Chapter 44

Baby Maybe
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Seulgi is unconsciously shaking her leg in nervousness. Beside her, stands a stylist who is busy fixing her hair while on the other side is a make-up artist applying the finishing touches toward her face. Outside the room, in the function hall of the world-famous Silla hotel, almost a hundred reporters have gathered. Some were in front of their laptops while others were behind the cameras all lining up the backside of the venue while a makeshift stage was built. In front were a long table and three separate microphones placed on top. A huge sigh escapes her lips as Seulgi recalled what all this fuss was about.


“Hey, no need to be nervous. We’re doing this together remember?” And Krystal, like always came to her rescue. The soft voice partnered with her warm hand intertwined against her own sweaty ones did make wonders as Seulgi found herself calming her nerves down.


“Yeah, I know. It’s just that. I never really got used to speaking to a lot of people before. I don’t mind parties where I can easily blend in or even disappear on the sidelines yet this is something entirely different. The focus would be on me and I’m afraid that I might mess it up. Everything should be perfect. Not just for you and me but for the reputation of your father as well.”


Upon the mention of the man, Seulgi’s mind reverted to a few days ago.




It will just be a nice casual dinner according to Krystal but Seulgi can’t help but become nervous. Well, who wouldn’t be, when you are meeting the father of your girlfriend. If that was just the case, then she wouldn’t mind, not at all. But if you will be standing in front of Mr. Jung Il Woo who is a well-known businessman around the world, even on par with how her parents are when they were still alive. That is some nerve-wracking fact right there.


“Hey, I’m with so you don’t need to be nervous.” As usual, Krystal was there to make her feel better. Her words did a lot to calm Seulgi’s nerves. Much more when she takes the bear’s sweaty hands and holds them against her own pair.


The two then went inside the room together. They are in a private Japanese restaurant, with a huge glass door overlooking a bamboo forest with a small fountain with a bamboo spout that catches the water as it falls from another similar piece of wood. As the water fill-up the spout, it pours down the small basin-like aquarium filled with swimming koi. The action creates a soft pitchy sound creating a stark contrast to the serene and quiet atmosphere.


“Good morning Sir.” Krystal is the one who spoke first. The sound of her formal voice broke Seulgi’s trance as she shifted her gaze toward the lone man seated on the floor.


Mr. Jung sits upright emitting an aura of power and professionalism. The way he carried himself is something that Seulgi just see in the corporate world. This made her nervous even more. That is until the man broke a smile upon seeing the two of them. Even gesturing them to sit in front of him.


“Come you two, take a seat. It’s nice to finally meet the woman who my only child is gushing about. I mean in the flesh that is. Krystal smiled at this. It’s rare even for her to see her father this happy and smiling. In fact, it might have been the first time she saw that smile given to her because of something that she did. And it triggers something inside of her. It sparked a feeling of joy.


And all of it happens because of Seulgi, her ray of sunshine. Seulgi who is always there for her. Seulgi who always make everything right.



The meal went smoothly as well as how their conversation flowed. They first talked about Seulgi’s personal life, specifically her matters with Irene.


“I already filed the divorce papers and it can be finalized in the next two weeks. Then after that, I will be holding a press conference to announce my engagement with Krystal, after I formally asked for your blessing, Sir. Then we can proceed with the wedding after.” Seulgi said her plans while gently squeezing Krystal’s hand intertwined with hers under the small table.


“Aren’t you being too complacent that I would give you my blessing? Besides isn’t it too hasty to jump into another relationship after your three-year marriage with your wife or should I say, soon-to-be ex-wife?” The man said calmly although with the authoritative aura surrounding his voice. Truly Seulgi expected such a reaction so she did not falter or even got taken aback.


“The circumstances surrounding our marriage are not a secret to the whole world. It has and always been a business venture for the two of us. So it’s not that new or even shocking that it ended the way it is as even the masses have one way or another expected such. Let’s just say that I found a better business partner than her. So I terminated our partnership and ally with your daughter instead.” Seulgi answered in the same professional manner.


“Okay so given that reasoning, how sure am I that you would not also dump Krystal when a better partner comes along the way. If that partner presented you with an even better proposal or leverage.” But Seulgi is quick to answer yet again.


“In every business one of the foundations should be the unnerving trust within partners. Even if I was presented with a great business term or condition, I must also think about the personal relationship with my potential partners. It’s not enough that they would give me the highest amount of return both in monetary and non-monetary means with the least amount of risk involved. But having personal trust between partners lowers these risks significantly. And in that sense, your daughter is on the top. Krystal and I know each other well. Too well in fact.  Plus, her being your successor would just be the cherry on top. Besides I am not the only one who will benefit from this union.  Merging our companies would make your empire and mine invincible don’t you think? Added that my reputation both in the elite circle and outside is squeaky clean so you won’t have anything to worry about. I have been faithful to someone I don’t love so imagine how much more if it’s someone that I do love.” She then eyes Krystal and gives her a sweet smile. One that has honey dripping from her eyes.


A peal of resounding laughter echoed throughout the whole restaurant, totally in contrast with the serene vibes of the place.


“You know what? I like you already Kang Seulgi. You already exceeded my expectations. I never really pegged you as the business type of person, given your career path.” 


“Unknown to a lot of people, I don’t just have a Masteral degree in Arts but also in Business. Something that I took at my parent’s insistence. But since what I know just came from books and theoretical sense, it would be a great honor to be trained under the tutelage of a great businessman such as the man that is in front of me right now. “Again another batch of thunderous laughter followed.


“Wow, I guess my daughter chose well. I guess it’s not that bad to train my future daughter-In-law the ropes of the business world. And with that, I welcome you Kang Seulgi to the Jung

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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 1: chapter 1: i hope irene realise it was who left not seulgi. and apologize to seulgi
64 streak #2
Chapter 27: :((
64 streak #3
18 streak #4
Chapter 74: This was really good had my emotions all over the place tbh it’s been a while since I’ve read a angst story had my stomach in knots trying to get through these chapters but I loved it nonetheless 😂💙
Chapter 74: I do not disappoint author
1052 streak #6
Rereading! <3
Oct_13_wen_03 #7
Chapter 74: waiting for pregnancy journey 👉👈🤍
64 streak #8
Chapter 32: Because i'm rooting for seulrene, i want to hate seulstal but i literally can't. Their relationship sounded normal and it sounds like they were happy. I guess whatever happens, happens.
Chapter 31: Oh no, the author's note got me sweating out here.