seventeen. Chillin like a Villain.

PCY really loves BBH.

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Baekhyun sat in Science class barely paying any attention to what Mr.Lee was discussing. The platinum-haired didn't see his giant in first period so his mind was too focused on finding out why. I mean he said he'd be here so why isn't he at least in second period?


"So in conclusion, students -" Mr.Lee spoke.


"Excuse me.."


"Yes, Baekhyun?"


"May I use the restroom?" Baekhyun lies, trying to find a way out of class.


"Hurry back! I'm going to be discussing the homework assignment soon."


Baekhyun only nods before standing from his seat and heading out of the classroom. He peeks through the glass to numerous different classrooms in search of Chanyeol since he wasn't sure which class the giant should be in at this time. Ultimately, he sighs upon not finding him, assuming Chanyeol decided not to show after all. School wasn't his thing anyway.


The short boy took his time walking back to class, wanting it to seem believable that he indeed went to the restroom. He stops in front of his class and pulls out his phone, checking for a text from the gangster.




Rolling his eyes, he steps into the classroom just as Mr.Lee began explaining the homework assignments.


Taking his seat, once again barely listening to Mr.Lee speak he stares blankly at the whiteboard. It was like he was in another world, nothing was audible.


"That's all for today class, I'll see you in P.E"


'Shoot.. I must've really zoned out, I have no idea what the homework assignment is..'


The platinum-haired rose from his seat and began putting his books into his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder and sighing.


"Baekhyun, may I have a word?" Mr.Lee questions as his student made his way to the door.


Baekhyun stopped and turned his body towards his teacher, only nodding in response. Mr.Lee walked toward the younger with concern all over his face.


"Is everything alright Baekhyun? You seem - dazed today." he speculated.


"I'm sorry... I'm just a little tired." Baek mumbled, he really didn't wanna talk about how he couldn't sleep all night due to finally kissing his crush, how weird would that be.


"Well.. okay, please come to me anytime if you need to talk." Mr.Lee advised. "I don't want my star student falling behind."


"Of course. Uhm, do you mind explaining the homework assignment again?" Baekhyun says, scratching the nape of his neck.


Mr.Lee chuckles and walks back towards his desk. "There is none today, Baekhyun. I'm giving everyone a homework-free night."


Baekhyun stands there dumbfounded before bowing. "Thank you.. I'll see you in P.E"  he says before heading out the classroom and to study hall.


'Get your ish together, Baek.'


The platinum-haired rolls his eyes before walking into the study hall, he looks over at his usual lonely seat in the back but only this time it wasn't lonely. It was occupied by the most handsome boy in the school. Baekhyun gasp dramatically and scurries over to the gangster.


"Hii! I thought you weren't gonna show up." he beams as he sat in his seat.


"Hey, Pretty.. I told you I would." the gangster says, smiling at the shorter. "I just got here though."


"That's okay! I'm just glad you're here. ~" Baekhyun coos, staring lovingly into the gangster's eyes. "You don't have any books? Or a pencil? I don't -"


"I only came here cause I knew you'd be here, I wasn't planning on studying." Chanyeol interrupts. "Are you coming to Minseoks house after school? If you don't want to we could do something else."


"Sure, I'd like to meet your friends." Baekhyun nods before pulling out his Math assignment. "My friend will be there too."


"Oh yeah, Jonghae right? Tell him to get with my bro."


"It's JongDae" the platinum-haired rolls his eyes, putting emphasis on the D in his best friend's name. "and No, it'll happen when it happens."


Chanyeol only snickers at his cry baby's attitude and leans back in his seat, looking around the almost empty study hall. "Why don't you use this time to get some air? It's dead in here."


"I like to use the time to catch up on my work so when I go home I can relax and talk to you!" Baekhyun answers in his usual nonexistent inside voice. "Eomma loves when I get good grades too!"


"I see, keep it up baby. You're so smart, don't let anything let you slack, okay?"


Baekhyun nods and fills in his last answer on his math assignment before sliding it back into his folder. "I won't.. Just promise me you'll come to school? and eventually, start doing work.."


Chanyeol almost bursts out laughing, he claps his hand over his mouth and cackles into it. "I'm too busy for that , baby. I shouldn't even be here right now this was not on my schedule." he laughs again.


"What's the point in coming here if you're not gonna do work?" Baekhyun snaps.


"Because you wanted me to come here."


"Okay? Now I want you to do work too. It's still early in the year you can flunk easily."


"I'm not gonna flunk, how do you think I made it this far?" the gangster sneers, leaning closer towards smallers face.


"Whatever you say.." Baekhyun mumbles. "I just want you to -"


The platinum-haired was cut off by the gangster planting a quick kiss on his lips. Internally melting all over again, almost completely unaware of his surroundings he groans at the abrupt contact.


"Easy baby..  We're in study hall." the gangster chuckles, returning to his own personal space. "You're definitely not ready for this either."


Chanyeols' words cause the shorters cheeks to glow bright pink so he presses his palms against them, shaking his head. "Please shut up.." he whispers locking his eyes to the ground.


"I'm just sayin'.." Yeol chuckles and stands up from his seat. "Let's go, the bells bout to ring."


The platinum-haired rose from his seat and exits the study hall with the gangster. Chanyeol snakes his arm around the short boy's shoulder and pulls him closer as they walk, letting it be known he was his.


"What you got after lunch?" the goon asks as they walk to the cafeteria.


"P.E then Global studies, how about you?"


"I don't know, I'll find out. I just want the day to be over so I can look at your pretty face all night."


Baekhyun smiles softy at the gangsters words, satisfied with the decision to accept him back in his life. Together they go to lunch, Baekhyun eats a yogurt he bought from home and Chanyeol just scrolled down Instagram since the shorter didn't want to go off-campus for lunch.


The rest of the school day went by and Baekhyun was able to focus on the rest of his classes without worrying about if the gangster was attending class or not. The pair met back up at Baekhyuns' last class and made their way to the parking lot, greeted by the remaining Heartbreak kids aside from Kris.


"What's the word bro" Jongin greets, exchanging that complicated dap with his gang member.


", I thought we were going to Minseoks?"


"Oh yeah.. I forgot."


"Oh, this is Baekhyun.. Baekhyun these are the guys. Sehun, Jongin and Minseok." Chanyeol says, wrapping his arm around the small boy's shoulder.


Baekhyun flashes a toothless smile and waves, to which the guys reciprocated, he didn't bother mentioning he already knew of Minseok. I mean.. It was due to his best friend's tremendous crush on him.


Eventually, Jongdae joins the group immediately earning an enthusiastic hug from his best friend.


"Hi, Bestie!" Dae shouts cheerfully.


"Hiii! I haven't seen you all day.. I missed you!" Baek whines, releasing his grip on his best friend. 


"I know! I hate when we don't have classes together." Jongdae pouts, squishing Baek's cheeks.


Chanyeol and Minseok stare in awe, mesmerized by the two beauties in front of them. Minseok gazes at Dae's beautiful cheekbones and the way his eyes crinkle when he smiles. While Chanyeol gazes at Baekhyuns gorgeous everything, internally obsessing over the fact that he was basically his.


"Let's be out, I wanna smoke." Sehun interrupts their thoughts, walking towards the gangsters BMW.


"How's this going to work? Your beamer isn't fitting six people." Minseok questions.


"I drove here.. Me and Baek can follow you guys." Jongdae says, shrugging.


"Word, let's get it." Minseok says, sliding into the backseat after Yeol unlocks the doors.


Jongdae and Baekhyun get in Daes mum's car. Dae starts it up, following behind the gang members as they drove to Minseoks residence.


"What do you think we're gonna do?" Baekhyun questions.


"I don't know, probably just talk and hang out. I can't believe we're going to his house.." Jongdae answers, voice full of affection.


"What's going on with you and Minseok? Are you 'talking' yet?" Baek giggles, anything that made Jongdae happy made him happy.


"Not yet, but we flirt all-day long and we fall asleep on the phone, I love it!" Dae cheers, stopping at a red light behind the gangsters.


"That's so sweet, I can't wait for us to both officially have boyfriends!"


"I know! Double dinner dates, movie nights but this time with our boyfriends?! So awesome."


The two giggle and continue following being the gangster before parking behind Yeols car that was in front of a big house. Together they all follow behind Minseok as he guides everyone (Dae and Baek mainly) to his room, it was pretty spacious, there was a small sectional sofa on the opposite wall of his bed with his tv in the middle and a big closet.


Sehun decides to take the computer chair and rolls it beside the sofa, plopping down. Jongin takes the long part of the sofa and lays out as Chanyeol plops down on a cushion next to him so Baek can sit beside him, cuddling into his arm. Immediately after getting comfortable, Sehun and Jongin start-up Minseoks PlayStation 4 and play Injustice 2.


Minseok plops down on his bed, stretching and rubbing his eyes before looking over at Jongdae who was standing there watching the video game. The delinquent furrows his brows, standing from his bed and reaching over to gently nudge Daes shoulder, causing the taller to take his attention off the tv.


"You don't have to stand there, you can sit on my bed.." Minseok chuckles before plopping back down on his big bed.


Jongdae looks over at his best friend who gives him a quick wink before smiling back. The kitten smiled boy internally screams before settling down on Minseoks bed. The younger chuckles at Daes' awkwardness and sits up, wrapping his arms around the tallers back and pulling him down so he can lay with him.


Jongdae feels as if he was just struck by lightning, he couldn't believe he was actually in the delinquents' bed. Minseok had his head rested on Daes' shoulder, admiring the warmth of the tallers body.


"You smell so good.." he whispers into Dae's ear who shivers when Minseoks lips brush against his ear.


Jongdae giggles and scoots back closer into the delinquent's arms. "Oh. ~ Thank you.."


For awhile everyone settled in their selected spots around the room, relaxing and watching the two gang members fight each other as Batman and Joker.


"Someone roll-up." Sehun demands, not taking his eyes off the video game. "I'll match after this round."


Chanyeol unwraps his arm from around Baekhyuns hip and reaches in his pocket, pulling out his weed. "I don't feel like rolling.. Minseok you roll." he says tossing the bag to the younger.


"I don't either.. it." Minseok unwraps himself from around Jongdae and sits up, grabbing his and Yeols weed and his rolling essentials. "I got next on the game." he states as he began rolling a joint.


smoke filled the air as time progressed and everyone was blazed, everyone aside from Baekhyun and Jongdae of course. The two remained sober, cuddled up with their crushes. Baekhyun watches intently as Yeol rolls a joint, absolutely enjoying the way his tongue rolls around to tighten the paper. Only stopping when the gangster places the joint between his lips and lights it.


"C - can I try..?" Baekhyun almost whispers, causing everyone to turn in his direction.


"Hell no, are you crazy?" The gangster responds clearly baffled.


"I heard it makes you feel like you're spinning around, that doesn't sound like fun." Jongdae chimes in.


"All of you guys do it, why can't I?" his question causes everyone in the room to laugh.


"Because." The gangster hands the joint to Jongin.


"You don't need this, you won't feel right trust me." the sun-kissed laughs again after taking a hit. "It's better to stay high off life to be happy."


"Why do you smoke then?" Baekhyun sits up to look at the delinquent.


"To escape."


Baekhyun leans back into the gangster's arm and continues to watch the video game, maybe when he and Chanyeol are alone he'll let him try, most likely not.


The daylight began to turn dusk, so everyone began packing their belongings to part ways. Since Sehun only lived a few houses away from Minseok he walks home and Jongin walks with him since Kyungsoo lives close.


"Can you stay a little longer..?" Minseok begs, tightening his grip around the taller before he could move.


"Let me ask Baek.. I am his ride." Jongdae giggles as he slides from around the delinquent's arms.


Taking a few steps over to the couch where Baek was standing in front of Chanyeol, he gently taps his shoulder to get his attention.


"What's up? You ready to go?" Baek asks, turning to his best friend.


"Don't be mad.. I was gonna stay behind.." Jongdae bites his lip in shame. "Is that okay with you?"


"Why would I be mad? Yeol can bring me home, have fun and text me." Baekhyun says before hugging his best friend who returns the lock.


Jongdae returns to Minseoks bed as everyone began exiting the room, Baekhyun said his last goodbyes to Jongdae before shutting the door behind himself. Finally alone, Minseok has the courage to speak to Jongdae about his feelings. 


"I.. wanted you to stay so we could talk." he breathes out, trying to ignore the swarming butterflies in his stomach. "I just wanted to let you know that I.. you know - I'm really feeling you and -" 


"You want to - 'talk'?" Jongdae is a little more confident than the younger having been in previous relationships.


"I wanna do more than talk.. I wanna be official. I've only been talking to you lately, I know I can be loyal." Minseok locks eyes with the beauty in front of him.


Jongdae stares at the younger for a few, admiring his feline eyes. For a second, Minseok believed the taller had turned him down in the nicest way possible, silence. Before he could turn away in embarrassment he feels the kitten-smiled boy wrap his arms around his neck and straddle his lap. Surprised but satisfied, he immediately holds onto the boy's waist to balance him.


"I'm so happy to hear you say that.." Dae sighs lovingly, pressing his forehead against Minseoks still gazing into those dark orbs.


The lack of personal space wasn't a concern not at all, Dae was so close to the gorgeous outlaw he was practically inhaling his breath. Hungry for the long-desired taste, he mashes his own lips against Minseoks', pushing him back into the bed so he was entirely on top. Minseok kissed Dae like it was his last day on earth, tongues protruding each other's mouths in a battle of dominance. Jongdae softly moans into the youngers mouth and rolls his hips down against the rock hard print in Minseoks jeans.


The delinquent breaks the kiss and rolls Jongdae over so this time he was on top. "So, that's a yeah I'm assuming." he chuckles before leaning down to plant another kiss on Daes soft lips.


" yeah."


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Hiiii! Don't kill me for taking so long to update! I made it pretty long, sorry if it's so rushed and all over the place! I've been trying to focus on so many things for a few days now.. Anyway, Enjoy! Fluffy Baekyeol in the next few chapters T.T bare with ya gal.


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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 22: Woohoo! I was the last one to comment two years ago and the first one for your return - really looking forward to reading your new skills!!
Beau1996 1372 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh no - will there be bloodshed next?
Baek_lyn #3
Chapter 21: Please when is the next chapter
Chapter 21: i want them happy i hate angst
Chapter 21: ahhh Yeol why don't you leave all ofthis for my baby
Chapter 20: Hello. Thank you for this update. I enjoyed the last chapter quite a lot. My angst loving heart is hoping for some kind of retaliation from Jay against Baekhyun because of Chanyeol's actions. Either way, looking forward to the next chapter. Have a nice day:)
Chapter 20: thanks for update
Chapter 20: why don't you leave all of this for ur baby Yeol
Chapter 20: oh imI scared for both of u baby
Chapter 19: thanks for update