Misunderstood and Forgiving



(Trust the narrator, it wasn't a girl screaming) 

A shrieking that resembling a murder victim woke up the entire Kim household, including the guests that passed out in the living room. Given that the house was build in two story style,it was an amazement to wake everyone to the point it possibly awaken the neighbours too.

"What happen..." muttered sleepy Siwon, who still hasn't realize the scream belong to someone that stand just right in front of him and Yesung.

Footsteps begin to sound more clearly as the awoken hangover siblings make their way to their direction.

"Siwon Yesung-hyung!!!"  Shouts Donghae,the owner of the shrieking before.

Soon Siwon realize what had the friend of his age saw. Legs tangling withYesung's while he was shirtless.  One of his sleeping habit which he himself didn't realize how in the middle of night,he shirt were thrown off no matter how cold he is. It wasn’t his intention to act ert for his dear innocent boyfriend. 

"You're mistaking!  I didn't do anything!  Oh Gosh now they gonna kill me!" he whine.

Soon the commotion woke the sleeping boyfriend. It's amazed Siwon how the older able to sleep through the ear piercing scream.

"Hey, what with the screams?" Leeteuk ask the younger who still mouth wide open, shocked by the scene of his dear hyung sleeping with a shirtless horse.

"Lee Donghae! I swear, anyone that disturbed my beauty sleep are so---" Heechul choked on his word. 

His baby brother, looking all dazed, hair dishevelled everywhere while on his right was shirtless Siwon who knew he was doomed once the diva step into the room looking priceless. 

"I see you had fun. Look forward for few days from now. You are to be banned from seeing him nor touching him."

Siwon jaws dropped. Possibly broken. Hell he can't even live one day without the older, now he had to face the who knows how many days without Yesung, his daily doses.

"Hyung!  What's with the banning!" Yesung whine once he grasped what have happened surrounding him.

He look at Siwon as if it was the last time he will be seeing the younger. It was the same as him. Thought he never been the one who to speak his mind out but he can’t bear to go even one day without his first love. Looking at the his older brother who giving them the judging look, not knowing what's on the older mind to say such a word.

Kangin who happened to come few minutes later immediately ready to pounce at Siwon but few more inspection,  he saw how his hyung was all fine and confused. Assuming it was all misunderstanding, he winking to his hyung boyfriend, sending the 'I'll help you' message. 

"Heechul hyung, just now Hangeng hyung call me and said to let you know he's waiting for your call. You better hurry, he said it was night at his place so he's waiting for his 'pillow talk'-ish." the lie smoothly glide from his tongue thought Hangeng would appreciate his help more,it wasn't a lie when his older hyung's boyfriend do waiting for his call anytime. 


'That was easy' thought Kangin as he saw Heechul, the demonic diva skipping out to give his long distance boyfriend a call.

Siwon huffed in relief, thanking Kangin who actually more close to him than the others. Without his long term bestfriend relationship with Kangin, he would have decapitated by now.

"Thank you. I'll guess i go now before he end the call." said him as he begin to change to his cloth.

"Don't worry, Heechul usually on the phone longer if it was tied to Hangeng. But you one brave  kid to sleep with Jongwoon." said Leeteuk with a smirk.

"So Siwon didn’t do anything?  Fuhh... I'm so relief." said the culprit behind the morning mess.

"Lee Donghae, i swear if my brother still after this, you'll be dealing with me." said Ryeowook furiously.  It had been him and Yesung who had to face the diva after this. Or worst he will be facing the same 'death sentence ' like Yesung. 

"What?! But Heechul hyung said if something happen to Yesung hyung, shout like my life depends on it."

Eunhyuk who been watching his boyfriend pulling stupid antic only drag the oblivious boy out to the living room.

"He learn from the best." said Kangin, proud with the diva lessons for the oblivious fish.

"Okay,now out. I had too many headache to start my day." said Yesung as he shooing everyone out of his room, leaving him alone with Siwon.

"Sorry. Heechul hyung really a drama queen." Yesung rolled his eyes in defeat. 

Siwon laugh at the older pout. As he was about to leave, he turn around just to left a chaste kiss on the older cheeks, successful in making the older blushing madly.

"I'll see you at college then. At least we can still meet there without his disturb." 


Nope, he was wrong. The next day was excruciating for him. He had to go through the Lee Donghae and Kangin barrier who been guarding Yesung the whole day. 

"What did he threaten you guys with now?" said Sungmin curiously. 

"You don't wanna know..." somehow the racoon sound so defeated to them.

"Must be something along the line 'I'll ing you for a weeks' for Kangin hyung and 'Cook all the fish in the sea' for Donghae hyung." said Ryeowook. 

"But at least let me have a lunch with Yesungie for now! Why he sit in between you guys in the same row as me! I can't see him!" Siwon whined for few times already. He had try his best to at least had little interactions with his boyfriend but the threaten duo being the best ing in century. 

"Sorry can't do. Heechul hyung had eyes even after he graduated."  said Kangin, munching his foods with almost empty eye.

It was all true in his part being ed by his hyung. His relationship was at his disadvantages when Leeteuk conveniently work with Heechul. 

Back to the couple, for Siwon, it was the worst day of his life but for Yesung?  The said man making unreadable facial expressions. Thought he never said anything or acting angry, no one dare to ask him so as they afraid for his old bad temper.

Ryeowook who realize the unusual quiet Yesung begin to feel suspicious for the whole banning thing.

"Heechul hyung so gonna be avoided by Yeusng hyung...." he whisper to his boyfriend. Sungmin only nod with a sweatdrop. He was anxious for the banning thing,afraid if he were facing one too if he was the one in Siwon's place.

"I'm finish."

The chattering piped down once Yesung went up and leave to clean his plate. Siwon was about to chase after the older when Ryeowook hold him back.

"Let him. I think he need time for himself. Don't worry. Heechul hyung won't be doing this for too long."  

Not knowing what else he can do,he agreed for the younger suggestion. He keep staring as the silhouette of his older boyfriend gone into crowd.


"Yesungie!!!  Welcome home!"  Heechul welcoming his brother with arms open, as if he sure the younger to return his hug but something off had happen.

Yesung walk pass through him and went to his own room without saying anything, even to his favorite brother, Kibum.

"You doomed,Heenim." said Ryeowook with a smirk.

Yesung went inside his room with a sigh. He placed his stuff down and walk towards a corner of his room where he placed his dear pet, turtles. 

"Dangkkoma... Uncle Heechul are really mean. Do you want to know what he done now? I'll tell you!" and soon,only to the turtle he pour everything that been bugging him the whole day.

Ryeowook knew better.  He had eavesdropping once the older were too focusing on his turtle.  It was the only way he can listen to his older heart. Weird but it's useful for Yesung to actually make the turtle to be his listener. He had learn it after few years ago he had accidentally walk in to the room and saw Yesung crying while holding the turtle, pouring his heart and problems to the innocent little creature. It was the last time he saw the older so broken,it was the day after their parent died.

"I knew he was annoyed by this." said him to Heechul.  He had drag the older to listen to what exactly he had guessed to happen knowing the older routine whenever something had happen.

"Aish... I was just worried for him.." said Heechul, feeling guilty for making things the way they are now.

"Hyung. I know this wasn't about his ity or his sleeping with Siwon last night. We all joke about it but i know you actually worried for his heart. Just want you to know, Siwon was the best of people out there. He won't hurt Yesung hyung like what had happened before. You should know when to let him go. Just like how you let me go and trust Sungmin. Right?" 

Heechul was speechless. He had to give it up for the younger to able to read what he had been trying to do for so long. Thought it was obvious of his intention, Yesung was just one oblivious donseng who never realized what had happened around him.

"I don't know. I don't want him to go back to the 'Mute Jongwoon'. I'm scare that one day, we will lose our grasped for that smile on his face. Take us years to get him to what he is now. I don't want Siwon to ruin this chance." Heechul muttered, he can feel tears are threatening to fall but his egos were stronger than his feelings. 

"I know. That's why you need to trust Siwon in this matter. If you hadn't realized yet, it was Siwon who make his heart bloom again. I just found out that Siwon have been friend with him since few years ago. It might not be us who change him,it could be Siwon. Seeing how Yesung hyung appreciate Siwon was a strong proof that enough to make me believe in Siwon."  said Ryeowook, patting the older who seem to deep in his feeling.

"Really? Our Yesungie... Oh Gosh... I didn't know that. Huh, i guess i lift the ban tonight. But i still won't let them alone together more than 24 hours. That's my word and won't go back for anything. That's all i can do..." a small smile make its way on Heechul's face.

"That's my hyung. Now let’s go, Yesung hyung begin to talk in turtle's language now. We won't understand the rest." said Ryeowook with a chuckles, he was right. The older begin to sputtering gibberish word while giggling once in a while.

"Aish,this is why I'm worried for this dork..." he shake his head, smilling whike watching at Yesung who begin to talk more as if the conversation was the most interesting one in the world. 


It was 12 am when he realize it was dark in his room. He was so determine with his sulking act, to protest for his hyung banning him.

A growl escape from his stomach, he had skipped his dinner and fall asleep while hugging to his turtle. He went down to the kitchen, knowing the chef kim would leave some food for him like usual whenever he went on with his sulking.

As he was busying with reheating the food, he hadn't realized someone was watching him quietly in the corner.

Heechul smiles in relief. The younger had his bad way off showing protest by ignoring his meals. He tried to make the younger to the dinner but seeing how peaceful Yesung look, he only tucked in the blanket and wait for him to wake by himself. 

"Yesung ah."

Didn't expect anyone at the wee hours,he yelping, almost throwing the bowl of fish soup to the older. 

"Hyung!" whine him while pouting.Remembering that he was in his sulking mood,he tried to ignore the fact that he actually relief by listening to the older chuckle. 

"Don't pout like that. You look like a teenage girl who's heart got crushed by a jock."

"Your preference always , hyung" and he smile,genuinely. 

"Well i am bad at people preferences.Want me to accompany you? Eating alone ." not waiting for the younger to response, he take the sit right next to Yesung. 

They went silence for a few minutes, letting Yewung to take his much needed calorie after skipping two meals that day. 

Few minutes later after Yesung finished his meals,Heechul thought it was the best time to speak what in his mind.

"I'm sorry."

Yesung lift his head in shock, not believing his ear. He know the older always had a soft spot for him but to apologize was one thing.


"Come on, Yesung. You know for what." 

"Yeah... I'm still mad you know. I don't want Siwon to hates me."

"He won't.  Who would if they having this cute little pouty as a boyfriend?  Besides, if he were to hate you, he's not the one."

Yesung was about to throw a comeback when he saw a genuine smile on Heechul's face. Years living with the older had teach him how the older act around his siblings. He know well the older act were more important than his crucial words.

"I won’t ban you tomorrow but promise me one thing"

He took the younger hand into his,hold it firmly as his eyes searching for the younger’s. 

"Promise to come to me if anything had being bugging you. Make me your ears and a shoulder to lean for. I know i was the worst hyung you ever ask for but I'll never let things build up in you to the point you had to pour everything to the poor turtle." 

Yesung gasped while blushing furiously. His secret ritual were exposed and now he can't run from the embarrassement.

"How did you know..." muttered him while trying to hide his red face.

"You should lock your door next time. No! There won't be a next time. Promise me,eoh? You know I'm not a bad listener. I'll do anything for my siblings. Be it the hard headed Kangin or that stoic Kibum or even the sassy Wookie. I love all my dongsengs and I'll do anything for you guys."

By the end of the talk,Yesung already sobbing with red nose. He had been keeping it all to himself just not to burden the others without knowing how it's actually add more burden to himself. The weight on his shoulder were gone when Heechul pulls him into a hug and move them to the couch.

"Want to start now? Hyung had all night for you"

"Um.." he nod in his brother embrace.

They talk all night, ignoring the sleepiness as they had things to catch up prior to Yesung depressed moment. It was indeed building up. The all nighters weren’t enough. They had fallen asleep whike embracing each other, not caring for the cold breeze that seeping through the small open window as they had shoulders to lean for.


Kibum wake up early that day. He had few interviews for his colleges choice thought he knew well which he will end up with. He walk up to the kitchen, knowing his hyung already make some breakfast for him but to his surprise, he found none.

He went to the living room and found the supposed chef of the day and another hyung,standing up behind a couch as they too focused on something. 

"Hey, what----" he got silenced when Ryeowook and Kangin glare at him.

He went on to loook for the same thing and found his two oldest hyungs cling to each other,sleeping soundly on the couch.

"Woonie hyung  been crying?  Did they sleeping here all night?" Kibum saw Yesung's puffy face as he lean on Heechul's shoudler.

"They had to do some make up and coaxing."  said Ryeowook happily. 

"So you guys been here watching them and forgot to make breakfast?"  said Kibum.

"Ah... Hehe, sorry. Can't leave this sight. I'll cook now." said Kangin sheepishly as he makes way to the kitchen.

"should we wake them now?" said Kibum.

"Yeah, they might have catch some cold by now..."

And so their day went on with the usual Yesung and nagging Diva. But all in all, the Kim's siblings were closed than ever when one give in to the trust without doubting the kindness. 




A/N: For some reason, this chapter sound more serious than it should be. It was supposed to be a craxk drabbles but i guess i can't run away from my habits lol.

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A reminder for readers to not wait for this drabble. I'll be uploading this one rarely to focus on the main story. Thank you for reading this, i appreciate it so much!


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Chapter 4: It'll be perfect if Shindong, Henry, Zhoumi and Kyu are added
Chapter 3: Hey authornim! I love this chapter very much... I wish I have brothers like them who loves me so much
401 streak #4
Chapter 5: Eh? Why you didn't write about this fic anymore? It's really entertaining~ Really~
♥️ Remember you are loved, please always be happy♥️
Chapter 5: I'm so happy you include kibum in this story, eventhough his part is little (just like his part in suju song xD )

Can't wait for kyubum moment ^_^
charismavi #7
Chapter 5: Yesung gets lost at the hotel just LOL The Brothers need to watch his every movement hahaha...Siwon and Kyuhyun fight over Yesung's attention is the best XD
ismi_L #8
Chapter 5: Thanks a lot for the update authornim. Kyuhyun character is up. Haha, siwon felt threatened. ?
Btw, always look forward towards all of your writing. Loved it.
Chapter 5: Kyubum or kihyun is rare otp... i need time to think bout this bcause i think their interactions barely shown on cam at the past hehehe... but it's seems like kyubum more promising ^^