twenty. Double Date

PCY really loves BBH.



"Okay so... He's my boyfriend! Officially! I'm so happy, best friend!" Baekhyun chants through the phone. "also, I took your advice.. I broke my shell and kissed him - me, Baekhyun kissed Chanyeol first. ~" he sighs lovingly, rolling over in his bed.


Rewinding the events that just took place, Baekhyun feels proud of himself for finally proving to himself that he can overcome his extreme bashfulness. Although it took literally everything in him not to pass out from the eruption of sparks that ran through his body, this was by far the best night of his life. 


"Yay! That's my best friend! I knew you could do it. ~" Jongdae smiles and pumps his fist through the air. "Have you gotten the yet?"


Baekhyun flushes a bit before shaking his head. "No, he keeps saying I'm not ready.. and honestly? he's right."


"Well yah, he'd totally destroy you, Baekkie."


Baekhyun rolls his eyes as his kitten smiled best friend laughs through the screen. "Oh, shut up.. Have you gotten the D yet? Hmm?"  he mocks.


Jongdae bites his lower lip and shakes his head, trying to hold back a laugh. Baekhyun knows Dae all too well and it's clear as day (a/n; lolol) that he's definitely hiding something. Squinting his pretty eyes, the platinum-haired maneuvers the camera closer to his face but stays silent, giving Jongdae the hint to spill it.


Taking the obvious hint, Jongdae slowly shifts the camera to the other side of his bed, revealing a sleeping Minseok. He giggles before shifting the camera back to his pretty smiling face, watching his best friend dramatically drop the phone onto his bed and stagger away. 


"My gosh did he hear what we were talking about?!" he whispers and shouts at the same time while standing somewhere off-camera.


"No, best friend, he's like - a really heavy sleeper.. Come back!" Jongdae whines. 


Peeking half his head through the left side of the camera, the shy boy furrows his brows as his best friend shifts the camera back over to Minseok but this time he wiggles the delinquent's ear with his free hand, earning no response. The platinum-haired picks up his phone and chuckles only a little embarrassed by his unnecessary shyness. 


"So? You did get the D?" he asks. 


"Not yet - almost but he was really drunk last night so I just blew him." Dae answers nonchalantly, again moving the camera back to his face. "It's huge, just like I thought it would be."


Baekhyun widens his eyes at his best friend's confession, secretly wishing it was him who had the confidence Dae has. Just the thought of having Yeols thing in his mouth made his cheeks turn a rose red and he internally shames himself for still being so freaking shy. 


"How do you bring yourself to do that? You don't get nervous?" the platinum-haired questions. Good thing he was talking to his best friend, anyone else was sure to take him as a joke. 


"I mean - with my first boyfriend, yeah.. but now - I guess since I'm experienced, I'm comfortable doing it." Dae explains, looking over at the delinquent. "With him, I wasn't nervous because I like him a lot and I want to please him as much as I can.. oh and he's ing hot." the brunette turns his attention back to the camera. 


Baekhyun only nods in response, taking in Jongdaes' words like they were some type of life lesson. Taking a deep breath, the platinum-haired decides to change the subject, he was a bit worried about annoying Dae with his silly questions. If overthinking was a sport, he'd definitely be a professional.


"I can't wait for the Christmas fair.." Baekhyun mumbles. 


"Me either! We should all go! You, Chanyeol, me and Seok." Jongdae happily chimes in.


"That's a good idea, like a double date." 

"Do you think the other guys have a significant other they would want to bring to the fair?" 

"Hmm, maybe, If so we should invite them too! So we could go as a big group!"


Baekhyun and Jongdae began to plan various types of things they could do as double dates, excited that they finally both have boyfriends who happen to be friends! They couldn't wait to put their plans into action, it's been something they've talked about for months. Ending their FaceTime call, Baekhyun decides to lay back and watch Wall-E, thinking about his goon and how happy he was to finally be able to call him his 'Boyfriend'. The thought sends a wave of butterflies flowing through his tummy and he smiles, pulling out his phone to text his gangster. 


To Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: Can you come over tomorrow? I miss you so much already.. ☹️💘


Scrolling down Instagram while letting his movie play in the background, Baek patiently waits for a response from his boyfriend. Being the investigator he is, he manage to find the gangsters' Instagram profile and admires all the photos he had posted, though he felt a little awkward about it he couldn't help but smile at all the different selcas and group photos Yeol had. 


Hadn't his phone vibrated in his fingertips he probably would've scrolled up and down the goons Instagram all night. Just as he was about to hit the follow botton, Baek notices a set of initials on the gangsters about me section and his heart skips a beat when he realizes the initials are his own with a ring emoji next to them. Squeeling into his pillow, he exits the app and taps on his message icons, reading the text.


11:25pm - Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: Of course, shorty 😘 & I miss you more Beautiful 😍

11:26pm - Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: Get some sleep, Baby.. I'll be there before you know it. ❤️❤️ 


The platinum-haired dramatically exhales as he typed in his response. Immediately sliding his phone on his nightstand and shifting in bed, he closes his eyes in hopes of quickly falling asleep so he can hurry up and see his boyfriend. 




Autumn, 2019. 


Baekhyun finds himself waiting almost all day for Yeol to show up, he said something about a which the platinum-haired didn't understand at all but he assumed it has something to do with his gang business or whatever. He occupied himself by cleaning his room and taking a long shower before sliding into some pajamas. It wasn't until almost 10pm the handsome goon finally sends him a text letting him know he was outside and Baekhyun runs to the door, swinging it open and jumps into his gangster prince charmings arms. Giggling and repeating how much he missed his Yeollie over and over as he allows himself to be carried Princess style into his bedroom.


Finally cuddled up in bed with his gangster tangled between his legs, Baekhyun often ran his fingers through the soft blonde locks that laid on his torso though his attention was focused on the horror movie blaring through his TV. Courtesy to Chanyeol of course, the two were watching the first 'Insidious' movie and it was his idea to binge all 4 of them. To his surprise, the platinum-haired was completely tuned in to the movie, obviously flinching here and there and hiding his face in a pillow whenever he thought something scary what about to happen.


"Don't be scared, baby." the gangster says as he tilts his head upwards to look at his cry baby, even though he was upside down he still looked so beautiful.


"I - I'm not scared.." Baekhyun lies just before a demonic face fills his TV screen and he jumps, burying his face into a pillow. "Okay, maybe a little.." 


Chanyeol chuckles and gently rubs the smallers leg through his pajama pants in an effort to comfort him. "It's okay baby, I won't let anything happen to you as long as I'm alive, you hear me?"


Baekhyun smiles at the goon before leaning down and planting a kiss on his plump lips. "Yes, babe." he giggles. 


The gangster smiles up at the shorter and winks, causing the shy boys cheeks to flush. Annoyed with his on and off timidity, Baekhyun still internally melts at the sight of his boyfriends' perfect face. He gently places his hand on the gangsters cheek and caresses it with his thumb, gazing into those big beautiful mocha orbs. 




"Yeah, babe?" 


"I really like spending time with you.." 


"Me too baby, I wish I could spend every minute of every day with you." the gangster softy smiles up at his baby.


Baekhyun can't help but to lean over and plant multiple soft kisses on his gangsters' lips, absolutely adoring when he says sweet things to him. 


"Are you gonna sleep over?" he whispers against the goons lips.


"Hm? Really? When?" 




"If you want me to, sure." 


"Yahhh. ~ also, can we go to the Christmas fair? It's three days before Christmas." Baekhyun pleads, finally inching away from the goons' lips. 


"We can do whatever you want but you do realize that Christmas is two months away right?" Yeol questions, slightly knitting his brows together. "I wanna take you out sooner than that." 


"Let's go on a double date! You, me, Dae and Minseok!" Baekhyun exclaims. 


"Okay, when and where?" 


"Hmm, how about the movies? Something simple, even though we stay home and watch movies - going to the theater will be a nice change and when? Uhm... I don't know."


Chanyeol chuckles before lazily shrugging his shoulders. "Just let me know baby, it's your world I'm just living in it." 


The platinum-haired stares down lovingly at Yeol, internally fanboying whenever his boyfriend does almost anything. He was just so perfect, especially when that smile creeps on his face.


'Tell him you love him.. you do, you've spent a lot of time with him as friends.. no.. not now it's still too soon..'


Returning their attention back to the TV, the couple stayed tangle between each other's limbs, binge-watching 'Insidious'. As time past, Baekhyun couldn't help but notice the gangster eyes fight to stay open and eventually lose the battle. He smiles down at his sleeping delinquent and reaches over to grab his blanket, spreading it over the tallers long legs before he changes the movie to something that wouldn't scare him out of his sleep. 


"Goodnight, Yeollie.. ~" he whispers, fluttering his eyes shut.




Autumn, 2019.


It's already been a few weeks since Baekhyun and his gangster have been official. Today they finally decided to go on that double date Baek and Dae have been planning. Chanyeol and Minseok didn't really partake in the planning, though they did plan to pay for everything unbeknownst to their boyfriends who aren't yet at the 'Can you buy me this?' stage of their relationship. It makes their delinquents appreciate them much more knowing that they weren't only in it for their racks. 


"You sure you're okay with seeing Joker? You don't wanna see like - The Lion King or something?" Yeol asks, looking over at the shorter. "I'm sure Minseok and Jongdae wouldn't mind."


"Yahh ~ Babe, it's okay. I like other movies besides Disney you know." the platinum-haired giggles.


Chanyeol only smiles before wrapping an arm around Baek and pulling him closer to plant a kiss on top of his hair.  Finally Minseok and Dae finished purchasing their tickets, Baek and Yeol step forward to the cashier.


"Two adults for the 8pm Joker." Yeol says to the woman behind the counter.


"We're in seats K-Four and K-Five! Get K-Six and K-Seven." Minseok says, nudging Yeols shoulder to which he nods in response as Dae drags the shorter over to the snack stand.


Staring up at the long list of movies that were currently playing, Baekhyun scans his eyes over every title as Yeol paid for their tickets to see 'Joker'. They meet back up with Jongdae and Seok who were picking out snacks. 


"Do you want anything from here?" Yeol gently squeezes the shorters' hand as he peers at all the snacks before picking out a pack of Skittles.


"No.. I'm not really hungry right now." Baekhyun mumbles as he also scans the snacks. "Do you mind if we come back in the middle of the movie?"


"Alright, baby. Just let me know."


Meanwhile, Jongdae has his hands full of different types of chocolate and candy with Minseok carrying his drink. 

"Are you guys ready?!" Dae asks, voice full of excitement. 


"Let's go!" Baek responds, equally excited. 

He links arms with the taller and the couples walk to the designated theater, taking a seat next to each other. Baekhyun watches the previews while Yeol is on his phone texting Kris about something gang-related, he doesn't really like getting involved with that side of Yeols life. 


Jongdae is already tearing open the wrapper to one of his boxes of candy, dumping a few in his hand and plopping them into his mouth, often placing a few in the delinquents' mouths as well. Finally, the lights in the theater go dark and the movie begins. 


"This should be good, Mina and her friend were talking about it in Science." Dae says, popping more candies in his mouth. 


Though he seemed interested, it only took about half an hour before he was completely absorbed into Seoks lips. Occasionally, pausing to catch a glimpse of the movie that at this point was watching them. 


"Let's go to the bathroom.." Jongdae whispers against the delinquents' lips. 


Minseok smirks and bites his lower lip, he stands from his seat and holds his hand out for his kitten-smiled babe. The taller springs up from his seat and takes hold of the delinquents hand as he began to him out of the theater.


"Where you goin?" Baekhyun whispers as he watched the two walk down the aisle of chairs. 


"I'll be right back." Dae looks back and winks at his best friend, still being escorted out. 


When the two are out of his sight, Baekhyun turns his attention back to the movie on the big screen. He leans in closer to Chanyeol and rests his head on the goons' shoulder, instantly warming up inside when he feels an arm wrap tightly around his small frame. The platinum-haired inhales the gangster's scent as he took his breath, mesmerized by the way he smells so manly and Baekhyun realizes that it's one of the many things that attracts him to the goon, along with his smile, his hair, his voice and ugh just everything about him.


Becoming too deep in his thoughts about his boyfriend, Baekhyun drifts off to sleep, disregarding the booming speakers in the theater. It takes a while before Yeol realizes the smaller was fast asleep in his arm, he chuckles and turns his attention back to the screen.


Not long after, Jongdae and Minseok are finally tiptoeing back to their seats with huge grins plastered on their faces. The kitten-smiled boy looks over at his best friend who is still knocked out in the gangsters' arm, 


"Bestie..? Bestie, wake up.. you're missing the movie." Dae whispers,  chuckling at his hypocritical statement.


Obviously earning no response from the younger, Jongdae turns his attention to the movie, staying silent until the ending credits rolled down the screen. 


Minseok and Dae stand from their seats and stretch while Yeol gently shook Baekhyun to wake him up, repeating the action only a little more rough this time which caused the smaller to finally wake up, rubbing his eyes and squinting due to the bright lights in the theater. 


"It's over? I missed it?" he whines, looking up at the gangster who rose from his seat and holds his hand out. 


"Yeah, you fell asleep like a half-hour in, it was a dope movie you shoulda stayed up." 


The platinum-haired knits his brows together and stands up, taking his boyfriends hand and guiding him down the isle of seats behind Dae and Minseok. Together the couples exit the theater and make their way to the parking lot where the gangsters BMW is parked. 


"Where to now?" Seok asks, looking over at his gang member who only shrugs off the question as he's too busy trying to light his joint with the wind blowing. 


Finally finding the gangsters' foreign car in the giant parking lot, Yeol unlocks the doors with the remote key and just as he begins to open the door for Baekhyun he hears a voice call out from a car not too far from his own. 


"Ayo! What's up with you bro?! You still on that ?!"


The voice wasn't familiar to Chanyeol or Minseok so instantly they both knew it was drama and they were correct, Jay Park was standing outside his own car calling Minseok out, there were also two other unknown guys standing on the other side of the car. The delinquent chuckles before motioning to Jongdae to get in the car to which despite feeling crippled with worry, he obeys. Yeol shakes his head and proceeds to open the door for his baby who climbs inside despite also being worried and kind of confused. 


"Babe? Who are they?" Baek whispers to Yeol who is reaching over him to grab something from under the driver's seat. "Is he talking to us?" 


"Don't worry about it, baby. It's nothing." the gangster says, shoving something into the waistband of his joggers. 


Baekhyun couldn't make out what Yeol had shoved into his pants, but he figured that was a good thing since Yeol intended on him not seeing whatever it was.


"I'll be right back, don't get out the car." Chanyeol cautions before planting a quick kiss on the confused boy's lips and closing his door before he could respond. 


Leaning back into his seat, Baekhyun exhales and runs his fingers through his platinum hair as he watched his boyfriend and his gang member step toward the confrontation.


"What - the - is going on.. I hope they don't fight again for s sake.." Jongdae groans from the backseat, also eyeing the delinquents. 


"Again? Who fought who? Who are those guys?" 


"Seok and Jay.. I saw them fighting a couple of months ago, I'm not sure over what but.. Minseok beat the crap out of him.. and I don't know who the other guys are.." 


Jongdaes' story causes Baekhyun to unknowingly start shaking his leg obviously due to the overwhelming worry flowing through his belly. He keeps his eyes locked on his boyfriend the whole time who is just standing there while Minseok goes back and forth with the tatted (a/n; tattooed) man. 


"So what's up? What do you wanna do?" Minseok shrugs, taking off his chain and placing it on the hood of the gangsters BMW. 


"Babe! Get back in the car please!" a female voice pleads from inside Jay Parks vehicle.


Ignoring his girlfriend, Jay fully steps out of the car and closes the door. "I'm for whatever bro, you know me, you know I'm not a that's why I didn't punk down to you in the field." he taunts, stepping toward the delinquents with his outlaws following behind him. 


Despite obviously being outnumbered, Minseok also begins to roll the sleeves of his sweater up and pace toward the opposing gang. Before anyone could even think about throwing a punch toward the gangsters, Chanyeol pulls a 9mm GI from the waistband of joggers, causing Jay and his outlaws to freeze in their tracks. Smart move being they had a gun pointed at them.


"I don't have time for this, Get back in your car or I'll put one between your eyes." he states, taking the safety off and putting his finger on the trigger. "That goes for them and your in the car over there." 


Minseok also stayed frozen in his tracks, he didn't expect Yeol to pull a gun out on them so he was relatively shocked. 


"Watch your back, Kim." Jay says as he and his gang members stagger back to his car and drive off. 


Chanyeol scoffs and puts the safety back on his firearm and places it back in the waistband of his joggers. "C'mon." he nods to the younger.


Minseok takes his chain off the hood of Yeols car and walks back to the door, climbing in and exhaling deeply as he relaxed into the seat. Trying to avoid eye contact with his obviously worried boyfriend beside him, he instead peers out the window as Yeol began to drive away from the Movie Theater parking lot.


The ride back to Baekhyuns home was silent for the first time the whole evening. Jongdae and Baekhyun were a little shaken by the confrontation but more so worried about their boyfriends' safety. Ignoring the awkward silence, Yeol quickly pulls up in front of the Byun residence and looks over at his clearly upset cry baby in the passenger seat. 


"I'll be okay baby, text me whenever okay?" he says, leaning over and brushing a few stray hairs behind the youngers' ear. 


"Okay.. I will." he croaks before opening the car door and stepping out. 


Jongdae also steps out of the car and closes the door, following behind Baekhyun. "Hey, is it okay if I sleep over?" 


The platinum-haired only nods as he fumbled with his keys to open the door, not looking back as he stepped inside with Jongdae following behind him. Dae closes and locks the door before following Baekhyun to his room, plopping down on the corner of his bed. 


"What - the - absolute ." he breaths out, overcome with relief to be safe inside. 


"I - I didn't know Chanyeol had .. a" 


"a ing Gun!" Dae whispers and shouts at the same time. "I didn't either."


Baekhyun stands at his window and peeks out the blinds, he sees Minseok move to the passenger seat before Yeol speeds off. 


"It was so.."


"ing hot, best friend you got yourself a real savage!" Jongdae giggles as he propped himself up on his elbows. 


"What?" The platinum-haired looks over at his best friend with confusion plastered on his face. "I'm scared! Look at my hand!" he whines before reaching his trembling hand out to the kitten-smiled boy sitting on his bed. 


"You're more worried about him than afraid, you have nothing to be afraid of he would never hurt you, Pabo."  


"You're right.. but I'm still worried, what if - I don't think I can handle this.. " 


"Trust me, he's fine. Three guys just ran from them." Dae consoled. "also, We can't just up and leave them over a little confrontation. Think about it, they're gangsters and we knew that, They know that we know too, so they trust that we will stay solid and hold them down. Now C'mon, let's get comfortable and lay back. Text him, I'm gonna text Minseok to put our nerves at ease." 


Baekhyun only nods before he and Dae shredded out of their outside clothes and into some more comfortable clothes for bed. Baekhyun climbs into bed first and began scrolling down Netflix for something to watch as Jongdae sat at the edge of the bed texting his delinquent. After sending the text, he crawls up to the top and shuffles into the comforter next to his best friend who finally decided upon watching 'The Incredibles 2'. 


Before he could begin texting Yeol, a notification from the gangster was already waiting for him. Smiling a bit, he taps the notification and reads the text.


12:45am - Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: Goodnight baby, don't stay up all night worrying about me 😌 I'll see you tomorrow. ❤️


To Yeollie 🥰🤞🏻: Goodnight, Yeollie.. ☹️ of course I'm worried about you.. But I’ll try to get some sleep so tomorrow can come faster. 💕


Sliding his phone onto his bedstand, Baekhyun closes his eyes trying to ignore the giggles from his best friend who was still up watching the movie he played. He began thinking about his gangster and how much of a bad boy he was, exhaling lightly at the thought of him as his surroundings began to fade out and he drifts off do sleep. 


Baekhyun is such a sweet, innocent soul. Dating a bad boy definitely wasn't in his fantasies as a child and he wasn't prepared for it, he liked Chanyeol a whole lot but is he built for the lifestyle of dating a Gangster? It's deeper than just selling drugs and skipping school, there's guns and rival gangs involved. But again, for the thousandth time, Jongdae was correct. They can't just turn their backs on the gangsters, they have to have their back and stay solid through anything. 


”Goodnight, Bestie..” Dae whispers as he hears Baekhyuns light snores from the other side of the bed. 






I have nothing to say because I'm trash and so is this long chapter ugh sorry for the horrible ending, I've been super stressed lately so writing has been a little hard for me 😭 heheh, please try to enjoy! 

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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update