(G)-idle Neverland stories
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Chapter to celebrate my first 1000 subscribers, thank you so much for your subscriptions and support through all these chapters, hope y'all had enjoyed the angst journey with me.😸😸😸😸😸 Do not forget to upvote subscribe and comment, your words are highly appreciated. Be good, love y'all 😘😘




listen to it, you will regret it if you do not. Without You Another day has come  The sun was raising from the East, the sunlight lightning the empty roads as it went up. Calm could be sensed. Although the scenery was not. The streets were alone, the wind making the dry leaves to dance in a soothing lullaby, lifting them up smoothly and then bringing them down slowly. Some cars were left at the side and middle of the highways, some doors still wide open. Chaos was the picture. The fire downtown could be seen from afar, some stores had broken windows and were almost destroyed when the news came three months ago. A big Shelter was opened at the outsides of the city, three kilometers underground to keep everyone safe.  People at the refugee try to keep their lives going as normal as it had become, woke up at eight am, get the cabins clean for the morning checked up, be ready bath and dressed with the uniforms given, go to the public cafeteria and gather the meals for the day, by ten am be at the gym and keep the shape as people executed military exercises, at 12 everyone got enrolled in some areas where their abilities could be helpful. Schools, churches, a farm, a playground, hospitals, all of them installed and opened for the civilians. At eight pm the lights were cut off and only the soldiers could walk through the halls of the Bunker. The first two bombs that North Korea had thrown to the Seoul city had reduced their habitants numbers to not more than eighty thousand, luckily for them those were not nuclear bombs although the alert was still on. Among the survivers of the horrible D-Day you could find Seo Soojin and Yeh Shuhua, a couple with five years of relationship, young and strong, some of her friends had also made it Song Yuqi, Jeon Soyeon, Cho Miyeon and Nicha Yontaraeak also known by Minnie were on the same Pavilion as then. Soojin and Shuhua had survived thanks to Soyeon, Yuqi and Minnie that were part of 'Rangers', one of the best army squat, they had prevent them before the news about the first bomb was announced, picking them up and taking them to the safe harbor "Heaven" Soojin still remember how afraid she was but not only for her life but also for the younger girl that was embracing her on their way to the 'Heaven' Thinking how violent their night might turn but it won't matter as long as her beloved one assured her wellbeing,  She knew she did not want to breathe in a world were Shuhua wasn't by her side, the world might spin and the sun could keep lightning the days but she didn't want them to exist without the Taiwanese girl that she love. They were safe that night when the bombs destroyed their city and took with them innocent lives. But now, 95 days after the tragedy, Soojin once again felt her world crumbling down as Shuhua told her she had enlisted herself in the same squat that her friends a month after their arrival to the Bunker, without consulting her and had been accepted. " I want to protect you and feel you safe, and I can't do that being here, I can't stay here as I watch all my friends risk their lives for us"   Were Shuhua words as she hugged the crying and mad girl beneath her. The korean girl had cried herself to sleep as Shuhua went out at night to trained herself, losing her mind about the idea to be left behind by the person she adores the most. The day of Shuhua departure was announced through the speakers, finding on March 9th the first mission she had to accomplish and for the first time in those five months underground, the Taiwanese girl will go to the surface. And as Shuhua did her bag Soojin felt how their time together had been stolen away. The korean girl walked her girl to the exit following her two steps behind her with their fingers interlocked, a silent atmosphere above them, the oldest with the fear of not seeing her beloved one again, a feeling of lost growing in her chest. The front gate opened down as the soldiers began to line up after the farewell with their families. Soojin took longer as she watched the sad faces and heard the crying of the wives, husband and kids abandoned as they said goodbye. The older among them grow more scared as the reality hit her as strong as a wave to the rocks of a cliff under a storm. Soojin looked straight to Shuhua's eyes, caressing her cheek as their forehead became one and the one being left whispered. " Don't go, Shuhua you don't have to be brave this time, I know you wanna make it right but this is not the way, I don't want you to fight this time, please don't leave me"  But Shuhua did not listened to her, an " I have to do it" was her only answer as she walked to her designed spot on the line. Soojin watched her walking and felt weaker on her knees, she tried to follow her but was stopped by some soldiers at the divider border. She cried as she scream Shuhua's name again and again noticing how the mentioned name in her whimpers could hear her cries but not even once looked back, because the Taiwanese girl knew that as soon as her eyes landed on Soojin she won't have the strength to go out there and fight. So with teary eyes she took her spot feeling a pat on her back and her shoulder being squished as a way to make her feel better... it didn't work.  Soojin stayed there, arms keeping her in place like a straitjacket, her voice repeating the name of the soldier while her eyes watched the back of her beloved one as the now Ranger marched outside, the gates blocking her vision when it began to be lifted up again. The days passed and those days became weeks and none of the officer could give the korean girl an answer of how the mission had results, their excuse would be always the same, as they alleged it was confidential. It was two weeks after the Rangers departure that it was announced through the loudspeakers what Soojin feared the most, Shuhua's squat was not longer in the communication range, they had vanished two days ago. A search and rescue team had been reunited, but there weren't many soldiers available, the major of the Bunker was forced to train a mixed team so that way half the soldiers could protect their civilians and a small group could go outside and save the Rangers squat. They asked for volunteers and without thinking twice Soojin raised her hand being joined by Miyeon, two other girls named Jennie and Chaeyoung who were also lovers of  some of the missing soldiers inside Shuhua unit. They were given only a week to trained themselves, it was beyond hard but nothing will stop Soojin from going up and find the missing ranger that took her heart and it seemed the other girls were under the same mindset. On Friday all of them received the green light and Soojin being on the front line watched the gates goi
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Still sad for Soojin, without inspiration cause SooShu is dead …but Suayeon is helping me to keep going.


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Chapter 55: this is so sad and painful I really hope soojin is doing fine..
1189 streak #2
Chapter 55: Oh this hurt 🤕
Zhappy #3
Chapter 3: this is just sad ngl
Chapter 1: ahh why so sad
1189 streak #5
Chapter 54: Oh my heart wasn't prepared for this, but at the same time it was kinda needed, like bringing peace to me at the same time
Chapter 54: T-T
1189 streak #7
Chapter 53: I can completely understand, because she was my favorite too, it's heartbreaking to hear she's gone
twiceonce999 #8
Chapter 52: Mishu juseyoooooong..... :D
Shushubao #9
Chapter 52: This chap was hella confusing but cute story othornim!
1189 streak #10
Chapter 51: Oh wow 😳 l😮