




The oldest Kim were bugging the small chef all day long. Not letting his curiosity eating him up, he keep forcing for the younger  to tell him the truth about the younger relationship. 

"aish Hyung, i can't cook if you keep hugging me." Ryeowook trying to pry off his hyung hand but it's obvious how different their strength is when it's compared to his smaller figure.

"Not until you tell me whether or not Sungmin had taken your ity! Even Yesungie is still a !" said him as if it was the proudest thing to say.

"I'm not!" shout Yesung from the living room, possibly feeling too embarrassed by still being a vrigin.

"You can't lie to us,Woonie-hyung" said Kibum while smirking, earning a pout from the guilty hyung.

Ryeowook feels suffocate by the hug. He knows the older won't leave him alone  till he said the truth. 

"Fine. We didn’t do it yet but soon."

"Nope,there's no such thing as soon or in the nearer future!  You too young! You too Yesung!" said he as he glare to both dongsengs.

Ryeowook gasped by the over protectiveness, same thing with Yesung but the older act more surprise as Kibum and Kangin nodding in agreement. 

"Not fair! Youngwoon is younger than me but he screw Leeteuk hyung almost everyday!"  shouts Yesung disagreeing for the unfairness. 

"Hah!? Where did you learn that word!" shouts Heechul, shocked by Yesung vocabularies. 

"That because I'm the top and you are more naive than me!" said Kangin, playfully remark the older disadvantages.

"Yesung hyung was right, and we are not that young for fork sake." said Ryeowook in annoyed voice.

"Why you said fork?" Kibum ask.

"Heechul hyung won't let me curse."

Heechul felt his world collapsed for a moment. His dear brother swearing,his younger one was fighting for his right of his own ity. Nothing worried him most when his naive brothers were in stranger hands. Since the day their parents pass away,he had promise to take care all his dongsengs as if they were the world to him.

As he was about to say another warning, the doorbell interrupt his moment. 

"Do we expecting any guest?" said Yesung curiously, he went to the front door to check on it and squeal in excitement. 

"It's Lee's!" shouts him from the corridor way.

Heechul glare at Ryeowook who smile at him innocently. 

"and you had to call your boyfriend here?" said him sternly.

"Hey i didn't call them, they didn’t even told me beforehand" 

Yesung walk in to the living room followed by Sungmin,Donghae and Eunhyuk. As soon as Sungmin saw Ryeowook, he can't help but to run towards the smaller while squealing, earning the unsatisfied look from Heechul and Kangin. 

"We came after Ryeowook told us that someone just graduated from his school come back yesterday!"  said Donghae happily while hugging Yesung's arm. It was no secret how Donghae so attached to the oddball Kim and the kim were having no problem with it as they can't resist Donghae doe's eyes if they snapped at him.

"Here's a gift from us Kibum! Congrats on finishing school and joining us on adult world!" said Eunhyuk happily handing the gift.

"Thank you Hyung! You don't have to actually.  I'm already happy by being here with you guys." said Kibum politely. It was one of his quirk that make the other adores him.

"Kibum, i didn't have anything gift for you but I'll do anything for you!" said Yesung, realizing he didn’t even do something despite being the older brother for the younger.

"It's okay,hyung. We can go to the mall later so i can pick my own gift!" said Kibum happily, earning a bright smile  from the said hyung. 

"Okay,foods ready! Let's celebrate this and throw a party!" said Ryeowook, taking out bottles of liquor but soon realizes that the celebrated person still underage.

"And Yesung can't drink. But we stil can drink so ignore those two" said Kangin,teasing the easily lightweight hyung.

"I can drink if i want,okay!" he doubt his word right away. The other were laughing knowing what had happen the last time they were drinking with him.

Kibum patted the older. "Its okay, i can't either so if you want to ditch this guys after this,I'm up for it"

"Bummie! You know how to make me happy!" Yesung hug the world  out of the maknae as Kibun secretly stick his tongue towards the others  who begin to curse him in silent. 


After having the dinner, the party start with The Eunhae making out,showing too much pdas, earning a gagged sound from the oldest of them.

"Just because your boyfriend are not here.. Yo-youuu-you don't have to --" Eunhyuk were slurring his word just after three alcohol intakes and thanks to Donghae, he cut the drunk boy's word by kissing him,literally eating his boyfriend. 

"It's if you making out with your twin." mocked Heechul, snorted at the two giggling couple. 

"We are not in the same Lee' family!" Shouts Donghae. They were always mistaken as brothers for having the same family surname.

"Don't get jealous Hee, they still young. Let them be."

"Since when you here, Fake Lee?" said Heechul, surprise by another weird entity that weren't even there from the beginning. 

"just because my nick name is Leeteuk doesn't mean I'm the Lee's. I'm so gonna call Hangkyung and told him his boyfriend are having  PMS by attacking everyone." Leeteuk shake his head,feeling dizzy watching the man who had the same age as him.

"I invited him here since everyone seems like having their boyfriend over."said Kangin,wrapping his hand around Leeteuk protectively.

"Siwon not here..." said Yesung with a pout. He didn’t even intend to invite the taller over but feels sad after seeing everyone being lovey dovey with their partner.

"It's okay, we still going to the mall. Now dress up. I'll wait outside"  said Kibum as he left them to get dressed. 


It was fun time whenever he having Kibum around. The younger had to trasnfer to another school outside the country once  he received a scholarship from the most prestige school student had dream of. For years, the maknae only come  home on Christmas and had to leave them again for a long term.

Once they arrived at the mall, they headed to a clothing store. Kibum had heard from Ryeowook about Heechul devilish act and the older were begging for him to help him coax Yesung to forgive him. Yesung had ignore him after coming home from his date last night,much to his suffering.

With the money given by Heechul,he let the sulking man to get whatever he want. Kibum never had problem with Yesung fashion sense. Though he hate the way the older feel insecure with his look by hiding behind the loose clothes, he can't win when the older beg to him with a kicked puppy faces.

"Is this okay?" Yesung ask for hundredth time. Kibum only nod with a smile, he never understand fashion like Heechul and Yesung had,instead of givinv idea, he just agreed to Yesung. 

Out of their sight, one man was watching over them.  Hand clutching hard on the clothing he had pick up as a cover from being seeing by them.

"Sir? Are you gonna buy that?" a worker saw how the shirt almost got destroy by his strong grip.

"Ah sorry,yes I'll buy it" said him.

"For your sister?" 

He look down and saw it. A bikini with colorful pattern,  he had walk into the woman section as he was secretly stalk the two.

"Emmm yes... Ah wrong size! I'll just search  it again." said him, he sheepishly put it back on the shelf as he faking his search again. Convince by the man lie,the worker left him alone again.

'Yesungie.... How dare you cheat on me.' thought Siwon. 


It was fun on Kibum side. Not because he helping his brother on his shopping spree,it was too tiring. But he happen to heard the commotion between Siwon and the store worker. Knowing the man was indeed his soon brother in law to be from Ryeowook report,he begin to act his plan. To tease the jealous boyfriend. 

He bgin to hold Yesung in the most intimate way, not that the older care,they were always been the affectionate one in the family. 

Siwon saw how the 'boyfriend' begin to take a hold of his Yesung's hand and whisper something to the older once in while. It's irk him how close the two look and how the older seems to like the intimate touch.

"Kibum, you don't have to whisper. There's no one here." said Yesung confusedly. Kibum swear if he's not blood related to the old man, he would devouring  the smaller man along with his cutely confused face.

"Nothing, just want to do so. We always playing whisper when we were kid. You hate it?" he faking his tear,acting sulking so the older would bit his bait to make the already fumed stalker more furious. 

Yesung was panicking over the  maknae crying. He didn’t know what to do aside from giving kisses like their mother used to do for him. 'That's it!' thought him.

Siwon was mad. He sure if he was hulk,the mall would turn to dust in a minute. He saw how close Yesung's face to the other male,he assume that Yesung was leaned for a kiss so he decide to follow his head than his heart. 

He storm off to the two affectionate siblings with a red face, unaware of Kibum already smirking widely after Yesung finish kissing his cheeks as if it was working it way to calm the maknae.

Siwon pull the older arm and hid him behind his back.

"What are you doing with my boyfriend!?"  shouts Siwon angrily. 'No. I was supposed to get  mad at Yesung... Dammit i can't! ' thought him.

"Siwonnie?" the older were confused by the sudden storm. He had no idea what his tall boyfriend had in his mind to get angry at his younger brother.

"Hey,give me back my date!" said Kibum angrily . One thing about the maknae was he's the greatest actor in the house. 

"How dare you!" Siwon was about to throw a punch on the man in front of him but halted when Yesung throw himself in front of Kibum. Arms out to protect the younger as his eyes was closed, ready to take whatever Siwon throw at him.

"Hyung? Why you protect him? You love him that much?"  said Siwon with a hint of sadness. Siwon never cry, but he was willing to if this is about the older.

"Yes! Of course i love him! His my baby brother! Why do you want to punch him!?" the smaller male was shouting on top of his lunge,feeling furious by his boyfriend rude attitude. 

"Brother? Wait... You have another brother aside from Wookie, diva and racoon?"  said Siwon confusedly. 

Kibum was trying his hard to not laugh at the scene between his brother and Siwon. It was the look on Siwon’s face that thrown him off into laughing hysterically. 

"Hi nice to meet you, Kim Kibum, The Kim's maknae." said him as he hold out his hand for the older to shake it.

"I told  you before!  I have 1 older brother and 3 dongsengs. I even show you his photo before."

Siwon was ashamed. He wish there's a sinkhole right underneath his feet that ready to swallow him whole. He do remember the day when Yesung told him about his family but he was too distracted by the old man's cute face,instead of listening to Yesung's chatter he focused on the older face.

"Sorry... I forgot.."  He can't help but to think his Yesung will hate him now. He had to mess with the older temper,knowing well how Yesung appreciate his family more than everything. 

Feeling that the older weren’t saying anything, he turn his feet around and start walking away. His tear were threaten to fall down the further he walk away.  'He's hates me now.. Stupid Siwon'.

He let himself walk away without thinking where his feet  brought him, a hand that rather smaller than his pulled him away as he was about to throw himself into a fountain. 

"What are you doing!"  shouts Yesung. He's been trying to get the younger listen to him but Siwon was to absorb by his own imagination. 

"You hate me now?" said Siwon rather sounded like a lost child despite looking manly all the time.

"What? No! I never hate you. Why would i. I say that it's okay if you didn't remember. Sometimes i talk to much too. Anyway, rather than throwing yourself into a fountain, why don't you come home with me. They were throwing a party for Kibum's celebration. He just graduated and arrive here yesterday. Wanna come?" 

'Ah,an angel' thought him and Kibum.

In Siwon delusional's mind, Yesung was inviting him to his home, alone and looking like snack,he will attack the older at any time.  Not wasting his chance,he nod greedily and follow the older.  He realize he never return the maknae greeting.  Sheepishly, he introduced himself in more proper way.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding. I'm Choi Siwon,Yesung's boyfriend. Did you guys come here with a car?" ask him, the two just shaking their head.

"Okay, we get to my car then." he saw the amount of shopping bags the maknae carried and offer his help. 

Kibum was astonished. Siwon didn’t only  take Yesung's, he carried all the bags without much of a problem. He know he can relied on the taller man to take care of his older brother in the future.


"Ayy!! A horse is joining the party?!!! Who buy a horse? That thing hella expensive!"  Shouts Kangin right after Siwon arrived with Yesung and Kibum.

"Hyung, you drunk. How many did you drink?" Said kibum as he strode over the older. 

Siwon didn’t felt insulted in the slightest.  He know how the older become after few bottles. And he know well his cute little boyfriend can't even drink one shot or he'll got wasted right away.

Ryeowook and Sungmin was nowhere to be found,he assume that the couple were gone once the off from anyone supervision. 

"Yesungie, we hang out in your roo---" he turn to his side with smile that soon falter. The older were no where near him. He look into the lousy crowd and found the older, trapped between Donghae and Eunhyuk.

"Hyuk, i can't drink!" Yesung whine when the drunk fish duo trying to get him to chug on a bottle of soju.

"Come on~ One thousand bottle won't kill you" said Donghae, slurring while still forcing the older. 

"I'll be dead by fifth bottle!  Let alone a thousand!"  shouts him, trying to pry off the clingy duo.

Siwon chuckle looking at the older. He look around and saw the diva was chatting with Leeteuk who looking all sober. He knew he can't get alone with Yesung if the two didn't get distracted enough so he got one plan in his mind and it's included the clingy duo.

He walk over to Heechul who saw him. After greeting the two older men,he make sure the diva saw the commotion caused by the the duo.

Heechul was fumed. He saw how Yesung feeling uncomfortable with the duo forcing him. He went up and literally dashed towards the two just to pulled them by ears.

"Aww!  Heechul hyung! My ears are coming off!" shouts Eunhyuk. Donghae was trying hard to freeing  himself from the diva.

Yesung feeling relief after his hyung come to his rescue. He wish he can drink just like the others but with his alcohol intolerance was no where near to existence, he easily got wasted to soon.

Siwon taking his chance to drag the older to his room just to be alone together. Yesung who oblivious to the younger intention just smiles and intertwined their hand tighter.

"Hyung. I--" Siwon didn’t get to finish his word as the older jump to his bed and start rolling around. 

"Siwonie~ Stay here tonight.  I want to cuddle and had nice chat." said Yesung. 

Seeing Yesung who really didn't have any other intention, he sighing. Thought he really want to get intimate with the older , he woulr never force the older into something he won't ready yet.

"Okay,you should take a bath first. I'll just stay here for awhile." said him with a small smile. Yesung were really too precious for him to even think that the older would engage in something ual first.

"I'll go search for Kangin’s pyjama so you can borrow. You can have a bathe first." Yesung went out to Kangin’s room which only located next to he's.

"Fuhh... Next time Siwon. Take it slow." muttered him under his breathe. 






A/N: Kyubum next chapter?  I'll do all pair as a cameos. I don't ship Kyuhyun and Kibum. I actually ship Kyusung lol. But there's so many yewon moment now that it's inspired me so much. So I'll just pair the maknaes together. And damn Siwon really wanna get laid hahahah. 

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A reminder for readers to not wait for this drabble. I'll be uploading this one rarely to focus on the main story. Thank you for reading this, i appreciate it so much!


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Chapter 4: It'll be perfect if Shindong, Henry, Zhoumi and Kyu are added
Chapter 3: Hey authornim! I love this chapter very much... I wish I have brothers like them who loves me so much
401 streak #4
Chapter 5: Eh? Why you didn't write about this fic anymore? It's really entertaining~ Really~
♥️ Remember you are loved, please always be happy♥️
Chapter 5: I'm so happy you include kibum in this story, eventhough his part is little (just like his part in suju song xD )

Can't wait for kyubum moment ^_^
charismavi #7
Chapter 5: Yesung gets lost at the hotel just LOL The Brothers need to watch his every movement hahaha...Siwon and Kyuhyun fight over Yesung's attention is the best XD
ismi_L #8
Chapter 5: Thanks a lot for the update authornim. Kyuhyun character is up. Haha, siwon felt threatened. ?
Btw, always look forward towards all of your writing. Loved it.
Chapter 5: Kyubum or kihyun is rare otp... i need time to think bout this bcause i think their interactions barely shown on cam at the past hehehe... but it's seems like kyubum more promising ^^