Chapter 12 - Suffocation

⫸Troubled Ⅱ⫷ BROKEN

The sound of the door slamming startled Sakura, causing a ringing in her ears.














She could barely breathe.



A few seconds after Chaeyeon left, Sakura felt her legs begin to weaken. It didn't take long for her legs to give in, causing her to fall on her knees. She was breathing heavily, and her vision was starting to blur... all of her memories from that time begun to resurface...



Her head begun to pound... and every time she closed her eyes...



She saw the image of Anna, lying on a hospital bed in front of her... smiling to try and reassure her that everything is okay. 



As the thoughts were beginning to consume her, the door burst open. Sakura didn't have enough strength in her body to look up, but she didn't have to as the figure ran straight to her to help her up. 



"Kkura! Are you okay???" 



It's Hyewon. Sakura could hear her voice clearly, but her own voice wouldn't come out to reply. It wasn't just that, Sakura could barely move a muscle. Her entire body had gone weak and the pounding in her head wasn't letting up. 



"Kkura?? Say something!" Hyewon's voice was full of panic. No matter what she did, Sakura wasn't responding. Not a word, or even the tiniest bit of movement.






Hyewon quickly took out her phone, and struggled a little before successfully dialing a number.









"Come on! Answer it already!"















Hye? What's up?



"Seoeon! Where are you right now??"



I'm still at school. We have basketball practice today so I'm here at the gym.



"Come to the rooftop quickly! I need your help!"



What?? Did something happen??



"I don't think the talk with Chaeyeon went well.. Kkura is just.. I don't know. She's awake, but she isn't moving or saying anything!" 



I'll tell the coach it's an emergency. I'll be right there.



Hyewon turned her attention back to Sakura as soon as Seoeon hung up. She lifted Sakura's head up to get a good look at her face. Once she met eyes with Sakura, Hyewon felt rage welling up inside her. 



She has seen these eyes before. 



This was the exact look on Sakura's face when she saw Anna back then.



"Damn it, Kwon Eunbi..." Hyewon cursed under her breath. It took a lot of effort for Sakura to get over all that but now it seemed like all the wounds were being reopened. 



Soon enough, Seoeon arrived. He rushed towards them, and studied Sakura's current state...



Sure enough, Seoeon recognized those eyes as well. 



"What should we do..?" Hyewon looked at Seoeon. At times like these, it was up to Seoeon to remain calm because Hyewon is easy to get emotional when it comes to Sakura. 



"Hm... For starters, we should check if Gaeun-ssaem is still at school."



As he said that, he carefully picked Sakura up from the floor and started carrying her. "I know it's a bit awkward between Ssaem and Kkura right now but... I can't think of anything else." 



They weren't in the position to be picky, so Hyewon reluctantly agreed... and so they headed for the infirmary. Thankfully, there were no more students left in the main building. Most students have either gone home or went to their respective clubs. It would cause a ruckus if anyone saw them with a lifeless Sakura. 



When Hyewon opened the door to the infirmary, Gaeun--who was thankfully, still there--was startled by how forceful Hyewon was. She wouldn't have been surprised if the sliding door just came off then and there. 



Gaeun was about to scold her but right after Hyewon came Seoeon with Sakura in his arms. It took less than a second for Gaeun to figure out what this was about. "What happened?"



"Thank the heavens, you're still here!" Seoeon exclaimed before sighing in relief. "Sakura decided that she would tell Chaeyeon the truth about the incident between Jiyoung and the two Japanese seniors."



"I-I found Sakura at the rooftop looking like this," Hyewon was speaking a lot faster than normal, and her eyes were darting all over the place. "S-Ssaem... This is just like that time.. What do we.." 



"Calm down," as worried as Gaeun was about Sakura, she also had to make sure Hyewon and Seoeon are okay. They're handling the situation a lot better than the first time but they still showed signs of panic. "For now, set her down on the bed."



"Yes, ma'am." Seoeon nodded and did as he was told. 



Another person came busting into the infirmary, clearly sweating from running all the way there. "Why?? What happened to Sakura?? Where is she??" 



"Yena..?" Hyewon turned back and saw Yena covered in sweat, huffing as she tried to steady he breath. She must've been on her way home with Chaewon and the others but came all the way back. 



"Seoeon messaged me! He said something happened to Sakura??" Yena looked around the room and eventually noticed that Sakura was on one of the beds. While Yena had a lot of things crowding her mind, she decided to put them aside as soon as she heard about Sakura. 



Gaeun slowly approached Sakura, sitting on the bed beside her. 






Gaeun tried calling out to her, watching her reaction closely. 



"Kkura-yah... Can you hear us?" Yena was the next to try, standing next to Sakura while holding her hand. 



She can. 



Sakura can hear them all very clearly. 



But it's weird...



Her body isn't listening to her. 



Sakura had been trying to do anything she could to ease their worry but her voice won't come out. She couldn't move a muscle apart from blinking. 



Gaeun reached out to Sakura, gently caressing her hair as she started to hum a familiar song. It's been a while since Gaeun hummed this song to her. When she was new in Korea, she had trouble falling asleep so Gaeun would lull her to sleep with this song. 



As she got older, Gaeun started needing to do it less and less until Sakura no longer needed it to fall asleep. 



Despite that, it appeared to be working. 



Sakura was starting to relax... and after a few minutes she begun to doze off... before entering deep sleep...





~ + ~





















Sakura opened her eyes. 



Her surroundings were quite familiar to her. 



She was in Gaeun's room. 



Sakura sat up on the bed, relieved that she was finally able to move as she pleased. 



She looked around the room.



Hyewon was in the corner of the room, sleeping on the huge bean bag Gaeun keeps around. Through the open door, Sakura could see that Seoeon was in the living room, sleeping on the sofa. 



Sakura then directed her attention to her side, where Yena slept peacefully. 



So they all decided to stay here.



The thought of them looking out for her until they all fell asleep made her feel all warm inside. Whether it was before or now, they haven't changed at all. They were right by her side in the past, and they're still supporting her until now. 



In a few minutes, Gaeun came by to check on her. A relieved expression showed on woman's face when she saw that Sakura was already awake. "Your complexion is looking way better. How do you feel?"



"All I know is that I feel better than I did earlier..." Sakura stretched her arms up, a small yawn following a little after. "I just woke up but I still feel kind of tired.."



"Nn..? Kkura?" Yena seemed to have been awoken by Sakura's movements. It took Yena a good few seconds to process everything... then she bolted up and starting checking Sakura everywhere. "Are you okay?? Are you feeling better?? Can you move just fine??" 



"Yena-yah... you're too loud..." Hyewon grumbled from the corner of the room. Seems like she wasn't completely awake yet, and was back to dozing off. 



"Yah! Hyewon-ah!" Yena got up from the bed and jumped on Hyewon. "Kkura is awake! Wake up!"



"You're heavyyyy..." Hyewon pushed Yena off. 



Sakura burst out laughing at whatever those two were doing. 



As if a chain reaction, Seoeon woke up from Sakura's laugh and started looking around as if he wasn't sure where he was. After a few seconds, he finally remembered. "Ah, right... We took Kkura to Ssaem's place." 



"Now that you're all awake, hurry to the table and eat," Gaeun said to them as she headed back to the kitchen, likely to clean up. 



"What about you, Ssaem?" Seoeon asked. 



"I'll eat after you're all done." 



Hyewon's spirits were immediately restored by the mention of eating, and she was up and ready to go in a matter of seconds. 



"You moved faster when talking about food than when I talked about Kkura..." 



"But Yena.. it's food." 






Their random ramblings continued on as they went to eat. The dinner table was pretty lively with the four of them eating together. Strangely enough, they don't actually get to eat together very often. 



At school, it's only really Sakura and Hyewon that eat together among the four of them. Yena always eats in the cafeteria with Chaewon and the kids, with a first year named Yuri recently added to their little group. Seoeon on the other hand, often ate lunch with his friends from the next class. 



As expected, Sakura liked the ambience of their group the most. The time she's spent with them is significantly short when compared to people like Gaeun, Nako, or Hitomi... but nevertheless, this little group they've formed in the three years they've been classmates was a bond that felt deep yet comfortable. 



They know just how to make her feel at ease.



After they finished eating, Gaeun made sure to clean up after them. They all offered to help but the woman wouldn't let them. In a way, it was a part of Gaeun's nature to take care of other people, which is mostly why she became a teacher. 



After a few tries, they all gave in and stopped pestering Gaeun. Now the four of them were seated by the table in silence...



The other three weren't sure what they could and shouldn't bring up to Sakura. They all wanted to ask what happened but they were all scared that Sakura would revert back to the previous state she was in if they did. 



Thankfully, Sakura could tell from their looks what they were thinking. Dispelling at least most of their worries, she said to them, "It's okay if you want to ask."



"Are you sure?" Hyewon made sure to ask again despite what Sakura said. 



"Yes, I'm sure. There really isn't anything I can't tell you guys."



"So..." Hyewon reached for Sakura's hand, gently holding it... before she continued, "What happened when you talked to Chaeyeon?"



"Well, as you probably already figured out... it didn't work out too well. I... once I told her about what happened... that I met with Jiyoung and Hirai-sunbae back then... she wouldn't listen to a thing I said anymore."



"Oh..." Yena could only make a small sound. Honestly, Yena's head was mess at the moment. She wanted to focus on the things Sakura were saying but... she couldn't get a certain someone out of her head. 



"I can't really blame her," Sakura said before letting out a bitter laugh. "It was an event that traumatized her... and to know I had something to do with it..."



"But you didn't!" Hyewon quickly defended. "It's not like you were a part of Jiyoung's gang! You were just an unfortunate passerby! That situation had nothing to do with you..!!"



"If anything, Jiyoung dragged you into it deeper than you needed to be," Yena added, agreeing with everything Hyewon said. "If at that time, I had talked to Jiyoung..."



"Don't try to shift the blame to yourself, duckie." Seoeon interrupted Yena because he already knew what she was going to say by the amount of times they've heard it. "Jiyoung might like you, but we all know she wouldn't stop if you just talked to her."



 "Okay. Let me change it up then," Yena took a deep breath... and the said, "If only I had beaten them up that day..."



"But that time, you only saw Jiyoung talking to me." Sakura looked over at Yena. "If you had known about Hirai-sunbae, you probably would've beaten them up then and there." 



A very long sigh. Yena knew it was pointless to think about the past at this point, since they wouldn't be able to change it anyways. 






"Yes, Kkura?"



"I'm really thankful for you finding me that time."






"There.. were certainly a lot of parts to regret from back then.. But I'm really thankful that you came."



"Well... If you say so." 



After that little exchange, silenced filled the room again. Gaeun carefully examined their expressions, wondering whether she should interrupt or give them more time. She looked at the clock... it was getting really late.



Gaeun clapped twice, getting all of their attentions. "It's getting really late. It's about time you all go home." 



Hyewon eyed the woman, wondering if she was going to make Sakura stay. Going against her expectations, Gaeun didn't say anything about it. 



"Seoeon," Gaeun turned to the boy. "Make sure everyone gets home safely. You make sure to go directly home after too, alright?"



"Yes, ma'am." 



"Fix your hair before you leave," Gaeun reminds them. "You still have bed-hair."






The four of them sounded unconsciously. They were all so occupied with other thoughts that they hadn't really paid attention to how any of them looked after waking up. 



"Hurry up, now." 



"Yes, ma'am~"





~ + ~





After fixing themselves up and making sure they had all their things, the four started making their way down the apartment building. 



After making it all the way down, they notice someone standing by one of the doors on the first floor apartments. 



Because they had been chatting, the figure had heard them making their way down and was already looking at their direction as they appeared in her sight.



It was Kwon Eunbi. Judging by Kwon Eunbi's surprised expression, she wasn't expecting to see them at all. She had her hand on the door knob; she was on her way back in before seeing them.



As if they had made a silent agreement with one another, the four proceeded to walk by as if they hadn't seen anyone. 



That was the plan... but then Kwon Eunbi called out to them. 






The other three didn't stop... but Sakura did. She just knew that Eunbi was talking to her.



"Kkura. Don't bother with her." Hyewon turned to Sakura, almost begging her to keep going.



"Just tell me one thing, Kkura." Eunbi had a serious look on her face.



"You're acting quite friendly with the nickname, Kwon."



"I'm not talking to you, Kang."



.....An uncomfortable pause followed. 









Breaking the silence, Sakura looked at Eunbi and asked, "What is it?" 



Hyewon was visibly distressed by Sakura entertaining Eunbi's interruption. Yena and Seoeon weren't as furious but they were quite annoyed, especially since they knew what happened between Sakura and Eunbi on the rooftop before.



"You had a good reason for lying about what Jiyoung did, right?" 












Now, that certainly wasn't the question they were expecting. They thought she was going to pick another fight with Sakura but it didn't seem to be the case with her question. 



"When we last talked, you brought up some girl named Anna." Eunbi thought back to their previous conversation. "The only conclusion I could come up with... was that you lied in order to protect her, right? Did Jiyoung use her against you?" 



"Why does it matter to you?"



"It matters because it changes everything." 



"Is that so?"



"If you were just another person who turned a blind eye to Jiyoung in order to save your own skin, that would be one thing. But.. if you had a much deeper reason to choose the path that you did.. it would change everything." 



Eunbi thought about it a lot more earnestly than Sakura expected. While Sakura did think that Eunbi would end up connecting the dots one way or another, she didn't think Eunbi would think about it this much.






"When Jiyoung tried to threaten me, Yena found us and told her not to do anything to me. I guess.. she thought that if she couldn't touch me.. she could just find another way to threaten me without doing so."






From Sakura's view, Eunbi actually looked like she genuinely felt guilty for everything. 



So she was so hostile before because she thought I had let Jiyoung get away just to save myself? 



And now that she knows about Anna, she's suddenly rethinking everything?



.....She isn't as bad of a person as I initially thought.



That doesn't change the fact that Eunbi jumped to conclusions without hearing the full story, but at the very least she's willing to lower herself upon finding the truth. 



Sakura tried her best to rationalize Eunbi's actions as to lessen the welling anger she felt whenever she looked at the girl. 



Sakura knew that getting angry would only worsen her condition.



"In that case.. I'll tell you a little something too." Eunbi looked down. 






Sakura would be lying if she said she wasn't interested at all. 



"While the thing with Chaeyeon was part of the reason I started attacking you.. It wasn't the only reason."



"....Huh. Really now?"



"I'm being serious here."












"I've never told anyone this... not even Chaeyeon." 



"And you're telling us because?"



"I caused trouble without knowing anything so I... I suppose I feel a responsibility to explain myself."



Hyewon wasn't really having any of it. She highly doubted anything Eunbi said would calm the fuming anger she was trying to keep in control for Sakura's sake. If it weren't for Seoeon and Yena holding her back, Hyewon would've lashed out at Eunbi by now. 






Sakura turned to the other three, "Can you three go ahead?"






All three unintentionally raised their voices. It didn't look like any of them were willing at all. 



"Look, you don't have to make them leave." Eunbi sighed. The fact that Sakura was being considerate for her was only making the guilt heavier. 



"No, It wouldn't feel right. If it's something you haven't told even Chaeyeon.. It's not something you'd easily share with anyone." Sakura gave the other three a look. The three of them seemed to be trying to convince Sakura to let them stay, though none of them said a word. "Please. It'll be fine. If anything happens, I can call ssaem."



"How about this.. The two of you can talk in Eunbi's apartment and we'll wait outside." 



Hyewon wasn't going to accept just leaving. Seoeon and Yena were nodding vigorously to Hyewon's suggestion.



"But letting you wait outside is a bit..." 



Sakura thought about it for a moment. 



"How about you all come inside, and we can talk inside my room." 



"If that's fine with you, that's alright too." Yena seemed fine with the suggestion. 



"Well, she's fine with it. Can we wait for you now, Kkura?" Hyewon asked again. 








~ + ~





Chaeyeon had just left Eunbi's place, but she hasn't really gotten far. From a distance, she continued to look at Eunbi, who seemed be in deep thought as she paced back and forth outside her apartment. 



Why isn't she going in yet?



Chaeyeon continued to watch from afar...



Honestly, what am I doing?



It was a question she asked herself multiple times after leaving Eunbi's apartment. She knew she was weak, but not this weak. 



Giving in to Eunbi was one thing... but to think she made the first move on her own.



Even Eunbi looked surprised earlier. 



She wasn't sure what came over her... but she was suddenly overcome with the feeling of wanting to bring Eunbi closer to her. Even now, here she was acting like some stalker watching Eunbi. 



After a minute or so, it looked like Eunbi was finally going to head in but she stopped again. When Eunbi looked over to her side, Chaeyeon followed her gaze and her eyes widened once she saw them. 



Sakura had just reached the bottom of the staircase with her friends. 



Did they come from ssaem's place...? What were they all doing there?



She didn't know why, but she felt nervous just watching them. Sakura and her group started walking off, seemingly with the intention of ignoring Eunbi...



...but they stopped?



"What's going on...?" Chaeyeon couldn't help but be curious of whatever they were talking about. Even so, it's not like she can go there to hear it. 






Her head was a lot clearer now than it was when she talked to Sakura earlier. 






"Hey, Chae?"






"Aside from being a witness, did Sakura tell you anything else?"



"...Anything else..?"



"Like.. the reason she lied about it?"



"Does it matter?" 






"Eunbi? You've been making that face since earlier.. If you have something to say, then say it."



"I was just.. I was thinking that maybe you should've listened to her until the end." Eunbi looked away. 






A part of her conversation with Eunbi suddenly came to mind...



She brushed her off earlier due to frustration but when she thought about it again, she was starting to feel like she really should have listened to the end. 



She focused her attention back on the group who stood by Eunbi's apartment door. They all had such serious looks on their faces and it was only piquing her curiosity more. 



Their next course of movement absolutely baffled Chaeyeon. 



They're all going inside Eunbi's apartment.



What for?



The nervousness kept creeping up on her as she watched them enter the apartment one by one...



And she could've sworn her heart stopped when she watched the door close. 



Why did they go in? 



What are they going to talk about?



Chaeyeon couldn't help but feel like they could be talking about her. Of course, there could be so many other things they'd talk about... perhaps it's some 3rd year thing... right?



She tried to think of any other reason for them to talk... but she couldn't really come up with anything. It didn't seem like Sakura and Eunbi were friends, nor was Eunbi friends with the other three. 



The more she thought about things, the more she grew anxious. Her hands were going cold, shaking even. 



There wasn't any reason for her to feel nervous; it's not like she did anything wrong. 



But even so, she thought about the possibility that Eunbi might tell Sakura that Chaeyeon was just there... somehow she was scared about Eunbi telling Sakura what she did. 



But there's no reason be, is there?



There's nothing going on between her and Sakura. 



So it shouldn't matter even if Sakura found out. 



Just hours ago she was fuming with anger and hatred towards Sakura... but suddenly she's here, feeling extremely conscious about what Sakura would think about her.  



She couldn't understand herself at all. 



Unable to stomach staying there any further, Chaeyeon started making her way back to the dorms. 



She felt disgusted by her own thoughts. 



She started to feel like a hypocrite. 



She condemned Eunbi for trying to keep their relationship despite having conflicting feelings for someone else... but with the way she is now, is she any different?



She claims to want to end things with Eunbi, yet she's the one who ultimately made a move. But at the same time, she continues to think about Sakura and her growing feelings. 



She wanted to have Sakura by her side but she couldn't keep herself away from Eunbi.






I'm the worst.



At this rate, aren't I just using them both? 



Anger and frustration begun to creep up on on her again... 



But this time it was all directed towards herself. 







~ + ~






||a/n: How complicated.

Just when things seemed like they'd finally be cleared up, everything becomes a mess again. Sakura's trauma seems to run a lot deeper than it initially seemed. Upon remembering the image of Anna, her body became weak to the point of paralysis... and it looks like this isn't the first time it happened.

Eunbi finally made the decision to pursue the truth from Sakura, and she confirmed that Jiyoung did use Anna to stop Sakura from becoming a witness. In response to this, Eunbi reveals that there's more to her side of the story than simple jealousy? 

We also see a glimpse of Chaeyeon after she left Eunbi's apartment. She only grows more and more conflicted as time passes, and she can no longer understand the way she feels.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll see you on the next one~ ||

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Chapter 13: Complicated, indeed. BUT! I'm seeing an advance here, they're finally thinking they should hear each other's thoughts, and that's something, right? Lol
Thanks for the chapter, author-nim!
1761 streak #2
Chapter 13: how complicated indeed!
Chapter 12: Hey, you have return! Welcome back author-nim!
I'm excited to follow this story again :3
Trangminh213 #4
Chapter 12: I wait for you everday
Chichu_25 #5
Chapter 12: Excited for the next chapter :))
maomao88 #6
Chapter 12: Wth chaeyeon 🤦‍♂️
Chapter 12: holy shems HAHHAHAHAHA WELCOME BACK IG
1761 streak #8
Chapter 12: thank you for updating! i had to go back and read a few chapter to refresh my memories :)
Tofu22 #9
Chapter 10: I loved the first story, and was always holding on hope that you’d come back, thanks for the update!
xxrevels #10
Chapter 11: Thank you very muchhh. Keep safe author-nimm