I need you to survive

(G)-idle Neverland stories
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Update of the day! Hope you guys enjoy it and that I was able to make it up for the broken hearts of the last chapter Remember to upvote subscribe and comment if you are enjoying my stories. Thx for the support                     I can't live this life without you by my side Listen to me ~ 😸 (Now)
A short hair girl was behind the large red curtain, nervous as she jumped a little to warm up her body as she remembered the long path she had to walk through to arrive to this moment as memories of a  fatidical car accident  happened two years ago came to her mindset, one that changed her life, crashed her dreams and stole her smile.
It was other day in her life, one like many others, the dancer woke up at 6am and after her morning routine she was ready to go. She left her house in a hurry as she made stuns with her bag of clothes hanging from her left shoulder, her teeth biting a piece of bread as her left hand hold her coffee thermo and the right one place her keys in her pocket. She was running late for her dancing practice, her team had been working non-stop the last two months because Sunmi, the most famous singer in Korea, had requested them as her backup dancers, it was the biggest opportunity they had had and Soojin was who coordinate Sunmi's music with the choreography. Dancing for Soojin means everything, it was as natural as breathing, it was her passion and finally she will fulfill her biggest dream of being recognized by the media. She arrived at the studio where her team was ready for her, the other five girls in there were more than just her friends they were her family too, they clicked so well together that her teamwork was often praised by the singer star. As soon as she arrived, her girlfriend, Shuhua, greeted her with a kiss as the other ones hugged her, it was part of their little routine whenever they saw each other. They began to warm up and right after began to practice the choreography set, tomorrow the concert will take place and the black hair dancer will make sure for everything to be perfect.
As the music began, the dance did too,  Soojin going through the moves like a fish in the water, all her body being just an extension that transmitted her passion towards that art and her facial expressions  could show the emotions of every beat. The practice was perfect and at the end SUNMI and Soojin coordinate the time  and place they will see each other before the concert. Needless to say that the concert was a blast, the energy of the fans was on point as well as the dance of the team, the people supported feverish to their idol but also cheered for the dancers which made the girl very happy. After the concert Sunmi invited them to celebrate and the six dancers gladly accepted, bottles were open and empty out as they enjoy their small celebration with the staff and the singer. At the end of the night a drunk Soojin was being hold by Shuhua as the last one tried to get the main dancer to the cab. The way home was silent, specially because Soojin closed her eyes as the car began to move. Nobody would have guessed that the night would bring with it a tragedy. Soojin did not know what happened, she could only remember the sound of the brakes, her body feeling  a sudden turn to the right and a big crashed which made the car swerved out of control. When Soojin could open her eyes a sharp pain went through her body erupting in a scream, she tried to move but she felt she was stuck, with the lights that the car and moon provided her she saw her left leg being pressed by the front seat and she did not have the strength enough to set herself free, crying due to the pain she began to yelp for help as her eyes search Shuhua, who's body was not longer by her side. She heard the sirens getting closer but the concern was growing with every second her eyes did not locate her girlfriend. When the rescue unit arrived,  they helped to set Soojin leg free but as soon as they did they saw a piece of metal of the door embedded in it, as fast as they could they sent her straight to emergencies. As they placed her in the ambulance, she saw other paramedics lifting Shuhua up  from the middle of the road into another bed, she was unconscious but Soojin felt deep inside that get girlfriend was fine. After they arrived to emergencies, Soojin was too sedated that only find out the sad story when she woke up. When she opened her eyes, she could only smile at looking at her girlfriend by her side and safe and sound but then that smiled changed when Soojin noticed Shuhua's eyes. -what, what happened- she questioned with worry trying to sit straight, being stopped by Shuhua. - baby what I'm about to tell you, it's difficult...-
- Shuhua, what's going on? Are you ok
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Still sad for Soojin, without inspiration cause SooShu is dead …but Suayeon is helping me to keep going.


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Chapter 55: this is so sad and painful I really hope soojin is doing fine..
1198 streak #2
Chapter 55: Oh this hurt 🤕
Zhappy #3
Chapter 3: this is just sad ngl
Chapter 1: ahh why so sad
1198 streak #5
Chapter 54: Oh my heart wasn't prepared for this, but at the same time it was kinda needed, like bringing peace to me at the same time
Chapter 54: T-T
1198 streak #7
Chapter 53: I can completely understand, because she was my favorite too, it's heartbreaking to hear she's gone
twiceonce999 #8
Chapter 52: Mishu juseyoooooong..... :D
Shushubao #9
Chapter 52: This chap was hella confusing but cute story othornim!
1198 streak #10
Chapter 51: Oh wow 😳 l😮