Chapter 4 - Remember Ⅰ

⫸Troubled Ⅱ⫷ BROKEN




"Where's Yena?" A boy walked over to Sakura's seat, followed by a girl. 



With a listless tone of voice, Sakura greeted the two, saying, "Ahh.. Seoeon, Hyewon.. Good morning." 



"What's with that?" Seoeon took the chair from the table next to Sakura's and sat down. Hyewon just sat down on the currently empty seat in front of Sakura. 



"Did something happen?" Hyewon eyed the girl with concern. A lot of things seem to be happening recently. There were the sudden events surrounding Yena.. and of course, she wouldn't forget her suspicions between Gaeun and Sakura.  



Hyewon might look out of it all the time but she does pay a lot of attention to things.. specially when her friends were involved. Both Yena and Sakura have been acting strange and it got her concerned about a lot of things.



"You know the second year Yena started hanging out with? Due to.. unfortunate events.. She got hospitalized yesterday.." Sakura answered generally, not dropping specific details. Even then, it was obvious from the looks on Seoeon and Hyewon's faces that it was enough information for them to understand the situation. 



"Is our duckie taking care of her?" Seoeon made a guess.



Sakura clapped sluggishly, lazily sounding, "Correct answer~"



Of course, Seoeon wouldn't let Sakura off without explaining herself. "And you? What are you looking serious for?"



"I.. just saw a lot of things.. yesterday." Sakura purposely remained vague. The details weren't something she could choose to share on her own. "It got me thinking about a lot of things.. I.. usually make sure not to involve myself with.. anything troublesome."



"Well, you're a model student after all." 



"But.. is that the right thing?" 



"...What?" Confusion showed on Seoeon's face as well as Hyewon's.



"I.. would always keep a safe distance from anything inconvenient.. I like keeping the peace in my life, you know..? But.. after I tried.. reaching out to someone.. and seeing.. all sorts of bothersome things right in front of me.. It makes me think I could've done something." 



The other two found themselves silenced by Sakura's deep reflection. 



"I.. had a choice.. If I had told the truth that time.." Sakura's hand begun to shake. 



"Kkura-" Hyewon quickly held Sakura's hand. "What are you talking about?"



 Sakura managed to compose herself at Hyewon's touch.. and took a deep breath. "No. It's nothing.. Can you two.. leave me alone for now? I have so much things in my mind.." 



The worried duo glanced at each other for a few seconds before deciding it was best to leave Sakura alone as she asked them to. 




~ + ~




"Where could they be?" Sakura asked - herself, the wall, the empty hallway - she wasn't sure who or what she was asking but she wished the answer would just come to her. 



Maybe the world wanted to cooperate with her, and just as she wished, she felt a vibration from her blazer pocket; Yena's phone was receiving a call. 



She only needed to look at the caller id for a second before answering the call. "Chaeyeon?"



"I.. I found them, Unnie.."



She found herself slightly worried by the tone of Chaeyeon's voice. She sounded like she was about to cry. "Are you okay? Why do you sound like that?"



"Just.. come quick.. they're at the shed.. the unused one behind school.."






"Alright. I'm coming." Sakura quickly made her way to the shed, keeping the call on just in case. "Chaeyeon-ah? Is everything okay? What's going on over there?" 



"Yuri is.. She's.. I don't know.. her state is just.. it's terrible.. unnie.."



"Ah- I get it.. I'm sorry." 



The obvious panic and shaking of Chaeyeon's voice was enough to get Sakura's legs running faster and in just a few minutes, she reached the shed, running over to Chaeyeon who immediately hung up their call and looked at her with teary eyes. 



"What's wrong?" Sakura asked Chaeyeon but didn't need an answer as just in time, Yena came out from the shed, carrying Yuri on her back. It didn't take a second for Sakura to notice the bruises marking on Yuri's skin. It covered the girl all over.



"K-Kkura! P-Please.. I.. I need help.." Yena was struck with relief when she saw Sakura there. Her mind hadn't processed Chaeyeon's presence at all. She was desperate and the other two could feel it in her voice. 



"Calm down.." Sakura tried her best to speak in a gentle and soothing manner and it seemed to work.. not just on Yena, but Chaeyeon as well. "...We can't call an ambulance because this damn school wouldn't like it if we made a fuss.. Alright.. I'll call a cab. Let's go to the gate."



Sakura immediately called a taxi center, asking the agent to direct them to a cab nearest to their school.

..It only took a second for the agent to find a driver who was only a few blocks away from them and thankfully, the driver was understanding about their emergency and hurried to them. 



As soon as the cab got there, they immediately got Yuri inside, Yena following after. 



"Are you sure you'll be fine alone?" Sakura asked, holding Yena's hand through the cab's open window. 



Yena nodded swiftly. "I can take it from here.. Thanks for bringing my things.. Ah-- What about Yuri's things??" 



"It's probably with Gaeun-ssaem."



"...Okay.. We should go.. Yuri needs help as fast as possible.." Yena gave Sakura's hand one last squeeze before letting go. "A-Ahjussi.. Please hurry.." 



The driver just nodded and the cab begun to drive off. After watching the cab drive out of her view, Sakura turned her attention to Chaeyeon who had been quiet since the moment she reached her near the shed. 



It's normal for people to be shaken after seeing something like that but look on Chaeyeon's eyes didn't seem like that was all there was to it.  






"I've only heard of it." 






"I've only ever heard of it... I've.. never seen.. someone in that state.. for real."



"...Chaeyeon.. Are you talking about.."



"Momo-unnie was.. rumored.. to have been.. beaten up the same way." Chaeyeon's eyes were filled with tears, streaks sliding down her cheeks.. but her face showed no emotion.. only her eyes did. "But.. There were no witnesses.. no one could prove it.. and unnie was suspended.. probably so no one would know whether she was really harmed or not.. because no one could see her.. so they could hide her.." 



It's been a while. A long time since Sakura had to think about that story. It was a big thing in their school but at the same time, a small thing.. because of how carefully it was covered up. 



"But.. Sana-unnie knew. Even if she didn't see it happen.. She knew it happened.. So she talked to the board.. and wanted justice for Momo-unnie.. yet.. those bastards framed Sana-unnie.. saying she was attacking the authorities and even threatened teachers.. It was all a damn lie.. but they all testified against her.. And she was expelled for it." 



From tears of sadness, it turned into tears of frustration and anger as Chaeyeon continued to speak.. She couldn't hold back. The emotions were overflowing in her.. and she needed to release it. She thought she had gotten over it.. but she was wrong. Deep inside, it still haunted her.



"If that wasn't bad enough.. they said Sana-unnie and Momo-unnie planned the entire thing to sabotage the school.. so while Momo-unnie was already suspended.. they passed the decision.. and expelled her too.. and Jiyoung.. ended up being the victim of that entire issue.."



Chaeyeon walked towards Sakura, holding onto Sakura's sleeve. "Was that.. how Momo-unnie must've looked like.. while she was being hidden away to cover up for Jiyoung's mistake..? Just like Yuri's.. Just like-"



Chaeyeon's words were cut short when Sakura pulled her into a hug. With one arm around Chaeyeon and the other patting her head, Sakura's gesture successfully blocked Chaeyeon's words and instead, her tears just overflowed. 




~ + ~




"Damn it.." Sakura cursed under her breath, a hand on her forehead. "Ugh.. My head hurts.." 



She just couldn't stop thinking about it. While she was living her life carefree, trying to remain as neutral as possible, there were people like Chaeyeon who couldn't do that. People who were involved whether they liked it or not.. affected whether they liked it or not. 



She has never felt so useless. 






She had seen Chaeyeon breaking down before her.. twice. The first time, she still thought about simply walking away and pretending that she didn't just overhear the fight..



But the second time.. she couldn't bring herself to even think about doing nothing.  How did she live her life the way she did? How did she manage to just walk everything by, avoiding other people's issues when she had the ability to provide, even at the bare minimum, comfort to someone? 



She didn't need to get deeply involved. She realized now that maybe.. simply showing concern would've been a huge thing for someone.. and she didn't do.. even that. That's why when heard what Chaeyeon had said.. and how pained Chaeyeon sounded while she spoke about her precious seniors.. 



She felt it. 


















She was there.



She could have done something.





















"Kkura-unnie!" A loud voice suddenly snapped Sakura out of deep thought. 



"W-What? W-Who?" Sakura blinked rapidly, looking around and then at the figure standing next to her. "Ah.. Minjoo-yah.. What's up?" 



"Get a grip.." Minjoo looked at her worriedly. "Can we talk?" 



Sakura looked at the clock positioned above the board.. It didn't really feel like a long time has passed but it was already lunch. "...Did I really just.. spend the first few periods spacing out?"



"Excuse me?"



"No.. It's nothing. Sure. We can talk."



"Can we step out?" 



Sakura nodded, following Minjoo as the second year lead her out of the classroom. They stood by the hallway window, Sakura leaning forward, waiting for Minjoo to talk. 



Seems like Minjoo didn't really plan what she was going to say, judging by how she took a minute or so to organize her thoughts before finally speaking. 



"It's about Chaeyeon.." 






"Unnie.. What happened?" 






"Unnie.. ever since you took her home yesterday, she won't tell me what happened.. she keeps looking out of it.. I went to her classroom just now and she was just spacing out and wouldn't talk to me."



"I.. don't think I should say anything if Chaeyeon refuses to talk about it."



"It's about what happened last year isn't it?" 



It was easy to tell from Sakura's honest eyes that Minjoo got it right. 



"Is it that easy to tell?"



"There are only two things that can make Chaeyeon act that way, Unnie. It's either the cursed issue from last year.. or Kwon Eunbi. Please.. As her best friend.. I want to help her. If you can tell me what exactly triggered this, I can try to help her."



It wasn't that simple. It was an internal struggle for Sakura. Among all things, she dislikes talking about things that happen to other people. Even if Minjoo and Chaeyeon were the best of friends, would it be alright for her to say what Chaeyeon seems to avoid talking about?



Well. There's no point thinking about it now. Thinking of it from a different perspective, she's gotten herself more involved with Chaeyeon than she needed to be and she can't turn back at this point. 



It took her a while.. but eventually she decides to tell Minjoo. She trusts that Minjoo would know Chaeyeon best - they're childhood friends after all. So after recalling the events one more time, she started, "You remember what happened at Lunch yesterday?"



"Who wouldn't, unnie? Jiyoung wasn't even trying to hide it."



"That wasn't the end of it."



"...What do you mean by that?"



"After school, Jiyoung.. she attacked that girl again. Yena got a message asking for help.. and Chaeyeon saw it."



"....And then?"



"It's pretty obvious that Chaeyeon has a strong sense of justice. She couldn't leave it alone so after a few mishaps, she left practice and we went to look for Yuri. She found her.. and saw what.. state.. Yuri was in after Jiyoung was done with her."



"....Was it.. really bad?"



"It was, Minjoo. It really was." Sakura was smiling but it wasn't out of happiness. It was filled with sadness.. pity even. "After that.. Chaeyeon started talking about what happened last year.. and how she hadn't seen what happened to.. Hirai-sunbae.. and started asking if that was how sunbae must've looked like back then."



"Damn it.." Minjoo said unconsciously and if they weren't talking about something so serious, maybe Sakura would've laughed at how uncharacteristic that was. "Seeing something like that for herself must've triggered all her bad memories.. Thank you for telling me, unnie. I'm going to think of a way to get her bubbly again."



"Has this kind of thing happened before?" 



"It has.. actually."



"Well.. what did you do at those times?"



"I.. don't think I can use the same methods."



"Why not? Minjoo?"



"The only person who could calm her down when she's being like this.. it was only Kwon Eunbi."



Now that statement hit Sakura really hard. It registered to her just how badly the issue with Eunbi must be affecting Chaeyeon if Eunbi was the only person who can take her mind off of her trauma. 



"You know how they are, unnie.. I can't.. and I won't ask Eunbi for help." It was adamant. Minjoo meant every word she said. 



She understood it. Sakura knew why Minjoo wouldn't want to ask Eunbi's help. Eunbi and Chaeyeon's relationship.. calling it complicated was an understatement. But would it really be a bad move to rely on Eunbi for this one? Only Eunbi could help Chaeyeon.



"Unnie. Please don't even think about asking Eunbi." Maybe it was the look on her face or maybe because it was an obvious move to make - Minjoo saw right through her. 



"Then what are we going to do?" Sakura sighed. 






"Well, you've involved me this much. Might as well make use of me."



"Are you serious? Will you help me???"



This is your last chance to back out, Miyawaki. She said to herself. You've involved yourself deeply but perhaps this is the border where you can cross one and never go back. 



What am I thinking for? I don't need to think about it. 



"Of course I'll help. I know a lot more than I need to anyways."



"Thank youuuuuu-" Minjoo gave Sakura the tightest, most breathtaking hug she could give. Breathtaking.. literally. Sakura could barely breath. 



"Okay- Minjoo- I'm gonna die-" Sakura kept trying to push the girl away and eventually, Minjoo let go and let Sakura live another day. 



"I'll try talking to her first and if nothing works.. I'm gonna have to use you."



"...I know I said make use of me but you didn't have to say it that way.."







~ + ~







"Alright. That's all for practice today." The teacher clapped her hands twice, precisely. "Chaeyeon. Can you stay behind for a few minutes?" 



The rest of them looked at Chaeyeon before proceeding to make their way out of the dance room. Once they were alone, the teacher looked at her ans said, "Chaeyeon.. Your dancing is always great but I can't help but notice how less energetic your moves are."



"I'm.. I'm sorry." Chaeyeon couldn't deny it. Even she thought that she wasn't doing the dance justice.



"You.. didn't get involved with Jiyoung, did you?" 






With a soft and careful voice, the teacher said, "Lee.. you're a very valuable member of our team. I don't know how the troupe will survive without you. Don't.. go getting yourself in trouble. I don't want to lose you like we lost.. Momo." 



The sound of that name leaving the teacher's mouth was enough to ignite the fire from inside Chaeyeon. "You say you didn't want to lose her but you did nothing to help her stay?? Don't make me laugh, ssaem."



"L-Lee.. I tried to warn her too."



"You shouldn't warn us, ssaem. You should have helped her!" 



Clicking her tongue, Chaeyeon picked up her bag and stormed out of the room. What a perfectly good  mood to end her day in. As if her mood wasn't sullen enough, her teacher just had to say some unnecessary things.



"Ugh.. But even then I shouldn't have talked to her like that.." Chaeyeon regretted a bit too late. She just couldn't control herself when it came to.. that  topic. That event.. her seniors' names.. everything about it triggered her. 



...And the only thing that could calm her down was Eunbi. 



She never thought the day would come.. where Eunbi would be part of the things that stressed her out the most. 



She thought what they had was the real deal. 



That with Eunbi, everything would work out.



When the ordeal took place, the person who was with her when she suffered the trauma of losing both her seniors.. it was Eunbi. 



It was a funny coincidence, really. 



It just so happen that the ever so attentive and meticulous Kwon Eunbi forgot something in school... and their encounter was.. far from normal.



She remembered it well - She was sitting down on Sana's chair, staring blankly at her table.. it was filled with hateful words.. attacks.. the table even had scratches all over. All of that.. because Sana wanted to defend Momo. 



Neither of them did anything wrong yet they suffered a major consequence. Justice wasn't on their side. 



And thinking about that, Chaeyeon just broke down.. her sobs echoing in the classroom.. 



That's when Eunbi found her. 



And that entire afternoon.. Eunbi spent trying to comfort her.. talking to her until she stopped crying.. 



It was no surprise she fell in love with Eunbi. The Eunbi from that day was her savior. 



She didn't know what she would have done if she was left alone for too long.



A sigh. 



"Why am I thinking about that now?" Chaeyeon smiled sadly. "I.. I need.. to end it properly between us. The longer this drags on.. the harder it will be.. for me to let go."



Chaeyeon kept walking.. her steps heavy. It felt like home was further than usual today. 



"...Agh.. I want to let go.. but.."











"Kwon Eunbi..."











"I also don't want you to let go of me..."




~ + ~


||a/n: Welcome back to broken~

Did you really think the story was going to be all about Sakura and Chaeyeon's tragic love stories? While that's what the description was pointing, I wouldn't write such a straightforward story~ It wouldn't be that simple. It would be boring if it was, no?

Love is only one of their worries. We've gotten a bit more information about what happened to Momo and Sana in this au, it's effect on Chaeyeon, and Sakura's possible involvement in it. We also got a simple description of how Chaeyeon and Eunbi got closer. 

Also, as a bonus, we get a snippet of what happens after Yuri passes out in Misled. We didn't see it back then but now we get to see it happen thanks to Sakura's POV. I'm sure there are people who haven't read Misled and are curious as to what happened to Yenyul before Kkuchaen arrived~ I guess you'll have to read Misled to find out~ ;)

Ahhh~ It's so enjoyable to write this story~ Writing the connections is always exciting~ Hope you liked this chapter~||



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Chapter 13: Complicated, indeed. BUT! I'm seeing an advance here, they're finally thinking they should hear each other's thoughts, and that's something, right? Lol
Thanks for the chapter, author-nim!
1752 streak #2
Chapter 13: how complicated indeed!
Chapter 12: Hey, you have return! Welcome back author-nim!
I'm excited to follow this story again :3
Trangminh213 #4
Chapter 12: I wait for you everday
Chichu_25 #5
Chapter 12: Excited for the next chapter :))
maomao88 #6
Chapter 12: Wth chaeyeon 🤦‍♂️
Chapter 12: holy shems HAHHAHAHAHA WELCOME BACK IG
1752 streak #8
Chapter 12: thank you for updating! i had to go back and read a few chapter to refresh my memories :)
Tofu22 #9
Chapter 10: I loved the first story, and was always holding on hope that you’d come back, thanks for the update!
xxrevels #10
Chapter 11: Thank you very muchhh. Keep safe author-nimm