, we are friends of course you will like me it would have been really weird if after all these years you didn't- Minnie w
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Still sad for Soojin, without inspiration cause SooShu is dead …but Suayeon is helping me to keep going.


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0 points #1
Chapter 1: Maybe Soojin had messed up but now she has realized her mistake and can try again, if Soojin allows.
Chapter 55: this is so sad and painful I really hope soojin is doing fine..
1199 streak #3
Chapter 55: Oh this hurt 🤕
Zhappy #4
Chapter 3: this is just sad ngl
Chapter 1: ahh why so sad
1199 streak #6
Chapter 54: Oh my heart wasn't prepared for this, but at the same time it was kinda needed, like bringing peace to me at the same time
Chapter 54: T-T
1199 streak #8
Chapter 53: I can completely understand, because she was my favorite too, it's heartbreaking to hear she's gone
twiceonce999 #9
Chapter 52: Mishu juseyoooooong..... :D
Shushubao #10
Chapter 52: This chap was hella confusing but cute story othornim!