Chapter 3 - Chaotic

⫸Troubled Ⅱ⫷ BROKEN



It's lunch and Chaeyeon didn't have much to do. She's been trying to keep herself fit so she decided to stop eating in school. Mayhaps she's been having too much sweets to drown away the sadness.. Whether that's true or not, the fact remains that she had a VERY healthy appetite.



Sighing at the thought of once again skipping the opportunity to taste the school's amazing food, she was just standing at the school hallways, looking out the window and watching some students having lunch in the courtyard.  



"Lucky for them.. Ugh.. If only I didn't exceed my eating limits.." She said in an airy, disappointed voice before turning away from the window... Just in time, a person she hasn't talked to for quite some time just happen to pass by as she looked. 



The girl who was walking stopped once she saw Chaeyeon, her serious demeanor being slightly altered as her eyes seemed to show many things at once: Sadness? Guilt? Longing? Chaeyeon didn't know. 



What she did know is that her own eyes must've been filled with pain as her heart ached just looking at Eunbi. 



"Long time no talk, Eunbi." Chaeyeon tried her best to greet the girl as normally as possible. 



"You're the one who keeps ignoring my calls.." Eunbi reminded her, causing Chaeyeon to frown. 



"Ah.. Right. I did that." Chaeyeon looked away, over to a certain class placard. "Going to class 2-2?"



Eunbi just looked down and didn't answer Chaeyeon's question. 



"I'm right, aren't I? What are you waiting for? Go see her already." Chaeyeon urged, bitterness obvious in her tone. 



"Chaeyeon.. Let's talk about this properly, okay? We can still fix this." Eunbi tried to reason with her. "I'm just going to talk to her.. There's no meaning behind it." 



"Tch.. No meaning.." Chaeyeon rolled her eyes. 



"She's a student council officer, Chaeyeon. That's it." 



"Why don't you just admit it?"



"I have nothing to admit." Eunbi shook her head before walking away, over to 2-2. 



Chaeyeon didn't follow and just glared at Eunbi as she watched the girl stop at the door of 2-2. 



~ + ~



"Excuse me." Eunbi peeked into the room and immediately made eye contact with the person she was looking for. "Chaewon-ah, come here." 



Chaewon looked slightly hesitant to go and Minjoo noticed this. She sat in front of Chaewon and had turned to look at the girl. 



"Why?" Minjoo asked. 



"No.. It's nothing." Chaewon just smiled at Minjoo and stood up to go to Eunbi. 



"What is it, unnie?" Chaewon tried to remain calm as she talked to Eunbi. The events from yesterday still haven't left her mind.. and it was still causing conflicts inside her. It didn't help that she noticed Chaeyeon standing by the hallway, looking at their direction. 



"Are you free this weekend?" Eunbi asked. 



"That.. I'm not sure. Why?" Chaewon answered vaguely. 



"You were the one in charge of organizing the event files, right?" Eunbi asked, to which Chaewon nodded. "We can't really discuss this properly in the short time we're given for council meetings so I thought we could talk about it in more detail this weekend... Also.. I.. kinda wanted to spend some time with you."



"I can understand student council work but.." Minjoo suddenly spoke up, the two realizing she had been standing by them the entire time. "But.. Saying to want to spend time with her.. Sunbae.."



"Don't you have a girlfriend?" Minjoo asked in a whisper, making sure none of their classmates would hear. "You shouldn't be saying things like those to just anyone, you know."






Chaeyeon didn't know what was going on but from what she can see, things seem very intense. The atmosphere seemed to darken when Minjoo approached the two so so ease up the tension, Chaeyeon decided to approach the three. 



"What are you three looking all serious for?" Chaeyeon put on another act, giving them this innocent look. 



"It's nothing." Eunbi looked uncomfortable with Chaeyeon's sudden interruption. "I.. I'm gonna go." 



The three second years just watched as the third year walked off in a hurry, leaving them. 



"You three looked really intense from my view?" Chaeyeon eyed the two Kims who didn't say anything. 



The three of them just stood there awkwardly, unsure of whether they should say anything and worried about whether they could just casually walk off after what happened. Thankfully, an opportunity presented itself as someone broke the atmosphere they held.



"Chaewon-ah!" Yena called, seemingly out of breath from running. 



"Yena?" Chaewon blinked in confusion. 



"Have you seen Yuri???" Yena looked at Chaewon, and then at the massive crowd in front of class 2-1. "TCH! That Yook Jiyoung.." 



The three of them watched as Yena ran off to class 2-1, barging into the classroom. 



"Wait.. What IS that crowd???" Chaeyeon backed up into the hallway, staring at the commotion outside class 2-1. 



"Wait- Wait." Chaeyeon stopped a random student who passed by. "What's going on over there??"



"Ahh.. Class 2-1's Jiyoung is beating the hell out of this one girl.." the boy answered. 


"And you're all just watching and passing by???" Chaeyeon looked at the boy in disbelief to which the boy replied with a shrug and walking away. 



"...Wait.. Could it be..? Yuri???" Chaewon ran past Chaeyeon and Minjoo and followed Yena. 



"Yuri?" Minjoo looked at Chaeyeon.



"I don't really know her but isn't she the one that always tops the rankings? I always see her name there. Jo Yuri, was it?" 



Minjoo and Chaeyeon went to take a peek and watched as things unfolded. They would help but Yena and Chaewon were already dealing with it. 



"Yuri-unnie! What happened here?" Chaeyeon heard a clear voice resonate from the crowd. She tiptoed to see past the crowd but the two girls who stood by the back door were pretty easy to see. It was the giants of the first years, Ahn Yujin and Jang Wonyoung.



"How disgusting," Jiyoung got up from the ground, once again getting Chaeyeon's attention. "What's this? You got yourself some friends now, Yuri? Hah, so you think you've got it all just because some people side with you now?!"



"What did you say?" Yena lowered her tone of voice and Chaeyeon felt the shivers. Yena was the cheery, vitamin duckie of the dance club yet she couldn't see that Yena at all in that moment.



"Agh! Yena! Now isn't the time!" Chaewon called out to Yena, "Her leg is starting to swell! We need to bring her to the infirmary so help me here!"



"Ugh.. What the hell is wrong with Jiyoung?" Chaeyeon glared intensely. She eyed the group with worry as they walked Yuri, probably heading to the infirmary. "God.. That poor girl.. and these people really just watched it??" 



Minjoo was trying to calm Chaeyeon down as the girl glared down everyone that stood near class 2-1. "Yah! What are you all standing there for?? Was this fun to all of you?? Get on with your lives!" 



Little by little, the crowd cleared as Chaeyeon chased them off. "Tch.. This isn't some stupid show.. The nerve of these people."



"What happened here?" Sakura approached from behind them. "Nako went up to our classroom and talked to Yena.. I don't know what it was about but duckie just bolted out of the classroom."



"Our favorite name to hear in school, Yook Jiyoung, did a thing again. She was beating this girl named Yuri from class 2-1.." Chaeyeon rolled her eyes. "Ugh.. Just because she's the principal's granddaughter, she's going to get away with this again while Yuri gets zero justice... She should've been expelled the moment she entered this school."



"That's pretty intense." Sakura smiled awkwardly.



"Remember when she got into a fight with seniors last year??" Chaeyeon was holding the urge to punch the wall. "It was her fault but it was those seniors that got transferred. Stupid."



"You sure have a lot hatred for her." Sakura was getting slightly scared by Chaeyeon. 



"Of course I am! Those two were close friends.. They didn't deserve to be kicked out.. Momo-unnie and Sana-unnie didn't deserve that from Jiyoung.." Chaeyeon gritted her teeth, still remembering how her two seniors were wronged and ended up transferring back to Japan. 



"So she was friends with Hirai and Minatozaki-senpai.." Sakura thought to herself. "Well, well, well. There's no point stressing yourself over her. It's a waste of time to think about people like Jiyoung."



"I see I'm too late." A boy just slightly taller than Sakura walked over to them, an eye-catching armband present on his arm which read, S.C. Vice



"Ah, Bangwoo." Sakura turned to him, Ko Bangwoo - her classmate as well as the student council's vice president, and said, "You're very late. The fight is over, the crowd is gone."



"I can see that." He shook his head and sighed, "I can't believe no one reported this sooner." 



"Are we even surprised?" Chaeyeon looked back into class 2-1, glaring at Jiyoung who noticed her and glared back. "Jiyoung is involved, sunbae. Of course people wouldn't want to get involved." 



"What do you want, cheeks?!" Jiyoung shouted from inside the classroom. 



"What- You wanna go?!" Chaeyeon was going to walk in there but Minjoo stopped her, pulling her away from the classroom. 



"Chaeyeon! Don't get yourself in trouble because of her!" Minjoo took Chaeyeon back just enough so Jiyoung wouldn't be in her line of sight. 



"Would you really break into a fight in front of me?" Bangwoo laughed awkwardly. "Not the smartest move to fight in front of a council officer."



"Yeaaah~ Specially cause I'd be the only one getting in trouble because Jiyoung gets special treatment." Chaeyeon broke free from Minjoo's hold. "I'm going back to my classroom."



"Chaeyeon!" Sakura wanted to try and talk to the girl but Chaeyeon didn't stop at all and went straight to her classroom.



Bangwoo let out a very long sigh, fidgeting with his armband. "It's not like we're fine with Jiyoung doing whatever she wants.. Even we're tired of the school board telling us to "let her off the hook" every single meeting about her."



"Even the student council is powerless against the principal, huh?"



"Honestly, Kkura? I think I'll say the entire school is powerless against Jiyoung. I mean, she's totally spoiled by the principal- She wouldn't care if the principal threatened her because she knows it won't happe-"



Taking the three by complete surprise, Jiyoung walked to them, grabbed Bangwoo by the collar and said, "Vice.. Don't you know it's bad to gossip?" 



"You've already caused one problem today Jiyoung." Minjoo grabbed Jiyoung's arm gently but filled with spite. "Don't add another one." 



"You know Jiyoung, I'm happy that you can play every villain role perfectly but it'd be nice if you weren't actually a huge villain in real life." Sakura joked. Jiyoung was part of the theater club but she only ever joins when she wants to or if she likes the play or drama they're doing. Selective participation.



Jiyoung looked at Sakura and Minjoo, and then Bangwoo... before she pushed the boy away. "Mind your own business, Vice."



"Actually.. issues in the student body.. is kinda.. my business, you know? That's.. my job. So whenever you cause trouble, I'm gonna have to do something about it." Bangwoo raised a brow.



"But you can't do anything about it. I'm sure everyone knows not to mess with me."



"We know not to mess with you too much to get expelled, at least." Bangwoo smirked. "If we mess with you in moderation, the principal can't expel us. He at least expels only with evidence and offenses worthy of expulsion." 



"You bastard.." Jiyoung was going to grab him again but he moved back. 



"Lunch is almost over. Back to our rooms we go." He smiled at the two juniors before looking at Sakura. "Let's go." 



"You two be good now." Sakura jokingly said to both Jiyoung and Minjoo though we all know who really needed to hear it. 



"You really need to stop being a all the time." Minjoo casually spoke. 



"If only you stopped being a first."



"If that was true, you would've stopped being a ages ago but it didn't work now, did it?" 



"Just shut up, Kim Minjoo."



Sakura shook her head at snippets of the conversation that she could still hear. It's always funny in a way whenever the nicest people she knew would be completely different when talking to Jiyoung.



Jiyoung just brings out the inner beasts in everyone. Well, except her. Sakura didn't pay Jiyoung too much mind. In fact, she could say she's in good  terms with the girl.. that is, if Jiyoung at least calling her "Unnie" instead of a swear word counts as being on good terms. 



"Being in the student council is a lot harder because of Jiyoung.." Bangwoo sighed. "She causes so much issues but we can't do anything about her.. And then the students take it against us."



Sakura laughed, a teasing one. "The student council under Eunbi is strict and no one gets away with causing trouble... but Jiyoung does. I know it isn't your fault but~ There are people who've gotten detention or even suspended for things like cheating on exams or skipping classes... and here we have Jiyoung, beating her classmate and causing an uproar yet not a single teacher attended to it."



"I understand how they feel.. That is beyond unfair.. But I feel like the entire student council would get suspended if we pushed through with punishing Jiyoung. Even the teachers don't dare go against her. How can we?"



"Her influence is scary, huh? On one note, I'm surprised Eunbi hasn't exploded."



"Honestly, I'm wondering about that too. She has little patience with people like Jiyoung.. Hell, she's strict even with us officers. I guess even with her status, she can't do anything to Jiyoung." 



"Really makes me want to see Jiyoung get in trouble," Sakura said with a laugh. "Or even funnier, watch her become a decent person."



"Why is that funny..?" 



"She hates being nice to people the most. She doesn't like appearing considerate or even saying anything remotely nice about other people. It would be funny to see her giving in."



"....You know, Kkura? Sometimes you scare me."



"I think you're scarier, Bangwoo. I've never seen you get angry in the three years we've known each other."



"I'm a calm and mature individual." Bangwoo winks, causing Sakura to roll her eyes.



"You sure love praising yourself."



"If it's true, I can't do anything about it."








~ + ~



[Class 3-1; Dismissal]



"Hey? You okay?" Sakura started waving her hand in front of Yena. It was hard not to notice how spaced out Yena looked. 



"Hm?" Yena blinked a few times before looking at Sakura. "What?"



"Yah. It's dismissal already." Sakura showed her phone to Yena, the time reading 4:47. "You have dance practice today, don't you?"



"Ah. Yeah.. Yeah, I do." Yena shook her head to try and regain focus before she started fixing her things. 



"First, we had Kkura being all lifeless and now it's Yena?" Seoeon sighed, standing next to Yena's table with his bag hanging on one shoulder. 



"Give me a break." Sakura looked up at Seoeon. "In my defense, I was sick. Yena doesn't look sick."



"Is this about that 2nd year?" Hyewon asked, sitting on Sakura's table. "She was the one who got in trouble with Jiyoung, right?" 



"Ah!" Sakura was suddenly hit with the realization. She was so caught off guard by Chaeyeon's intensity earlier that it slipped her mind. Chaeyeon did say the person Jiyoung messed up was Yuri. "Is that why you bolted out earlier?"



"Yeah.. Nako is friends with Yujin and Wonyoung so.. She knew Yuri was our friend and went to call me." Yena had a sad smile. "I was a little late though.. I couldn't stop Jiyoung from hurting her."



"It's not your fault." Seoeon patted Yena's head. "It's that Jiyoung's fault for starting that mess."



Yena bit her lip. "I know that but.. what I have on my mind isn't exactly about that."



 "Why? Did something else happen?" Sakura asked, maybe sounding a bit more desperate than she needed to be. It was so weird to see Yena acting that way. She was usually so cheery and upbeat.. She's never seen her like that. What have I been doing as her friend? Sakura thought all of a sudden.



"No. It's fine." Yena forced a smile and Sakura wasn't going to let her get away with it but their conversation was suddenly interrupted.



"Yena-unnie! What are you doing?" Chaeyeon suddenly busted in their classroom. Usually, juniors wouldn't walk in a 3rd year classroom so confidently but it was already around 20 minutes past dismissal and there were only 3 other people aside from their group.



"Chaeyeon!" Sakura waved. 



Chaeyeon waved back with a smile, bowing as she got closer to them. "Practice already started so I came to get you."



"Can I watch?" Sakura looked at Chaeyeon with puppy eyes.



"I-I guess. Yeah." Chaeyeon may have stuttered a little but the seniors didn't really notice.



"Let's goooo.." Sakura got up first, pulling Yena. 



"Seoeonie~ Let's go eat in that new burger shop.." Hyewon grabbed Seoeon by the sleeve.



"Are you going to treat me?" 



"No~ You're going because it's dangerous to leave a pretty girl alone."



"Yah- Take your brother!" 



"Ah~ Keep quiet." Hyewon just dragged Seoeon off before Sakura or Yena could react.



"Poor Seoeon.." Yena giggled. 



"Yeah.. And poor you if you don't hurry and get to practice already." Chaeyeon reminded and finally, the three dashed for the dance room.






Once they got there, Yena managed to get away with just a little scolding and they moved on to practice. 



There were a lot of them.. Say.. 13 members practicing the dance but the only person Sakura looked at was Chaeyeon. Sakura wasn't really interested in dancing. In fact, looking at their dance steps make her think, Ah.. this is impossible for me.



Chaeyeon wasn't kidding when she said she was the ace. She had a completely different aura when she was dancing. Chaeyeon showed her a pretty human attitude. She cried her eyes out when she was broken, voiced out her anger without holding back.. she could be goofy at times.. but when she's dancing.. She's perfect.



"You didn't fall in love with me, did you?" Chaeyeon walked up to Sakura who was busy spacing out. They finished the first part of the practice and were taking a break.



"Wah.. That's some confidence you got there, Lee Chaeyeon." Sakura shook her head. "Are you sure you're not the one falling for me here?" 



"Excuse me~? I'm not though~?" 



"I'm not either~?" 



"Aish.. You were watching me so intently earlier though."



"I like your dance." Sakura said it straight without hesitation, catching Chaeyeon off-guard. She's heard this all before; not to brag but her dancing gets praised by anyone who sees it.. but she couldn't immediately replied and seemed to lag a little before she replied, 



"Of course you do. It's me we're talking about." 



"Did you get shy for a moment there?"



"You're imagining things." 






"YAH! Where are you going?!" The teacher's loud voice startled them. "Choi- CHOI YENA!" 



Chaeyeon and Sakura turned their heads just in time to see Yena running out of the room. They then looked at each other, confused. 



"What happened?" Chaeyeon looked around and noticed that Yena left her phone. She walked over to pick up Yena's phone and saw a message left open on Yena's phone, anger seeping in when she saw it. 





"....Yook Jiyoung.." Chaeyeon spoke with a soft yet hateful voice. "Agh! It's probably her again..! Ugh- She's going to hurt that poor girl again- That bi-"



"Chaeyeon!" Sakura took the phone from her and placed a hand on the younger girl's shoulder. "Calm down!"



"No!" Chaeyeon snapped. "That Jiyoung is causing trouble with this Yuri girl again! I just know it's her! She didn't have enough of what happened earlier!"



"Lee Chaeyeon! I won't permit another student to go out!" the teacher claimed. 



"So should we just leave Yena-unnie to deal with that alone?!" Chaeyeon was practically shouting with nothing held back. 



"Ssaem!" Sakura turned to the teacher. "Please allow us to step out. Don't worry. I won't let her go off on her own. I just need to talk to her."



"Unnie!" Chaeyeon looked at Sakura with disappointment. 



"I understand. You'll be taking responsibility as her senior?"



"Don't worry about it Ssaem. I just want to talk to Chaeyeon." Sakura assured the teacher before pulling Chaeyeon. "Just come with me."



It was unlike the usual tone Sakura used; it was serious. Chaeyeon was forced to comply - she didn't know if it was fear or a sense of inferiority.. Maybe a bit of both.



"Calm down." 



"How can I calm down??? I just know it's Jiyoung. With what happened earlier during lunch, only she will be bothering Yuri."



"Let Yena handle it."



"Why are being like this?? Are you going to cover up for Jiyoung like everyone else?? Is that it, Unnie??"



"I'm trying to keep you out of trouble...!" Sakura snapped back. "Leave it to Yena! If you did manage to find Jiyoung- What would you do?? If you get in trouble with her, you're the only one who'll face the damn consequences and you know it!"



"B-but.. Yena-unnie is going alone.." Chaeyeon's voice was weakened by the older's scolding. 



"Jiyoung won't do anything to Yena." Sakura assured; She stated. That's a fact. "Jiyoung will never let Yena get in trouble, okay? Don't put yourself on the chopping block.. You know full well.. that Jiyoung is capable."



Deep breaths.. Inhale.. Exhale. Little by little, Chaeyeon felt calmer. 



"Are you okay now?" Sakura looked at her with big eyes.. and staring at them had this calming effect on Chaeyeon. 



"I.. won't do anything to Jiyoung.. but can we.. still try to look for them?" Chaeyeon asked in a weak voice. 



"...You're really worried, huh?" Sakura smiled at Chaeyeon. She was too nice for her own good.



"You two!" Gaeun came running to them, panting as she stopped. "Have you.. have you seen Jo Yuri? Er.. somewhere around your heights.. maybe limping?"



"You're looking for her too?" Sakura was a bit worried about how exhausted Gaeun looked and it didn't seem to be just from running. 






"Yena is looking for her too." Sakura showed Gaeun the message on Yena's phone which she had taken from Chaeyeon earlier. 



Concern was written all over the woman's voice. "That girl.. Why did she leave on her own.. She couldn't even walk.." 



At that moment, Chaeyeon thought of something, turning to Gaeun with a request. "Ah.. Ssaem! Please excuse me from dance practice." 



Sakura noticed the hesitant look on Gaeun's face and decided to help Chaeyeon in convicing the nurse. "Their dance instructor doesn't want them to get involved but she's really worried about Yena and Yuri. Besides, the more of us, the faster we find them."



Gaeun nodded, doing as Chaeyeon requested. After talking to the dance instructor, Chaeyeon was finally allowed to leave the practice. 



Sakura walked to the dance room door, "You two can go ahead. I'll take Yena's things. Chaeyeon, since you don't have my number, just call Yena's phone and I'll answer."



"Right.." Chaeyeon got moving as soon as Sakura finished speaking. Where could they be? After a chaotic display back at lunch, you'd think Jiyoung would try to be lowkey. 




~ + ~




[Chaeyeon's POV]



"...Is inside the school building no good? The teachers don't really care but.. Ugh.. Jiyoung doesn't usually do things like that in public.."



I didn't know what went on inside Jiyoung's head at all. Why was Jiyoung like that in the first place? While I was busy being distracted, I failed to notice someone walking towards me and we bumped into each other full force. 



"Watch it-" I heard them say before calling my name in a less hostile tone, "C-Chaeyeon-ah.."



Damn it.. I know this voice.



"Ouch.. Ah.. Sunbae." I referred to her coldly, using a distant honorific instead of calling her by her name like I always did. I.. couldn't say her name. Not casually, at least.



"What are you doing loitering around..? Don't you have practice today?"



"I have more important things to think about so excuse me." 



I was going to just walk by and continue looking but Eunbi grabbed my arm and stopped me. For god's sake, Kwon Eunbi.. 



"Talk to me, Chaeyeon-ah."



"Look. I'm doing something that should be your damn job." I shook Eunbi's arm off.. and little more violently than I needed to. "When Jiyoung was causing trouble earlier today.. Where were you? Back there, in when we were in front of class 2-2.. the crowd in front of 2-1 was so visible.. But you just left. Aren't your priorities all wrong, Pres?"



Eunbi couldn't defend herself from that attack. I knew that I was right. I knew her well enough. She probably sent the Vice instead because she didn't want to face us but of course, she would say some stupid excuse, "I wasn't looking at that direction, Chaeyeon."



"Uh-huh. Is that your best excuse? Didn't you just want to escape?"






"Look. That Jiyoung is somewhere out there.. with a poor girl being the target of her stupid temper issues and every second we waste here could end badly for her." I turned away and begun to walk away. I don't have time to waste on her right now.



Right as I just calmed herself down, I had to run into the last person I wanted to see.



"Okay Chaeyeon.. Think happy thoughts." I said to myself, trying to put aside that encounter I had just now. As if automatic, the first that came into my mind was Sakura-unnie. When I'm sad.. or when I'm angry and losing it.. She's actually really good at calming me down.. 



Thoughts of her worked like a charm and succesfully calmed me down.. Okay.. I can breathe. 



"I really need to thank Unnie.."



I was calmer.. but was still very stressed. 



"Where the hell is Jiyoung..? Ugh.. Think Chaeyeon.. Think.. Where would be the best place to do things discreetly in this damn school.. Come on.." 


















"The old shed..?" One place entered my mind so suddenly. Why didn't I think of that sooner? It's a part of school that students were banned from going to.. but that wouldn't matter to Jiyoung at all. 



With all my might, I started running for the shed, taking the exit closest to it. Soon, I see the shed and with impeccable timing, see three people, Jiyoung and her slaves, running out of the shed with their uniforms disheveled and some scratches visible in their arms though they didn't look too bad.



Despite hurrying, Jiyoung still had the time to glare at me before passing by. Of course, I glared back. Sometimes I wish I could kill her with my glare.



Shaking my head, I approached the shed and I immediately gasped at what I saw but it seemed like the two people inside were too occupied to hear me. 



Horrible... Just horrible.. 



I knew Jiyoung was a but I didn't know she was this bad. Maybe she was always discreet.. or maybe they covered up most of it but.. This was the first time.. I've seen something like that.



Yuri was nearly lifeless on the floor, bruises covering her arms and legs. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of other bruises that were hidden by her clothes. I find myself backing away, leaning on the wall outside, unable to keep looking. 



I suddenly begun to tear up.. and I pressed my lips together to stop myself from making any loud sounds. I walked a little, putting a bit of distance between myself and shed, taking out my phone to dial Yena-unnie's phone that Sakura-unnie was holding.









"I.. I found them, Unnie.." 



Are you okay? Why do you sound like that?



"Just.. come quick.. they're at the shed.. the unused one behind school.."








Alright. I'm coming.





~ + ~



||a/n: Hi there! Here's Chapter 3! 

The people who read Misled should find this particular day very familiar. Broken's 3rd part, "Chaotic", is the counterpart of Misled's 2nd part, "Misconceptions". 

So much things happened: We got to see the conflict of our initial love square and we also find that Chaeyeon and Jiyoung had history due to our favorite "friendly" Jiyoung causing trouble with seniors.

Of course, amidst all this, I won't forget to build up Kkuchaen~ Sakura is becoming a person Chaeyeon can rely on. Chaeyeon is extremely soft and her emotions tend to get the best of her.. Baby started tearing up when she saw Yuri.. ( ; ω ; )

Hope you liked this chapter~ Heads up but we will be having previously mentioned Twice members in the next chapter. Just saying that in advance.||



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Chapter 13: Complicated, indeed. BUT! I'm seeing an advance here, they're finally thinking they should hear each other's thoughts, and that's something, right? Lol
Thanks for the chapter, author-nim!
1762 streak #2
Chapter 13: how complicated indeed!
Chapter 12: Hey, you have return! Welcome back author-nim!
I'm excited to follow this story again :3
Trangminh213 #4
Chapter 12: I wait for you everday
Chichu_25 #5
Chapter 12: Excited for the next chapter :))
maomao88 #6
Chapter 12: Wth chaeyeon 🤦‍♂️
Chapter 12: holy shems HAHHAHAHAHA WELCOME BACK IG
1762 streak #8
Chapter 12: thank you for updating! i had to go back and read a few chapter to refresh my memories :)
Tofu22 #9
Chapter 10: I loved the first story, and was always holding on hope that you’d come back, thanks for the update!
xxrevels #10
Chapter 11: Thank you very muchhh. Keep safe author-nimm