sixteen. The Talking Stage

PCY really loves BBH.

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"I'll see you tomorrow, Best friend!" Baekhyun sings, climbing out the car.


"Okay Bestie! Minseok said Chanyeol will be here around ten-thirty." Jongdae says leaning over to look out the passenger window.


"Oh, okay. I'll text you and let you know how it goes."


"Don't forget! I want to give him an answer by tonight." Jongdae giggles. "Love you!"


"Love you back!" Baekhyun shouts before walking up the pathway and disappearing into his house.


The platinum-haired walks to his room and flicks the light on. Trying not to think too hard about the upcoming confrontation, he goes to the bathroom to take a hot shower before the giant gets here.


After Baekhyuns shower, he puts on a pair of pajama pants and a white t-shirt, still drying his hair with a towel. Knowing the gangster is never on time, he decides to watch Monsters Inc to kill some.


'Will he try to talk to me? Or will he just give me my things and leave?'


To be honest, Baekhyun wanted nothing more than for Chanyeol to apologize face to face. Although he already did, Baek felt like it was an 'In the Moment' apology. Yeol probably didn't give a shoot about his feelings, it was all just guilt. There he goes overthinking again.


Eventually, his phone rings with his Best friend's contact appearing on his screen.


"Hi, Best friend." he says.


"Hey, Chanyeols on his way over okay?"


Baekhyun feels his stomach flip, the fact that Chanyeol was gonna be outside his house at any moment made him feel very nervous. This was a different type of nervous feeling before it would be simply because he had a super crush on him but now? He's nervous Chanyeol would be mean to him for causing a scene at the mall.


"Can you stay on the phone until he gets here? I'm a little nervous.."


"Of course! I'll let you know when he's outside." Jongdae says through the phone.


"You're texting Minseok? How's that going?" Baekhyun lays back in his bed and stares up at the ceiling.


"It's going great! I really like him, I told him I'll think about hanging out with him and his friends, you know... until after you and Chanyeol talk."


"I'm so happy for you! I hope everything goes well."


"Me too! One sec, he just texted me." Jongdae pauses for a moment. "Chanyeols outside, Bestie!"


Baekhyun sits up in his bed and releases a long sigh. "Okay.. I'll talk to you later, Best."


"You better call me when you're done and tell me all the deets!" the kitten-smiled boy cheers through the phone.


"Definitely." the platinum-haired sighs before ending the call.


Baekhyun runs his fingers through his now dry hair and gets out of bed, slipping a pair of bunny slippers on his feet. He walks over to his window and moves the curtain aside, peeking out of it. Sure enough that all too familiar BMW was parked outside his house.


The platinum-haired exits his room and makes his way to the front door. His chest was heavy and his stomach was swarming with anxiety. It's been two days since he's seen the gangsters face, he has no idea what to expect. After taking a few deep breaths and combing his fingers through his hair, Baekhyun finally opens the front door.


There he was, still handsome as ever. Baekhyun felt his stomach flow with butterflies upon seeing the gangster standing at his door. Luckily it was dark outside, the blush spread across Baekhyun's face wasn't too visible. Why was he blushing? Because Chanyeol is still so freaking breathtakingly perfect.


'Please talk to me..' he begs internally.


"Hey.." the gangster says after a few awkward seconds.




"Uhm.. here's your stuff.." he says handing Baek his duffel bag.


Baekhyun takes the duffel bag from the gangster, eyes glued to his bunny slippers the entire time. That definitely doesn't go unnoticed to the taller, he's so immune to Baekhyun staring up at him with those sparkly eyes full of happiness and knowing that now the platinum-haired couldn't even look at him shattered his heart.


"Thanks.." Baekhyun almost whispers as he turned around to open his front door.


'Don't let that be it.. please don't.'


"Baekhyun.." the gangster takes a small step forward.




He turns around to face the gangster again. "What..?"


"Can we talk? ...Please?" Chanyeol begs, internally melting at the long-awaited eye contact from the shorter.




"Please... I won't hold you up too long, I'll be quick I promise."


Baekhyun sighs and turns back to his front door, opening it. "Give me a sec, I'm just gonna go put this away" he says walking into his house.


Chanyeol exhales deeply and takes a seat on the smallers front stoop. He has no idea what kind of reaction to expect from Baekhyun, he doesn't know if he'll get hugged, slapped, or what. What he does know is that he just wants Baekhyun and his cute nonexistent inside-voice in his life again.


Soon the shorter exits his house again, joining Chanyeol on the front stoop. It was a little breezy outside and Baek didn't have a sweater on, so he occasionally breathed into his hands and rubbed his arms.


"Are you cold?" the gangster asks, still staring ahead at the dead street.


"a li-" suddenly his arms aren't exposed anymore, instead they're covered by the goons sweater. "Thank you.."


"Baekhyun.. I just really wanted to tell you that I'm sorry.."


"I - Chanyeol, I just -"


"Wait.. please let me talk.." the gangster takes a deep breath and exhales, turning his head to look into Baekhyuns eyes. "I ed up, Baekhyun.. real bad and you didn't deserve that.. for the first time in five years I found someone who liked me for me.. not my car, not my , just me and I ed that up.. These past few days have been hell honestly, not waking up with a text from you, not having you in my passenger seat while I buss plays.. I think about you every ing day.. I think about your feelings and ways I can fix them.. "


Baekhyun stares into the gangsters eyes, fighting back tears.


"But I was sure after I hadn't told Wendy to kick rocks you would've never wanted to see me again.. and I'm not gonna flex that hurt my soul." the goon breaks eye contact to avoid the smaller seeing his eyes water. "I don't deserve you, at all. You're the purest, nicest person I've ever come across and I hate myself for hurting your precious feelings.. You deserve nothing but happiness and good vibes. I'm sorry for giving you the opposite, I'm sorry for making you cry, I'm sorry for being a ing idiot. Honestly, I really like you Baekhyun.. I like you a whole ing lot and I realized it when the thought of never talking to you again shattered me, I couldn't sleep with the thought of it.. I miss your hugs, I miss your laugh, your constant yelling, the way your lips form a rectangle when you smile.. and I really ing miss having you in my arms while we watch movies.."


Baekhyun turns to look at the gangster again, who returned the gaze. The two sat in silence for a few seconds, admiring each other's everything.


"Chanyeol.. I - .. I just don't understand why... why couldn't you just talk to me - You didn't even try to call me after you bought me home.."


"Because I'm a ing idiot... I'm an idiot who's too caught up in his ways... I shouldn't have ed her."


"But you did.. and she felt the need to show me.."


"I know.. I'm stupid, I'm sorry.. I know sorry isn't good enough but please.. let me show you that I can be loyal, I'll cut all of those es off just for you. Nobody is worth losing you.. none of these es are on your level, Baekhyun. You did something to me, I don't know what it is but I just need you in my life.. nothing feels right without you. I'll get my sister to beat her up if that makes you feel better."


Baekhyun feels the butterflies in his stomach celebrate and his cheeks heat up, it's not like he hasn't been going crazy for this moment for days now. He smiles softly as the gangster reaches over and gently rubs his cheek with his thumb.


"Yeol.. I'm not gonna pretend like I trust you.. because I don't. I'll be so mad at myself if I let this happen again." Baekhyun places his hand on top of the gangsters. "Can we just.. be friends? for now?"


"You wanna.. talk? Please, I swear you won't regret it. I'll take you to Pandora and buy you a promise ring."


The platinum-haired only nods, staring into those mocha eyes that he adores.. especially when they look so full of love like that.


"Let's save the ring for when the talking stage is over, yeah?" Baekhyun scoots closer to the gangster, leaning his head on his shoulder. "I still have my bracelet after all."


"Baekhyun.. I swear I'll never hurt you again.. I never want to go as many hours as I just did without hearing your voice or seeing your beautiful face."


The platinum-haired moves his head to look up at the gangster. "You promise?"


"I promise, baby.."


Baekhyuns stomach flips, he wasn't expecting that but he can definitely get used to it, being called 'baby' by the gangster on actual good terms. It felt great.


Baekhyun stands up and stretches, yawning afterward. The gangster looks up at him and smiles, rising to his feet soon after.


"It's late.. you should get inside and sleep."


"Hm, okay.." Baekhyun wraps his arms around the gangsters' waist. "Goodnight, Yeollie. ~"


"Goodnight, Baby." Chanyeol wraps an arm around the smaller and kisses the top of his head. "I'll see you tomorrow."


"Are you coming to school?" Baekhyun looks up at his soon to be boyfriend.


"Nah.. but I'm picking the guys up."


The platinum-haired frowns and gently slaps the gangsters' chest. "Please come to school.. it's important."


"Alright alright, I'll come tomorrow" the gangster chuckles, pulling Baekhyun closer if that was possible. "This is why I need you in my life, you motivate me to do better.."


Baekhyun giggles and inhales the gangsters' scent. "I'll see you tomorrow, Yeollie. ~" he looks up to make eye contact with the gangster.


The two stared into each other eyes for a few seconds before Chanyeol gently cups the smallers face with one hand. "Can.. can I kiss you?"




That's all the gangster needed to hear. He places his thumb under Baekhyuns chin and lifts his head a little. He softly smiles before closing the gap between the two, pressing his lips against Baeks. The gangster uses his free hand to grip the smallers hip, squeezing it, not wanting to let go ever as their lips moved in sync and it was everything Chanyeol had dreamed of, they were so soft and plump. The desire to be with anyone else vanished a long time ago and he tightened his grip on the smallers hip lost in the ecstasy of his needy lips, he actually felt butterflies in his tummy which was something he thought he would never feel.


Baekhyun felt fireworks explode in his tummy, this feeling was nothing like he ever experienced and he wished it would never end. The whole thing felt like a lucid dream. He slowly snakes his arms around the tallers neck and stands on his tippy toes. This was his first kiss and in his opinion it was perfect, the breeze was almost nonexistent now due to Chanyeols warmth.


Finally, the gangster broke the kiss, staring lovingly into his cry baby's eyes who was staring right back. Chanyeol gently cups Baeks cheek with one hand and pecks his lips again.


"I'll see you tomorrow.." he whispers.


"Okay.. text me when you get home so I know you're safe." Baekhyun blushes at the gangsters' actions.


"I will, as soon as you unblock my number." Chanyeol chuckles.


"Oh, right! I will!"


The two sat in each other's arms for about another minute before Baekhyun broke free of the gangsters' grip. Chanyeol stepped off the Byuns property and made his way back to his BMW parked in the street. The platinum-haired watches his soon to be boyfriend walk away and get in his car, blowing the horn before driving off.


Baekhyun exhaled lovingly and stepped back into his house, immediately pulling out his phone and calling his best friend after walking into his bedroom.


"Hello?" Jongdae says through the phone. "Everything okay??"


"Tell Minseok we'll be there!"




Baekhyun giggles and plops down in his bed, staring up at the ceiling giving Jongdae a full recap of the events that just took place.


All was good.

Hehehehe <33 Fluffy yeol ;A; Baekhyun is such a kind hearted little muffin <33 yahhh, enjoyyy


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update