One love [END]

Yulyen oneshots.




Yuri walks down stairs with her daughter leaving yena in his room, eunbi invites her to have a dinner with them but yuri refuse to. 





Ye-eun and her mother reached their house and they walk straight to dining table since her daughter ye-eun was hungry. They both sitted beside each other and the ajumma place the cooked food on the table. 




The both of them eat quietly, ye-eun enjoying her food while yuri she's in deep thought, the words yena say to her is replaying in her mind. 








"yes baby?" 



"can i go see daddy yena again?" yuri frowns.



"Why are you calling him daddy? he's isn't your dad." yuri shouted but not too loud, ye-eun's eyes become teary and about to cry, her mother realize that she just raise her voice. 



"im sorry baby." yuri hug her daughter. 



"im sorry for shouting, im sorry" 



"eomma.. mianhae.."



"no no, dont say sorry. its not your fault."



"but—"yuri put her index finger on her daughter's lips. 



"now tell me why you call yena as daddy?" 




"he was jealous because i call uncle yujin daddy too." ye-eun said while playing with her fingers. 



"but they aren't your daddy." 



"bu-t.. they want me to call them daddy" ye-eun pouted. 



Yuri sighed, she nodded to her daughter. They both finished eating and ye-eun walks to her room.



"goodnight eomma" ye-eun kissed her mother cheeks. 



"goodnight baby" yuri hugs her daughter, then she pulled the blanket to cover her daughter's body. 















Yena was on his office leaning back against his comfortable chair while his eyes close. Its been 1 month since yuri and him talked and how yuri rejected him that night. 




Yena really did want to see yuri but he's afraid that he would disturb the younger girl. Yena dialed yujin's number. 




"Hey meet me at the Produce bar right now." 



"Man its 3pm, its early to party."



"Aissh. just go there and meet me funk." 



"Arraseo arraseo."



After that yena hang up the phone then he grabs his coat and drove to produce bar. 

His work are done early so he can do whatever he want. 




Yena reached produce bar, he sat down infront of where the bartender is. He drink few wine while waiting for yujin, then his phone rang.  Yena pick his phone that is on his pocket when he look onto it, it was from unknown number. 



'does yujin change his number just now?' yena thought. 







"Yuri? why? are you crying?"




"Hey yuri tell me where you are." 




"What happen? yuri just 

tell me where you are"


"Seoul Cath-oli-c H-os-pit-al"


"What the hell are you doing

there? are you hurt? i'll be there

in 5 minutes" 


"P-le-as-e I n-need y-o-u.."



After that yena pay his bill then he immediately runs towards the door to exit but he bumped someone. 


"Sorry, but im in hurry" 


"Yah choi yena why are you so hurry?" yujin said 


"Fck yujin its you, yuri is in the hospital and i need to be there now."


"WHAT? what happen? let me come with you." yujin replied. 



"I don't know too but yuri said she needs me and i need to be there so lets go." yujin nodded.




The both of them get inside each others car then yena immediately step on the gas, yujin called his cellphone. 












Called ended, yena slow down the car but not so slow, after 10 mins they arrived at seoul catholic hospital. They both run towards the lobby.




"Excuse me, Where's the patient Jo Ye-eun?" yena asks.



"She's in Emergency Room." yena widened his eyes, he runs as fast as he could to get in the ER. 









"YURI!" yena called while approaching the younger girl. 



"Y-yena.." yuri stood up then yena hug the younger girl, comforting her. 




Yuri can't stop crying she's worried about her daughter, 30 minutes had been passed since ye-eun was in the ER. Yena was patting yuri's back to calm her down. 




"hey hey don't cry, ye-eun will be okay." 



"What? happen?" yena asks but yuri didn't answer instead she cry. 




"wonnie. what happen?" yena look at chaewon. 



"Ye-eun was hitted by a car, when she was about to buy some ice cream. Yuri couldn't save her thats why ye-eun was hitted." chaewon answer. 




"It's my fault yena. Im not a good mother." yuri said. 



"Yah. don't said that okay? you don't know that will going to happen, don't blame yourself." yena tighten his hug to yuri. 




"I can't lose my daughter yena.." 



"You won't lose her okay?" yena cupped yuri's cheeks and wipes the tears. 






They all looked at the door when it open and revealing the doctor. Yujin and chaewon stood up while yena still hugging yuri. 




"Doc.. hows my daughter?" yuri broke the hug then asks the doctor. 




"She's in critical, and because of the impact the bleeding wont stop and she could die if we couldn't transfer a blood to her and continue our sugery." yuri's legs got weaked.




"What blood type is needed doc?" chaewon asks. 



"Its type A" doctor said. 



"But yuri isn't type A" chaewon said.



"We really need the blood right now ms. jo to able to save your daughter, I'll be giving you 5 minutes to look for donor" doctor said then walk inside the ER.




"chaewon unnie what should i do??" yuri cried.



"I don't want to lose my daughter, she's all i have."  yuri cried. 





Yujin notice that yena was silent and looking blankly at the wall. 



'Isn't yena is type A' yujin thought. 





"Yuri." yena's manly voice. 



"Please tell me the truth." 



"Is ye-eun is my daughter?" 






"Answer me." yuri cried then nodded. 




"That's why.." 



"Y-ye-na... please you're the only one can save my daughter.. im begging you" yuri kneeled down. 



"Why didn't you tell me?" yena voice crack.



"I'm afraid." 



"Afraid of what?"



"T-tha-t if you k-new" yena sighed. 



"you might take her away from me" yuri's voice crack. 



"please yena.. i'll forgive you if you save my daughter please.."  yuri was desperate.




Yena's heart felt a pang hearing what yuri just said, he kneeled down and cupped yuri's face. 



"You know I won't do that to you yuri. I'm happy just hearing im ye-eun's father. I won't take her away from you." its yena's turn to cry. 



"I love you, you know that. I know ye-eun is your source of strength and i won't take it away." yena wipes his tears and stood up.



"Don't forgive me just because i will be the donor of ye-eun.. I will do this because Im her father, and this is the only thing i could do as a father." yena smile. 




The doctor came out. 




"I need the donor now." 



"I will." yena said. 



"Lets go now." the doctor said












1hr and 30minutes passed finally the doctor came out. All of them stood up, yuri step forward to the doctor.



"Is my daughter okay?" yuri said worriedly, the doctor remove his mask. 




"Your daughter is now okay, she will be transfering to her room." the doctor smile. 



Yuri multiple bows then cry, chaewon hugs her bestfriend. Yena smile then yujin patted his bestfriend shoulder. 



"Y-ena.. Thankyou so much." yuri said her eyes are so puffy.



"No, don't thank me. I just do my thing. We'll be going now. please take care of ye-eun and yourself" yena smile then they leave yuri and chaewon. 



"Chaewon unnie.."



"Sshh.. stop crying now yuri." 



"If i let him explain, maybe one of this won't happen." chaewon sighed.



"It's not your fault yuri okay, now let go to ye-eun's room." 





The both of them walk to ye-eun's room, they open the door to see her daughter laying at hospital bed, sleeping. 




"I'll be leaving to get some clothes okay?" chaewon said. 



Only yuri was the person on ye-eun's room, she held her daughter's hand while her pther hand is ye-eun's hair. 




"Ye-eun ah, im sorry for being a bad mother to you.."



"I won't able to protect you so many times."



"If I lose you i don't know what would happen to me."



"You're the only one i have."



"I'm sorry if i didn't tell you the truth about your father." 



"He saved you today ye-eun ah." 



"He already knew that you are his daughter."



"Ye-eun ah, im sorry that this 4 years of yours you dont able to meet your father, im sorry that i need to lie." 



"The day he found you, i know that this day he would know about you.. I'm so sorry ye-eun ah" yuri cried when she was telling this to her daughter who is sleeping. 




"I will tell you about him so wake up baby.." 









Days passed ye-eun is still sleeping the doctor said maybe she still recovering she will wake up soon, all of yuri's friend visited her daughter except yena. He still didn't show up since the day he knew everything. 




"So yena still didn't visit here?" eunbi asks.



"Not yet unnie." yuri sighed. 



"that duck" yujin mumble.



"ah maybe he would come later." eunbi said.











Yena has been visiting ye-eun in the hospital but he was just looking behind, He wanted to hug yuri everytime he see her crying. He wanted to comfort the younger girl but his cowardness is taking him over.




Yena had been drinking since 5pm and its 8pm he's still in the bar drinking, he looks at the box and chuckles. 



"Sir i think that's enough." the bartender said. 



"this is the last." yena sighed and drink the last shot. 



"here. keep the change man" yena smile then he walks out from the bar. 




Yena drove to the seoul catholic hospital, since he was drunk he has the balls to face yuri, to talk to her also to see if her daughter already awake. 



He reached the hospital then he straighten up his posture so they won't notice that he was drunk. Yena steps in the elevator and click the 2nd floor.






Yena step out the elevator then walks to room 121 where ye-eun was laying, he peek to the door to see if yuri was there, but only ye-eun was there. Yena walks in and sit her daughter's ward. 





"Ye-eun ah, daddy was sorry if i only face you this close."



"your daddy was a coward, im sorry to if daddy was drunk today." 



"Y-e-eun ah, wake up now. Your mom needs you now." yena hold her daughter's hand. 



"I'm sorry that the last 4 years was so hard for you and your mom."



"Only if your mom let me explain everything none of this will happen" 



"but im not blaming her for everything happen, i should be the one who blame for everything." 



"Im an idiot, i shouldn't fall for goeun's tactics. If i only could go back time. I shouldn't go to that stupid company's party." 



"But im happy that yuri raised you with a kind heart, depsite of her being a single parent she still take care of you." yena wipes the tear escape in his eyes.



"I'm happy that i know that your my daughter, i don't care if you only know me as your uncle. Please take care of your mom okay?" 



"Don't be a stubborn, I love you and your mom. You'll always here in my heart. Please wake up now, your mom is longing for you." yena smile then wipes his tears and he stood up. 



"I'll be leaving now before she came back. I love you ye-eun ah~" yena kissed ye-eun's fore head and he turned around.






"Y-yu-ri..." yena mouthed when he turned around he saw yuri standing next to the door crying.




"how long have you been there?" 



"You dumb!" yuri walked towards yena.



"I hate you." yuri said this multiple times while hitting yena's chest, yena just letting yuri hit him. Yuri's hit are getting slower until yuri grip on yena's coat.




"I hate that i still love you" with a yuri's last hit, yena pulled yuri and kissed her lips. 




Tears escape in their eyes, yuri tighten her grip on yena's coat while yena pulling her closer to deepen the kiss. They shared a passionate kiss the longing for each other kiss.




Yena was the one who pulled out coz he knows yuri was out of breath, but then yuri was the one who pull him to another kiss, yuri put her arms around yena's neck while yena put his arms around yuri's waist. 






"mommy yuri? daddy yena?" that little voice made the two flinch and look at the little girl who is rubbing her eyes. 



"Y-ye-eun" yuri said then she rushed and hug her daughter.



"m-om i c-an-t b-re-ath" ye-eun said.



"I'm sorry, i just miss you baby." yuri loosen the hug and kiss her daughter's forehead. 



"Y-yuri.. i'll be leaving now.. Take care, bye ye-eun." yuri look at yena.




"Stop. don't go." yuri said that make yena stop.



"why are you leaving so early daddy yena?" ye-eun pouted.



"Ah.. eh.." yena don't know what to say, he look at yuri then yuri eye him to sit beside her.




"daddy yena.." 






"why are you kissing my mommy yuri?" ye-eun look at her father innocently while yuri was blushing.



"im not kissing your mom, im just.." 



"wiping her tears yea tears." ye-eun nodded.



"Mom im hungryy!!" 



"Here eat this" yuri handed an apple to ye-eun.



"Ye-eun.. mommy have something to tell you." ye-eun look at her mommy yuri.




"Hmm.." yuri look at yena. 



"What?" yena mouthed to yuri.




"You know uncle yena right?" ye-eun nodded.



"the truth is..." 



"you don't have to do this yuri.." yuri smile then shake her head. 



"mommyy tell me im getting curious" ye-eun pouted. 



"you really have the attitude of your dad" yuri said.



"my dad?he leave us didn't he?" yena felt sad that her daughter thought he leave them.



"No, your dad didn't leave us, i lied about that im sorry baby.." yuri said.



"It's okay mommy, i still love you" ye-eun kissed her mommy's cheeks.



"but where's my dad mommy?" 



"Ye-eun your dad is.." yuri look at yena.



"is your uncle yena." ye-eun paused for a while then..




"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" ye-eun squeals and jump to yena.




"hey be careful." yena said then hugs his daughter.



"So you're my real daddy? so i can call you daddy yena for real??" yena laughed at his daughter. 




"Yes and yes and yes." yena smiles and kissed ye-eun's forehead. 




"So you and mommy were going to get married??" ye-eun look back n forth to yuri and yena. 




"uhmm.." while the two were exchanging gaze.





"If your mom accept me to be part of your family." yena smile while yuri looks at him.




"Mommyyyy accept daddy pwwweassee.." ye-eun intertwined her both finger. 




"no" yena was dumbfounded also ye-eun.




"but mom whyy?"




"your dad don't have a ring." 





"appa buy some ring ppalli." yena was taken aback when he remember the box he was holding earlier at the bar. 



He search all over his coat and pants then finally hold the box, yuri was shock that why yena has a box of ring.









"I know youre wondering why i have this, This box i prepared this to you 5 years ago. I already planned everthing, but i guess i it up. Im sorry for that.". yena looks down then sighed.




"but i guess this is the time i should ask you this but first yuri ah, do you forgive me?" yena look at yuri's eyes. 




"I did, the day you saved ye-eun, chaewon said everything to me. I was dumb because i didn't guve you a chance to explain. Im sorry." ye-eun look at yena and yuri back n forth not understanding everything they were saying. 




"Yuri ah, i love you so much, my love for you didn't change since the day i layed my eyes on you. Yuri ah, Will you accept me to be part of you and ye-eun's life?" yena kneeled down. 




Yuri nodded while she was crying, tears of joy they said. Ye-eun squeals and hugs her parents and the couple kissed their daughters cheeks. 




"I love you yuri ah."


"I love you too yena ah." 




"What about me?" ye-eun sulked and pouted.





"Mommy and daddy loves our little baby ye-eun" yena and yuri both said at the same time and kissed their daughted cheeks. 















Thankyou for the thousands reads on my two books 💕 iloveyouall 😘 


Let's be mutuals👍



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lilamumu #1
Chapter 38: what the HAAHHAHA
Heyboiii #2
Chapter 38: YENJOO YES😭
Chapter 38: Wooah I did not see that coming haha
But anyway thank you for the update author nim!
It's really nice :))))))
lilamumu #4
Chapter 37: suddenly angst 😂😂😂
hhhhhhhhh #5
Chapter 33: Woww , I didn't expect the ending would be like this 😭
Chapter 36: I really like this uwu. Hoping for more yulyen stories in the future <3
lilamumu #7
Chapter 36: yulyen and jinjoo combo always makes me feel things. please make story with this combo often 😭😭 you did well, thank you for this :)
Chapter 33: Lol just found out that this author is also from wattpad, do you remember me? I'm also from wattpad the one who comment "yeah very short like the izone's contract-" lollll hope you remember me HAHAHAHAHA
placebo_12 #9
Chapter 35: Thank you for saving us from the YulYen drought ㅜㅡㅜ
Chapter 33: But destiny said no🙁