six. Just a hustler.

PCY really loves BBH.



This is it. 


Baekhyun slowly took off his seatbelt and grabbed his backpack before he exited Chanyeols BMW. His heart was racing as he followed behind the Gang Member who led him towards his front door. 


Chan opened the front door with his key and stepped in, taking his shoes off at the door. Baekhyun did the same before taking a few steps into the living room. 


His mouth almost dropped open when he saw the interior.


He was amazed by the gangsters surprisingly stunning home, it was very spacious with beautiful Grey and White furniture and Beautiful light grey walls. 


This was the last thing Baekhyun was expecting. 


The design was beautiful, an easy view of the kitchen from the living room due to the open floors and a big tv mounted to the wall.  


He doesn't know why but he was expecting to go to a small apartment or a little home but this was the complete opposite, it reminded him of a palace. 


He doesn't say a word, he just follows Chanyeol upstairs to his room. He watches the goon drop the duffel bag on the floor and collapsed into his bed after removing his sweater.


This time the room was to Baekhyuns expectations. It was spacious but he didn't have anything on his walls, his bed was big and sat up high with a black leather headboard. His whole bedroom set was black and on his dresser, there was a bong, a rolling tray with a big bag of weed on it and body essentials.


"Why're you just standing there?" 


Chanyeols' voice made Baekhyun whip his head in his direction. He looks around the room for a chair to sit in. 


"You can sit on the bed." 


He nodded before taking a seat at the foot of his big bed creating a big gap between the two. 


"Your house is beautiful, Chanyeol... Are you some sort of King?" Baekhyun continues to inspect his room, yet another big TV mounted to the wall and he sees Jordan and Nike sneaker boxes stacked taller than himself. 


Chanyeol laughed a little as he leaned back into his headboard. 


"Nah, I wish. Just a hustler." he shrugged turning on the tv. 


The platinum-haired boy just giggles in response as he removed his sweater and placed it on top of his backpack. 


Chanyeol was enjoying Baekhyuns company which was weird — he just met the little but he didn't feel like just ing him and sending him home, he wanted to spend some time with him. Baekhyun didn't throw himself at Chanyeol like all the others, he was different.


Baekhyun turned so his whole body was facing Chanyeol, he scooted a little closer. 


"Can we watch a movie? I told my mother I'll be at my friends so I have lots of time." 


Chanyeol nodded before he pressed the Netflix button on his remote and slid it towards the smaller. 


"Pick anything." 


Baekhyun happily took the remote and scrolled until he played Small Foot. 


Without thinking twice he crawled up toward Chanyeol and laid beside him closing the space between them. 


The warmth of Baekhyuns' soft skin against his arm made Chanyeol feel something he hadn't felt in years.


As the movie progressed, Baekhyun got more and more comfortable in Chanyeols' bed. Eventually, he was wrapped in the gangsters blanket with his tonearm wrapped around his small figure holding him as close as possible. 


In all honesty, this whole thing was new to Chanyeol, cuddling and watching movies wasn’t something he and Seulgi did.. they only saw each other in school. 


The random hookups never got this comfortable, it was strictly . No kissing.. well his excluding his , no cuddling, nothing. 


"I'm gonna tell my mother about you... I should've told her the truth about where I was." 


Baekhyun broke the silence after a while. 


"I hope you don't mind... By the time she says it's okay for me to stay over, you and I will be B - ...Best friends... Right?!"


'More than best friends... Wait — why am I falling for him so fast? I like him a lot already.. is it because.. I've never had a crush before?'


"Uhm... Would you like to meet her one day..?"


'Great, now you sound like one of those s from school... wait — do they introduce boys to their moms? Ugh' 



His face was hot but he looked up at Chanyeol who was already looking down at him with a slightly confused expression. 


'He wants to introduce me to his Mom? Seulgi didn't even introduce me to her mom... Seulgi. The little in front of me got me in my feelings...'


"Yeah.. We'll be best friends, Baekhyun. Then you can meet my real best friends." Chanyeol chuckled and turned his attention back to the Tv.


“and sure, one day.”








Baekhyun never broke his gaze. 


"What made you wanna hang out with me?" 


He's used to getting attention from men but usually it's ual advances that he ignores, he doesn't know Chanyeols' intentions but he didn't come onto him ually so that was a good sign. 


"I told you, you seemed chill.." 


"Well you barely know me and here I am in your bed." 


'He talks a lot and he's a broken record.. But he's right - I barely know him and I'm ready to wife him.'


"Alright, so tell me more about yourself."



Baekhyun beamed, Chanyeol was different, other guys didn't care they just wanted to know how many inches he thought he could take or some dirty nonsense. 


"Welll.. I'm a straight-A student! I like Dream Works and Pixaaaar, Oh! and Disney movies! I like cuddling." 


He giggled a little as he gently nudged Chanyeols ribcage subliminally. 


“My favorite color is Yellow! Hmm, I love ice cream and pizza..” The sweet boys' voice trails off causing Chanyeol to turn his head in his direction. 


"I've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend before.. I feel like people play with the word and the meaning of Love and it's so important to me.. But I enjoy making new friends!" 


Baekhyun shrugged his shoulders and smiled that beautiful smile.


Chanyeol just listens to Baekhyun, he realizes that he really likes the sound of his sweet voice.


"Ah — I'm talking too much, let's watch Finding Nemo." The boy says pressing play on the remote and clapping his hands. 


But Chanyeol doesn't even focus on the movie, his head is too busy thinking about how he doesn't want to hurt Baekhyun — But why the does he even care about the little s' feelings? 


He blinks and tries his best to focus on the clownfish on his Tv.


'What the is this kid doing to me?'



Enjoy ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 


ââââââââââââOpen floor plan design

an idea of what Chans beautiful home looks like! 


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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update