Chapter 47

Baby Maybe
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A split second.



But Irene swore that she saw a hint of pain in Seulgi’s orbs during that split second that their eyes met.



It was just a split second yet Irene cannot seem to shake it out of her head. To be honest she isn’t even sure if what she saw is really the truth or some kind of hallucination on her part. Because no matter how much she thinks about it, seeing Seulgi like that doesn’t make any sense.



Why would Seulgi be hurt when she saw Irene? Or is it because of something or someone else…






She shakes her head with the thought because why the heck would Seulgi be upset with her or Bogum for that matter. For all she knows, her ex-wife is perfectly happy with her fiancé and is angry at Irene.



Maybe I’m just hallucinating that time.



Yes. That’s it. Irene Bae, you’re just exhausted with work that’s why your mind is coming up with all these strange things.


In the end, she decided to just bury the thought in the deepest corners of her mind. Because thinking of it as something rather than a hallucination could destroy that tranquility that she wants to achieve. It will make her fall back into that Seulgi-shaped void she is trying to get out from. It will make her heart yearn for Seulgi again only to bleed once more when she is slapped by the reality that the girl will never be hers again.



“Hey, Rene you’re spacing out once again.”  It was solar who pointed it out causing the CEO to snap out of her Seulgi-induced reverie. She just smiled in return and focused her attention on her food.



The four of them, Irene, Solar, Joy, and Bogum are in a restaurant having a chat and catching up.



“Don’t mind me. I’m just stressed with work.” She answered smoothly. She saw how Solar eyed her, her face telling or more like silently shouting that she is not buying it and that they need to talk earlier making Irene grimace internally.



“So how the heck did you find Bogum and convince him to help us out. I mean last time I know; he is the one I assigned to handle our US branch.”



“Well, believe it or not, it was Bogum who contacted me. He asked me to find a person capable of handling matters in our US branch and offered to fly here to help us.”



“I heard about the ongoing conflict between Ms. Irene and Ms. Seulgi. And knowing that I can somehow help in some ways, I immediately contacted Ms. Solar to assistance arrange for the transition of the American branch so I can fly her and aid you guys.” Solar just wiggle her eyebrows up and down in a boastful manner. Irene just shook her head at her friend’s gesture and turned to Bogum after.



“I guess I can never say no to another ally. And a very reliable ally at that. Welcome to the team Bogum.” The man just flashed her a sincere smile.



The four of them ate dinner together. It was light and fun, to be honest. Well, Bogum’s corny jokes and comical tales made the atmosphere so. It was an hour after when Solar excused herself to bid goodbye, saying Byul will pick her up and is already in the lobby of the restaurant. Solar offered to drop off Joy at her apartment which the latter agreed to.



The four bid goodbye to each other. Irene was readying herself to get in her car to retire for the night when Bogum suddenly called her.



“Ms. Irene wait.” Irene turned around and saw the man jogging in her direction.



“The night is still young. Is it okay if I invite you for a walk? You know just for a quick catch and maybe distress a bit.” The offer sounds tempting and to be honest Irene realized that she does need to unwind a bit as the events these past few days have been stressing her to no end.



“I guess we can.” And just like earlier, Bogum offered her hand at Irene which the CEO almost immediately accepted.






Bogum brought them to the Han river park and it made Irene feel nostalgic. She remembered when it was Seulgi who brought her to that place. The memory is still so clear in her mind like it happened just yesterday. Her feet are moving forward yet her heart and her mind remind living in that memory. She must’ve spaced out for a while that she did not notice, her company is looking at her intently. Her mind just comes back from its musings when she felt a hand gently tap her shoulders.



“You spaces out quite often these days.” Bogum softly said with a warm smile on his face.



“Yeah. I guess so. It’s just that this place is somewhat special to me. The last time I went here is with Seulgi so I just feel nostalgic for a moment here.” Upon the mention of her ex-wife, Irene saw how Bogum’s face turn apologetic.



“I’m sorry. It seems that my intention of making you momentarily forget about your problem s backfired tremendously. We can get the hell out of here and pick a different place instead. Wait I’ll search somewhere else that we can go.” He is already fishing out the phone in his suit pocket but Irene was quick to stop his hand.


“Hey, it’s okay. I know you meant well when you brought me here. And no, we don’t need to go to another place. I’m okay.



I’m gonna be okay.”



Irene forced her lips to curve upward to produce even a decent smile but it seems she failed on her effort because Bogum cracks a laugh instead.



“Please don’t tell me that is a smile?  You look like a constipated old lady.” And this earned a playful slap on his shoulders and a whine from Irene.



“There that’s better. You know you don’t have to force anything. It’s okay not to be okay.  If you feel sad, then you can frown. If you feel frustrated, then you can shout at the world. If you feel hurt, then you can cry. You don’t have to pretend to be strong. Definitely not in front of me. If you frown, then I’ll crack a joke to make you smile. If you want to shout at the world, then I’ll bring you to the highest peak and shout with you. If you cry, then I’ll lend my shoulders to you. That’s what friends are for right?” And Irene felt thankful.


 They fell into a comfortable silence and continue walking. That is until she remembered something.


“Uhmmm Can I ask how are you and Yoojung?” She saw how Bogum’s face turned a little sad something that Irene did not miss.


“It’s been a week or so since we broke up actually. Her ex came back and asked for another chance. And she realized that she still has feelings for him so we called it quits. It was a peaceful break-up but it still hurts like hell, to be honest. So moving here is not just career-driven but as a chance for a clean slate, a fresh start for my heart.”


“I’m sorry to hear that” But Bogum shook his head.


“Don’t be. It was a nice break-up. No violence and drama so it’s all good. I guess that’s one of the reasons why I asked you to go here. Just two broken souls bonding over and trying to heal their wounded hearts. Such a cliché movie plot don’t you think.” Bogum chuckled while Irene laughs out loud slapping his shoulders once again.



The two continued walking around enjoying the serene atmosphere of the place. Bogum’s jokes and presence successfully made Irene forget about everything. It m

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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 1: chapter 1: i hope irene realise it was who left not seulgi. and apologize to seulgi
73 streak #2
Chapter 27: :((
73 streak #3
18 streak #4
Chapter 74: This was really good had my emotions all over the place tbh it’s been a while since I’ve read a angst story had my stomach in knots trying to get through these chapters but I loved it nonetheless 😂💙
Chapter 74: I do not disappoint author
1060 streak #6
Rereading! <3
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 74: waiting for pregnancy journey 👉👈🤍
73 streak #8
Chapter 32: Because i'm rooting for seulrene, i want to hate seulstal but i literally can't. Their relationship sounded normal and it sounds like they were happy. I guess whatever happens, happens.
Chapter 31: Oh no, the author's note got me sweating out here.