



The trip to the Hotel water theme park come to an end. It was the day where they packing up and ready to go home. Yesung was waiting inside his hyung room after he was busted by the older sleeping with Siwon the other day.


Yesung was cuddling in all his comfort after spending the night with Siwon. It was 9 am and he had no intention to get up and leave his comfort zone with his boyfriend.

“Baby, we should at least grab some breakfast. I don’t want my baby starved just because he want to cuddle with me.” said Siwon as he caressing the older’s soft raven hair.

“Emmm but I’m too lazy to move. Just call the room service.” said Yesung as he keep snuggles into the younger chest.

“Okay. Whatever for my baby.” said Siwon with a chuckles.

As the latter were about to get up and went for the hotel phone, loud knock on the door had him startle.

“Who’s that?” said Yesung in curiousness.

Siwon shrug his shoulder and walks towards the door. He look through the door hole and saw no one. As he was about to turn back, the knock come again. Leaving him no choices but to open the door.


Siwon was thrown away after a fumed looking Heechul elbow him to the ribs and stormed inside his room.

“My baby!” shouts Heechul as he pulls Yesung towards his chest and hug the world out of the younger.

“Hyung? Why are you here?” said Yesung clueless.

“To save your . How dare you plan with Kangn to distract me using Hangeng?” said Heechul as he pull back a little to stare at the smaller in his arm.

“But we’re not doing anything other then cuddling. You can’t possibly asking me to sleep in your room with Hangeng hyung right?” said Yesung joined by nodding Siwon.

“Hah you right! Now let’s go back.”

From that day till their last vacation, Yesung was kept ‘safe’ sleeping in between him and Hangeng every night. Though Siwon still had his cute little boyfriend with him in the day, it was hard to be so close to yet so far with Yesung.


Yeusng chuckles as he reminded by the pouting Siwon at the breakfast table this morning.

“Why are you laughing Yesungie?” Heechul ask the latter as he packing the last thing inside his back.

Yesung shake his head. “Nothing. Are we done?” said him as he jump from the bed and begin to walk out.

“Hey, where were you going?” said Heechul frantically.

“To Siwon?”

“Oh no you don’t. Stay here like a good boy.” Heechul pointing his finger towards the bed where’s Yesung were sitting before.

Yesung puffing his cheeks. Crossing his hand on his chest as he glare towards the older.

“Don’t give me that look.” Heechul tried to avoid the puppy kicked face and continue to packing other bag for Hangeng.

“Hmmhp! I’m not a good boy!” Yesung said as he turn his foot around and walk out of the room with a pout.

Heechul only sighing as he watch the younger walks away. Shrug it off as he continue to his ministration. ‘Hope he won’t lost his way. This hotel are too big for him’ thought Heechul worriedly.


‘Crap… I lost..’ thought Yesung as he turns around. He swears he turn to the right corridor for the elevator but he keep stumble at the same walls every time.

‘And I left my phone at Heebongie’s room.’

He cursed for his stubbornness. He walks for more until he found an elevator. Happily he walks in the empty elevator only to frown once again.

“Aish! I forgot what floor was Siwon’s room!” said him as he walks out again. ‘I’ll just go back to hyung’s room then.


“Oh, Hangeng? Did you saw Yesung in your way?” Heechul ask the latter as he saw the man walks in few minute after Yesung walks out.

“Nope. I came from Siwon’s floor. What happen?”

“Eh? Shouldn’t you at least meet him in his way? He want to go to Siwon but I stopped him so he got angry and went by himself.”

Soon both begin to turn pale. “Oh no! Yesung lost!”

The search happen quickly after the others were inform about it. With the help of the frantic boyfriend, they begin to start the search at their floor.

“How can he got lost? Didn’t he come to Siwon’s room by himself last night?” said Heechul frantically.

“Oh that? I send him because Kibum’s room are in the same floor as Siwon’s.” said Kangin.

“Aish. And he forgot his phone.” said Siwon frustrated.


On the other side, Yesung was begin to panic due to him walking further away from his last spot. He had mistaken his hyung’s room with a stranger and begin to walk away without looking his way.

“Why there’s no one walking towards me? Is this floor that empty?” said Yesung. He had been dying to ask people for the elevator way thinking of waiting the others at the lounge area.

He keep walking till a door suddenly barge open right in front of him. His face begin to beam with the thought of asking the person for a way but soon dropped when the person looking strangely behaving in his eyes.

“Ohh! What a beautiful lady!” said a man who begin to walks out of his room, drunk.

‘Drunk in a daylight?’ thought Yesung as he begin to walk away, ignoring the man’s calling.

“Hey baby! Why gone so soon!” shouts the man as he begin to run after him.

Yesung begin to fasten his step, afraid of the crazy looking man to come near him. As he thought he finally out run the man, a hands manage to circle themselves around his waist and yank him up in the air, leaving his feet to dangles off his body.

“Let me go!!” he shouts as he keeps flailing around to be free. A soft blow on his ear succeed in making him shrieking with tears stricken down his chubby cheeks.

“Heebongie!!! Siwonnie!! help me!” shouts him again as he felt pulled into the drunken man’s room.

Only after he begin to cry loudly, he was been set on the floor again. The hands finally freeing him but with the thought of being inside the man’s room he had his eyes close shuts. Clenching onto the hem of his shirt as he hangs his head low.


A voice he been dying to heard had him eyes shot upward. With lips quivering in sobbing and sniffling, he throw himself towards Heechul.

“Heebongie!” he scream in joy, hugging the older close to him.

“Hey, why did you cry?” Heechul ask him gently, hearts pained from the sad cries.

“There’s… creepy old man.. he’s drunk… he tried to catch me…” said Yesung in between his sob.

Soon a hand begin to snatch him away in the same manners like before.

“No!!! Heebongie!” he shouts once more but then frown as he realize he was in his hyung room with the other holding back their laughter. “You guys?”

“Hi baby.” said Siwon, the person who responsible in carrying him away.

“Wonnie? Were you the one who carried me just now?” said Yesung as he tried to turn around while being carried around his waist.

Siwon nod as he took a sit at the bed with the older on his lap.

“Why did you ignoring Heechul hyung talk, hurm? Thank God we saw that old man and Kangin hyung stop him before he got to you.” said Siwon.

“But… I just wanna see you. Heechul hyung always separating us…” said Yesung with a pout.

“I didn’t really separate you. Yeah.. only for the sleep part but I always let you two have your time together.” said Heechul with a snort.

“But you ask me to sit silent like a good boy just now!” Yesung pout more as he puffing his cheeks away.

“Because I know you’ll get lost on your way. This happen so many time already.” Heechul sigh at the careless younger brother.

Only then Yesung admit his fault and pout as he silently muttering his apologies. Hiding his blushing face by turning around and hugging Siwon around his neck.

“It’s okay, Heechul hyung only worried for you, right hyung?” said Siwon as he winks at the older, earning a frown from the older.

Yesung turn towards Heechul with eyes glistening with tears. “Will you forgive me?” said him with puppy kicked face.

Heechul sighing and smiles a little bit for the crying younger. “I’m not really mad but next time please listen to me okay? I forgive you.”


The ride back home quite chaotic as usual. But this time, instead of Siwon, Hangeng took over the wheels and drive them home with Heechul sitting right next to him.

With all Heechul focus fully on the chinese man, Yesung took the opportunity to snuggles close with Siwon in their sit.

“Baby, how about a date tomorrow?” said Siwon, earning a beaming looking face from the smaller.

Yesung nod enthusiastically with the idea of a date. The taller only chuckles at the cute reaction and pulls him back to his shoulder.

“So I call you tomorrow then. Now sleep. I’ll wake up when we arrive.” said Siwon.


It’s the start of a new semester. Kibum finally joining them as a new student from acting department. And it was also a new start of a new problem for Siwon.

It’s only been a few day and there’s already a disturbance in their relationship. A boy name Kyuhyun who joined the same club as Yesung had been bugging the older anytime the younger had the chance. Be it at cafeteria or even when they were walking at the corridor.

As now, they were eating and chatting at their lunch when Kyuhyun came and sit right in front of Yesung. Talking happily with other, luring the other with his sweet smug face, thought Siwon.

“Baby, want something else?” said Siwon with the intention of reminding the pale lanky looking guy about his baby.

“Emm I’m fine with this. Do you want some?” said Yesung as he lift up a spoon full of jjajjangmyeon.

Siwon gladly open his mouth and receive the food. ‘Take that Cho!’ thought him as he smiles brightly. He turns towards the lanky one and soon frown when he only saw a smirk on the face.

“Yesungie hyung, I want some too!” said Kyuhyun childishly as he open his mouth.

“Okay!” being the oblivious person he is, Yesung spoon feeding the younger. Unbeknown to him, the tall boyrfriend begin to fire up from the inside.

‘Must get rid of this one too.’


“Siwon hyung?”

Siwon turn around and found Ryeowook with his boyfriend next to him.

“Oh Sungmin hyung are here too?” said him.

“Well, Minnie hyung scared that you gonna ‘eat’ me” said Ryeowook while rolling his eyes towards the over-protective boyfriend.

“Why would I? Baby Sungie look more pretty. Anyway, I need to get rid of Kyuhyun from pestering over Sungie.” said him boldly, earning a gasped from the bunny.

“Wooki! Let’s run! This horse become lunatic already!” said Sungmin as he clutch onto the smaller’s hand.

“Minnie hyung, Siwon hyung didn’t mean it that way. He always done this towards Yesung hyung’s fans. We only need to find people and pair them with those crazy fans. Although Kyuhyun looks like he’s not going to do anything bad towards Yesung hyung, but I can see how an evil he is towards Siwon hyung just now.” Ryeowook looks towards Siwon. “So you have any idea of who can we pair up that evil?”

“Hemm. I don’t know yet. Before this, all those fans are an easy target. This Cho seems dangerous.” Siwon scratching his chin, feeling dead end with the plan.

“How about our Kibummie? Thought it might be difficult since Kibum never show any interest on man before but at least they had similarity in them.”

“And what’s that?” Siwon ask in curiosity.

“They both evil…”




A/N:  thanks to Ismi remind me to upload this baby lol. I was intended to upload it yesterday but i pass out. Now that Kyuhyun finally introduced, we will be having Kyubum or Kihyun. Idk who's top. For mw,kyu seems reliable enough but comments down below which is which lol XD

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A reminder for readers to not wait for this drabble. I'll be uploading this one rarely to focus on the main story. Thank you for reading this, i appreciate it so much!


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Chapter 4: It'll be perfect if Shindong, Henry, Zhoumi and Kyu are added
Chapter 3: Hey authornim! I love this chapter very much... I wish I have brothers like them who loves me so much
401 streak #4
Chapter 5: Eh? Why you didn't write about this fic anymore? It's really entertaining~ Really~
♥️ Remember you are loved, please always be happy♥️
Chapter 5: I'm so happy you include kibum in this story, eventhough his part is little (just like his part in suju song xD )

Can't wait for kyubum moment ^_^
charismavi #7
Chapter 5: Yesung gets lost at the hotel just LOL The Brothers need to watch his every movement hahaha...Siwon and Kyuhyun fight over Yesung's attention is the best XD
ismi_L #8
Chapter 5: Thanks a lot for the update authornim. Kyuhyun character is up. Haha, siwon felt threatened. ?
Btw, always look forward towards all of your writing. Loved it.
Chapter 5: Kyubum or kihyun is rare otp... i need time to think bout this bcause i think their interactions barely shown on cam at the past hehehe... but it's seems like kyubum more promising ^^