Chapter 7

Baby Maybe
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Irene Kang has been sitting in her office taking care of tons of paper works.  Sitting beside her, is Solar or most commonly known as Kim Yongsun, which is the COO and her other bestfriend. Well more likely, bestfriend when her relationship with Seulgi fell apart. When the bear flew abroad and left her alone. If there is anyone who knows all that is happening to her then it is Solar, especially the complicated marriage with her wife. The latter who is now eyeing a black paper bag which contains a homemade bento box which has been delivered each and every day for the whole week  more specifically ever since Irene came back from her 2-day leave


Irene can feel that scrutinizing gaze of the other woman so she lifted her head up and gave a challenging look to the latter. Others would've been intimidated by it but not Solar who gave her an equally challenging gaze.


"Spill" Solar said in a threatening tone yet Irene remained unfazed by it.


"What the heck are you talking about Kim Yongsun?" She just shrugged her shoulders and said nonchalantly.


"Hmmm let us see. Irene Kang, the famous CEO who never skipped work even if she is literally dying just asked for a two-day leave because of some emergency involving her wife. Let us not forget the lunchbox that has been delivered each and every day without fail containing these notes with a hand-drawn cartoon of a bear and bunny." She said while picking up the yellow post-it note top of it with a drawing of a bunny being fed by a bear. 


"And the way you smile while reading them which we don't see usually see on normal days. I don't know Irene, you tell me. Because to me, this sounds really suspicious and scandalous, don't you think?" She finished her sentence with her eyes questioning the girl she has been talking to.


"I don't know what you are talking about." She still tries to shake it off but Solar drew her eyebrow while crossing her arms against her chest. A clear sign that she is not buying any of it. Irene can deny everything but knowing how determined Solar can be, the girl can go to great lengths just to find out what she wants to know. Irene wouldn't want ALL to be spilled, so she just opted to tell the concise version of it.


"Okay. Just lock the door then I'll tell you everything.” Solar did as she was told and then went to the couch and sit beside Irene.

"Hmm, here it goes...


Remember the time when I went to the US for three weeks to take over the expansion project and meet with other potential investors?" A nod answered her question.

"There is some unfortunate event that happened the time I flew there. " She heave a deep sigh before continuing.

"Seulgi has been involved in an accident and suffered traumatic brain injury which landed her in a coma for two weeks." She heard Solar gasp in shock but she continued.

"Then she woke up but the doctors discovered that she developed some kind of amnesia which wiped all of her memories of 20 years. So basically she is now an eight-year-old kid stuck in a body of a 28-year-old married adult's body"

Solar puts her hand in as soon ah she heard what happened. She is not that close with Seulgi but hearing that she went through all of that is disheartening.


"She doesn't understand most of the things. She does not know that our parents died or that she and I no longer have the same relationship as we used to when we were younger. The worst part is that she thinks she is in love with me and kinda angry at her older self for hurting me." Solar just stares at her wide-eyed.


"She is the one sending me the lunch boxes everyday. Well more likely, she is the one arranging the meal artistically since she doesn’t know how to cook obviously. She is "courting" me to be exact." Irene finished her explanation with a sigh. Well, she did not continue more because she might spill how these notes have been making her feel warm and giddy inside which she perfectly knows is a sign of her being weak.

"So let me get this straight. Seulgi, who is your wife, got into an accident weeks ago, developed amnesia, forgot everything that happened for 20 years, reverted back to when she was in love with you and is now courting you. Wow Irene, that has got to be the  best thing that could happen to your boring life." With these words Irene raised her eyebrow  at the girl. 


"How the hell is that a good thing huh Kim Yongsun?" She raised her voice a little bit in frustration.

"Well let me just put it this way. You love Seulgi. But even if you two are married, you are not in good terms and cannot even acknowledge each other presence. You live in the same house but you avoided each other like plague. Then fate intervened in the form of your wife's accident. She forgot what happened and realize, well more of remembered, the feelings she have for you. And finally is now hell-bent on making you her girlfriend. Not because she is already your wife, which I know she is not aware of, but because she loves you. Sounds like a fairytale in the making for me. It is one of the most romantic things I've heard. She said dreamily but Irene rebut her statement


"I think you are misunderstanding what is happening Solar.  I just told you that she has amnesia, which means she has the mind of an 8 year old kid. For a grown- woman, how does being the childhood crush of a kid sound romantic to you? Because it sounds so wrong to me. That's ing ia in the making. Plus, I don't want to pursue this because it is such a disaster in the making. What if she realized that she doesn't love me and this is just a freaking puppy love for her? What if her memories return and she would go back to the way she treats me before? That was suicide for me Solar. She did it to me before. She got herself a girlfriend. So she can do it all again and I don't think I can handle that pain anymore " Irene's voice cracked unconsciously and ended up saying what she fears with everything that is happening to her and Seulgi.

"Irene, I am your friend so I will tell you want you needed to hear and not what you wanted okay. I want you too understand some things. First, Seulgi has amnesia and she is acting like a kid because she don't have any other memories other than being a kid. It means that Seulgi can learn what she learned before. She can relearn being an adult. It is not ia because Seulgi is technically an adult and can be an adult again given the proper education and guidance. Secondly, what if her memories return? Then tell her what you really feel. Tell her how much you love her. Your relationship with Seulgi is unclear and open-ended because you are letting it stay like that. If she don't love you then at least you got the closure that you really needed. You can finally let go of those feelings that you harbored for so long.  You say she had a girlfriend before but as far as I am concerned, the two of them are over even before you got married so I don't see any problems with that. Lastly, you are here thinking about negative what if's like you are just waiting for Seulgi to slip up. Like you want her to do these kinds of things so that you can justify the actions that you are doing to her. In the three years that you two are married, she never did anything that can hurt you did she? You are saying a lot of what if's that didn't even happen yet. Now, let me ask you some what if's too. What if Seulgi does remember and FINALLY decided to take to you making your issues cleared up and  admitted she too still has feelings for you? If that happens then you two would find the happiness that you both dreamed of and deserve. Don't you think that particular scenario is worth the risk that you are taking here Irene?" Solar said with conviction that made Irene froze.


"I know that you got hurt before but Irene that is already the past. You should live in the present, and NOW, in this present,  Seulgi is in love with you. She has been in love with you. Her memories are gone but she knows that she loves you.  You grew apart because she stopped responding to your messages but try to look into her perspective for a bit here. She, who has professed her love for you for so long, suddenly stopped. She stopped your communication when you got yourself a bo

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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 1: chapter 1: i hope irene realise it was who left not seulgi. and apologize to seulgi
73 streak #2
Chapter 27: :((
73 streak #3
18 streak #4
Chapter 74: This was really good had my emotions all over the place tbh it’s been a while since I’ve read a angst story had my stomach in knots trying to get through these chapters but I loved it nonetheless 😂💙
Chapter 74: I do not disappoint author
1060 streak #6
Rereading! <3
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 74: waiting for pregnancy journey 👉👈🤍
73 streak #8
Chapter 32: Because i'm rooting for seulrene, i want to hate seulstal but i literally can't. Their relationship sounded normal and it sounds like they were happy. I guess whatever happens, happens.
Chapter 31: Oh no, the author's note got me sweating out here.