Explain to me

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Yuri’s eyes got watery and her fists curls in anger as her best friend narrates what happened to her.

“T-then as I- I saw my top being removed I cried helplessly for help until someone came up.”


“Hey you moron! Or should I call you ?! Get your filthy hands off her!”

“And who are you to interfere with my business here.”

“It’s not business but rather a crime. You ert! Preying on a helpless grade school student to satisfy your stupid hormones.”

“How brave of you to step up when I can clearly beat you up to death with that small frame of yours.” The man spat and laugh maniacally.

Then the guy launch his fist on the girl but the latter dodge it and skillfully kicked the guy in his stomach and punched him on his left cheek and gave the guy a final blow on his private part in which the latter winced in pain, the girl made sure that the guy cannot follow them anymore so she strike him in the head using a bottle that she saw in the alley, the man fell unconscious and the girl immediately help Minju.

“Are you okay? Let’s get you somewhere safe.” The girl helps Minju up and piggyback her until they arrived at the main road where many people are taking a walk. She helps Minju to sit at the bench near them.

“T-thank you for saving me… May I know your name?”

“I’m Ahn Yujin a grade four student.”

“You’re a year younger than me, I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me Yujin-shi… Thank you so much, I wouldn’t want to imagine what happened to me if you didn’t showed up and helped me. So thank you so much again.” Then Minju gave her a hug and the latter mumbled,

“It’s okay you needed help and luckily I’m taking Taekwondo lessons so no need to thank me many times. And by the way we should thank God for he had given me this height to properly fight back that jerk. Are you okay now? Because we need to go home it’s getting late now.”

“Y-yes I’m okay Thank you again.” Yujin helps her to stand up as they boarded a bus.

Yujin accompanied Minju to Yuri’s house and then bid her goodbye as Minju goes in with the house helper.

“Unnie I’m glad that I was able to help you, please stay safe for me. I don’t want to see someone I love getting hurt again, because I love you Minju unnie.” Yujin mumbled before giving a last glance at Minju’s back.

End of flashback

“So, this yujin girl help you? Oh my God thank you, Yujin-shi for helping my friend.” Yuri hugged Minju and then looked at her injured leg.

She immediately asked help from the staffs in their house to tend to Minju’s leg. After helping her best friend to clean herself they decided to lay down on the bed.

“Minmin I already informed Mrs. Nam that you will be sleeping here.”

“Thanks Yuri-ah…”

“Min, I know it’s not the right time to tell you this, but I also think that you have the right to know what I saw.”

“What is it Yul?”

“I saw your Mommy Seulgi with another woman and they seemed very happy.”

“Ah, did the girl has a long black hair and skinny?”

“Yes, do you know her?”

“I met her a few days ago, she was mommy’s best friend back then, Aunt Sunmi.”

“Okay I think their sweetness  is just a friendly gesture, let’s rest now cause we really went through a long day today.”

“Okay, but Yul about what happened to me, can you keep it a secret between the two of us?” Yuri’s eyes got bigger and said,

“But Minmin your parents need to know about this. It’s not just a simple accident, you nearly got and yet you don’t want them to know. Why? Is it because you don’t want them to worry about you? But how about you? I know you’re still not okay.” Yuri argued with worry.

“You really know me well Yul. You’re right I don’t want them to worry about me and I'm sure  I will be okay because you’re here with me, you won’t leave me, right?” minju softly looked into her best friend’s eyes which causes the latter to sigh.

“Okay, okay I won’t tell anyone about it, promise. But in one condition.”

“What is it?”

“You won’t leave my side and I won’t leave your side. I will always be by your side.” Minju nodded with tears in her eyes, so Yuri embraces Minju and caresses her back to help her friend fall asleep.

It’s almost a month since Seulgi starts to spend time with Sunmi alone and Joohyun had a busy day at the hospital, so she decided to have her lunch at her favorite restaurant but before she went in, she saw a familiar face sitting at her favorite spot. She was laughing carefree and lovingly at the girl sitting in front of her. If Joohyun was a stranger she would definitely think that they are a couple, but she's not just any stranger. It was a long time since Joohyun last saw her genuine smile and it pains her to see that her wife could make that smile with someone other than her. In the end Joohyun lost her appetite and went back to the hospital. She is at her office now, thinking about the scene earlier. She tried to focus on her work but she can’t, the scene keeps replaying non-stop on her mind, so she decided to go home early.

At the mansion Mrs. Nam greeted her.

“Mrs. Nam is Seulgi home?”

“Not yet Ms. Bae.”

“How about my baby girl, where is she?”

“Didn’t Ms. Son tell you about Minju?”

“No, what is it? Tell me.”

“Ms. Minju is staying with them for almost two weeks now.”

“But why? Did Seulgi gave her permission? 'cause as far as I know she won’t let Minju out of her sight.”

“Ms. Kang gave Miss Minju the permission to stay at her best friend’s house. Pardon me for barging in Ms. Bae, but I think Minju is feeling alone in this house since you were busy working in the hospital and Ms. Kang is always out.”

“My wife is always out? How often?”

“It’s almost everyday Ms. Bae, it started when her friend Ms. Sunmi got back here, she always picks up Ms. kang.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Nam. You may go now and take a rest.” Joohyun went to their bed room and as soon as she enters the room, her tears fell down.

“Why? Why Seulgi? What did I do to deserve this? Where did it go wrong? Do you still love me? There are lots of questions coming in her mind as she continued to cry silently.

Joohyun fell asleep while crying and she was awaken when their bed room door opens and reveals a drunk Seulgi. She immediately got up and help her, it was already 2 in the morning so she change her wife’s clothes and put her to bed.

“How can we fix our problem if you will always go home to me wasted like this? Seulgi-ah… comeback to me, talk to me and cuddle me… I missed you so much.” Joohyun drifted to dream land again after she whispered those words to Seulgi's  ear.

Morning came and Joohyun woke up in an empty bed beside her. She got ready for work and she asked Mrs. Nam before she left,

“Mrs. Nam, where is Seulgi?”

“Ms. Kang goes out to Jog with her friend Ms. Sunmi.” Joohyun’s pained expression was evidently painted on her beautiful yet and sad face, so she decided to go to work and busied herself with her researches.



It was the day of Minju and Yuri’s competition, they are both getting ready for their performance later when Seungwan and Joy entered their waiting room.

“Hey girls, let me look at you." Joy scanned her daughter and Minju.

“Well both of you always looks pretty so give your all in that stage. Hwaiting!” Joy cheered them.

“Where is Joohyun and Seulgi?” asked the newly arrived Seungwan.

“I told them about the competition, but I guess they are really busy.” Minju said in a low spirit.

“Don’t worry we are here for you Minju-ah.” Seungwan comforted and hugged the not so little girl.

“Do your best. Hwaiting!” Seungwan and Joy said in unison.

Their performance were nearing and Minju still hope that her parents can make it, but as the emcee announce their school name and title of their piece, the latter’s hope slowly disappears, her head hung low in disappointment but Yuri slides her hand to her best friend’s own.

“Hey look at me Min, we can do it. Our presence for each other are enough for us to win this competition, let’s just enjoy and remember our precious time together.” Yuri tighten her grip in Minju’s hand and the latter returned it with a squeeze.

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 24: 🩷🩷🩷
1753 streak #2
Chapter 24: dang i saw that heartbreak coming
1753 streak #3
Chapter 23: uwu ^^
1753 streak #4
Chapter 22: uh oh i smell trouble ...
1753 streak #5
Chapter 21: this chapter just scream uwu between minyul
1753 streak #6
Chapter 20: I’m so happy!!!!!!
Chapter 20: Finally! About time they finally get through that homewrecker situation and fix their family dynamics. I'm so damn grateful for someone doing the right thing and speaking up against wrong and malicious behavior. A bit salty on the timing though. Minho should have told about Bogum earlier instead of allowing things to happen since he already knows from the get-go how wrong it is to pursue, much less want, to get somebody's woman at the cost of breaking a family. That's outright selfishness and malicious intentions right there. What if Bogum didn't say that he hoped that Minju dies so he can swoop in and try harder to sway Joohyun towards him? Would Minho still tell the truth or would he opt to play it safe and turn the other way? Minho is another case altogether with his conditional morals. It's good that he finally fessed up, but that's the only good thing I can see from him.
Chapter 19: It really isn't a good joke just like what Minju thought. Jihoon already knew that Joohyun missed her 4th wedding anniversary and yet he still wanted her to be her new mother then had the audacity to call her mom. I know that he is a kid, but even he must know some boundaries and all it entails considering that he can already understand and comprehend greater and far complex things. Minju would definitely feel off and uncomfortable especially since she found Joohyun apparently spent time with other people instead of their family. The fact that she also entertained Jihoon's fancy to call her mom rubs salt to the wound since Joohyun already got a daughter and yet there she is allowing a random kid call her mom and spending time with him. Joohyun should have drawn some lines already instead of continuing to permit Jihoon and Bogum to do their thing. What if the kid slyly calls Joohyun out of the blue in public and Bogum would just laugh it off like it is an ordinary thing to happen? People would definitely get ideas regarding Joohyun and that particular family having closer relations when in reality there isn't. Honestly, I think the whole situation is a ticking timebomb waiting to explode. Seulrene might have mended their relationship, but there is no way to know that this situation at the hospital won't come back to bite people in the . Minju's still feeling the after effects after all.

As for the situation with Seulgi, Minju really showed maturity and good understanding despite being left unattended and unnoticed by her parents and getting a revelation about her father. She has been strong and reliable everytime something goes wrong that it is just a matter of time for her to break....and it seems like that time came right now. Being too strong can also lead to brittleness. It's a good thing she has Yuri by her side to air out her concerns and problems. Yuri supports and comforts her. She makes up for what Minju's parents cannot.
1753 streak #9
Chapter 19: Oh minju!!! :’(
Chapter 18: I don't know about Minju though. She could have heard Seulgi and Sunmi's discussion, but then she could have also just went in passing and then went away to visit her friend Yuri. There is a very small chance that is still the premises though. Very small chance.