Chapter 9 - Realize Ⅰ

⫸Troubled Ⅱ⫷ BROKEN

"Sakura.. I'm really sorry.." Gaeun followed Sakura down the stairs as the girl hurried down. 



"Look.. It's okay.. Just.. I just need some space." Sakura was rushing down the stairs. She had so much in her mind and seeing Gaeun isn't helping her think straight. 



Sakura wasn't stopping, racing down the stairs without looking back at Gaeun at all. It was suddenly so much more complicated than it needed to be.



It was suddenly not just about her and Gaeun anymore.



Of all people she could've gotten involved with.. It was Chaeyeon.



Chaeyeon who wasn't only part of a complicated love square... but Chaeyeon who was also involved with the event Jiyoung caused a year ago.



"This isn't how I imagined my last year to be like." Sakura thought out loud. "I was expecting that maybe.. maybe at this point I should've been drowning myself in studies and worrying about what university I'd go to-"



"-but that's no issue with you, right?" Gaeun interrupted. "You're a good student and I'm sure you planned everything including the universities of your choice."



"That's the thing! I planned everything Unnie! How I would manage my time.. The things I'm supposed to do..! This.. Everything.. This isn't part of the damn plan!"



It wasn't often that Sakura would lose her composure like this. 



"Sakura-" Gaeun grabbed her arm as they reached the last step.



"What??" Sakura turned back to her, being surprised by Gaeun suddenly pulling her closer to an embrace.



"I'm really sorry.. I.. don't know what to do.." Gaeun's voice was soft.



"..." Sakura was still for a while.. Before wrapping her arms around the woman's waist. "I.. I get it. Look, I think you should rest and think things through. We're both tired after a long day."



"R-Right.." Gaeun pulled away, trying to compose herself.



"Go back up."



"I will.."






"I'm going.."



"Yes.. Go ahead."



..Though hesitant, Gaeun was forced to comply. She ended up going back to her apartment like she was told.



It gave Sakura a weird feeling. She's never seen that side of Gaeun before. Gaeun wasn't joking when she said she held back a lot.



Sakura didn't know Gaeun was capable of making those expressions.. or sounding so passive. Gaeun really did her best to make sure she fulfilled her role as the older sister and a teacher.






"What was that?"



Sakura looked to her side, eyes widening as she saw who it was.



. I forgot she lived here. Sakura cursed internally. Of all people she could've bumped into now..



It was Kwon Eunbi.



"What?" Sakura tried to act dumb but of course it wasn't going to work on Eunbi.



"Don't act stupid, Kkura. What were you doing with Gaeun-ssaem?"



"Look, let's not talk about this here."



"Then where do you suppose we do it?"



"For starters, how about you invite me to your room over here instead of making this a public attraction?"



Eunbi didn't react for a while, keeping her eyes on Sakura for a few moments...



She then walked over to her apartment, opening the door before looking at Sakura again. "You've got a lot of explaining to do."



"Honestly speaking, I have no obligation to explain this but I'm gonna have to clear this up so you don't get the wrong context." Sakura shook her head, going in.




~ + ~




"I wasn't expecting that from you at all." Eunbi started. "To think the model student everyone in school looked up to.. had illicit relationships with a teacher.. Are you sure you aren't using ssaem?"



"This is what I meant by getting the context wrong." Sakura rolled her eyes. "As dramatic as that sounds, it's not as sinful and as exciting.. Rather, it's tragic."



"Tragic huh.. Well, why don't you tell me the real context?"



"We're childhood friends." Sakura explained. "Sorry it's not as exciting as a student taking interest in a teacher. We've been together since we were kids."



"So you've been dating even before she became a teacher?" Eunbi nodded. "Okay.. That's not as bad as I thought."



"We aren't even dating. We're not a thing Eunbi."



"The hell was that hug for then???"



"- We grew up together! We might as well be siblings at this point! What's so strange about hugging someone you've known for 10 years-"



"-Okay, I get it. Stupid question." Eunbi quickly took it back but decided to take another approach, "Are there feelings involved though?"



"What's it to you?" Sakura raised a brow.



"I'm just trying to find out if the girl who's taking my girlfriend is any better than I am."






"I don't know for sure what's going on between you and ssaem but I sure as hell know that there's something between you and Chaeyeon."



"Look- There's nothing between me and a Chaeyeon!"



"So she means nothing to you?"



"O-Of course she does! Eunbi, she's my friend!"









Eunbi's eyes quickly formed into a glare, her voice becoming fierce, "Your relationship with Chaeyeon doesn't seem damn friendly to me, Kkura. Or are you just using her? Because you can't get with a teacher, is that it?"



"I'm not! Why are you blaming all of this on me?!"



"I was the one that fixed the damage you took part in, Miyawaki!"



Sakura was taken back by Eunbi's last statement. The damage she took part in?



"I know you're aware of Chaeyeon's trauma." Eunbi kept her glare in place. "And I know very well.. That you know exactly what happened that day."



Sakura's eyes begun to shake, her hands growing cold. "Don't.. Talk to me.."






Sakura stood up from where she was seated, hurrying for the door but Eunbi grabbed her.



"What's wrong, Kkura?" Eunbi tightened her grip on Sakura's arm. "Is the guilt coming back to you?"



"Shut up.."



"What? Do you remember what you did? Or did you learn to live happily, pretending that it didn't happen?"



"Let me go.. Just shut your mouth!" Sakura managed to pull hard enough to reach the doorknob but she was still unable to fully open the door as Eunbi got in the way.



"You're acting like some angel.. Giving Chaeyeon support by pure good will.. But the reality is that you're trying to get rid of the pain and guilt by helping her-"



"Stop it!" Eunbi's door burst open, Gaeun making her way into the room.



"S-ssaem.." Eunbi backed into the room, letting go of Sakura.



"You went too far, Kwon." Gaeun seemed to have gotten her composure back, the aura of a teacher being emitted from her. 



"W-What's this? Were you listening in on us, Ssaem?" Eunbi tried not to get intimidated. 



"I overheard the two of you back at the staircase." Gaeun slowly wrapped her arm around Sakura, pulling her out of the room. "The misunderstanding was partly related to me so I couldn't leave her alone."



"The childhood friend saves the day, huh?" Eunbi looked away. 



"This isn't about being childhood friends anymore, Kwon Eunbi. What you did can be considered harassment, you know?"



"H-Harassment?! I was telling the truth, ssaem! You're close to her! I'm sure you know what really happened-"



"Yes I do, Kwon!" Gaeun cut her off. "And I know a lot more details than you do. You've only seen the surface of this issue, Kwon. Don't act like you know what really happened."



Gaeun closed the door, not giving any room for Eunbi to reply any further.



"Let's go upstairs." 



"No.. Unnie.. I.. messaged.. Hyewon.. when Eunbi invited me in. She should be here soon." 



"I'll wait with you." 



"Just go." Sakura spoke coldly. "Thank you for helping me.. I want to have my time alone before Hyewon arrives."



Gaeun was hesitant to leave her. It's been a while since she saw.. this  Sakura. Even with the intense worry she felt, she knew that she had no choice but to leave the girl alone. Letting out a sigh, she proceeds to go upstairs alone. 





















She lied. 



She didn't message Hyewon.



She didn't message anyone. 






She didn't message anyone yet.. 















She just took a few steps away from the apartment building and familiar faces immediately greeted her. 



"...Seoeon..? Hyewon..?" Sakura blinked a couple of times, wondering if she was seeing things. 



"Hey.. are you okay? You look terrible?" Seoeon asked as he walked towards her but Hyewon went straight to hug her without a word. 


Once Seoeon reached them, he started to patting Sakura's head.












"Why are you two..?" Sakura remained mainly expressionless but she had tears falling from her eyes and that said everything they needed to know. 



"You told us to leave it alone but.. we couldn't just leave it be after we saw how troubled you looked earlier." Hyewon tightened the hug. 



"....You didn't.. have to.." 



"What are you saying? It's natural that we'd worry."



"...Thank you.."






It should've gotten better right there. 



She would've been fine. 







~ + ~







"Excuse me?" Nako furrowed her brows at the older's sudden demand. 



"I said.. Leave us." Eunbi spoke with authority. 



"...This is our room?" Hitomi glared. 



"What.. is wrong with you, Kwon Eunbi?" Sakura didn't seem angry, rather, she had this pained look in her eyes knowing what Eunbi was there for. She had calmed down because Seoeon and Hyewon walked her home.. and the company of Nako and Hitomi greatly improved her mood.. 



But Eunbi just had to show up at their doorstep.



"Unless you want me to talk about it while they're here then sure." Eunbi smirked. "I'm sure you wouldn't want that."



"Do it then."






"I have nothing to hide from these two." 



Hitomi and Nako looked at Sakura, and then Eunbi. 



"What? So they know about the fact that you covered up for Yook Jiyoung?" Eunbi didn't have any brakes. "That two of our seniors ended up expelled because you said Jiyoung was innocent?"



"That wasn't what happened!!" Nako talked back. "She only said that because-"



"Nako." Sakura called her softly. "Don't get yourself in trouble with the Pres."



"We're not in school." Hitomi pouted.



"Enough." Sakura sighed. "Okay, you've done what you want to do. I get it, Eunbi. I'm trash, a terrible person. Okay. Can you just go?" 



Eunbi was slightly taken back by how calmly Sakura seemed to be handling it but Sakura's eyes couldn't lie. Anyone could tell just how bothered Sakura was from the look in her eyes. 



"If I don't want to?"






Sakura grabbed Eunbi by the arm and started dragging her out. 



"Wait- Are you really doing this to me?!" Eunbi struggled, of course. And you'd expect her to overpower Sakura with ease.. but Sakura wasn't joking around. She wasn't having it.



"You come to our dorm and bust in our room uninvited.. not to mention you were rude to my room mates." Sakura opened the door and led her out. She closed the door behind her to stop Nako and Hitomi from following them. 



"Let go of me! Let go!" Eunbi continued to struggle but to no avail. 



"You know.. a fight between the school's president and the top ranking student sounds like a really juicy story." Sakura looked her in the eye. "If you want to make this a big deal, go ahead. Everyone in this dorm goes to our school.. I'd like to see how it would turn out if our reputations got tarnished." 



"Y-You.." Eunbi should've seen this coming. Sakura had this angelic demeanor and was an overall good student.. but that doesn't make her weak. 



She was bound to have a side she didn't let out often. 



This was it.



"...What? Yah.. What are you two-" Another figure ran to them, breaking them apart. It was Minjoo. "What's this about???"



"Kwon Eunbi doesn't know what private space is and decided to barge in our room uninvited." Sakura replied to Minjoo, sending a shiver down the younger girl's spine as she heard that tone from Sakura for the first time since knowing her. 



"I was just taking her out." Sakura added. 



"What are you even doing here?" Minjoo glared at Eunbi. 



"I'm sure you don't know about it either, Kim.. But that girl behind you is keeping something really big." Eunbi directed her glare at Sakura. "You have no idea just how big of a sin she committed to your best friend."



"Worse than yours?"



"Miyawaki over there was partly the reason why Chaeyeon has a trauma in the first place, Minjoo!" 



...Minjoo couldn't reply immediately. She turned to Sakura, studying the girl's face after what Eunbi had said... And she saw it. Despite the ice cold expression she displayed, guilt was written all over Sakura's eyes. 



"Unnie.. What does she mean?" Minjoo asked softly... but Sakura ignored her, walking into the room and locking the door. 



"Do you know why.. Jiyoung got away from the issue with Minatozaki and Hirai-sunbae?" Eunbi said slowly, making sure Minjoo got every word. "It's not because there weren't any witnesses."










"It's because the only witness turned away from it."




~ + ~




||a/n: Hey there! Did you miss me?

It's been a while since I last updated and I apologize for that~ College is really taking most of my time... It's become a bit difficult for me to write as I rarely even have time to rest but I hope this rather short chapter can make up for it somehow~

So we've begun seeing deeper conflicts. Eunbi told us what how Sakura was involved with the cursed incident.. but even if Eunbi believes she said it all.. Is that really all there is to the story? Gaeun and Nako vocally claimed that there's more.. and it seems even Hitomi knows. 

Minjoo ended up learning from Eunbi's incomplete claims.. It feels as if it's only a matter of time.. until Chaeyeon learns about it.||


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Chapter 13: Complicated, indeed. BUT! I'm seeing an advance here, they're finally thinking they should hear each other's thoughts, and that's something, right? Lol
Thanks for the chapter, author-nim!
1762 streak #2
Chapter 13: how complicated indeed!
Chapter 12: Hey, you have return! Welcome back author-nim!
I'm excited to follow this story again :3
Trangminh213 #4
Chapter 12: I wait for you everday
Chichu_25 #5
Chapter 12: Excited for the next chapter :))
maomao88 #6
Chapter 12: Wth chaeyeon 🤦‍♂️
Chapter 12: holy shems HAHHAHAHAHA WELCOME BACK IG
1762 streak #8
Chapter 12: thank you for updating! i had to go back and read a few chapter to refresh my memories :)
Tofu22 #9
Chapter 10: I loved the first story, and was always holding on hope that you’d come back, thanks for the update!
xxrevels #10
Chapter 11: Thank you very muchhh. Keep safe author-nimm