Chapter 12

Baby Maybe
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Irene Bae is a certified morning person. She is so used to waking up early that no matter how tired she is her body will automatically get up once the sun rose. It’s like she has her own alarm clock in her body. She is so adept at waking up early that even if she sets an alarm, she will end up waking up earlier than her alarm. Heck, she can even program her body to wake up no matter what time she wants. It’s like she can command her body on how long it will sleep.


Due to this, Irene is used to waking up before her wife. Seulgi was called bear for a reason. Not only does she look like one but she can also eat and sleep like one. Her wife was such a sleepyhead that even an earthquake won’t be able to wake her up from her hibernation. So she would usually try ways for Seulgi to wake up so they could at least eat breakfast together.


But she did not expect that things would be different that very morning. As Irene was just opening her eyes as a sign of waking up, her hand went to the other side of the bed trying to find her source of warmth, her wife only to felt the mattress cold. She fully opened her eyes and to her shock, she finds the other side of the bed empty, not a single trace of her teddy bear-like wife. Adrenaline started pumping on her system. All kinds of thoughts swamped her poor mind.


What if Seulgi was kidnapped when they are sleeping?

Where is she now?

Is she hurt or safe?

Do I need to contact my security team to locate her?


But her panicked brain stopped working when the door of the bathroom opened and out comes her wife freshly showered and drying her hair with a towel. Once her younger wife found her staring, her lips curved into a smile and greeted her.


“Good morning Unnie.”


Irene just stared at her wife unable to utter any words. Her mind conjured such drastic scenarios in her head because Seulgi waking up early is impossible to happen.


Is the world ending now?

Is Korea sinking to the ground?


Are we going to die right now?


She was so busy freaking out that she did not notice how Seulgi is now crouched in front of her and is staring at her seriously.  She then feels warm fingers caressing her face.


“Are you okay Unnie?” She heard her wife asked in her soft and gentle voice which made Irene snap out of her reverie.


“U-uh Y-yeah.” Despite stuttering, she managed to choke out her answer.


“I got worried for a minute there. Are you sure Unnie because I swear, you are not blinking earlier? I don’t even know if you are breathing since I did not see you move at all.” Seulgi rumbled for a bit but Irene ignored all of it.


“How are you awake at this hour Seul?” She managed to croak out.


“Oh, I wanted to wake up earlier. I needed to finish some assignments from Teacher Tzuyu that I forgot to do last night. I cannot believe that I manage to wake up this early. Can you believe it? I have to thank Teacher later for it.” Seulgi said. Her previous smile got wider and Irene noticed it almost immediately.


“Oh right. Yeah thanks to her.” Irene cannot help it when her words to have some hint of disappointment in them. There is that nasty feeling rising on her chest once again but as always she shoved it into the deepest parts of her.


“That’s great that you are awake now. I’ll just take a shower and then we can have breakfast together.” Irene said to steer away from the topic of their conversation. Luckily, Seulgi is as dense as air so she did not notice. She just gave a series of nods as approval.


The two ate their breakfast as usual. Small talks and laughs here and there. Right after breakfast, Irene is now ready to leave for work. As usual, Seulgi is there to bid her goodbye for work. The older woman went inside her car while waving her hand to her wife who is eagerly waving back at her. The car started to move and Irene expected for Seulgi to continue waving at her until she can no longer be seen but as she looked at the back window, she saw Seulgi running forward. Initially, she thought that her wife would see her off until the end of their long estate but got disappointed when she saw how Seulgi stopped and greeted Tzuyu who is also running to meet her wife. She saw how the two are smiling towards each other. Soon they both went inside the house. Irene turned around and try to shove the dark feeling inside her chest. She heaved a deep sigh before she put on her mask of indifference.


The day went on as usual. But Irene started to feel empty when Seulgi was not there to welcome her once she got home. She would always find her wife, happily talking to Tzuyu and would not notice that she was home. Seulgi would just realize her presence once her teacher was out of the house and her wife would go to their room to do her assignments. Seulgi would also wake up earlier than her and would ignore her presence in favor of her tutor.


The scenario continued and it became much worse for Irene. If before she was just ignored when she Seulgi would be busy during her studies but these days, she would even find Seulgi busy on her phone texting her teacher and would smile every now and then while doing so.  It made Irene even more frustrated, to be honest. So frustrated to the point that she would bring her negative vibes at work


A lot of employees are starting to feel the wrath of their CEO. A few personnel got fired most of them got scolded. And many of them wondered why the CEO is back to being that emotionless that they know of. Irene has been smiling a lot in the past days and the employees are grateful that their CEO would not be that strict when it comes to them. But they did not expect that a few days ago, Irene’s mood would shift and would be a lion once again.


Irene, on the other hand, tried making herself busy to forget what is happening to her and Seulgi. She was working the whole day that the hours pass by much faster than usual. Irene is pretty contented at how her mind is so preoccupied that she doesn’t have time to dwell on her frustrations anymore. That is until she picked up her cellphone. She expected atleast a few messages from her wife. But to her utter disappointment, Seulgi did not even send her any texts. Irene felt bad especially when she thinks about how Seulgi has plenty of time for her tutor while not even a minute for her. Irene clenched her fist slam them on the table hard.


The sound did not escape Joy’s ears making her halt her steps. She is supposed to go inside to deliver some documents for Irene to review but she decided against it. So she just went to pick up Wendy and then bring her to Solar’s office. The two have a very good relationship with Solar and the three would often g

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mashedhotpotato #1
Chapter 1: chapter 1: i hope irene realise it was who left not seulgi. and apologize to seulgi
73 streak #2
Chapter 27: :((
73 streak #3
18 streak #4
Chapter 74: This was really good had my emotions all over the place tbh it’s been a while since I’ve read a angst story had my stomach in knots trying to get through these chapters but I loved it nonetheless 😂💙
Chapter 74: I do not disappoint author
1060 streak #6
Rereading! <3
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #7
Chapter 74: waiting for pregnancy journey 👉👈🤍
73 streak #8
Chapter 32: Because i'm rooting for seulrene, i want to hate seulstal but i literally can't. Their relationship sounded normal and it sounds like they were happy. I guess whatever happens, happens.
Chapter 31: Oh no, the author's note got me sweating out here.